Spell work first begins with your own moral responsibility when performing magick. When you perform any magick spell or enchantment, you must be honest with yourself and accept that you are doing it not only for the good of yourself, but also for everyone else.

“What goes around comes around,” according to the law of witchcraft, and ill intentions sent out may be visited upon you – usually threefold. So remember, never cast spells in a moment’s impulse, in anger, or to hurt or upset others. Each time you cast a spell, think about your motives. Are they with goodwill, with no intentions of hurting anyone else?

Everytime you work with the magickal world, accept that there are unseen powers that may be difficult to contact. This is why performing spells at certain times of year creates the right interface between you, the spell, and the magickal powers of the heavens.

As witches, we must respect the workings of the universe and its magick, and it may be that at times we simply didn’t quite get it right. Perhaps we just didn’t believe in the magick enough for it to work. Perhaps our timing was off. What you must never do is worry or dwell on spells that don’t work. Rather, move on, try again, and most of all find deep within yourself a real sense of belief. The next time, you will succeed.

When casting spells, you must truly believe in the magick of the universe. You must truly believe that what you are doing is going to work and that you’re going to make something beneficial happen. Once you have accepted this, you will be quickly on your way to creating spells that will help you to form your own destiny, just as you want it to be.

~Spells For A Magical Year

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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