At the Full or Waxing moon phase just before midnight stand at a window where you can see the moon. If possible, open the window or go outside and allow the light of the moon to touch your body. Envision the moonlight, the power of the Moon entering your body….


Now, take a purple candle and anoint it with real vanilla extract or essential oil. Imagine the power of the moon and flowing through you and to the candle while you anoint it.

Place the candle on the ground or windowsill and light it. Say:

“Fair Selene,
Goddess of the Moon, love and light,
I ask you to send me your magickal powers
this moon lit night,
by the power of the myriad starlight above me,
and your moonlit heavens,
so shall it be!”

Stretch your arms out as if you are ready to embrace the moon. Visualize your outstretched arms as soaking up the moonlight and the moonbeams being absorbed into the pores of your skin. You will feel the Goddess giving you her awesome power.

Snuff your candle and leave it overnight where it is (or if that’s not possible, leave it on your altar).

The next day, either at the sunrise, or just before mid-day. Place the candle in the same place and stand arms outstretched towards the Sun soaking up the energy of its heat and sunbeams, Say:

“Great Ra, Lord of the sky and solar power,
lend your fiery magick to me.
Let this witches power be reawakened and be empowered
by the forces of the cool Moon and burning Sun.
By soil, wind, flame and sea,

Grant my desire.
So mote it be!”

Now your Magickal powers and your desire to use them will have been reawakened. Take your snuffed out candle to your altar and relight it there to burn out as a mark of respect to the God and Goddess.

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