This is a meme from the year 3256 Published July 2, 2019 | By shirleytwofeathers This is a meme from the year 3256 we don’t yet know what it’s about.
Occupy Earth. Published July 2, 2019 | By shirleytwofeathers Occupy Earth. Abduction is a right! Down with gravity!! Chewbacca for President Free Area 51 Gray Pride 🙂
So, I was on the moon with Neil, Published July 2, 2019 | By shirleytwofeathers So, I was on the moon with Neil, and I said: “Wow, look at that alien structure over there.” That’s when NASA cut our feed.
Don’t communicate telepathically Published July 2, 2019 | By shirleytwofeathers Don’t communicate telepathically with me or my ship ever again 😯
Meanwhile in a parallel universe Published November 25, 2018 | By shirleytwofeathers Meanwhile in a parallel universe 😎
If I ran NASA Published November 25, 2018 | By shirleytwofeathers If I ran NASA, it would be mandatory for the ground crew to be dressed as apes when the space shuttle lands.
Somewhere out there, Published November 12, 2017 | By shirleytwofeathers Somewhere out there, is a planet with no war, no hunger, no poverty, no killing, and no evil. It also has no oxygen.
Time Travel Cat Published November 26, 2016 | By shirleytwofeathers time travel cat… …almost cause paradox 😯
By The Way… If you see memes that belong to you – don’t get cranky. Just tell me, and I’ll either remove them immediately or give you credit and a link – whichever you prefer.