Money Magick

GnomeAccording to the 16th century Swiss alchemist Paracelsus, the gnome is able to move through earth in the same manner that a fish swims through water or a human walks through air. Gnomes are associated with the fey, or fairy-folk, and are equated with earthly treasures, earth consciousness, and great knowledge of the magick in rocks, caves, roots, gems, and mountains.

Because gnomes can move through earth like fish swim through water, one can turn to the gnomes to move a block of earth energy within oneself, or a block placed in our path by another.

This spell is particularly good when things have been moving along just fine for you, you’ve been recovering from your debts, sailing ahead and suddenly – thwack! You run into some sort of a block. Before you spend days, weeks, or months worrying, try this spell.


  • 1 cup dirt
  • A sieve
  • A handful (up to 1/2 oz) of ginger or dragon’s blood herb


Over a paper towel or bowl, pour the cup of dirt into the sieve. Add the ginger (or dragon’s blood)


Element of earth,
move the mountain of ___________ (state what is stuck)

As the ginger (or dragon’s blood) mixes with the earth,
so shall the blocks in my life
be broken gently apart and removed,
so that I may prosper.

As the dirt shakes out of the sieve, visualize the financial problems in your life breaking up and dissolving. Once all the dirt is through the sieve, turn the sieve over and tap it seven times to remove any excess dirt.

Carry the dirt to a crossroads at midnight and dump it there, once again asking the element of earth to gently disperse the negativity in your life with harm to none.

Wash the sieve, asking the element of water to gently cleanse your situation.



  • A thin spindle (the kind they stick cash register receipts on)
  • 3 one dollar bills (higher denominations are OK too – just be aware that you won’t be using them unless you have a “money emergency”)
  • Powdered Cinnamon
  • Prosperity oil


Dip the tip of the spindle into the prosperity oil. Place one dollar bill on the spindle. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Hold your hands over the dollar bill and say:

Veiled Fortuna, Goddess of luck,
sweet sister of fortune
spinner of the Wheel of Destiny
grant me the gift of prosperity.
Bring me the blessings of positive abundance.
With harm to none, so mote it be.

Place the second dollar bill on top of the first. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Hold your hands over the bills and say:

Spirits of Earth, element of prosperity,
strong Mother of my fortune,
grant me the gift of unlimited resources.
Bring me the blessings of positive abundance.
With harm to none, so mote it be.

Place the third dollar bill on top of the second. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Hold your hands over the bills and say:

I am fortunate.
I am successful.
I am positive abundance.
I am prosperity!

Every evening, before you go to bed, add a dollar bill or two to the pile. Don’t forget to sprinkle with cinnamon, and say the last affirmation:

I am prosperity!

When your spindle is full, remove all but the last dollar and start over again. The “spindle” money can be placed in a special savings account to used for special projects, or it can be saved in a “magical money box” and saved for a rainy day. As the money on the spindle increases, so will your personal finances.

If you find that you must use the dollars on the spindle for some unforeseen emergency, be sure to leave the first dollar. If something happens, and you spend that first dollar, you will need to do the spell again.

Adapted from:
Silver’s Spells for Prosperity by Silver Raven Wolf

lucky socks

These spells work on the concept that the feet are an entry point for the body and soul. White socks should be used unless stated! Wear the socks all day and sleep in them if possible discarding the contents/herbs/salt in the morning, in any way you please.

Protection, Breaking Bad luck, Removing Hexes
Wear white socks with sea salt in them to break curses and protect from evil. This works really well so in the morning put a 1/2 to 1 tablespoon of salt in each sock and wear until the next morning. Either wash the salt down the drain or throw it away outside. This will break any curses or bad luck around you.

Good Luck
Wear either brown or green socks with a pinch of any of these herbs: Cinnamon, Basil, or Rosemary. Wear as often as you like! Just a pinch though, you don’t want to smell like a green grocer and these herbs are very strong magically so you don’t need much.

Wear either pink, red or white socks. Love heart socks are great too of course but white is just fine and works just as good. Put 2 rose petals in each sock while visualizing yourself with your intended lover or current love. Imagine love coming to you and surrounding you both. You can also use lavender or lilac. If you use these herbs use two pinches of each but rose petals work best. Dry or Fresh.

Health and Healing
Wear white socks stuffed with 1 tsp of sea salt in each with a pinch of lavender or rosemary. Visualize yourself healthy and happy. In the morning throw out the salt and herb and re stuff, repeat until you are well again.

Weight loss
White or Yellow socks. Put a pinch of dried lemon rind or lemongrass in each sock while visualizing yourself with the perfect body. Do this only during the waning moon which is from full moon to new moon.

Fast Money
Wear green or brown socks if available. Put 1 basil leaf dry or fresh into each sock and wear. If you cant find whole dry basil leaves use 1/2 ts of dried basil. Visualize yourself surrounded by cash and good luck.

Found at: Spell of the Day


Take any large bowl. Drip a few drops of different colored candle wax in the bottom of the bowl, then adhere a white candle to that spot. The different colors represent diverse needs and goals, while the white binds this variety together in harmony.

Each morning, light the candle when you get up and put a coin in the bowl. Make your wish for the day. Blow out the candle before you leave the house. Whenever you desperately need to have a wish fulfilled, remove a coin from the bowl and either plant it in rich soil (houseplants will do ) or throw it into moving water so that your message of need will be carried through the earth.

When the bowl is filled with coins, use all but a few (these “seeds” always remain in your bowl) for random acts of kindness, like getting treats for the neighborhood kids or helping a homeless person. Your generosity will return to you threefold to keep the magic of benevolence, both mundane and divine, with you always.


Money is energy and to keep the money energy going into your pockets, you should understand how motion plays an important role in the money that flows toward you. Life teaches us that nothing ever stays the same – the essence of life is energy and energy creates change constantly. In order to keep money flowing in towards you, you should keep it moving in a forward direction.

For this spell, you need:

  • 5 one dollar bills
  • 5 stones (Smoky quartz, aventurine, citrine or garnet, you can use all the same stone or a mixture of the above stones).
  • sea salt
  • money bag

Do this spell on any Thursday.

Place the dollar bills where the sun will shine on them part of the day. (Put them on foil or plastic wrap). Put one stone on each bill. Sprinkle salt over the bills and stones. Leave the bills and stones until they have received at least 3 hours of sun. Shake off the salt onto the foil or plastic wrap. Toss the salt out of the door you use the most in your home. Put all the bills and stones in the bag.

On the following 4 Thursdays spend one of the dollar bills for anything that you would usually buy (a newspaper, lunch, bus token, etc). On that day. give one of the stones to someone (a loved one, friend or even a stranger) and tell him or her, “This is a lucky stone to keep money flowing to you. Please keep for awhile and then pass it on to someone.”

Keep the 5th dollar bill and stone in the bag in your purse or pocket for one year and then spend the dollar and give the stone away.

All the money you need will flow to you!!!

Copyright © 2006
This spell may be reprinted if credit is given.

pumpkin-seedsYou will need:

  • A tall Glass of Water
  • A Bag of Salted Dried Pumpkin Seeds

This particular spell was in common use as early as the 1920’s and quite possibly before. This ritual confers a double blessing since it acts as a spiritual cleansing in addition to attracting wealth and prosperity to the individual that performs it.

Sit in a place where you can meditate quickly for a few minutes. Open your bag of pumpkin seeds and count out 9 seeds. Eat the first seed. You may choose to break the seed open with your teeth and eat the soft inner seed, or you can eat the salty hard shell as well. Slowly chew the first seed and wash it down with a drink of cool water. Repeat the process until you consume all nine seeds.

After you swallow the last seed say to yourself aloud or silently:

May the seeds of this holy gourd
cleanse me of all negativity
and fill my life with wealth and blessings.

You will be surprised at how effective something so simple can be! I have heard of people winning jackpots at casinos and encounter long lost friends after performing this easy ritual.

Source:  Pumpkins-Autumn’s Magic Gourd


Light a green candle and sprinkle some mint around the base of it. (This can be mint leaves, mint essential oil, or even a handful of peppermints.)

Sit quietly and comfortably. Close your eyes. Relax. See yourself as the energy of prosperity. Be the energy of prosperity. Imagine that you are in the center of a radiating circle of prosperity.

Chant out loud or repeat in your mind:

Circle, circle, round, round
Round, round, circle, round.

Do this for however long is comfortable. Open your eyes, remind yourself that you are the energy of prosperity. Put out the candle or allow it to burn down.

Note: This spell is best performed when the moon is full, however it can be used any time you feel a need.

Source unknown


Undines are female derivatives of water spirits. Like the other elements, the undines contribute to the universal life force through purification, movement and sound.

This spell uses the properties of water turned to ice. Pour spring water into a small, new paper or plastic cup. Freeze.

When you are ready to perform the spell, take the cup out of the freezer. Place upside-down in a bowl. Hold your hands over the ice and name what has frozen in your financial affairs. Blow on the ice three times. And chant:

Breath of spirit,
Warmth of love.

Allow the ice to thaw, visualizing the financial difficulty flowing away from you. When it is thawed, pour the water on a house plant – our outside around a tree or shrub. As you pour the water out, think about how the energy of spirit and the warmth of love can now freely flow through you to nourish and heal those around you.

From: Silver’s Spells for Prosperity by Silver Ravenwolf

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