
Many spells and rituals can be prefaced with an invocation to the winds. This is particularly true if you are often working with the winds.

The idea of invoking or calling the winds is an ancient one, dating back to at least classical Greece and certainly earlier. It is not only a summons of their power (all four winds to help your spell) but is also a general announcement to them of your intentions. This is made, in effect, to the entire world.

Summoning the powers of the winds and asking for their help is a great way to begin any spell. Here’s the technique:

Once you have assembled everything you need for the spell in the place you are performing it (preferably outside), turn to each direction in turn, and say something like the following:

Winds of the North!
Rushing and Mighty!
Aid me in my magical work!

Winds of the East!
Dazzling and Bright!
Aid me in my magical work!

Winds of the South!
Fiery and radiant!
Aid me in my magical work!

Winds of the west!
Gentle and buoyant!
Aid me in my magical work!

As you call the wind from each of the four quarters, stand for a moment. Feel that wind (if only in your imagination) blowing from that direction, roused by your magical call, gathering in speed as it rushes toward you with awesome force. Now proceed with the spell, secure that the ancient powers of the four winds are aiding your magic.

Working with one wind:

If you are performing a spell suited to one wind, just before you begin turn to the appropriate direction and say the words associated with it above.

From: Earth Power

4 Responses to Invoking the Four Winds

  • what are the materials to use in invoking the four winds to make it more powerful

  • I did this as a child once and it worked.. addressing each wind and all. I still call on the winds for help sometimes. But, who are they? Who rules the winds? Should I be paying attention/calling to fire earth and water as well or am I okay to continue leaning into the wind?

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