Yearly Archives: 2016

Today is a full moon – a perfect night for some Angel magic.


This spell can be said anytime. Works well by accentuating with a bell or any instrument that makes a high ringing sound… such as a wind chime. Ring the bell one time after each phrase. This can also be done in a group, where one person says a line, and then the line is repeated by the group, followed by the words “So shall it be!”

State your intention, and follow it up with each of the Angels listed below, and a simple affirmation of power. For example (I love my life. Ariel begins it. So shall it be!) Repeat until each angelic power has been invoked. This is a very powerful chanting invocation, you will feel the energy build as you do the spell.

  • Ariel begins it.
  • Baradiel guides it.
  • The Chalkydri sing it.
  • Devas manifest it.
  • Elohim wills it.
  • The Fravashi better it.
  • Bagriel brings it.
  • The Hafaza watch it.
  • The Ischim blalance it.
  • Jael guards it.
  • Kadmiel births it.
  • Lahabiel aids it.
  • Michael raises it.
  • Nebo ministers it.
  • Ofaniel sees it.
  • Patron Angels devote it.
  • The Queen of Angels speaks it.
  • Raphael inspires it.
  • Sandalphon prays it.
  • Thrones sanctify it.
  • Uriel strengthens it.
  • Vrevoil reveals it.
  • Watchers protect it.
  • Xathanael patrons it.
  • Yahriel places the glory of the moon on it.
  • Zodiac Angels seal it.
  • And Spirit brings it through time and space.

So be it.
And so shall it be!

Seal in the air with the sign of the equal-armed cross using your dominant hand.

~Silver Raven Wolf
Silver’s Spells for Prosperity

At the Full or Waxing moon phase just before midnight stand at a window where you can see the moon. If possible, open the window or go outside and allow the light of the moon to touch your body. Envision the moonlight, the power of the Moon entering your body….


Now, take a purple candle and anoint it with real vanilla extract or essential oil. Imagine the power of the moon and flowing through you and to the candle while you anoint it.

Place the candle on the ground or windowsill and light it. Say:

“Fair Selene,
Goddess of the Moon, love and light,
I ask you to send me your magickal powers
this moon lit night,
by the power of the myriad starlight above me,
and your moonlit heavens,
so shall it be!”

Stretch your arms out as if you are ready to embrace the moon. Visualize your outstretched arms as soaking up the moonlight and the moonbeams being absorbed into the pores of your skin. You will feel the Goddess giving you her awesome power.

Snuff your candle and leave it overnight where it is (or if that’s not possible, leave it on your altar).

The next day, either at the sunrise, or just before mid-day. Place the candle in the same place and stand arms outstretched towards the Sun soaking up the energy of its heat and sunbeams, Say:

“Great Ra, Lord of the sky and solar power,
lend your fiery magick to me.
Let this witches power be reawakened and be empowered
by the forces of the cool Moon and burning Sun.
By soil, wind, flame and sea,

Grant my desire.
So mote it be!”

Now your Magickal powers and your desire to use them will have been reawakened. Take your snuffed out candle to your altar and relight it there to burn out as a mark of respect to the God and Goddess.


Place a silvered mirror, face up on an altar or other sacred place so that the light of the Full Moon shines upon it. In the center of the mirror, place a symbol to represent the one seeking healing. The symbol could be a photo, crystal, lit candle, piece of jewelry, lock of hair, name on a card, or some other object. Use the symbol on the mirror in the Moonlight as a focal point as you imagine that the one needing healing is becoming well and then is healthy.

After the ritual, deliver the symbol to the subject of the healing rite as an additional way of transmitting healing. Cleanse the mirror you used by washing it with pure spring water or passing it through Mugwort smoke or some other incense so that the mirror will be ready for you to use for other healing work in the future.


s-l300Do the dead rest easy? Flowers and flowering shrubs may be planted on the grave to serve as barometers. Allegedly if the flowers thrive and bloom, there’s no need to worry about whoever’s in the grave. Of course some plants are considered better barometers than others. Marjoram is believed to provide a good guarantee – if it thrives on a grave, the person within is certain to be content.

Other grave site plantings include the following:

Plant Aloe Vera on the grave site in order to soothe the deceased, ease any sense of loneliness or abandonment, and prevent their longing for the living.

A carpet of chamomile planted over a grave encourages the dead to sleep and also eases their passage to the next realm.

Cover graves with a carpet of daisies and blue bells to bring peace to the deceased and joy to the bereaved, and to invite the presence of benevolent guardian spirits.

Plant rowan trees in the cemetery, especially overlooking graves, to watch over the spirits of the dead.

To encourage the dead to sleep peacefully and deeply, strew wild poppy seeds throughout the cemetery.

Asphodel is allegedly among the favored foods of the dead. Asphodel is sometimes planted on graves, however the legend is also taken literally. Prepare asphodel – it’s typically roasted – and leave it atop a grave to comfort and satisfy the deceased within.

Tansy is described as an herb of life everlasting. It allegedly comforts the bereaved while assuring the dead that they will not be forgotten.

pumpkin-seedsYou will need:

  • A tall Glass of Water
  • A Bag of Salted Dried Pumpkin Seeds

This particular spell was in common use as early as the 1920’s and quite possibly before. This ritual confers a double blessing since it acts as a spiritual cleansing in addition to attracting wealth and prosperity to the individual that performs it.

Sit in a place where you can meditate quickly for a few minutes. Open your bag of pumpkin seeds and count out 9 seeds. Eat the first seed. You may choose to break the seed open with your teeth and eat the soft inner seed, or you can eat the salty hard shell as well. Slowly chew the first seed and wash it down with a drink of cool water. Repeat the process until you consume all nine seeds.

After you swallow the last seed say to yourself aloud or silently:

May the seeds of this holy gourd
cleanse me of all negativity
and fill my life with wealth and blessings.

You will be surprised at how effective something so simple can be! I have heard of people winning jackpots at casinos and encounter long lost friends after performing this easy ritual.

Source:  Pumpkins-Autumn’s Magic Gourd


As you carve your pumpkin this year,
this blessing can add your magical intention:

“May the light of this lantern frighten away all evil spirits who wish to do as harm and light the way for all good spirits and ancestors who wish to visit us this night.”

Source: unknown


On the Full moon during the month of October or November is the time to perform this spell.

You will need:

  • 3 dry Pumpkin seeds
  • A flowing body of water

On each of your seeds write one word that is directly related to your wish or desire. i.e., If you want to financial gain, you can right attain, money, abundantly… or something like that on your seeds.

At the time of the full moon, take your seeds out to the area you have chosen. Hold your seeds in your hand and make your wish. It helps to decide what you want to say before you begin. You can use a little rhyme or whatever you deem appropriate.Toss your seeds into the water and allow them to float away.

Source: The Magick Kitchen

128145587_9fdcc9014bOn the Eve of Samhain, (the night before Halloween), get a white candle, matches and mirror for this spell. At dusk, go to a haunted area or a place you feel the spirits are especially powerful. Make contact by walking about and allowing your mind to roam. Light your white candle and stare into it saying:

Clear as midnight,
the spirits are bright.
Ghostly curiosity
brings you to me.

As a form takes shape,
I am not asleep.
Spirit awake,
take your shape.

Let the candle flicker. Glance into the mirror and look past your shoulder. Do you see mists or lighted balls in the reflection? This is how ghosts typically appear. Return to the area on the next three nights. Take some pictures. At home, place your mirror face down. Mirrors trap spirits. Some spirits will track you as you search for their reflections. If you want your those to leave, just say so. Follow this up by putting a broom over your transom and burning sage.

~by Susan Sheppard

This lovely little spell is great for Samhain.
It would also be appropriate if you celebrate The Day of the Dead.

It is simple but works wonders. It can also be used to protect and cast circles, for guidance, and most of all comfort. It gives me the warmth and guidance I seek WITHOUT fail!!


I call forth from space and time.
Ancestors of my blood line.
Gather around on this holy night.
Watch over me till morning light.

Blood of my blood,
I set you free,
Thanking you for coming,
Until next time,
blessed be!!

~Shalini Ahuja

dscn0161bFor this spell, gather at your altar or sacred space some black cloth, a black candle, a bowl of water, a feather, a citrine, amethyst or lapis lazuli crystal, and photos and mementos from your loved ones who have passed beyond.

Place the black cloth on your altar or on the floor. Position the feather in the east, the candle in the south, the bowl of water in the west, and the crystal in the north. Arrange the photos and other objects in the middle as you chant or whisper:

“May my loved ones touch me again-in the kiss of a breeze, in the light of candle flame, in the laughter of the rain, in the ground beneath my feet. Spirits of air, fire, water, earth, bring my loved ones close again.” 

You may want to hold a photo or object and take time to feel the spirit of your loved one.

~by Sedwin 

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If you would like some advice about what sort of magick is needed, simply enter a short explanation of your situation. Our resident witch will be happy to assist. Good Luck!!

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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