
St John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum), blossom, medicinal plant

St. John’s Wort, a golden flower that smells like turpentine, is regarded as an emblem of the sun.

Light an orange candle and place a bunch of St. John’s Wort beside it. Make a wish, then hang the bundle of flowers over an entrance door to your home. Leave the candle to extinguish itself. It will bring you your wish and ward off evil too.

An image of the flowers can be used as an alternative for the herb when it isn’t possible to find, or is out of season.

lucky socks

These spells work on the concept that the feet are an entry point for the body and soul. White socks should be used unless stated! Wear the socks all day and sleep in them if possible discarding the contents/herbs/salt in the morning, in any way you please.

Protection, Breaking Bad luck, Removing Hexes
Wear white socks with sea salt in them to break curses and protect from evil. This works really well so in the morning put a 1/2 to 1 tablespoon of salt in each sock and wear until the next morning. Either wash the salt down the drain or throw it away outside. This will break any curses or bad luck around you.

Good Luck
Wear either brown or green socks with a pinch of any of these herbs: Cinnamon, Basil, or Rosemary. Wear as often as you like! Just a pinch though, you don’t want to smell like a green grocer and these herbs are very strong magically so you don’t need much.

Wear either pink, red or white socks. Love heart socks are great too of course but white is just fine and works just as good. Put 2 rose petals in each sock while visualizing yourself with your intended lover or current love. Imagine love coming to you and surrounding you both. You can also use lavender or lilac. If you use these herbs use two pinches of each but rose petals work best. Dry or Fresh.

Health and Healing
Wear white socks stuffed with 1 tsp of sea salt in each with a pinch of lavender or rosemary. Visualize yourself healthy and happy. In the morning throw out the salt and herb and re stuff, repeat until you are well again.

Weight loss
White or Yellow socks. Put a pinch of dried lemon rind or lemongrass in each sock while visualizing yourself with the perfect body. Do this only during the waning moon which is from full moon to new moon.

Fast Money
Wear green or brown socks if available. Put 1 basil leaf dry or fresh into each sock and wear. If you cant find whole dry basil leaves use 1/2 ts of dried basil. Visualize yourself surrounded by cash and good luck.

Found at: Spell of the Day


On a sturdy, preferably dead, bush or shrub still planted in the ground, in a place where the winds blow clear and free, tie or push onto the tip of a branch or twig one leaf for every one of the ills that is bothering you. If you tie the leaf, do so loosely and use a natural fiber cord.

This is all you have to do, for the North Wind will rise and, perhaps slowly, untie and free the leaves, thereby releasing energy and going to work to alleviate the ills besetting you.

This spell works over a period of days or even weeks, not minutes, so leave the shrub after performing the spell. If you wait and watch, the wind might never rise. Of course, it gives you a head start to perform this work during a stiff North breeze.

From: Earth Power


This is a spell to assist if someone is bothering you or if you have a strong, unfulfilled desire. To begin, make sure there is a slight breeze blowing. Light a yellow jar candle and take a few minutes to meditate on your desire or problem.

Open the window and whisper your problem or desire, asking the angel of the east to hear and respond. Let the wind carry your words to the east. It is particularly auspicious if an East Wind happens to be blowing. Burn the candle down whenever you are home until it is burned out.

An answer should come to you within one Moon cycle.


Many spells and rituals can be prefaced with an invocation to the winds. This is particularly true if you are often working with the winds.

The idea of invoking or calling the winds is an ancient one, dating back to at least classical Greece and certainly earlier. It is not only a summons of their power (all four winds to help your spell) but is also a general announcement to them of your intentions. This is made, in effect, to the entire world.

Summoning the powers of the winds and asking for their help is a great way to begin any spell. Here’s the technique:

Once you have assembled everything you need for the spell in the place you are performing it (preferably outside), turn to each direction in turn, and say something like the following:

Winds of the North!
Rushing and Mighty!
Aid me in my magical work!

Winds of the East!
Dazzling and Bright!
Aid me in my magical work!

Winds of the South!
Fiery and radiant!
Aid me in my magical work!

Winds of the west!
Gentle and buoyant!
Aid me in my magical work!

As you call the wind from each of the four quarters, stand for a moment. Feel that wind (if only in your imagination) blowing from that direction, roused by your magical call, gathering in speed as it rushes toward you with awesome force. Now proceed with the spell, secure that the ancient powers of the four winds are aiding your magic.

Working with one wind:

If you are performing a spell suited to one wind, just before you begin turn to the appropriate direction and say the words associated with it above.

From: Earth Power


There are many spells designed to carry a secret wish into the universe when the productive powers of creation can bring its realization into being. Nearly all spells make use of the tremendously powerful process of creative visualization.

The following spell courts the favor of the 4 winds or the energies of the compass points. For this spell you will need to ascertain North then find South, East and West.

The 4 winds were given magical names by the ancient Greeks – Boreas, Eureus, Notus and Zephyrus – it is these forces together with those of the elemental spirits of air, water, fire and earth, that are called upon in the spell to carry your wish to the four points of the universe. (Read more about them here: Anemoi)

The spell is designed to be performed outside and you will require any one of the following powdered herbs:

  • Bay, also known as bay laurel (for success and prestige wishes)
  • Rosemary (for promotion and advancement wishes)
  • Cinnamon (for power wishes)
  • Vervain (verbena) (for general wishes)
  • Cardamon (for love wishes)
  • Peppermint (for prosperity wishes)

Having chosen the appropriate herb hold it in your hands and visualize the achievement of your goal in fine detail. Hold the herb to your mouth and breathe upon it trying to force the wish through your breath into the very structure of the herb.

When you are satisfied, turn to the North and say:

King Boreas of the North Wind, 
by the powers of earth, 
I call you to carry my wish to the Northern quarter,
and by the powers of the gnomes, 
I ask that you bring me success.

Blow a quarter of the powdered herb from your palm in the direction of North. Now, turn to the East and say:

King Eureus of the East Wind, 
by the powers of air, 
I call you to carry my wish to the Eastern quarter, 
and by the powers of the sylphs, 
I ask that you bring me success. 

Blow a quarter of the powdered herb from your palm in the direction of the East. Then, turn to the South and say:

King Notus of the South Wind, 
by the powers of fire, 
I call you to carry my wish to the Southern quarter,
and by the powers of the salamanders, 
I ask that you bring me success.

Blow a quarter of the powdered herb in the direction of South. Now, turn to the West and say:

King Zephyrus of the West Wind, 
by the powers of water, 
I call you to carry my wish to the Western quarter, 
and by the powers of the undines, 
I ask that you bring me success.

Blow the final quarter of herb from your palm in the direction of  West. The spell is ended. Leave the area without looking back, safe in the knowledge that the powers of the universe have taken over your wish.

Found at: Khakani’s Mystic World


Take any large bowl. Drip a few drops of different colored candle wax in the bottom of the bowl, then adhere a white candle to that spot. The different colors represent diverse needs and goals, while the white binds this variety together in harmony.

Each morning, light the candle when you get up and put a coin in the bowl. Make your wish for the day. Blow out the candle before you leave the house. Whenever you desperately need to have a wish fulfilled, remove a coin from the bowl and either plant it in rich soil (houseplants will do ) or throw it into moving water so that your message of need will be carried through the earth.

When the bowl is filled with coins, use all but a few (these “seeds” always remain in your bowl) for random acts of kindness, like getting treats for the neighborhood kids or helping a homeless person. Your generosity will return to you threefold to keep the magic of benevolence, both mundane and divine, with you always.

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Altar: On cloth of shades between white and black, place four white and grey candles, a vase of flags and banners in the colors of a snowy night, a bell with a clear tone, a knife, a glass of white wine, and incense of cypress and juniper.

Offerings: Blowing curls of paper into the wind. Ringing bells or wind chimes. Study and learning, especially of a field of knowledge that is difficult for you.

Invocation to the North Wind

Breathe in!
Breathe in the wind of the North,
Cold and chill,
Ice-flecked wind that brings
The order for all life to sleep,
Forcing closed our tired eyes,
Wind that sweeps down from the poles,
Wind that sweeps away our resistance,
Wind that invites us to lie down
And embrace the darkness,
Whistling wind that comes in
Through the cracks and chinks
Of our fears and longings,
Breath of winter, wind that strokes the starry skies
Over the dead fields, and calls to us
With sere and weathered voice,
Black wind of night that cuts us
Like the razor-edged knife,
Have mercy on us!
Breathe in
And cleanse your body yet again.


Boreas Boreas Breath of the North
Wind of knives

Wind chimes and bells are rung. Wine is poured as a libation. All process outside and release messages on small curls of paper into the north wind.

From: Pagan Book of Hours


In southern Germany, the eisbeilige – the iceman days – is the brief cooling trend in May. The “ice saints,” Mamertius, Pancratius, and Servatus, were celebrated on May 11. Along with Cold Sophie, these “strong lords” are pagan figures who were turned into Christian saints were said to bring cold weather during planting season. They’d kill a budding tree or a field of sprouting wheat the minute they touched it with their frosty fingers or blew on it with their freezing breath. Farmers learned early on not to set plants out until after the ice saints had come and gone.

Sometimes we find ice saints in our lives, people whose presence chills our blood and infects our happiness with frostbite. They’re self-righteous, hypocritical, and extremely annoying. They’re bigger control freaks than we are and insist that a household chore or a ritual has to be performed “their way or the highway.” Sometimes they threaten physical harm. Sometimes they’re psychic vampires who steal our energy. Sometimes they’re thieves who steal our stuff or our work.

They’re all toxic people. We need to get them out of our lives. One banishing technique I like – but which must be done with finely focused aim and a strong intention to harm none – is to put the ice saint right where he or she belongs: in the freezer.

Write the person’s name and behavior on a piece of paper and bind it with black thread and thirteen knots. Say out loud exactly what the ice saint does that is toxic. Say out loud that you want to bind the behavior. You’re not out to injure the person, just to protect yourself and get him or her out of your life.

Put the piece of paper in a little jar, fill it with water, and put it in your freezer. Then take real-life action to get the ice saint out of your life.



This spell is for freezing out a witness or legal opponent, but it can be used for any situation where you wish to exclude someone from meddling in your affairs. For this spell to work, you must know the person’s name.

How to do it:

Write the name on a piece of paper (parchment is good) in pencil or India ink (preferably). Fold the paper in half, then in half again until you can’t fold it any more. As you do this, imagine that person’s influence freezing / stopping, that they cannot do anything until the thaw.

Then soak the paper in liquid (vodka works well but water is fine) and put it into a corner of your freezer. Leave it there for 30 days.

Note: If more than one person is involved, do each name on a separate piece of paper, and work each spell separately.

This spell works best if started on the day after a full moon so that the moon is waning for the first 15 days. It should stop the person or persons from influencing people or things about your business. It freezes them out.

Found at: Free Magic Spells

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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