Spells For The Dead

dscn0161bFor this spell, gather at your altar or sacred space some black cloth, a black candle, a bowl of water, a feather, a citrine, amethyst or lapis lazuli crystal, and photos and mementos from your loved ones who have passed beyond.

Place the black cloth on your altar or on the floor. Position the feather in the east, the candle in the south, the bowl of water in the west, and the crystal in the north. Arrange the photos and other objects in the middle as you chant or whisper:

“May my loved ones touch me again-in the kiss of a breeze, in the light of candle flame, in the laughter of the rain, in the ground beneath my feet. Spirits of air, fire, water, earth, bring my loved ones close again.” 

You may want to hold a photo or object and take time to feel the spirit of your loved one.

~by Sedwin 

black_magick_revenge_let_them_see_ghost_spirits_haunted_spell_cast__5098a972Samhain (aka Halloween) is a magical time of the year. It has Celtic roots. It marks the beginning of the “dark” part of the year. It’s also the moment when the “veils” between the realms of the living and dead are “thinned” making communication easier.

You can actually invoke blessings from “hungry” ghosts who are without any family or friends, and that have long been forgotten. You’ll love the little strokes of “good luck” and other goodies you begin to receive.

Beginning 1 or 2 weeks before October 31, (Samhain/Halloween), here’s what to do:

Every night before you go to bed, place a glass of milk and a plate of barley outside your home under the stars.

This will ease lonely ghosts’ “hunger” for attention. It will prevent any mischief, and will bring blessings, luck, and fortune into your life during the next week.

Source unknown


To speak to spirits that have passed on, gather together the following:

  • Dried amaranth flowers
  • Dittany of Crete
  • Wormwood.

Using these materials, create an incense for burning. This incense, when burned in a cemetery, will allow you to speak to the dead while also protecting you from malevolent spirits.

Found at Simple Magick

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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