Garden Magick

When you start a plant from seeds, it is proper to bless the seeds beforehand. Place them on your altar and light a white candle. Add a clear quartz crystal to the altar for extra energy. Say something like:

Lord and Lady,
I ask that you bless these seeds and impart your energies into them
so that a large, beautiful, strong plant may
grow in your honor.
So mote it be!

As you can see, the blessing need not be stiff or formal. A simple stated request works best. Another way to bless the seeds is to call upon the universal energies of the four elements (fire, earth, air, and water). A simply stated request is usually enough.

From: Elemental Witch


In order to bring an increasing flow of love your way, obtain seeds (or purchase seedlings) for any plant you wish to grow, along with a small flowerpot and some potting soil. Plant the seeds, or seedlings, and bless them.

Imagine that as they grow, so will the love in your life. Visualize yourself giving and receiving love. Nurture the plants by ensuring they have enough water and sunlight, and look upon them each day as a symbol of increasing love in your life. Use words such as this for your visualization:

Great spirit, Bless these gentle plants. Allow them to grow in love. And as they do, let my loving nature increase. Help my relationships to grow and flourish, Seed to flower, Minute to hour – Bring love into my life.

by Ember


s-l300Do the dead rest easy? Flowers and flowering shrubs may be planted on the grave to serve as barometers. Allegedly if the flowers thrive and bloom, there’s no need to worry about whoever’s in the grave. Of course some plants are considered better barometers than others. Marjoram is believed to provide a good guarantee – if it thrives on a grave, the person within is certain to be content.

Other grave site plantings include the following:

Plant Aloe Vera on the grave site in order to soothe the deceased, ease any sense of loneliness or abandonment, and prevent their longing for the living.

A carpet of chamomile planted over a grave encourages the dead to sleep and also eases their passage to the next realm.

Cover graves with a carpet of daisies and blue bells to bring peace to the deceased and joy to the bereaved, and to invite the presence of benevolent guardian spirits.

Plant rowan trees in the cemetery, especially overlooking graves, to watch over the spirits of the dead.

To encourage the dead to sleep peacefully and deeply, strew wild poppy seeds throughout the cemetery.

Asphodel is allegedly among the favored foods of the dead. Asphodel is sometimes planted on graves, however the legend is also taken literally. Prepare asphodel – it’s typically roasted – and leave it atop a grave to comfort and satisfy the deceased within.

Tansy is described as an herb of life everlasting. It allegedly comforts the bereaved while assuring the dead that they will not be forgotten.

Write the name of the one you love on the base of an onion bulb. Plant in in earth in a new pot. Place the pot on a windowsill, preferably facing the direction in which your sweetheart lives.


Over the bulb, repeat the name of the one you desire morning and night until the bulb takes root, begins to shoot, and finally blooms.

Say the following incantation daily:

May its roots grow,
May its leaves grow,
May its flowers grow,
And as it does so
{person’s name}’s love grows.

Source unknown

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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