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A General Set of Steps to Follow
By Melinda

Magic spells are amazing ways to take back our power, one which had been taken away for centuries by organized religions and the people who presume that they personally know the Creator and are the only ones who are capable of communing with HER or HIM.Magic spells allow us to use the tremendous energy that each of us have for creating magick in our lives.

However, there are some simple rules that people need to remember when working spells. First and foremost; remember the Wiccan Rede; “An it harm none, do what you will.” This means that all of us have the power to do anything, unless it harms someone directly or indirectly. If we hurt someone, then the three-fold law will be set in motion and we will be the recipient of three times the hurt that we inflicted on someone else. That’s a good thing to remember, right?

It is not easy to think of all the people that our actions affect, directly or indirectly. For example, if we love someone and work a spell to increase their love for us, maybe that indirectly affects the time and energy they have for loving the rest of their family! So think deeply before deciding on a spell and how to express your intentions. Make sure your words and thoughts do not hurt anyone or anything.

The next step is to decide what your intentions are and what tools you will need to work your spell. For each intention, there are colors, herbs, gemstones, tools, etc. that will make a huge difference in the ambiance or environment around us. Always use your own words while working a spell. Just because the words sound exotic or the words rhyme, it doesn’t mean that your spell will work. Your words have to mirror your intentions; that’s the only way the spell will work. So give yourself enough time to think about what it is you intend and how best to express it to the powers and energies who will be doing the work for you.

Whether you work the spell inside your house or outside, make sure that the area is clean of clutter and old, used things; for everything contains energy. If there are things used by other people around the area where we do our spell, that energy will affect the outcome of our spell. Also, if we use items used by other people, their energies will be part of our spell working. Depending on the items, it could help our cause or hurt it. Remember to consecrate all your tools and also bless them just before you use each of them.

The area where you work your spell is also very important. The best place is outdoors on inside your house where you spend some time in daily spiritual practice. An altar, images or candles representing Goddess and God or any deity that you respect is very conducive to our relaxation and inspiration. Some people use the powers of the creative energies, such as the Earth, Air, Water and Fire. We may use salt, water, incense, or candle flame for consecrating our tools. Also, use the directions, East, North, West, and South for guidance to accomplish our goals.

When we have gathered all our tools, a sacred circle needs to be cast. This is for the purpose of protection so that our energies remain pure and powerful and will not be tainted or reduced by negative ones. Casting a circle may be accomplished using the Athame, Besom, Wand or pointing a finger in the direction of the circle and calling upon the energies mentioned above to guide us in our path.

After the circle is cast and we have all the guides we invited into our sacred space, we have to close the circle so that we remain protected in our sacred space. Now we visualize on the intent of our actions and complete the rituals of spell working. Once the spell is complete, we have to remember to thank our deities and other guides before we open the circle.

Remember to dispose of all the remains of our spell working (such as candle wax, ash from incense, holy water, etc) in the proper ways. Throwing them away as trash is not a good idea. Mother Earth is our first ally. So burying most of the materials used, (as long as they are from nature) is a sensible thing to do.

The best practice is to use very little of nature’s resources and put back into life more than you have taken out of it. This is the only way our Universe will survive and thrive.

Retrieved from:  Articles About Magic

Here is an exercise in being grounded and fully present in the body. This is important before and after any spellwork or magick.

Wherever you are in this moment, as you continue to read and pay attention to the words on the screen, become aware of your feet. If they aren’t on the ground, put them there and feel the earth beneath you. Notice how you automatically experience the motion of your breath, the tension in your shoulders, the hunger in your belly. When awareness is grounded, we become aware of what is going on in our bodies in the space between our heads and our feet.

Take a walk and keep shifting your awareness back to your feet. Remember to make this shift throughout the day; while you’re standing in line for the cashier at the supermarket or at the bank, or waiting for a red light to turn green, or scrambling eggs. Find your feet.

From “Sweat Your Prayers”
by Gabrielle Roth

Circle casting is an important, and at times, difficult activity. It involves the use of many skills, and for the beginner it can seem like a pointless, if not impossible, routine. How do you do it properly? When should it be done? And perhaps most importantly: how do you know if you’ve done it?

What is a Circle?

A circle is a boundary of energy extending halfway above the ground and halfway below. It marks the boundary between the worlds: inside the circle is a cleansed space where the two worlds can interact. Outside is the mundane, ‘regular’ world. That’s the basics; more on this later.

Why do you need a Circle?

A circle is cast to create a clean space in which to do ritual and magickal workings. It creates an area in which both worlds are present; in a very real sense, it is between the worlds. To invite a Deity, or an Elemental, etc. without a circle (into the mundane world) isn’t always such a great idea. It’s easier to interact inside a circle. It also acts to keep magickal energy inside until it is ready to be released, or to keep negative energy outside.

What do I need to know to cast a circle?

Well, you must have a lot of focus. You must be able to clearly visualize what you are doing, and how you are doing it. You should be able to feel the energy you are attempting to move, and have a clear idea of where you want to put it. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • 1. What is the purpose of your circle?

To protect from outside negativity; to contain magickal energy; to create a space between the worlds; another purpose; a mixture? The nature of your circle will depend on the ritual you are planning on doing.

  • 2. How big will your circle be?

If you are casting the circle for practice, then all you need is a circle the size of your own body. For a larger group, no big surprise, a larger circle. In my personal opinion, it should be large enough that you don’t keep wandering to the edges and sticking your head through it.

  • 3. How will you visualize your circle?

If you are just learning, it might be best to stick with simple colors. Later on, you can learn funky patterns and effects. Practice casting a circle in your mind during meditation. You must learn how to visualize things clearly, hold them in your mind, and focus while you rotate and move them. At the beginning, stick to the basics: there’s no substitute for them.

  • 4. Can you keep your focus for as long as it takes to set up the circle?

If you are constantly second-guessing yourself, you can’t maintain your concentration. Trust yourself.

  • 5. Treat it with respect.

Constantly walking in, through, and out of the circle without cutting a door, or otherwise ignoring its boundaries doesn’t really help you much. You can’t really expect to cast strong circles if you can’t create and keep it in your mind first. The circle is real because you make it real. You make it real by believing in it and acting on it.

  • 6. Finally, don’t be disappointed if you don’t get it the first time.

Or the second. Or the 30th. It takes time; it takes self-trust; it takes PRACTICE.

When do I cast the circle?

I’ve found that the best time is right after you have cleansed the space (by blessing, sweeping, or making lots of noise), and before you invoke any elements or Deities. If you have others with you for the ritual, save up jokes, and try to make each other laugh really hard just before you create the circle. This further gets rid of any negativity that might be present, and provides enough positive energy to cast a good circle. My friend and I have had some fascinating rituals this way.

So, how do I cast a circle, exactly?

Well, there are many ways. If you’re reading this for information, then you’ll probably want a simple one.

First, ground and center yourself. Stand with both feet firmly on the ground, and relax your arms at the sides of your body. Simply feel and visualize the energy of the Earth below you, and the Sky above you.

Face one of the directions, and physically reach down with your arm and gather the energy of the Earth into your hand. Reach up to the Sky and gather the energy of the Sky into your other hand. Now scoot down near the ground and face your palms outward, sending that energy into a smooth wall of colour that will spread itself into the shape of a circle. Rise up as you do this, shaping and smoothing the wall at this corner.

Repeat this at the other three directions, constantly smoothing and shaping it with your hands. At each direction, the circle gets stronger and thicker; there are no gaps because the energy of the circle constantly swirls around evenly.

See the energy as a thick, fluid stream of color. It also flows under the ground, to even itself out as a complete sphere. You can shape it underground by visualizing it through the floor. Solidify it by visualizing the energy of the circle as sticking together, like hot glue or warm honey.

When you feel the circle is ‘set’, all you have to do now is keep it in mind, and perhaps make minor re-adjustments if you feel it is necessary. Take as much time as you need, and don’t rush. No one is holding a stopwatch. Don’t be afraid to move around spontaneously; no one is marking you on grace or coolness. And most importantly, don’t be afraid to screw up; that’s an important way to learn.

Casting A Circle – How do I know if I did it?

This is the fun part. Everybody has their own unique way of sensing circles. Some people can see the circle; as a band of color, or a thickening of the air. Some people can feel it as a spark of electricity, or again as a thickening of air. Some people can hear it as a low hum. Everybody is different.

One thing is certain, however: circles get really hot. In a strong circle you can feel the cold air rushing in when you cut a door. When you take it down, you can practically feel a breeze. In the beginning, you may not be sure whether or not you’ve succeeded; don’t let that bother you. When you really get the hang of it, you’ll know for sure.

Casting A Circle – What’s this about cutting a door?

Cutting a door basically means opening a hole in the circle so you can leave it. It’s best to stay in the circle the whole time it’s up, but there are times when you’ve forgotten something important in another room (like a lighter), or there’s something you have to deal with.

My personal favorite way of cutting a door is to hold your fingers and hand in a straight line, and move your hand around a rectangular outline large enough for you to walk through. Visualize the energy of the circle inside that rectangle being sucked into your forearm where you can store it until you get back.

When closing the door, do this in reverse, and then smooth out the edges of where the door was. Visualize the energy of the circle swirling around until the location of the door is lost. Still, cutting too many doors in a circle can also weaken it eventually.

I live in an apartment; will the people downstairs walk into my circle and mess it up?

I just added this question because I’ve wondered about it myself. Yes, the circle does extend halfway below the floor, and yes, someone downstairs could walk right through the bottom part of it. All I can suggest is that you either do your rituals after you’re sure they’re out or asleep, or just try not to think about it. 🙂

When and how do I take the circle down?

At the very end of ritual. After the Deities are gone, the Element/als have returned to their respective realms, etc. etc. etc. The only thing that generally follows taking down the circle is eating, drinking, and chatting. Take the circle down exactly the same way that you set it up, in reverse. Take as much time to take it down as you took to set it up. Send the energy back into the Earth, the Sky, or wherever you chose to get it from. If you used the energy from the Earth and Sky, then it’s a good idea to change it into healing energy for our planet and our skies before you channel it back.

What’s the best way to practice casting a circle?

Actually: alone. If you can do it alone, then you can do it in a group; it doesn’t always work in reverse. Working alone also lets you develop your own style, and you don’t need to worry about people staring at you. You can work on your concentration more easily by yourself, and you don’t feel like you’re boring people if you take a while. Write your own visualizations and keep track of your results in a journal. But above all, learn to trust yourself and your instincts; it’s one of the most valuable gifts you can give yourself.

Author: Keitha (FireWind)

They say that the longest journey begins with a single step. So, too, the exploration of Magickal studies begins with a single step. Though the first step in a physical journey is often self-evident, the First Step on a Magickal journey is often not quite so clear. While formally organized groups often have a path of lessons to instruct newcomers, the solitary or isolated student is often left standing in perplexity on this broad plain of knowledge, wondering just where in the heck to begin. And wondering, too, if it’s “okay” to start just anywhere.

While it’s true that studies can begin in a direction that attracts you, the necessary first step must be learning to make psychic shields. There are “Things of the Dark” out there. There are any number of explanations for what these things might be– ghosts, demons, or simply uncontrolled urges of the subconscious mind. In truth, it doesn’t matter what they are. What does matter is that their effect is very real and unless they are put under your control, they will drag you over the borders of sanity into psychosis.

You are most vulnerable to them while you’re in an “open” trance or meditative state. That’s why the wise practitioner always begins by taking steps to define exactly what will be permitted through the portals of their “psychic shields”– no matter how simple the ritual. And this, in a nutshell, is what “protective magic” is about.

There are a number of ways to do this. The most common is to begin by drawing a circle (around a group or yourself) and invoking the one or more protective powers. Generally, this is done by candlelight, in front of an altar that holds certain magical objects. The circle may be further “secured” and “cleared” by using salt, salt water, rum, incense, or some other method. You may be wearing a special robe and will have taken a bath (or performed a cleansing ritual) earlier. The powers that protect you will be called on and then you will begin your ritual.

Is it psychological? Absolutely! Is there a reason why protection rituals always take this form? Positively! Let’s take a step back and see what you’re actually doing and how the process works– from a psychological standpoint– and how to use this knowledge to help you refine your circles to enhance your rituals.

Psychologists and psychics alike view the mind’s structure as a three-part entity: The ego (that which you think of as yourself), the superego (the “higher self”) and the Id (the child within). The Id is, in a sense, a computer. Like most computers, it operates on the “garbage in – garbage out” principle.

There’s an old superstition “as you name something, so will it become.” Tell yourself that you’re very unlucky and your id will obligingly give you bad days by enhancing any negatives in your environment. Tell yourself that you are clumsy, and your id-computer will obligingly arrange for you to break a leg while stepping off the sidewalk.

The bad news is that the Id can’t make a judgment as to whether or not this is a good idea. It only knows that it’s received these “instructions” and must carry them out. The good news is that you can actually program/reprogram this portion of your mind.

You begin programming this Internal Servant of yours by first drawing its attention to what you want done and then explaining what you need done in a simple and clear manner. Repeating the instructions in a chant help fix the goals for the Id– rhymed chants seem to be easier for it to process. Each time you perform the ritual and repeat the chant, the programming is strengthened. Never mind that your ego and superego understand that you’re going to program the child-like Id. It works just the same.

To direct the Id’s attention to the process, you first have to impress it. Using special tools and clothing alert it that something unusual is going on and that it must pay attention. Acquiring hard-to-obtain items, drawing symbols, performing a symbolic sacrifice (donating money, say, to a good cause) are all ways of reinforcing the Id’s impression that this ceremony is very special and that the result will be very powerful. Organized, meaningful symbols, speak to your subconscious mind in ways it understands, reinforcing the goals you have set.

Drawing the circle itself establishes boundaries within your environment (“The rest of the world can do what it likes Out There. All within this circle is in MY control!”). Purifying the circle and consecrating it (sprinkling water which has been blessed and salt added) further enforce your territory, defining the borders where you are “safe”. Nothing can enter this area except what you invite inside. You further tighten these borders by calling on certain powers.

You can call on any powers you like. Some use traditional Christian images. Others call up deities from the religion they are most comfortable with. And many people use the thought/image of a beam of light that represents either God/Goddess (whichever one they like) OR The power of light and life and goodness in the Universe.

The number of powers called as guardians varies. You may choose to invoke one powerful being to protect your circle. Or you might call on the Universal Being/Light AND four guardians (one for each quarter of the compass). A third approach is to use a guardian for the four quarters of the compass and no higher being. There is no “absolutely correct” system; the correct system is the one that YOU are comfortable with.

Take time to choose the guardians of your circle carefully. You should select guardians (gods or animals or some form of life) which have a deeper meaning to you and whose qualities are in harmony with your goals. For the new student, it’s best to have all your Powers and Guardians from the same belief system/religion/mythic universe so that the symbols will be consistent and not confuse the Id.

You CAN use people– saints, movie actors, figures from favorite books as guardians. DO, however, pick someone who’s dead or non-existent. The dead can’t argue with your interpretation of them, whereas the living may be highly offended to be approached as gods/ guardians).

As your studies continue, you will find that your totems or guardians change. This is to be expected; as you explore new realms in your studies, you may find you need guardians who deal with very specific areas to strengthen and guide you in these new fields.

But don’t make the mistake of assuming that you’ll become so powerful that you will never need the protection of the psychic shielding circle in some form. And don’t assume that you will not need a circle for “positive” magick such as healing. Open is open– and open is vulnerable. And circles strengthen and protect you by defining what psychological influences will be allowed to work with you.

NOTE: It is equally important to close your circle when you are complete. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Key elements are a statement of intent, for example: “The circle is open” and the releasing of the energy contained within the circle either by sweeping the perimeter, retrieving objects, or whatever feels appropriate.

Author: Mel White

If you are seeking new opportunities and wish to break down any obstacles that stand in your way, a Ganesh Road Opener Ritual just may be your answer!

Who is Ganesh?

Ganesha is India’s cutest god. He has the head of an elephant on which is perched a dainty tiara, four pudgy hands joined to a sizeable belly with each hand holding its own symbolic object. One has a trishul, or a trident, the second, an ankush, or goad made from his very own broken tooth, the third hand elegantly holds a lotus and the fourth a rosary (which is sometimes replaced by modaks – his favourite sweet). His appetite for sweets is legendary and offerings of them are often left at his shrine.

Ganesha is famous not only for being a trickster and for his sense of humour, but equally for his wisdom. He is the son of Shiva (Destroyer in the Hindu Holy Trinity of Creator-Preserver-Destroyer) and Parvati (Shiva’s consort).

The chubby, gentle, wise, elephant-headed Ganesh, or Ganesha, is one of Hinduisms most popular deities. He is the remover of obstacles, the deity whom worshippers first acknowledge when they visit a temple. He is also patron of letters and of learning; he is the legendary scribe who, using his broken tusk, which he often holds, wrote down parts of the Mahabharata epic.

He is typically honored with hibiscus flowers.

Traditionally, Ganesh is petitioned at the start of new ventures. If you are dreaming of doing something new such as embarking on a new job, a new relationship or simply just want more prosperity in your life then a ritual to Ganesh may serve you well.

The Ganesh Road Opener Ritual

To perform a Ganesh Road Opener Ritual, print out a picture of Ganesh and place it on an altar. You will also need a yellow candle, candy, a simple plate, a bowl of fresh water and some fresh flowers. Begin by cutting the flowers and placing them in the bowl of fresh water. I prefer to cut the flowers down to simply the flower tops and allow them to float in the water.

You will also want to add a couple drops of Ganesh Oil into the water as you do this. On your plate, place any items that reflect what you wish to accomplish. For example, you can place your business cards, some new silver coins, a job application, a prayer, petition, photos or even an important business contract. Get your yellow candle and anoint it with Ganesh oil, drawing the oil up the candle towards the wick.

  • Here’s a recipe if you want to make it for yourself: Ganesh Road Opener Oil Blend
  • Calamint or Hibiscus essential oils, hydrosols, or fragrances can be substituted for an oil blend.
  • Sesame oil can also be used as a substitute.

Place the candle in an appropriate candle holder and then put it on the plate with your items. When you are ready, light the candle and say a prayer. When the candle has completely burned down, take all the remains and bury it in a flower pot.

Here is the easiest and most effective way to ask Ganesh for help:

  • First study a picture of Ganesh, so that you may have a firm understanding of what he looks like and can recreate that image in your mind.
  • Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes and bring that image of Ganesh to your mind. Try and see him in as much detail as possible. See his beautiful elephant-head, with welcoming eyes, large ears, long trunk and big, pot-belly. See him as clearly as you can.
  • Now, simply speak to him, speak all of your concerns, worries, needs, etc. Know that as you speak he is hearing you and that you are making a connection with him.

That’s it! It’s that easy. When you have done this once, it is said that you will then have a permanent and ongoing relationship and connection with Ganesh. Speak to Him anytime you wish, as many times as you wish. It does not have to be a formal meditation. Take a moment in your day, if you feel the need, close your eyes and speak to him using the above method.

Invoking Ganesh With A Mantra

Another way that you can invoke the power of Ganesh is by repeating one of his mantras. In the simplest sense, mantras are ancient Sanskrit words of power. Each syllable of a mantra resonates a certain vibration. Mantras are used in meditation, to focus the mind, but they are also used to invoke the blessing of a Deity. What is happening when you repeat a mantra over and over, is that you are matching your own vibrational frequency to that of the mantra and its purpose (wealth, health, success, knowledge, etc.). Each of the Hindu Deities has their own mantra or mantras, which invoke the type of energy that the Deity represents.

This is one of the most popular and most powerful mantras to invoke the assistance of Ganesh and to remove the obstacles in your life. To work with it, simply repeat it aloud/ or in your head if you’re sat at work or with people, (chant) over and over again, or repeat it silently to yourself. You will see the most benefit from this practice if you do it daily, for at least 4-6 weeks. It may not take that long to see the benefits, but you will come to realize the full power of the mantra if you continue with its practice. I can can say from personal experience that this mantra is powerful and Ganesh has blessed me many times, removing many obstacles from my own life, and opening up new opportunities.

The mantra is:

Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha

A loose translation might be:

  • Om = The sound of the universe
  • Gam = The secret power sound of Ganesh. It is his “seed syllable” or bija mantra.
  • Ganapataye = Another name of Ganesh, the remover of obstacles.
  • Namaha = I submit to a higher power.

The pronunciation is also pretty easy:

  • Om = ohm or aum
  • Gam = Somewhere between “gahm” and “gum”. In some dialects it is “guhng”.
  • Ganapataye = gah-nah-paht-ah-yeh
  • Namaha – nah-mah-hah

Repetition of this mantra over and over again brings peace, and is designed to help remove anything that might be blocking your progress. You can use the whole mantra, or just the bija or seed sound for the Ganesh Mantra, which is “Gam” and sounds like “gum.

Collected from various sources

If anyone in the home should fall sick, take a crystal bowl filled with well-water and wash the hands and the face of the patient with it. Then, carry it to the garden door, and call for the cat of the household. When she appears, say to her:

Cat spirit, bright as sixpence,
Chase the devil a long long distance.
His soul I hold in these drops of water ~
May he be routed before next moon’s quarter.

Then you must throw the water away onto the garden, so that it passes over the cat but does not fall on her. She will, as likely as not, run away as if in pursuit of some spirit, and for this you must thank her three times over by using her magickal name.

In throwing the water over her to the ground, you have created the magickal veil of Isis, which summons the demon of the illness and draws it away from your loved one so that the cat may carry it away from the house.

Before the next moon’s quarter, that is, before a week has passed away, the one who has fallen sick should be on the mend.

From Catspells

To encourage broken bones to heal quickly, and to take away the pain, recite this charm over them after they have been set, all the while stroking a black cat.

Blessings on your skull,
With holy secrets it is full,
Let it smile on these bones
Precious as earth’s stones
Let it bless these bones
And hush your groans,
Let it work the spell
To knit these bones and make them well.
Blessings on your skull
With holy secrets it is full.

Gather a little hair from the cat (let it be loose hair, do not hurt her) and put it in a little white linen bag, which is to be worn around the neck until the bones are well on the mend. Bless the cat with her magickal name.

Found at: It’s A CatAstrophe

When you have chosen your kitten from the kindle (litter), being sure that this little mite is the one upon whom you wish to bestow your friendship and protection, know that this is a magickal pact, for you are guardian of the spirit of your cat, and he or she in like manner is invested with the occult power to guide and guard your spirit. You must think next of the naming ceremony, which is best done after some little acquaintance with the nature of your new friend.

Choose a pet-name for the cat’s child-spirit, and it is better if this be a folk-name, for these names have been magickally sealed with power and tradition through the ages, and the flavor of the earth is in them, and of the spirits of the earth, and of hearth and home.

Your friend may retain no more than a child-spirit for all his or her life long, but let it be given a secret, occult name also, in any event, for such a name will nurture the mysteries in the cat’s soul. It will protect the creature from malignant forces, will throw the Devil askew, and aid in the unfolding of his or her heart so that in the next life the animal may return with a spirit more gracious, bright and fair.

And if it should be that, after a year’s passing, you discover unto yourself that your cat has indeed already achieved seniority of soul, then it is meet that the animal should be given a grander name, a Name of Distinction, to inspire, foster and encourage the qualities that are beginning to reveal themselves, so that this treasure-hoard may grow and grow, and come to shine with divine brilliance like the stars of the night.

Do not hesitate to give your cat three names, for there is the inspiration of the Holy Trinity in it, and cats especially are animals of the Soul of All Things.

To name a cat three times whispers too of the uniform nature of the moon, for does not the night Goddess appear to us with either a full round face, or waxing with horns towards the east, or yet waning with horns towards the west? And in her pretty crescent or her majestic fullness, do we not see a likeness when we study the cat’s eye, for does not the contraction and dilation of its pupil speak to us of Bride and Artemis, goddesses of the new moon and the full? The cat is ever the creature of the night and goddess of the night.

To name your kitty, it is well to choose one of the Egyptian days of our calendar, and to gather valerian to make into a few drops of oil, so that you may anoint him or her just on the tip of the nose and behind the ears.

An old manuscript says:

Three days there are in the year which we call Egyptian days, and this is so because they were days of great divinity and consequence to the astrologers of ancient Egypt. These three days fall on the last Monday in April, the second Monday in August, and the third Monday in December.

All of the Egyptian days are Mondays, that is, days of the moon, and so we may call upon Butis, the Goddess of Night, Diana, the Goddess of the Ascended Moon, Isis, the Goddess of the Moon at her Rising, and Sekhmet, the Lady of Flame, for she is of vital power, a seer by night, and a goddess of might whose inspiration fires the mind and elevates it to acts of heretic magick and wmoan’s wisecraft.

On such an Egyptian night, take your kitten in your arms and stand in some sequestered place, wild and lovely, where you may see the moon as she rides the skies. Have a little vial of Valerian oil ready in your pocket, and scatter a few drops around yourself upon the turf to make a magick circle.

Call upon the four angels, Kokaviel, Ghedoriah, Chokmahiel and Savaniah, for these angels are of Mercury’s messenger spirit, and he is Lord of Naming. Call down the blessing of the goddesses of the night, and imagine yourself to be standing in a pure white temple, framed by magick’s skill.

Anoint the kitten, and tell the baptismal name to the stars, afterwards proclaiming thus:

Your name I set upon your brow
And to four shining angels bow
This mark of grace your guardian be
And make your name a magick key
Goddesses of Moon and Might
Bless my spells this Egypt’s night.

The spell is now worked. After thanking the angels, spirits and goddesses who worked with you, and bowing three times to the moon and the stars, you may homewards wend your way, deservedly satisfied with the night’s enterprise and your weaving of woman’s mysteries.

Found at: It’s A Cat Astrophe

Oshun is not only a goddess of love, sensuality, and sexuality – she is also the protectress of women and children. She is the orisha who is known to alleviate menstrual disorders, help us heal from physical, sexual, or psychological abuse, and increase our fertility – not an orisha to take lightly!

Oshun abides by the riverside. To invoke her spirit and pay homage to her sassy ways, you will need to work with an intimate partner.

  • Begin by setting out a brass or ceramic candleholder
  • Place a few cinnamon, honey, or orange-scented candles on the candle holder.
  • Light the candles.
  • Gaze into the flames and reflect on the beauty and mystery of Oshun

In unison, whisper the praise poem:

Barewa lele (The beautiful one emerges)
Umale (The spirit-god)
Arele umawo (One of the family reincarnated)

Repeat until you are both relaxed and comfortable.

  • Spread honey on each other’s lips and elsewhere if you’d like.
  • Share the honey between you.
  • See where this leads.

Afterward, as you go through your normal routine. Pay attention, and look around you and see which of Oshun’s gifts appeal to you. Collect a few items such as tumbled glass, driftwood, or river rocks. Bring these back to your altar at home.

From: Four Seasons of Mojo


You’ll need:

  • A red apple
  • A needle
  • Honey
  • Cinnamon
  • Red candles

Price the red apple full of holes… with each prick say another desire you have in the realm of Love.

For example: I want someone who really cares about me… or I want a new and special best friend… or I want someone that likes to cook… etc…

Be as specific as you can with all of these wishes…but don’t ask for a specific person. Sleep with this apple by your bedside…put it on a plate to catch any juice that falls.

In the morning, dress the  apple with honey and sprinkle it with cinnamon. Place it on your altar and surround it with burning red candles.

Let the candles burn for 7 minutes…and during that time, sit quietly with your eyes closed, and visualize your exact desires coming into your life… “see” who and what you desire as vividly as possible… along with exactly how you feel.

Then… be ready to find what you seek…but don’t dwell on it or “wait” for it… go on about your life.

Spell by Rose Ariadne

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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