
You’ll Need:

  • an onion
  • pen/paper
  • knife

Upon the paper, write the object of your banishment – for example, your bad habit, three times. Cut out and hollow a section of the onion. Taking care not to break or separate the onion, insert your paper into this hole. “Close” the onion by replacing the cut out section (or outer peel).Hold the onion in your hands, focusing your will on the object of banishment. Bury (or burn and bury) the onion OFF of your property to rid yourself of the object of your banishment.

Source: Herbal Riot

On a Friday night when everyone else in the house is asleep, cut an onion in half. Hold it up, visualize it as a psychic vacuum cleaner. Let it suck up all negativity. Let the onion rest on a table. Hold up one peeled crushed garlic clove. Visualize it as a psychic air cleaner. Leave it out for a little while.

Put both the onion and the garlic in a paper bag and dispose of them outside the home.

Found in: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

Write the name of the one you love on the base of an onion bulb. Plant in in earth in a new pot. Place the pot on a windowsill, preferably facing the direction in which your sweetheart lives.


Over the bulb, repeat the name of the one you desire morning and night until the bulb takes root, begins to shoot, and finally blooms.

Say the following incantation daily:

May its roots grow,
May its leaves grow,
May its flowers grow,
And as it does so
{person’s name}’s love grows.

Source unknown

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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