Monthly Archives: January 2017


This spell is for freezing out a witness or legal opponent, but it can be used for any situation where you wish to exclude someone from meddling in your affairs. For this spell to work, you must know the person’s name.

How to do it:

Write the name on a piece of paper (parchment is good) in pencil or India ink (preferably). Fold the paper in half, then in half again until you can’t fold it any more. As you do this, imagine that person’s influence freezing / stopping, that they cannot do anything until the thaw.

Then soak the paper in liquid (vodka works well but water is fine) and put it into a corner of your freezer. Leave it there for 30 days.

Note: If more than one person is involved, do each name on a separate piece of paper, and work each spell separately.

This spell works best if started on the day after a full moon so that the moon is waning for the first 15 days. It should stop the person or persons from influencing people or things about your business. It freezes them out.

Found at: Free Magic Spells


Here is a spell for “freezing out” and getting rid of people, situations, and whatever else you don’t want to have in your life anymore. Just be sure that you really don’t want whatever it is that you put into this spell because it really does work.

You will need:

  • Black Candle
  • Aluminum Foil
  • Picture of whatever (whoever) it is you want to get rid of – or you can just write it (names, situation, circumstances, etc) on a sheet of paper. Be as specific as possible.

Now, light the candle, lay the picture and/or the paper on a sheet of aluminum foil. Fold the foil with the paper/picture on it seven times. Seal the package with wax from the burning candle.

While you are sealing it say:

“No longer can you enter my life,
no longer can you cause me strife,
on ice you go. on ice you stay,
go you now away this day.”

Then place the package in the back of your freezer knowing it is done. Leave the package there until you are sure that the spell has worked. You can then remove it and drop it into a dumpster far from your home.

Found at: The Gay Mage

seven hathors

This spell calls upon the Seven Hathors for protection. The Hathors are ancient birthroom spirits, but they also provide protection on certain days… and can grant gifts and wishes as well.

You will need the following:

  • 1 small cup of your favorite beverage,
  • 1 piece of your favorite fruit cut up into seven slices,
  • 1 long red ribbon cut into seven pieces.

Create an offering table to call the attention of the Hathors and spread out the cup filled with your beverage, the fruit slices, and the ribbons on the table. One for each Hathor.

Speak softly over the ribbons, explain your desires, your fears, and what you want. For example:

“Seven Hathors I speak to today,
come and dine at my table.
My gifts I give freely,
only two things I request.
Protect me from bad luck on Friday the 13th,
and send me some good luck that makes me smile.”

Remember, protection from bad luck is most important…don’t get greedy with your desires… they’ll send you a little good luck if you keep it reasonable.

Tie all seven ribbons together. Hang these ribbons prominently all day long… then bury them in your yard on Saturday. Should their help be needed again summon the seven Hathors with seven new ribbons.

Spell by Rose Ariadne


The primary purpose of ice magic is transformation. Ice is a combination of water and air. Once frozen, if fire is added, the ice melts.

Floating candles in a bowl of water and ice may seem like a simple type of spell, but it calls for a natural balance to take place. Moreover, writing your problems on paper and freezing them may also seem like a simple spell, but it is highly effective.

One of my favorite magical uses for ice is the “stop something in its tracks” type. In other words, after an argument, I am not above writing my aggravation down on paper and freezing the paper until such a time as I can comfortably deal with the problem. Once I’m ready, I simply thaw out the paper and deal with it. You can perform this type of magic for any sort of negative trait within yourself that you wish to be rid of.

Likewise, you can also manifest with snow and/or ice. Place magnets or symbols into a large ball of snow, or freeze them into a block of ice. Then allow the snow to melt as it removes any obstacles between you and your goal and releases the energy to bring you your wish.

Source: Tammy Sullivan


You can use snow to melt down a hard heart. Write the name of someone who is angry with you or cold hearted toward you and stick the paper in a bowl of fresh snow. (You can also use ice cubes.) Pour boiling water over the snow until it melts. Sprinkle this water around a picture of this person or across a path he is sure to tread.

Source: The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients


Bury a piece of paper in the snow with a wish for something you want to hold or freeze in place. This is a great spell for anyone wishing to maintain a title or honor. It will stop your competition from achieving success. If snow is not available, bury the paper in crushed ice and place in the freezer.



  • To melt hard feelings against you, gather snow that has fallen in a gentle storm. Write the name of a person who is giving you a hard time on a piece of paper. Put it in the middle of a glass plate. Take the snow and pile it on top. Add a dash of sugar. As the snow melts, the person in question will loosen their grip on you.
  • To banish someone or something that has given you a lot of pain, take snow from a wild storm and follow the same procedure as above. Be sure to ask Dame Holda’s blessing and that the spell not be reversed or place upon you any curse.
  • Snow poppets are fun to make. If a friend is sick, fashion a tiny snow person, add something of the persons, such as a lock of hair. As the snow melts your friend will get better.
  • Instead of using your athame in ritual, use and icicle!
  • Make snow wishes. With your staff, wand or athame, carve a wish into the snow. Ask Dame Holda to grant your wishes. Trace a pentagram next to the wish to seal it.
  • Write a wish on a piece of paper and pack snow around it. Place it in a jar. As the snow melts, your wish will be granted.

Found at: Ravensilverwing

The ancient Egyptians used this powerful meditation to infuse their bodies with light. Each body part was dedicated to a divinity who directed the flow of life energy. This meditation may be recited upon waking while standing in an eastern window facing the sun, or before sleeping while lying in repose. After deep relaxation, begin naming the parts of your body that you dedicate to the Divine:

My head is the head of Seshat,
filling with thoughts of the power of the Divine, remembering my soul’s purpose.

My face is the face of Nefertum,
the golden child arising above chaos in beauty.

My eyes are the eyes of Hathor
shining in the darkness. I see love and joy in all things.

My ears are the ears of Anubis,
hearing the messages of the Divine.

My nose and longs are the nose and lungs of Shu,
receiving fresh breezes that fill me with creative life energy.

My throat is the throat of Meret,
it’s words are gentle songs.

My lips are the lips of Mut.
What touches them receives my blessing and thankfulness.

My teeth are the teeth of Serket,
strong and nurturing.

My neck is the neck of the Renenutet,
which supports me and connects my intellectual, emotional, and physical bodies.

My right (or dominant) hand is the hand of Khnum,
endlessly creative, giving life to things of beauty.

My left (or nondominant) hand is the hand of Anket,
receiving abundance from the bounty of the world.

My forearms are the foreamrs of Neith,
who weaves the destiny of one humankind.

My shoulders are those of Wadjet,
powerful, healing, and strong.

My chest and rib cage are those of Tefnut,
containing and protecting the delicate inner parts of myself.

My heart is the heart of Ma’at,
living in truth and keeping my life in balance.

My backbone is the backbone of Seth,
the foundation of the world.

My womb is the womb of Isis.
My phallus is the phallus of Osiris.

My reins are the reins of Satis,
receiving abundantly what is needed and eliminating what is not.

My belly and back are the belly and back of Sekhmet,
source of my spiritual fire and power.

My hips and legs are those of Nut,
carrying me safely through the day and night.
Wherever I need to be, there I find myself

My feet are the feet of Ptah,
a firm foundation for all of myself.

My fingers are those of Orion and Sirius,
sparkling and brilliant, creating anew, rebuilding, tearing down, heralding new life.

My bones are the bones of all the living gods and goddesses,
the living Uraei that protects and energizes and life to its spiritual source.

There is no member of my body that is not the member of a divine being. My body knows what it needs to give and to receive. Thoth and Isis shield my body wholly, filling it with energy and radiating love. I am shining as Ra and Raet day by day. These are the words of power that live forever. As I rise and walk on earth, so do I rise and walk always in the realm of heaven, under the nurturing care and the divine power of the gods and goddesses.

From: Feasts of Light


The Festival of Janus, or The Agonalia, was held in Ancient Rome on or around January 9th. Here is a ritual to celebrate the God of doorways, openings, and beginnings.

  • Color: Dark Blue and Black
  • Element: Air
  • Altar: Upon cloth of dark blue and black place a ruler, and on one side things of the past, and on the other side things for the future, including a goblet of wine.
  • Offerings: Measure something accurately. Any work requiring measuring is honored today.
  • Daily Meal: Any old-fashioned recipe.

Invocation to Janus

Hail, Lord Who Looks Both Ways!
Hail, face of the past
Turned towards memory!
You see all that has been,
Not only our beginnings,
But our past deeds
Which have brought us to this day.
May we learn to take responsibility for them.
Hail, face of the future
Turned towards possibility!
You see all that might be,
A multitude of choices,
Yet that multitude is pruned
Back to a likely few
By the deeds of the past.
Hail, Lord who stands at the boundary
Of then and now, of there and here.
We stand also at that boundary.
Teach us to see how the past
Shapes the future in its hands,
That we may not be blind to our own divinity.


Measure the line
With memory
Stand on the line
Of possibility

(Pour out the libation of wine and exit. Work today should concentrate on making or mending things. See especially to fences and gates. Planning for future events is also acceptable.)

Found at: Pagan Book of Hours

New time demands new spirit; this purification is required: prepare a basin of snow, or of clear water iced, and scatter over it earth dried in the sun to a fine dust. The hands should then be immersed and chilled, the brow anointed and cooled, and these words said:



Substance wasted,
substance spoiled,
now be redeemed:
seeing thyself in substance undefiled,
forming thyself anew
from this frail substance
gathered and revived.

Thus should it be done at morning, and again at evening: to charge the original chaste intellect, the innocent purpose failed.

From: Crone’s Book of Magical Words

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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