Magick circles are often used for more complex work because they protect you from a wide variety of unwanted energies, which can get in the way of your spell.

Magick circles are best done outside, because you are then drawing directly on the electromagnetic forces of the landscape. You can first practice this at home, but it puts you directly in touch with the magick in nature if you can do it outside. Choose a quiet place, perhaps your garden, in the countryside, in a par, or even on a beach.

Take a compass if you aren’t very good at working out which direction you are facing!

Facing east, stand upright, extend your right hand, and point your index finger to the ground. As you slowly pivot around, draw an imaginary circle around you on the ground in a clockwise direction until you arrive at the east again. As you draw the imaginary circle, repeat the following:

“I draw this magick circle for protection and to show I am at one with the heavens and the spirits of the four directions.”

Next, you have to call in the spirits.

With your right hand outstretched again, point your finger to the east and call in the spirit of the east. Say:

“I call you, spirit of the East, to help me be touched with inspiration and innovative ideas.”

Repeat this charm in each of the other three directions, doing so in a clockwise direction, and calling on the individual attributes of each direction.

  • East – Inspiration/Innovation
  • South – Passion/Growth
  • West – Introspection/Inner Work
  • North – Protection/Permanence

Note: You can use whatever words you choose to call in the directional energies, just be sure to do them in order in a clockwise direction.

Now that you have called in the spirits, stand quietly for a moment in the center of your magick circle and quietly prepare yourself for the next stage of whatever spell you are working with.

When the spell is complete, open the circle by thanking each one of the directional energies, Often, this is done in a counter-clockwise manner beginning with the North and then working around to end in the East.

Declare the circle to be open. A nice way to close a circle is with the following chant:

The circle is open
But unbroken
May the peace of the Goddess
Be ever in your heart.
Merry meet and merry part.
And Merry meet again.

~Spells For A Magical Year

One Response to Casting A Circle

  • This is very helpful and I thank you for taking the time to post this l have learned a lot of need to know stuff and again thank you

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