Here is a simple ritual to invoke the power of Hekate to unlock doors which until now have been closed to you, to create openings in the impenetrable areas of your life, or to open and unblock areas in your self that have been locked away:

You will need the following:

  • A three way crossroads in your area that offers some privacy.
  • Bake or buy a small cheesecake – this will be left as an offering
  • 13 small black candles
  • A black candle large enough to burn through the night.
  • Wine, honey, or milk (or a mixture of the three) to offer as a libation at the crossroads.
  • Three keys – also to be left at the crossroads.

Spend some time thinking about what it is that you would like Hekate to unlock for you in your life while gathering your supplies. When you have everything gathered together, light the larger black candle and begin chanting:

Dark Mother
Dark Mother
You walk with me
Like no other
Dark Mother

Continue chanting as you leave your house and go to the crossroads. Once there, spend a few moments in silence allowing the Dark Mother, Hekate to make herself known. You might hear dogs barking, you might see shadows in the trees, you might hear horses, or the wind might speak.

When you feel that She is there, explain that you are leaving the cake as an offering, ask for Her help in unlocking whatever it is that you need help with. Use your own words, speak out loud and with confidence.

Place the cheesecake on the ground, light the candles, and then pour a libation. If it is inappropriate or a fire hazard to leave the candles burning, pour the libation over the lit candles and the cake, if not, pour the libation in a circle around the cake.

Now, explain that you are leaving three keys as a demonstration of your willingness to allow the Goddess to work in your life. Place one key at each corner of the crossroads. As you place the key, make a statement of thanks.

As soon as that is done immediately leave the area without looking back. When you get back to your home, spend some time in silence sitting with the candle you lit before leaving the house. Allow it to burn completely down.


The following items can be substituted in a pinch:

If you do not have access to a crossroads, an image of a crossroads, such as a photograph, or drawing will be fine. If you have a private place outdoors, take the image with you and complete the ritual as if the image is the crossroads, leaving everything behind just as you would if you had gone to a crossroads. The next day (if the items cannot remain as is) you can collect everything that was left outside – these items should then be buried nearby or burned.

If you don’t have a place outdoors, the ritual can be done indoors. When it is complete, take the cake, the wine, and the keys outside where they should stay overnight. You can then collect what’s left of them in the morning and bury them nearby or burn them.

Red, white, and yellow are colors sacred to Hekate and can be substituted for the black candles.

If you don’t have keys, you can make them either by forming aluminum foil into “key” shapes, cutting key shapes from cardstock, or finding a pictures of keys in a magazine or newspaper and cutting those out. Alternatively, an old credit card can be cut into 3 pieces.

Spell by Madame Fortuna

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