
Because myth and legend have become relegated to children’s tales, euphemisms are used to obscure reality. Male storm spirits like Baal, Zeus, Chango, Susunowo, or Thor are inevitably described as “thunder gods.” Not that the thunder isn’t impressive, but it’s that fertilizing rain that provides the magick. Rain that must be applied in just the proper amounts and with just the right touch to keep the Earth Mother happy, satisfied and flourishing.

This old Slavic spell intends to pacify a rainstorm by making this magickal point.

For this spell you need a premenstrual virgin girl or a child, although a young girl on the cusp of womanhood is considered most powerful. She must be the daughter of a woman who is post-menopausal.

Here’s how it works:

First, get rid of all the men. They cannot participate or witness this ritual but must be sent off somewhere. The girl must undress completely. Then she is clothed and ornamented with fresh flowers, as many as possible. (If no real flowers are possible, go with paper, jewelry, beads, or paint her with henna/body paint flowers.)

Now, everyone goes outside. The girl should whirl and dance while calling out to the Water Spirits or Undines. In the meantime, other women toss water over her. Have a party. This is supposed to be fun. Laughter helps. If the girl doesn’t want to do it, forget about it – the spell won’t work. A crying, nagging, sullen, embarrassed child defeats the purpose.

Allegedly the rain should lessen quickly.

Note: This is a spell for women only. Not men. Exposing male genitalia is interpreted as a challenge and we never want to challenge nature when it really matters. An even more destructive storm may result.

From: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

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