Know what you want to accomplish, but not what to use? Looking to plant a magickal garden? Maybe you just need a good substitute for an ingredient called for in a spell, or want to do some fine tuning. Here’s a general listing of a variety of ingredients for just about any magickal intention you might have:
Note: If you don’t find what you are looking for, try putting a key word into the search bar at the top of the page.
- Action: Cranberry, Uruz
- Anti-Depressant: Lemon Balm, Eye-bright, Marjoram, North Wind
- Anti-Hunger: Alfalfa, Corn, Wheat
- Anti-Lightning: Holly
- Anti-Theft: Caraway, Cumin, Garlic
- Aphrodisiac: Catnip, Chives, Gebo, Lemon Balm, Mushroom, Patchouli, Vanilla
- Astral Projection: Mugwort, Raidho
- Attractant: Patchouli
- Attract Love: Clover, Daisy, Emerald, Gardenia, Narcissus
- Attract Men: Lavender
- Attract Wealth: Emerald, Fehu, Pumpkin Seeds
- Attunement to Nature: Pine
- Awareness: Anise
- Bad Luck To Burn It: Elder
- Balance: Blue, Cosmos, Hagalaz, Lilac, Meadowsweet
- Banishing: Black, Bean, Copal, Ehwaz, Hyssop, Kenaz, Lilac, North Wind, Pumpkin, Purple Loosestrife, St. John’s Wort
- Banish Illness: Oak
- Beauty: Aloe, Avocado, Catnip, Clover, Ginger, Ginseng, Lemon Verbena, Lilac, Maidenhair
- Binding: Honey
- Blessings: Lemon, Willow
- Blessings of Fairies: Cosmos, Daisy (see also Fairies)
- Breaking Love Spells: Black, Heather, Pistachio,
- Building: Brown
- Business: Fehu, Marigold, Mud Dauber Dirt, Othala
- Calming: Amber, Berkano, Isa, Valerian
- Cat Magick: A Cat, Catnip
- Catalysts: Dragon’s Blood, Mandrake, Mistletoe
- Centering: Brown, Chamomile, Ingwaz, Pine
- Change: Hawthorne, East Wind, Eclipse, Ehwaz, Fehu, Perthro, Raido, Uruz, Waning Moon
- Chastity: Cactus, Coconut, Cucumber, Heather, Pineapple, Witch Hazel
- Clairvoyance: Acacia, Copal, Eyebright, Marigold, Mugwort, Nutmeg, Wormwood
- Clarity: Lavender, Rue, Violet
- Cleansing: Camphor, Cinnamon, Earth Smoke, Eggs, Eucalyptus, Fumatory, Hyssop, Lemon, Lovage, Mullein, Pine, Rain Water, Salt, Vervain, Waning Moon, West Wind
- Comfort: Balm, Calendula
- Communication: Blue, Cashew, Cobwebs, Cotton Balls, Nuts (mixed)
- Confidence: Ansuz, Cosmos, Geranium, Kenaz, Sowilo
- Consecrate Ritual Objects: Copal, Cypress
- Contact With Departed Loved Ones: Bones, Cowslip, Heather, Raidho
- Contentment: Aster
- Courage: Basil, Borage, Cranberry, Garlic, Mandrake, Mulberry, Mullein, Nettle, Nutmeg, St. John’s Wort, Ragweed, Rain Water, Rose, Sweet Pea, Tea, Tiwaz, Thyme, Wormwood, Yarrow
- Cure Impotence: Dragon’s Blood
- Dark Magick: Bioluminescent Fungi, Black,
- Death: December
- Desire: Ginger, Ginseng
- Dispel Negativity: Clove, Earth Smoke, Fumatory, North Wind, Rain Water, Yarrow
- Divination: Black Willow, Bones, Broom, Cherry, Clove, Coffee, Copal, Corn, Cosmos, Dandelion, Fig, Ground Ivy, Hazel, Hibiscus, Ivy, Meadowsweet, Orange, Orris, Perthro, Raidho, Rose, Pomegranate, Pumpkin, Sowilo, Wormwood, Yarrow
- Dowsing: Willow
- Dragon Energy: Dragon’s Blood, Hyssop
- Dreams: Anise, Blue, Cinnamon, Holly, Mannaz, Marigold, Mugwort, Yarrow
- Dream Magick: Holly, Mugwort
- Ease Broken Heart: Balm of Gilead, Geranium
- Eliminate Negativity: Copal, Emerald, North Wind
- Employment: Devil’s Shoestring, Lucky Hand, Pecan
- Ending Relationships: Black, Turnip
- Energy: Carnation, Chives, Coffee, Dragon’s Blood, Orange, Thyme
- Enlightenment: Camphor
- Exorcism: Angelica, Basil, Bean, Clove, Copal, Fern, Garlic, Horseradish, Mint, Onion, Purple Loosestrife, Rosemary, St John’s Wort
- Exorcism of Negativity: Earth Smoke, Emerald, Fumatory, Mistletoe, Peach, Pepper, Rain Water
- Faeries and Elves: Bioluminescent Fungi, Bluebells, Clover, Cosmos, Daisy, Elderberry, Elecampagne, Elm, Foxglove, Heather, Honey, Lilac, Lily of the Valley, Milkweed, Mistletoe, Mushroom, Peony, Poppy, Primrose, Ragweed, Rose, Shamrock, Thyme, Wood Sorrel
- Familiars: Bones, Catnip
- Fertility: Banana, Berkano, Carrot, Clover, Cucumber, Daffodil, Eggs, Fig, Furze Tree, Ginseng, Gorse, Grape, Hazel, Ingwaz, Jera, Mandrake (when carried), Mistletoe, Mugwort, Mustard and Mustard Seed, Nuts (mixed), Oak, Olive, Lemon Balm, Orange, Palm (Date), Patchouli, Peach, Pine, Poppy, Pumpkin Seeds, Rice, Sage, Sunflower, Walnut, Wheat
- Fidelity: Basil, Mud Dauber Dirt, Nutmeg, Rhubarb, Rye
- Finding Things: Brown
- Fishing Magick: Cotton Balls
- Fox Spirits: Bioluminescent Fungi
- Friendship: Algiz, August, Blue, Catnip, December, Ehwaz, Rose, Lemon, Love Seed, .Snowdrops, Sweet Pea
- Garden Magick: Brown, Grape, Lily of the Valley
- Gathering: August
- Ghost Busting: Alyssum, Angelica, Bay, Beans, Bistort, Boneset, Camphor, Carnations, Fennel, Hawthorn, Mint, Pine, Tiger Lily,
- Good Luck: Allspice, Aloe, Arborvitae, Bat Nuts, Bats, Bluebell, Clover, Cosmos, Daffodil, Dagaz, Devil Pods, Ehwaz, Fehu, Fern, Goldenrod, Hazel, Heather, Honeysuckle, Irish Moss, Ivy, Job’s Tears, Kenaz, Lily of the Valley, Moss, Nutmeg, Pumpkin, Rose, Sandalwood, Strawberry, Violet
- Good Weather: Garlic
- Grounding: Brown
- Happiness: Carnation, Catnip, Celandine, Cyclamen, Daffodil, Fehu, Hawthorn, Hyacinth, Lavender, Marjoram, Meadowsweet, Pie, Saffron, Witch Grass, Wunjo
- Happiness in Relationships: Cosmos, Emerald, Hawthorne, Honey
- Harmony: Blue, Emerald, Gebo, Honey, Isa, Jera, Lilac, Meadowsweet, Purple Loosestrife, Wunjo
- Harvest: August
- Healing: Allspice, Aloe, Amber, Apple, Arborvitae, Ash (Tree), Barley, Bay, Berkano, Bittersweet, Blackberry, Blue, Boneset, Brown, Carnation, Cedar, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Clover, Cobwebs, Comfrey, Cotton Balls, Cranberry, Cucumber, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Flax, Gardenia, Garlic, Eggs, Ginseng, Henna, Hops, Ivy, Job’s Tears, Kenaz, Marjoram, Milk, Mint, Mugwort, Myrrh, Nettle, Oak, Olive, Onion, Peppermint, Persimmon, Pine, Potato, Rose, Rosemary, Rowan, Sage, Saffron, Sandalwood, Sowilo, Spearmint, St. John’s Wort, Tea, Thistle, Thyme, Unicorn, Uruz, Violet, Willow, West Wind, Wintergreen
- Healing Relationships: Basil, Emerald, Honey, Purple Loosestrife
- Health: Ash, Caraway, Calendula, Carob, Coriander, Ginseng, Juniper, Marjoram, Milk, Mistletoe, Nutmeg, Oak, Rose, Sassafras, Sunflower, Thyme, Walnut
- Healthy Emotions: Aster
- Hope: Daffodil, East Wind, Fehu, Snowdrops
- Hunting: Mistletoe
- Image Magick: Potato
- Improve Memory: Emerald, Lily of the Valley, Mannaz, Rosemary
- Inspiration: Ansuz, Blue, Copal, Kenaz, Nauthiz, Uruz, Vervain, Zinc
- Influence: Door knob, Ingwaz
- Kisses: Cobwebs
- Legal Matters: Buckthorn, Hickory, Jera, Marigold, Raidho,
- Longevity: Coriander, Lavender, Peach, Sage
- Loneliness: Sweet Pea
- Love: Almond, Amber, Anise, Apple, Apricot, Balm of Gilead, Barley, Basil, Bean, Brazilnut, Catnip, Chamomile, Cherry, Chestnut, Cinnamon, Clove, Cobwebs, Coriander, Cowslip, Cranberry, Daffodil, Daisy, Dill, Dragon’s Blood, Endive, Fig, Gardenia, Gebo, Ginger, Ginseng, Heather, Hibiscus, Holly, Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Juniper, Kenaz, Key, Lavender, Lemon, Lemon Balm, Lilac, Lovage, Marigold, Marjoram, Meadowsweet, Mistletoe, Myrtle, Nauthiz, Nuts, (mixed), Orange, Orris root, Papaya, Pea, Peach, Pear, Peppermint, Pie, Pimento, Plum, Poppy, Primrose, Raspberry, Rose, Rosemary, Rye, Sarsaparilla, Senna, Spearmint, Strawberry, Sugar Cane, Thurisaz, Thyme, Tomato, Valerian, Vanilla, Violet, Willow, Yarrow
- Loving Vibrations: Dagaz, Aster
- Luck: Allspice, Aloe, Amber, Ansuz, Ash (Tree), Bean, Cabbage, Cats, Clover, Corn, Cotton Balls, Cowslip, Daffodil, Dagaz, Daisy, Dragon’s Blood, Ehwaz, Fehu, Fern, Hagalaz, Heather, Holly, Jera, Kenaz, Key, Mint, Myrtle, Narcissus, Nutmeg, Nuts (mixed}, Mint, Parsley, Pineapple, Pomegranate, Popcorn, Pumpkin Seeds, Orange, Persimmon, Rose, Rowan, Strawberry, Thurisaz, Vervain, Violet
- Lust: Basil, Caraway, Carrot, Catnip, Celery, Cinnamon, Cranberry, Dill, Endive, Garlic, Ginseng, Rosemary, Sesame, Sugar Cane, Vanilla
- Magick Booster: A Cat, Algiz, Ansuz, Dragon’s Blood, Heather, Pumpkin, South Wind, Uruz
- Marriage: Marjoram, Mud Dauber Dirt, Othala,
- Meditation: Blue, Chamomile
- Meditation Aid: Copal, Elecampane. Frankincense, Hagalaz, Ingwaz,
- Memory: Emerald, Mannaz,
- Mental Powers: Caraway, Celery, Emerald, Grape, Mannaz, Mustard and Mustard Seed, Rosemary, Savory, Spearmint, Vanilla, Walnut
- Messages: Cosmos, Dandelion
- Money – Wealth: Alfalfa, Allspice, Almond, Arborvitae, Basil, Blackberry, Cashew, Cedar, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Clove, Comfrey, Corn, Dill, Earth Smoke, Emerald, Fehu, Fennel, Fenugreek, Fern, Fumatory, Furze Tree, Ginger, Goldenrod, Gorse, Grape, Honeysuckle, Irish Moss, Jasmine, Lucky Hand, Mint, Moss, Myrtle, Nutmeg, Oak, Oats, Onion, Orange, Othala, Patchouli, Pea, Pecan, Pie, Pine, Pineapple, Pumpkin Seeds, Rice, Sarsaparilla, Sassafras, Snapdragon, Sesame, Tea, Vervain, Wheat
- Passion: Caraway, Cranberry, Kenaz, Passion Flower
- Patience: Blue
- Peace: Berkano, Blue, Gardenia, Jera, Lavender, Lily of the Valley, Meadowsweet, Olive, Pennyroyal, Violet
- Personal Energy: Coffee, Marigold
- Positive Energy: Cranberry
- Potency: Banana, Bean, High John the Conqueror (Root), Olive, Palm (Date)
- Power: Algiz, Cinnamon, Eihwaz, Fehu, Gebo, Ginger, Kenaz, Milk, Rain Water, South Wind, Uruz,
- Prevent Dreams: Lemon Verbena
- Prevent Illness: Milk, Rue
- Prevent Nightmares: Betony, Pine, St John’s Wort
- Prophecy: Marigold
- Prophetic Dreams: Onion
- Prosperity: Alfalfa, Almond, Arborvitae, Ash, Banana, Cinquefoil, Cinnamon, Clover, Fehu, Gourd, Grain, Honeysuckle, Milk, Nuts (mixed), Oak, Oats, Othala, Pie, Popcorn, Pumpkin, Rice, Saffron, Tomato, Tulip, Vervain, Waxing Moon, Wheat
- Protection: Acacia, African Violet, Algiz, Aloe, Angelica, Anise, Arborvitae, Ash (Tree), Aster, Balm of Gilead, Barley, Basil, Bat Nuts, Bats, Bay, Bean, Betony, Birch, Blackberry, Blueberry, Boneset, Broom, Cactus, Caraway, Carnation, Carob, Cayenne Pepper, Cedar, Celandine, Chives, Cinnamon, Cinquefoil, Clove, Clover, Coconut, Corn, Copal, Cotton Balls, Cranberry, Curry, Cypress, Daffodil, Devil Pods, Dill, Dragon’s Blood, Eihwaz, Elm, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Fern, Flax, Foxglove, Furze Tree, Garlic, Ginseng, Gorse, Gourd, Grain, Grass, Ground Ivy, Hawthorne, Hazel, Heather, Holly, Hyssop, Irish Moss, Ivy, Juniper, Key, Lavender, Lilac, Mandrake, Marigold, Marjoram, Meadowsweet, Milk, Mint, Mistletoe, Mugwort, Mulberry, Mullein, Mustard and Mustard Seed, Myrrh, Nettle, Oak, Olive, Onion, Papaya, Parsley, Pennyroyal, Pepper, Periwinkle, Pine, Plum, Pretzels (not sticks), Primrose, Pumpkin, Radish, Raspberry, Rhubarb, Rice, Rose, Rosemary, Rowan, Rue, Sage, Salt, Safety Pins, Sandalwood, Spanish Moss, St. John’s Wort, Thistle, Thurisaz, Turnip, Valerian, Vervain, Violet, Willow, Wintergreen, Witch Hazel
- Protection From Evil: Algiz, Cayenne Pepper, Cinquefoil, Purple Loosestrife
- Protect the Home: Algiz, Chives, Cumin, Fehu, Kenaz, Othala,
- Protection From Spirits: Algiz, Candy, Cayenne Pepper, Clover, Geranium, Hagalaz, Pumpkin, Purple Loosestrife, Wormwood
- Psychic Ability: Bay, Cinnamon, Copal, Elm, Fehu, Honeysuckle, Mace, Marigold, Mulberry, Rose, Sowilo, Thyme, Yarrow
- Psychic Dreams: Ash (Tree), Calendula, Eyebright, Mugwort, Mushroom
- Psychic Powers: Bay, Celery, Cinnamon, Elm, Fehu, Peppermint, Rose, Sowilo, Thyme, Yarrow
- Purification: Anise, Ash (Tree), Bay, Benzoin, Betony, Broom, Camphor, Cedar, Chamomile, Cinquefoil, Clove, Coconut, Copal, Dragon’s Blood, Eggs, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Frankincense, Horseradish, Hyssop, Iris, Lavender, Lemon, Lilac, Lovage, Milk, Mullein, Myrrh, New Moon, North Wind, Oak, Parsley, Peppermint, Pine, Rain Water, Rosemary, Rue, Sage, Salt, Sandalwood, St. John’s Wort, Thyme, Tomato, Unicorn, Valerian, Vervain, West Wind
- Raising Spirits: Bones, Elecampane
- Rain: Cotton Balls, Rice
- Rain Making: Fern, Heather, West Wind
- Rebirth: Daffodil, December,
- Reconciliation: Bean
- Relaxation: Violet
- Releasing: Black
- Relief From Nightmares: Garlic, Nutmeg
- Remembrance: Poppy
- Remove Negativity: Eggs, Onion, Rain Water
- Renewal: Zinc, East Wind, New Moon, Rain Water,
- Repair a Broken Heart: Amaranth (Cock’s comb)
- Repel Negativity: Bay, Dill, Geranium
- Reversing: Black
- Sedative: Hops
- See Fairies: Clover, Cosmos, Elder, Elm, Primrose
- See Magickal Creatures: Cosmos, Elm, Marigold
- Self Confidence: Geranium, Kenaz, Sowilo,
- Serenity: Coriander, Lotus
- Sex Appeal: Oak, Orris root
- Sexual Prowess: Saffron (male)
- Shapeshifting: Bioluminescent Fungi
- Sleep: Celery, Chamomile, Hops, Lavender, Peppermint, Rosemary, Thyme, Valerian, Vervain
- Soothe Emotional Pain: Balm of Gilead, Geranium, Lemon Balm, Snowdrops
- Spirituality: African Violet, Cinnamon, Frankincense, Heather, Myrrh, Sandalwood
- Stability: Elm
- Stop Sexual Harassment: Cedar, Mothballs
- Strength: Bay, Carnation, Kenaz, Mint, Mugwort, Mulberry, Sowilo, Tea, Thistle, Uruz,
- Success: Aloe, Cinnamon, Clover, Door knob, Fehu, Full Moon, Ginger, High John the Conqueror, Key, Mistletoe, Mud Dauber Dirt, Nauthiz, Patchouli, Pretzels, Sandalwood, Sowilo, Vanilla, Waxing Moon, Wunjo,
- Sympathy: Basil, Sugar Cane
- Transformation: December, East Wind, Eclipse, Wunjo, Zinc,
- Travel: Comfrey, Ehwaz, Mint, Mistletoe, Raidho,
- Used for Wand Making: Elder, Elm
- Vampires (ward off): Lilac
- Victory: Algiz, Cherry, Sowilo, Tiwaz,
- Virility: Fenugreek, Holly
- Vitality: August
- Ward Off Evil: Elder, Elm, Pumpkin
- Ward Off Negativity: Thyme
- Water Magick: Blue, Laguz,
- Wealth and Riches: Basil, Fehu, Fern, Pomegranate, Tea
- Weariness: Coffee, Pennyroyal
- Welcoming: Dandelion, Door knob
- Willpower: St John’s Wort
- Wisdom: Almond, Ansuz, Bay, Bodhi, Iris, Nauthiz, Sage, Sunflower
- Wishes: Bamboo, Beech, Dandelion, Dogwood, Falling Stars, Ginger, Ginseng, Job’s Tears, Lavender, Peach, Pomegranate, Popcorn, Pumpkin Seeds, Sage, Sandalwood, Sunflower, Violet, Walnut,
Note: This post was compiled by Shirley Twofeathers for Magical Ingredients, you may repost and share without karmic repercussions, but only if you give me credit and a link back to this website. Blessed be.