

The primary purpose of ice magic is transformation. Ice is a combination of water and air. Once frozen, if fire is added, the ice melts.

Floating candles in a bowl of water and ice may seem like a simple type of spell, but it calls for a natural balance to take place. Moreover, writing your problems on paper and freezing them may also seem like a simple spell, but it is highly effective.

One of my favorite magical uses for ice is the “stop something in its tracks” type. In other words, after an argument, I am not above writing my aggravation down on paper and freezing the paper until such a time as I can comfortably deal with the problem. Once I’m ready, I simply thaw out the paper and deal with it. You can perform this type of magic for any sort of negative trait within yourself that you wish to be rid of.

Likewise, you can also manifest with snow and/or ice. Place magnets or symbols into a large ball of snow, or freeze them into a block of ice. Then allow the snow to melt as it removes any obstacles between you and your goal and releases the energy to bring you your wish.

Source: Tammy Sullivan


You can use snow to melt down a hard heart. Write the name of someone who is angry with you or cold hearted toward you and stick the paper in a bowl of fresh snow. (You can also use ice cubes.) Pour boiling water over the snow until it melts. Sprinkle this water around a picture of this person or across a path he is sure to tread.

Source: The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients


Bury a piece of paper in the snow with a wish for something you want to hold or freeze in place. This is a great spell for anyone wishing to maintain a title or honor. It will stop your competition from achieving success. If snow is not available, bury the paper in crushed ice and place in the freezer.



  • To melt hard feelings against you, gather snow that has fallen in a gentle storm. Write the name of a person who is giving you a hard time on a piece of paper. Put it in the middle of a glass plate. Take the snow and pile it on top. Add a dash of sugar. As the snow melts, the person in question will loosen their grip on you.
  • To banish someone or something that has given you a lot of pain, take snow from a wild storm and follow the same procedure as above. Be sure to ask Dame Holda’s blessing and that the spell not be reversed or place upon you any curse.
  • Snow poppets are fun to make. If a friend is sick, fashion a tiny snow person, add something of the persons, such as a lock of hair. As the snow melts your friend will get better.
  • Instead of using your athame in ritual, use and icicle!
  • Make snow wishes. With your staff, wand or athame, carve a wish into the snow. Ask Dame Holda to grant your wishes. Trace a pentagram next to the wish to seal it.
  • Write a wish on a piece of paper and pack snow around it. Place it in a jar. As the snow melts, your wish will be granted.

Found at: Ravensilverwing

New time demands new spirit; this purification is required: prepare a basin of snow, or of clear water iced, and scatter over it earth dried in the sun to a fine dust. The hands should then be immersed and chilled, the brow anointed and cooled, and these words said:



Substance wasted,
substance spoiled,
now be redeemed:
seeing thyself in substance undefiled,
forming thyself anew
from this frail substance
gathered and revived.

Thus should it be done at morning, and again at evening: to charge the original chaste intellect, the innocent purpose failed.

From: Crone’s Book of Magical Words


Need a snow day?
All you need for this spell is one black candle.


Light the candle the night before the day you want the snow day.
Then recite the following incantation three times:

Goddess Hecate,
I call upon thee,
make tomorrow a snow day,
so mote it be.

NOTE: This spell is best used to catch up on work, or something important, and not to laze around or it will either not work, or backfire. Use a new candle every time.

Source: Magic Spells

snowstormYou will need:

  • One peppercorn
  • A pinch of salt
  • Pinch of powdered ginger
  • Pinch of powdered cloves
  • A small pinch of red cotton cloth

Place the peppercorn in you bowl saying and visualizing:

I charge you with protection.

Place the salt in saying:

I charge you with stability.

Place the cayenne pepper in saying:

I charge you with warmth.

Place the ginger in saying:

I charge you with protection.

Place the cloves in saying:

I charge you with protection.

Mix the assembled spices and salt with your fingers, visualize yourself being safe, well guarded, and protected in every way. Now transfer the herbs to the center of the cloth squares. Fold in half and in half again and sew up the ends. Carry this with you.

Make a new charm every snowy season.

Source: Magic Spells

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~Margot Adler

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