In southern Germany, the eisbeilige – the iceman days – is the brief cooling trend in May. The “ice saints,” Mamertius, Pancratius, and Servatus, were celebrated on May 11. Along with Cold Sophie, these “strong lords” are pagan figures who were turned into Christian saints were said to bring cold weather during planting season. They’d kill a budding tree or a field of sprouting wheat the minute they touched it with their frosty fingers or blew on it with their freezing breath. Farmers learned early on not to set plants out until after the ice saints had come and gone.

Sometimes we find ice saints in our lives, people whose presence chills our blood and infects our happiness with frostbite. They’re self-righteous, hypocritical, and extremely annoying. They’re bigger control freaks than we are and insist that a household chore or a ritual has to be performed “their way or the highway.” Sometimes they threaten physical harm. Sometimes they’re psychic vampires who steal our energy. Sometimes they’re thieves who steal our stuff or our work.

They’re all toxic people. We need to get them out of our lives. One banishing technique I like – but which must be done with finely focused aim and a strong intention to harm none – is to put the ice saint right where he or she belongs: in the freezer.

Write the person’s name and behavior on a piece of paper and bind it with black thread and thirteen knots. Say out loud exactly what the ice saint does that is toxic. Say out loud that you want to bind the behavior. You’re not out to injure the person, just to protect yourself and get him or her out of your life.

Put the piece of paper in a little jar, fill it with water, and put it in your freezer. Then take real-life action to get the ice saint out of your life.


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