- Basic Powers: To manifest psychic powers.
- Pronunciation: “law-gooze”
Useful as a symbol of water, of transitions between states, e.g., birth, life, growth and death. It is a perfect means for building an oath.
Laguz is a rune of intuition and imagination. It is also a feminine rune, but unlike Beorc it represents a strong and assertive female type. Use to contact your intuitive faculties. Increase in vitality and the life force (especially in women). Helps to gather in energies for use by the will.
Guidance through difficult initiatory tests. Increase in vitality and life force. Gathering of amorphous magical power for formation and structuring by the will. Increase in “magnetism”. Development of “second sight”.
The Chant
laguz laguz laguz
l l l l l l l l l
lu la li ke lo
(lug lag lig leg log)
ul al il el ol
lo le li la lu
l l l a a a g g g u u u
l l l l l l l l l
It can be used in conjunction with the symbol, or chanted while visualizing the symbol. The symbol can be etched into a candle while intoning the chant, and then, as the candle burns, the spell is released and sent.
The Statement of Intent
The sea is the cauldron of chaos;
creative matrix,
playground of Ran,
from which human beings came.
This is a modern version of the “Rune Poem” that defines this particular rune. It can be used in combination with the chant, and while creating a talisman or spell that uses the power of this rune.
Runic Posture
Rune Yoga, or Runic postures are used to anchor the energy of the Rune in your physical body. More about them can be found here: Runic Postures.
Assume the recommended runic posture and sing the name of the rune in a non-exhaustive way that you can feel your body vibrating – in magic literature it is called vibrating. It could be that you can hear overtones clearer as usual during vibrating. Take this as a good sign. You are visualizing the rune with your inner eye, as its form is being represented by your body and the energies are flowing through your body.
Stand up with your left arm down at your side. Your right arm is brought up above the shoulder. Bend the elbow as shown in the image above. Hold the palm of the hand flat and level with the ground.
Because the traditional position seems almost impossible to accomplish, here is a more comfortable variation.
Stand up, with your arms extended forward and down. The palms of the hands point towards the ground. Practice also with the palms facing up.
Before practicing a rune it is recommended to know everything on the powers of the rune you want to practice. The flow of energy is different for each rune, a field of research for your sensitivity.
The hand positions, or mudras are effective only after you have anchored the runes in your own aura and body. They can be made silent and unobtrusive.
- Understanding Runes
- Asatru
- Futhark
- Flight of the Condor
- A Practical Guide to the Runes
- Esoteric Rune Magic
- Image from Deep Earth Arts
- Basic Powers: To bring events to culmination.
- Pronunciation: “yare-awe”
Comfort; harmony with others. A symbol of right thoughts and right action leading to right results, a culmination of efforts over a long period of time. It is also good for gardening, farming, having a happy home, and good times. Put Jera over the door of your house on New Year’s Eve. Use indelible ink because the luck is meant to last as long as Jera remains there.
Jera is the rune of the harvest, of rewards arriving at their proper tine. It also governs legalities of all sorts and is useful in all legal matters. Use when a tangible result is expected for an outlay of money, time or effort. Helps to bring events to pass. Helps in legal matters. Fertility.
Fertility, creativity. Peace, harmony. Enlightenment. Realization of the cyclical nature of the multiverse. Realization of the mystery of the omnipresent circumference. Bringing other concepts into material manifestation.
The Chant
jera jera jera
j j j e e e r r r a a a
j j j j j j j j j
ju ja ji je jo
(jur jar jir jer jor)
j j j e e e r r r a a a
It can be used in conjunction with the symbol, or chanted while visualizing the symbol. The symbol can be etched into a candle while intoning the chant, and then, as the candle burns, the spell is released and sent.
The Statement of Intent:
The sky wolves have retreated;
Sunna warms the land below.
Freyr and Freya have
bestowed upon us a great bounty
for all the folk.
This is a modern version of the “Rune Poem” that defines this particular rune. It can be used in combination with the chant, and while creating a talisman or spell that uses the power of this rune.
Runic Posture
Rune Yoga, or Runic postures are used to anchor the energy of the Rune in your physical body. More about them can be found here: Runic Postures.
Assume the recommended runic posture and sing the name of the rune in a non-exhaustive way that you can feel your body vibrating – in magic literature it is called vibrating. It could be that you can hear overtones clearer as usual during vibrating. Take this as a good sign. You are visualizing the rune with your inner eye, as its form is being represented by your body and the energies are flowing through your body.
Stand up straight with your left arm bent, left hand at your waist. Your right arm is brought up to your head. Bend the elbows as shown in the image above.
Before practicing a rune it is recommended to know everything on the powers of the rune you want to practice. The flow of energy is different for each rune, a field of research for your sensitivity.
The hand positions, or mudras are effective only after you have anchored the runes in your own aura and body. They can be made silent and unobtrusive.
- Understanding Runes
- Asatru
- Futhark
- Flight of the Condor
- A Practical Guide to the Runes
- Esoteric Rune Magic
- Basic Powers: To restore self-confidence and strengthen will-power.
- Pronunciation: “cane-awze”
Kenaz is useful for spiritual understanding, initiation, the harnessing of power, and guardianship. It can be used to bring strength to an individual, or for the banishment of dark forces of any kind. It can help overcome obstacles through learning. It is also a good luck charm. It is not, however, any good for combat. It banishes the dark but it doesn’t defeat it.
Kenaz is another rune of Fire, but unlike Fehu, it is a gentle, more controlled form which gives the ability and the will to create. It is the rune of the artist and craftsman and is useful either when creativity is the issue or when artistic things are very important to the person for whom you are creating the runescript. It also governs the technical aspects of magick. It is the rune that governs passion, lust and sexual love as fiery, positive attributes. Use to strengthen any runescript. Healing, physical well-being. Love, stability and passion in relationships. Fresh starts. Protection of valuables.
Strengthening of abilities in all realms. Creative inspiration. Higher polarization as a tool of operation. Operations of regeneration, healing. Love (especially sexual love).
The Chant
kenaz kenaz kenaz
ku ka ki ke ko
kun kan kin ken kon
ok ek ik ak uk
It can be used in conjunction with the symbol, or chanted while visualizing the symbol. The symbol can be etched into a candle while intoning the chant, and then, as the candle burns, the spell is released and sent.
The Statement of Intent:
The inner light which is never extinguished
brightens the dark weary world.
This body is a great hall;
the mind sits in the body’s high seat.
The call to faith
a torch carrying procession.
This is a modern version of the “Rune Poem” that defines this particular rune. It can be used in combination with the chant, and while creating a talisman or spell that uses the power of this rune.
Runic Posture
Rune Yoga, or Runic postures are used to anchor the energy of the Rune in your physical body. More about them can be found here: Runic Postures.
Assume the recommended runic posture and sing the name of the rune in a non-exhaustive way that you can feel your body vibrating – in magic literature it is called vibrating. It could be that you can hear overtones clearer as usual during vibrating. Take this as a good sign. You are visualizing the rune with your inner eye, as its form is being represented by your body and the energies are flowing through your body.
The traditional posture calls for both arms to be raised at a 45º angle, palms up and open to receive. This posture is based on a slightly different rune shape, which can be seen on the left side of the figure.
An alternative posture based on the other form of Kenaz is as follows:
Stand up, with your right arm raised at a 45º angle and your left arm tilted down at an equal angle. The palm of the right hand looks towards the law, attracting the force, while the fingers of the left hand are extended, projecting towards the manifestation.
Before practicing a rune it is recommended to know everything on the powers of the rune you want to practice. The flow of energy is different for each rune, a field of research for your sensitivity.
The hand positions, or mudras are effective only after you have anchored the runes in your own aura and body. They can be made silent and unobtrusive.
- Understanding Runes
- Asatru
- Futhark
- Flight of the Condor
- A Practical Guide to the Runes
- Esoteric Rune Magic
- Image from Deep Earth Arts
- Basic Powers: To clear obstacles and change circumstances.
- Pronunciation: “ooo-rooze”
Uruz is useful for using primal power to release creativity and create sudden change. It can be used to release or tame power. In all cases there is a certain danger to the action, since it will be the runecaster’s personal skill and power which will control that which is unleashed. In conjunction with other runes, Uruz is useful in the evocation of various natural powers. It helps with areas of risk and beginning an adventure, even that of starting a business or any other area in which you are putting something at risk.
In the eighteen runes of which Odin speaks, this is one that wins the heart of a woman. This sense of taming a woman was endemic in the attitudes of Aesir gods and their followers.
This is the rune of changes. Uruz is the shaping power that brings about manifestation. Use it to give sluggish circumstances a little prod. A rune of vitality and strength, it is useful in healing magick, especially when the patient is weak and needs some extra strength. To draw new situations into your life. To initiate new circumstances purely by a force of will. Healing and maintenance of good physical health.
Shaping and forming circumstances creatively through will and inspiration. Healing and maintenance of good mental and physical health. Bringer of fortunate circumstances. Induction of magnetic earth streams. Realization of causality. Knowledge and understanding of the self.
The Chant
uruz uruz uruz
u u u u u u u u u
u u u u u u r r r r r r
u u u u u u u u u
This is the incantation used in runic oral spells that call upon the power of Uruz. It can be used in conjunction with the symbol, or chanted while visualizing the symbol. The symbol can be etched into a candle while intoning the chant, and then, as the candle burns, the spell is released and sent.
The Statement of Intent:
One must grab life’s challenges by the horn’s
to ride the waves of one’s wyrd.
Before such a powerful one
the world becomes one’s domain.
This is a modern version of the “Rune Poem” that defines this particular rune. It can be used in combination with the chant, and while creating a talisman or spell that uses the power of this rune.
Runic Posture
Rune Yoga, or Runic postures are used to anchor the energy of the Rune in your physical body. More about them can be found here: Runic Postures.
Assume the recommended runic posture and sing the name of the rune in a non-exhaustive way that you can feel your body vibrating – in magic literature it is called vibrating. It could be that you can hear overtones clearer as usual during vibrating. Take this as a good sign. You are visualizing the rune with your inner eye, as its form is being represented by your body and the energies are flowing through your body.
Bend at the waist, with the back horizontal and parallel to the ground. The arms and the tips of the fingers point towards the ground; the head should face east.
Before practicing a rune it is recommended to know everything on the powers of the rune you want to practice. The flow of energy is different for each rune, a field of research for your sensitivity.
The hand positions, or mudras are effective only after you have anchored the runes in your own aura and body. They can be made silent and unobtrusive.
- Understanding Runes
- Asatru
- Futhark
- Flight of the Condor
- A Practical Guide to the Runes
- Esoteric Rune Magic
- Image from Deep Earth Arts
Witches know that ultimate Magick comes from the heart of nature. Forging a strong bond with nature by nurturing house plants is very empowering and can sort out your health too!
The top five plants all remove chemical vapors that build up in the home from paints, cleaners, solvents and other unhealthy things – and they have magickal abilities too as listed below:
- GERBERA DAISY Great to encourage happiness.
- PEACE LILY Encourages harmonious energies and good communication.
- BOSTON FERN Encourages psychic ability and intuition.
- ENGLISH IVY For protection and luck – especially good for newly weds.
- ARECA PALM (or Butterfly or Yellow Palm) For peace and creativity.
When you feel surrounded by negativity or weighed down by bad habits, use essential oils as follows:
- Lemon or sage for cleansing
- All citrus oils are especially good for stimulating creativity and giving your mind a fresh, clean slate to fill with positive thoughts.
- Thyme oil is also effective for an energy reboot.
- The calming, reassuring properties of lavender will help you stay on track with new, positive habits.
Mace is a spice made from the waxy red covering which covers nutmeg seeds. It is completely different from the protective pepper spray with the same name.
Mace is produced by, Myristica franrans, a member of the mayriticaceae family. This plant, native to Indonesia, grows into a tropical evergreen tree of up to thirty feet tall.
Mace is actually the aril of the nutmeg seed shell. It is removed from the shell. The broken part of it is generally known as blades. Nutmeg and mace are treated separately. But the history of both of them is related to each other. The color of mace can be different from one to another place. The mace from West Indies is generally yellowish brown. On the other side mace from East Indian nutmegs are actually orange when dried. Mace is sweet and fragrant but quite stronger than nutmeg. The flavor of mace is aromatic, sharp and warm and is sweeter than nutmeg.
Magickal Uses for Mace:
- Planet: Mercury
- Element: Air
- Magickal influences: Psychic awareness
Mace emits a powerful, spicy odor and is well known from its use in cooking. It smells a lot like nutmeg, which makes complete sense, since mace is actually the covering of the nutmeg nut. Because it has this aspect of being like a peel or rind, it is usually considered ruled by Mercury according to sources like Agrippa, even though its scent is warmish, reminding one more of Jupiter or Sun. But Mercury works well for just about any magical purpose, since Mercury rules magic itself.
It is designated as the primary incense in Grimoirium Verum, in particular for censing the Circle. Mace has a more complex scent than nutmeg, perhaps not as flowery: a blend of spice, bitterness, clove, and pine. Mace is one of the winter spices in Wassail bowl, along with cardamom, clove, nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon, and coriander, and is often, along with them, used in prosperity charms. The nice thing about blade mace is that you can be sure there is nothing in it but mace.
To enhance psychic awareness, sit comfortably and inhale the aroma, visualizing it penetrating your conscious mind, relaxing its hold and traveling to your deep consciousness. Psychic awareness will blossom.
Sprinkle some outside doors and windows for protection. Mace also stimulates brain activity and creativity. Smell the spice for inspiration, or mix with success formulas and burn as incense. You can also dust your hands with the powder.
Mace at one time found use in a money-drawing douche among prostitutes, who mixed the powder with distilled vinegar and water. It was said that a man whose member came in contact with a woman who had thus “dressed her pussy” would be under her control, and would seek her out and pay her well for repeated trysts.
The money drawing powers of mace makes sense because mace grows attached to the nutmeg, itself a celebrated money drawing spice.
- Nature Spirits: Plant faeries
- Herbs: Basil, chives, dragons blood, geranium, thistle
- Colors: Crimson red, gold
- Flowers: Daisy, sweetpea
- Scents: Pine, bay, bergamot, patchouli
- Stones: Ruby, garnet, sard
- Trees: Pine, bay, hazel
- Animals: Bear, wolf
- Birds: Hawk, magpie
- Deities: Kali, Hathor, Anahita, Ceres, Ishtar, Venus, Bast
- Birth stone: Diamond
- Birth flower: Daisy or sweet pea
- Zodiac Signs: Aries (until April 19) and Taurus (April 20 onwards).
Power Flow:
Energy into creating and producing; return balance to the nerves; change; self confidence; self reliance; take advantage of opportunities; work on temper and emotional flare-ups and selfishness.
From: Moon Magic
Art by Jane Haworth
- Magickal Purpose: Orange’s uses in magic are for breaking spells, promoting personal creativity, increasing memory, healing nervous disorders, controlling runaway emotions, travel, writing, business transactions and obtaining information.
- Magickal Uses: Personal creativity, career, legal issues, business
Orange is a male color. The color orange symbolizes success, energy, spiritual evolution, and creativity. Orange is the color of mental agility, eloquence and speech, health, ambition, personal creativity, balancing business, legal problems, memory and sharing. Orange combines the intellect of yellow with the vitality of red.
Orange’s uses in magic are for breaking spells, promoting personal creativity, increasing memory, healing nervous disorders, controlling runaway emotions, career, legal issues, balance and neutrality, organization, travel, writing, business transactions and obtaining information.
Here are the magickal correspondences for the color Orange:
- Element: Air/Fire
- Direction: East/South
- Chakra: Spleen Chakra
- Planets: Mercury, Mars, Saturn
- Day:
- Tuesday – Physical Action,
- Wednesday – Mental Action,
- Sunday – Both Actions
- Number: 2
- Magickal tools: Wand and Censer
- Scent/Essential Oil: Dill, Lily of the Valley, Savory, Honeysuckle, Sweetpea, Jasmine
- Plant/Herb: Fern, Lily of the Valley, Marjoram Savory, Valerian, Vervain, Alstonia, Buckwheat, Calamint, Snapdragon, Flax, Senna, Wandering Jew, Mugwort, Rue, the same as the Red and Yellow for enhancements, Fenugreek, Gardenia.
- Tree/Wood: Hazel, Beech, Lemon Tree, Maple, Lime tree, Orange Tree.
- Animal: All of the RED animals, Swallow, Prairie Dog, Butterfly, Scallop, Bison, Butterfly, Catbird, Crane, Fox (clarity), Hawk, Martin, Prairie Dog and Squirrel.
- Minerals/Stones: Moss Agate, Carnelian, Alexandrite, Orange Sapphire, Quartz, Orange Calcite, Petrified Wood
- Tarot Cards: The Eights.
- Gods: Atlas, Janus, Terminus, Pan, Zeus,
- Goddess: Athena, Bast, Carna, Diana, Lilith, Kali, Melusine, Minerva, Rhiannon, Syn
- Personality: Agreeable, extroverted, excitable, sociable
Collected from various sources including The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients and
- Magickal Purpose: Intellect, thought, mental, analysis sun, sunlight, memory and creativity
- Magickal Uses: Concentration, creativity, learning, intellectual, knowledge, understanding, astral projection, telepathy, mental abilities, thoughts. Good for students.
Use the color yellow for happiness, healing, success, and fame spells. Conception or fertility magick also use yellow. Offer five yellow fruits or vegetables to a river to protect children. Place yellow flowers in a room to stimulate creative thought. Yellow can also be effective in spells to enhance knowledge, communication skills and to give confidence and aid in visualization. The color yellow aids in repelling negative energy.
Here are the magickal correspondences for the color yellow:
- Element: Air
- Direction: East
- Chakra: Solar Plexus
- Planet: Sun
- Days: Sunday- Mental Action, Wednesday – Pysical Action
- Number: 3
- Magickal Tools: Wand, Sword
- Magickal Forms: Candle, Cloth
- Scent/Essential Oil: Lemon, Frankincense, Bay, Patchouli, Marigold, Lavender, Laurel, Cinnamon Orange Blossoms, Musk, Vanilla, Cloves.
- Plant/Herb: Laurel, Vine, Ash, Rue Marigold, St. Johns Wort, Centaury, Chamomile, Mistletoe, Saffron, Begonia, Geranium, Morning Glory, Snapdragon, Daffodil, Rosemary, Sunflower and Daisy.
- Tree/Wood: Birch, Oak, Rubber
- Animal: Phoenix, Snake, Beetle, Dragonfly, Meadowlark, Chameleon, Antelope, Snake, Crow, Bobcat, Goat, Lion, Mouse, Gull, Sea Lion, Parrot and Oriole.
- Minerals/Stones: Topaz, Yellow Diamond, Pyrite Yellow Jacinth,Rutilated Quartz, Clear Quartz, Chrysolite, Goldstone, Citrine, some Tiger Eye, Carnelian, Amber.
- Tarot Cards: The Sun, Knights, Sixes.
- Gods: Apollo, Janus,
- Goddess: Anu, Brighid, Carna, Diana. Fortuna, Syn,
- Personality: Intellectual, learn, introvert, creative, light-hearted and outgoing.
Collected from various sources including The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients and