Here’s a magickal Feng Shui exercise designed to bring helpful people into your life. First you must determine where the Helpful People and Travel area is located in your home. Each room has it’s own Helpful People and Travel area as well, so if you need to limit this to one room, that will be fine too. Just treat the door to the room as the front entrance. Here’s a diagram:

First clear the area of clutter, and clean it. Once that is complete, you can further clear the energy by burning sage, or using an essential oil such as lavender to purify the space.

Now, set up three silver containers for three different tasks of attracting helpful people:

  1. One small silver box with a lid (real silver, silver-plated, or even a paper box painted silver).
  2. One silver envelope large enough to hold documents (can be painted, covered with a silver wrapping paper, or even made of aluminum foil).
  3. One larger container, like a large vase, paper grocery bag, purse, or box (spray-paint it silver if you like, or cover it with silver fabric, sequins, beads, etc…)

The small silver box is used for events that need help now (3 days to 3 weeks). Those little jewelry boxes with red velvet inside work great, as the red is an activating color. This box can hold up to three requests at any one time.

The silver envelope is used for things that last months (scripts, contracts, invitations). Remove the item when you’ve been adequately helped.

The large container is for things that stay around for a LONG time (your doctor, your business clients, your family). You can place the name of everyone you meet in this container if you wish. Because this container is for the long term, I would recommend that you invest time and/or money to make it beautiful.


On paper, write the names of people or projects you need help with, phrased in a positive way. For example:

  • The insurance adjuster is helpful to me.
  • I always have help when I need it.
  • Thanks to my helpful doctor, I am now completely healthy and pain free.
  • I have plenty of good help with my remodeling project.
  • My neighbors are helpful and kind.

From Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter

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