Wishing Spells

Take a horse shoe and put it around a red candle. Put the candle in a darkened room in the middle of a table. Write what it is you want on a piece of paper with a quill pen dipped in black ink.

Chant the following as you write:

What I want I write here
Please take my dream and bring it near
What I want Is What I should get
Let all my dreams Now be met

Now take the paper and fold it in a square of four creases. Hold it over the candle with a pair of tweezers and let it burn. Picture yourself with your wish fulfilled as you burn the paper send waves of love at the image you conjure of your self.

Source unknown

Dreams can be merely entertaining or intense and prophetic. Many natural aids to dreaming can be found in the garden!

  • If you want peaceful dreams that are relaxing, place a vase of jasmine by your bed.
  • If you are having nightmares and wish them stopped, place morning glories in the vase instead.
  • If you need to learn something in a dream, place a bay leaf under your pillow and ask for the knowledge.
  • If you just want nice dreams, use a sachet of lavender.
  • If you want to send a psychic dream to a loved one, blow the seeds off the top of a dandelion in his or her direction and project your wish, then go right to sleep.

If you want your dreams to come true, you can do one of two spells:

At midnight on a Friday, in silence, gather nine small non-spiny holly leaves and wrap them in a cloth. Place them under your pillow, make your wish, and go to sleep. Your dreams will come true.

Another ancient spell is to scatter marigold flowers under your bed, make your wish, and then say:

Wish I want and wish I may
Come to me through dream so fair
Come by night and come by day
Come, thou wish, and ride thee here

From: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

You may wish this only three times in between the New Moons. While gazing at the moon, repeat the following:

“Moon, Moon, beautiful Moon,
brighter than any star
Goddess of light and love,
Diana if it might be,
Pray bring fortune unto me”

A sign that the spell worked would be coins doubling in the purse or pocket. Or seeing a hare before dawn.

Found at: Blessed Be Me


The arrow was sacred to Artemis (Diana), and was considered to carry special powers and blessings. This is a very old spell, which incorporates symbols which are placed along the shaft of an arrow. Traditionally this was performed on the shore of a lake, or other calm body of water (such as a Bay). It was necessary to be able to see the “path of the Moon” in the water. This “path” is the reflection of the moon, stretched along the surface of the water.


For this spell you will need a bow and arrow. Take a new arrow and draw symbols of your wish/desire along its shaft. Meaningful words or phrases may also be added. On a night when the Moon is full, go to the shore, and face the water. Fix the arrow into your bow and gaze out upon the path of light (which leads to the Moon). Draw your arrow back, and speak the following words of enchantment:

“Where path of Light,
to Moon I see,
the powers of the Queen shall be!
Shaft of wood,
as shaft of light,
earth to moon,
does now give flight!”

Release the arrow. The arrow can either be shot out into the path on the water, or upward towards the Moon.

Source: White Magic


Items Needed:

  • Three small candles
  • Sugar
  • A plate

Put the candles on the plate and spread sugar all around them. Light the candles. Call for assistance from these three angels. Rafael, Michael, and Gabriel. Ask that three wishes be granted.

  1. A wish for business or money.
  2. A wish for love.
  3. Something impossible.

Place the plate with the burning candles on your altar, next to a window, or on a high shelf. Allow the candles to burn completely.

Publish this spell on the 3rd day after you requested the wishes by mailing it to another person, posting it to a Internet news group or announcing your thanks to the saints in a newspaper classified ad. See what happens on the 4th day.

Found at: Blessed Be Me



Items needed:

  • Ink pen
  • Piece of paper
  • Three bay leaves

When the Moon is New, write your wish out on a piece of paper. Fold the paper into thirds and place the 3 bay leaves inside, visualizing your wish coming true. Now fold the paper into thirds once again and hide it away in a dark place. Keep visualizing your wish coming true as you do this.

Once the wish is granted, the paper (with the bay leaves inside) should be burned as a thank you. Never tell anyone your wish, as telling will negate the magick.

From: Blessed Be Me


This is a spell to assist if someone is bothering you or if you have a strong, unfulfilled desire. To begin, make sure there is a slight breeze blowing. Light a yellow jar candle and take a few minutes to meditate on your desire or problem.

Open the window and whisper your problem or desire, asking the angel of the east to hear and respond. Let the wind carry your words to the east. It is particularly auspicious if an East Wind happens to be blowing. Burn the candle down whenever you are home until it is burned out.

An answer should come to you within one Moon cycle.


There are many spells designed to carry a secret wish into the universe when the productive powers of creation can bring its realization into being. Nearly all spells make use of the tremendously powerful process of creative visualization.

The following spell courts the favor of the 4 winds or the energies of the compass points. For this spell you will need to ascertain North then find South, East and West.

The 4 winds were given magical names by the ancient Greeks – Boreas, Eureus, Notus and Zephyrus – it is these forces together with those of the elemental spirits of air, water, fire and earth, that are called upon in the spell to carry your wish to the four points of the universe. (Read more about them here: Anemoi)

The spell is designed to be performed outside and you will require any one of the following powdered herbs:

  • Bay, also known as bay laurel (for success and prestige wishes)
  • Rosemary (for promotion and advancement wishes)
  • Cinnamon (for power wishes)
  • Vervain (verbena) (for general wishes)
  • Cardamon (for love wishes)
  • Peppermint (for prosperity wishes)

Having chosen the appropriate herb hold it in your hands and visualize the achievement of your goal in fine detail. Hold the herb to your mouth and breathe upon it trying to force the wish through your breath into the very structure of the herb.

When you are satisfied, turn to the North and say:

King Boreas of the North Wind, 
by the powers of earth, 
I call you to carry my wish to the Northern quarter,
and by the powers of the gnomes, 
I ask that you bring me success.

Blow a quarter of the powdered herb from your palm in the direction of North. Now, turn to the East and say:

King Eureus of the East Wind, 
by the powers of air, 
I call you to carry my wish to the Eastern quarter, 
and by the powers of the sylphs, 
I ask that you bring me success. 

Blow a quarter of the powdered herb from your palm in the direction of the East. Then, turn to the South and say:

King Notus of the South Wind, 
by the powers of fire, 
I call you to carry my wish to the Southern quarter,
and by the powers of the salamanders, 
I ask that you bring me success.

Blow a quarter of the powdered herb in the direction of South. Now, turn to the West and say:

King Zephyrus of the West Wind, 
by the powers of water, 
I call you to carry my wish to the Western quarter, 
and by the powers of the undines, 
I ask that you bring me success.

Blow the final quarter of herb from your palm in the direction of  West. The spell is ended. Leave the area without looking back, safe in the knowledge that the powers of the universe have taken over your wish.

Found at: Khakani’s Mystic World


Take any large bowl. Drip a few drops of different colored candle wax in the bottom of the bowl, then adhere a white candle to that spot. The different colors represent diverse needs and goals, while the white binds this variety together in harmony.

Each morning, light the candle when you get up and put a coin in the bowl. Make your wish for the day. Blow out the candle before you leave the house. Whenever you desperately need to have a wish fulfilled, remove a coin from the bowl and either plant it in rich soil (houseplants will do ) or throw it into moving water so that your message of need will be carried through the earth.

When the bowl is filled with coins, use all but a few (these “seeds” always remain in your bowl) for random acts of kindness, like getting treats for the neighborhood kids or helping a homeless person. Your generosity will return to you threefold to keep the magic of benevolence, both mundane and divine, with you always.


Here is an old old spell you can use as a way to say farewell to the Solstice and make a wish for the coming twelve months. It’s less dangerous than it seems, though care should always be taken.

Fill a shallow dish with raisins and pour a few spoonfuls of brandy over them. As you pour the brandy, say the following:

You shall receive whatever gift you may name,
as far as wind dries, rain wets, sun revolves;
as far as sea encircles and earth extends.

Put out the lights, then set the brandy on fire. While it is still going, snatch one of the raisins from the flames. As you put the raisin in your mouth, make a wish. It will be granted in the next twelve months.

When doing this with a group, each person gets just one raisin. when doing it alone, you can pull out 3 raisins and make three wishes.

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