All Purpose

“There is no life without water.”
~Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

Water magick is very versatile; it incorporates techniques that bring about changes both within and without. For water magick to occur within, one must consume the water or call upon that aspect of the self. For it to occur without, one must bathe in it, swim in it, cleanse with it, etc.

Water is a universal symbol of the unconscious mind and is linked to the moon, femininity, and irrationality. Oceans are equated with chaos as they are boundless and ungovernable. The conscious mind is more closely linked to the lake or pond. The ancient belief that the earth was created from primordial waters is a psychological metaphor for the birth of ideas in the unconscious mind.

Water is the primordial substance of Goddess Mother; one of the four elements; in Sanskrit “Va” is one of the primary mantras the brought the universe into being; the glyph for water is a circle with a horizontal line, like the sea horizon, called a diameter, which literally means “Goddess Mother”; the primordial Ocean of Blood, the Generative Womb of All, the Deep.

Water Associations and Symbols

Water is sometimes represented by undulating lines, or a triangle pointing down. Colors commonly associated with water are blue and green.

  • Life
  • Motion
  • Renewal
  • Blessing
  • Intuition
  • Reflection
  • Subconscious
  • Fertilization
  • Purification
  • Transformation

Differing Types of Water

The magickal properties of particular types of water can be used for the following purposes:

  • Creeks and streams: Purification, harmony, cleansing
  • Dew: General health, eyesight, beauty. Dew is said to be especially powerful if gathered at dawn on Beltane.
  • Fog and mists: Creativity, balance, partnerships.
  • Ice: Transformations, balance, creativity.
  • Pond or lake water: Peace, contentment, relaxation, self-reflection.
  • Rain water: Energy, protection, cleansing. The first rain that falls in the month of May is considered sacred.
  • River water: Cleansing, moving forward, protection.
  • Seawater: Health, magickal power, manifestation of goals. An old Welsh belief states that a spoonful of seawater a day will ensure a long and healthy life.
  • Snow: Transformations, balance.
  • Spring water: Growth, holy water, cleansing, protection, prosperity.
  • Swamp and waste water: Banishing, binding.
  • Waterfalls: Power, energy, success.
  • Well water: Healing, wishes, intuition.

The Environment of Water

The areas surrounding the water can be used for the following magickal purposes:

  • Beaches: Rituals, spells, fascinations, meditation.
  • Harbors: To promote abundance and prosperity; to serve as an aid in banishing things.
  • Riverbanks: To increase personal power.

One method of water magick is to draw symbols on a sandy beach and wait for the waves to erase them and bring your spell to completion. You can use magickal symbols or simple stick figures. You can also draw with soapstone or natural chalk and allow the rain to wash it away. Releasing things into a running stream is yet another method.

The element of water is associated with the western quadrant and represents dreams and feelings. More ways to work with this element are magickal baths for cleansing, love, healing, protection, and prosperity.

Water drowns and erodes, wearing away even the densest of stones given enough time. Water is also one of the four elements essential to life in traditional western philosophy. Its qualities are fluidity and cohesiveness. Flowing water usually represents change and the passage of time.

Water Correspondences

Cup: medieval universal symbol of water, the mother element; represents the water of the sea womb which gave birth to the earth and all that lived on it.

Fountain: the fons vitae, or fount of life, was the source of the life force, the primordial “nether upsurge” of blood/water from the womb of Mother Earth.

Lapis Lazuli: traditionally symbolized water as the primordial element of creation.

Lotus: Hindu womb of nature; symbol of the four elements, water being the surrounding support for the stalk of the lotus blossom.

Ocean: equated with the Tao as the primordial and the inexhaustible.

Pearl: created from the union of male (fire) and female (water); the merging of water and moonlight.

River: symbol of purification, death and rebirth; dwelling place of gods, goddesses, water-spirits, nymphs, and naiads (in Greek mythology a type of female spirit).

Sea: the eternal deep; Egyptian name for the sea is Temu; symbol of birth and rebirth; holy baptismal waters; in Scandinavia called “the Mother’s Womb”; associated with ancient goddesses the world over; global universality of the sea goddess.

Streams: sacred, life-giving water; curative; restorative.

Well: the feminine principle; womb of the Great Mother; sacred portal to the “other world.”

Crossing Water

If you are ever out walking or driving and feel danger or ‘evil’ nearby, try to cross over water. This can mean driving over a bridge or stepping over the water running down a gutter or stream. Evil and danger cannot cross over water, for it purifies and neutralizes it, thus rendering you safe.

This is an ancient custom, but can still be used today with good effect.

Water Symbolism

The symbolism of water has a universal undertone of purity and fertility. Symbolically, it is often viewed as the source of life itself as we see evidence in countless creation myths in which life emerges from primordial waters.

Interestingly, we are all made of water, and so we can liken many of these myths and allegories to our own existence (the macrocosm mirroring the microcosm and vice versa). Further, we can incorporate symbolism of circulation, life, cohesion and birth by associating the creative waters of the earth with the fluids found in our own body (i.e., blood).

In Taoist tradition, water is considered an aspect of wisdom. The concept here is that water takes on the form in which it is held and moves in the path of least resistance. Here the symbolic meaning of water speaks of a higher wisdom we may all aspire to mimic.

The ever-observant ancient Greeks understood the power of transition water holds. From liquid, to solid, to vapor – water is the epitome of metamorphosis and philosophical recycling.

Among the first peoples of North America, water was considered a valuable commodity (particularly in the more arid plains and western regions) and the Native Americans considered water to be a symbol of life (further solidifying the symbol affixed in many creation myths).

So it is also with the ancient Egyptians as we learn their beloved (and heavily relied upon) Nile river is akin to the birth canal of their existence.

  • Unseen influences.

For many reasons, water meaning deals with intuition, psychic perception and dreams. What happens under the surface of water is a mystery to the unaided eye. It’s much the same with human emotions. Water reminds us to dive beneath the surface of our feelings and use intuition for better understanding.

  • Healing effects.

For centuries, cultures around the world have viewed water as a sacred symbol of healing, cleansing and renewal. It’s a no-brainer, really. Water washes off the grime…not just mud, but also the crummy stuff that clutters in our hearts. Water can energetically cleanse us inside and out!

  • Get flexible.

One of the most beautiful lessons water can teach us his how to be flexible and embrace change. Consider: Water always takes on the form in which it is held. It can also carve out mountains to make its way forward. Water reminds us to go with the flow no matter what the situation.

Water In Astrology

In western astrology, the following signs are  Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are considered to be “water” signs.

  • Cancer – The Crab

Cancer is a cardinal water sign and it represents clarity, purity, trust, refreshment, and regeneration. The crab’s shedding of its shell for a new one represents the rebirth or renewal aspect of water. Its contentment to flow with the natural cadence of water represents motion and trust.

  • Scorpio – The Scorpion

Scorpio is a fixed water sign. Water deals with the subconscious and holds endless mysteries like the obscure world thriving inside vast murky oceans. The sign Scorpio associates with water to symbolize stillness, reflection, and mystery.

  • Pisces – The Fish

Pisces is a mutable water sign and representative of life, motion, depth, and understanding. Water is believed to contain knowledge of the infinite unknown and is known to be the source of life. As a water symbol, the fish represents wisdom, creativity, and fertility.

Water In The Tarot

In the Tarot we find water is symbolized by the entire suit of cups. As water symbols, Tarot cups represent intuition, emotion and inter-connected energy flow between all living things. Just like water is formless and takes the form of the vessel it is put in, Tarot cups are elusive, seductive and difficult to interpret. Their meaning depends on the person viewing them. Tarot cups deals with complex issues related to the heart, psyche, and emotions that can be fluid as water.

Besides the suit of cups, water is also symbolized by some other Tarot cards, including the Moon, Star, and Temperance.

The Moon Tarot card represents the subconscious, emotion, reflection and clarity. The Star Tarot card symbolizes intuition, guidance, motion, fluidity, cleansing, and rejuvenation. Meanings of The Temperance Tarot card deal with maintaining fluidity, keeping in motion, going with the flow, creating harmony, and striking a healthy balance between the conscious and the subconscious.

Water In the Celtic Ogham

The Celtic Ogham denotes the system of wisdom followed by the ancient Celtic people. It consists of twenty sacred tree symbols that convey unique cosmic expressions and each tree symbolizes a specific attribute, essence of feeling. Trees of the Celtic Ogham that are associated with the element of water are:

  • Willow

With its affinity to watery areas, the willow has been closely connected with the psychic realm and used in ritual and metaphysical practices. It symbolizes inspired imagination, clarity, growth, and adaptability.

  • Reed

Growing in swampy areas, the reed was used by the Celts in many ways – making roofs, cleansing homes, making candles & flutes, etc. Reed’s water symbolism includes purification, protection, and clarification.

  • Alder

The Alder is primarily a swamp or wetlands tree. Often, its roots are submerged in a watery area and provide shelter to fish. Its leaves decompose in water and provide nutrients for water creatures. Alder associates with water by symbolizing life, nurturing and revitalization.

The Christian Context

In a Christian context, water has many correlations. Christ walked on water, and transmuted it into wine, thus these acts can be seen as a transcendence of the earthly condition. Christians are baptized with or in water, symbolizing a purification of the soul, and an admission into the faith. Biblical associations with water can also be destructive as in the great flood which only Noah and his family escaped.

Water Superstitions and Lore

According to folk belief, spilling water behind the person who goes on a journey, or to do a job, will bring good luck, and is done so that the travel or the job will end happily. It is also practiced when going to school, on an exam, for a job interview, going into the army and the like.

Many years ago in Wales, it was believed that splashing water around when washing clothes would cause a wife to be cursed with a drunken husband.

It is bad luck to boil water without purpose. If you let the kettle boil over or fill the teapot too much, a thunderstorm will surely follow.

Leaving water on a table top will dispel bad spirits and attract ants. However, you can leave a full glass of water out on a counter top or on top of the refrigerator to ward off negative energy or bad spirits at night.

If someone sneezes once (more than once is okay) as you are leaving the house, it’s bad luck, so you have to go back in, sit down for a while, drink some water and then attempt to leave again.

An English superstition hinged on the belief that water would protect your house from night-time nasties like ghouls and demons. If you threw water out of your home during the night, so said the old wives’ tale, you weakened this protective force and left yourself open to a run of bad luck.

You’d also be in for some less-than-good luck, if you spilt water when you were carrying it back home from the brook or spring – though it’s unclear if this was founded on the same belief in malevolent spirits.

Bulgarians have superstitions around water and travel. When someone leaves the house for travel, or for important days, such as weddings, the first day of a new job or the last day at school, people throw some water, for instance a cup of water, and say, “everything goes like on water”. This means good luck, or in the case of a travel that all the things in the person’s absence will run smoothly like water flows.

A Yorkshire tradition involved pouring hot water on the doorstep of a church after a newlywed bride and groom left. This would ‘keep the threshold warm’ for another wedding – the idea being that before the water evaporated, the seeds would be planted for the next village wedding.

It was believed that those who suffered from sore hands in winter could solve the problem by going out and grabbing a bowl of the first snow to fall. Letting this melt and then bathing your hands in it would stop the soreness for the entirety of the colder months, or so the suspicion said.

Similarly, water collected from the first rainfall in June was said to cure skin complaints and to get rid of freckles.

In Germany, it is strongly forbidden to say ‘cheers’, or ‘Prost’ with water. Even for a joke. Because it is said you are literally wishing death to all your drinking buddies.

Dreaming About Water

Water dreams are common, and they carry deep, primal significance. Of all the dream symbols, water seems to be the universal sign of subconscious thoughts and emotions. Jonah was swallowed by a fish in the water. Noah built an ark to survive the flood of the earth.

Water plays an integral role in numerous pieces of literature, art and mythology. Drowning in the water is one of the most common ways people fear dying, but consuming water is also necessary for life and health. Is there any wonder we have nightmares and dreams about water?

Whether the dreamer is in the water, near the water or far from the water, the key is to uncover what a dream about water reveals during waking hours.

In the language of dreams, water often represents our emotional life, the feelings we have under the surface, while the solid ground represents what we knowingly communicate to others.

Depending on the amount of water, the behavior of the water and the dreamer’s distance from the water, it is possible for the dreamer to piece together the meaning and learn what his dream is telling him.

A large body of water could symbolize deep emotions, while walking in the rain could suggest cleansing. Turbulent water can suggest turbulent emotions. Water that is muddy or murky could symbolize confused or unclear feelings. If you were lost or drowning in an ocean, you could feel overwhelmed by your emotions. Keeping a safe distance from choppy waves could symbolize emotions that are not being dealt with.

When you have a dream about water, try to recall answers to the following questions. They may help you discover the lesson your psyche is emphasizing.

  • What type of water did you dream about?
  • What was the behavior of the water in your dream?
  • What was your distance or reaction to the water?
  • What is your present emotional state?
  • What new thoughts have been on your mind?
  • What does a dream about water symbolize to you?

There are many ways to dream about water. Sometimes dreamers are fearful of it, resulting in nightmares, but other times it is a pleasurable experience, resulting in dreams of freedom and exploration.

The following two dream examples may provide help for your own interpretations.

  • Swallowed by the Sea

You are out at sea, floating on a small wooden raft alone. The waves have been rougher than usual, and you fear the raft will tip. Suddenly, a tremendous tidal wave forms and threatens to overwhelm you. Terrified of being swallowed by the sea, you wake with a start.

The vast ocean – with its deep waters, rising and falling tides, and mysterious sea creatures – can be a foreboding place to hang out alone. Floating on the surface of all this, on a flimsy raft, it is no wonder the dreamer fears she could “tip” at any moment. Matters take a turn for the worse when a tremendous tidal wave forms and draws near, threatening her life.

The phrase “swallowed by the sea” conjures an image of being consumed or overwhelmed by a large body of water. When people find themselves in a “sea of trouble,” they usually feel helpless to the situation that threatens to drown them.

In its simplest form, this dream could be a metaphor for emotions that threaten to overwhelm the dreamer in her waking state – especially since she only has a small raft to carry her. Since a tidal wave would likely symbolize an emotional upheaval, the dreamer is probably experiencing some big emotions.

If the dreamer swam through the wave, or saw herself in a sturdy boat, this may provide a clue as to how she is dealing with her emotions. In this case, however, the waves are “rougher than usual” and she is scared of the tidal wave drawing near. Sometimes, our fears feel larger than reality; the dreamer may do well to avoid letting a present situation of concern consume her thoughts and feelings.

  • Underwater and Breathing

You are in the middle of swimming through an underwater tunnel and holding your breath is becoming more difficult. Just when you think you can’t last another second longer, you take a deep breath. You can breathe under water! When you emerge from the tunnel, you decide to swim free in the ocean and explore it for fun.

This is a delightful dream, and it carries rich symbolism. The dreamer starts out holding his breath because he doesn’t think he can breathe in the water. This may be the same way many people feel when they are about to approach a confrontation, unexpected meeting or difficult situation. Not knowing what will happen, emotions tense, they move forward, “holding their breath.”

The dreamer decides to go for it – he takes a breath because there is no other choice. To his surprise, he can breathe. And the feeling of freedom this provides sends him off on an underwater adventure, free to swim, play and explore.
“These underwater dreams suggest that the dreamer is immersed in emotion,” writes Richmond. “Since he can breathe under water, he is comfortable with his emotional life and feelings.”

  • Growth Opportunities

Whether it’s a dream or nightmare, the presence of water in any form can indicate how we are handling our unconscious (or conscious) feelings. By tuning into our deepest reservoirs of emotion, we can learn new ways of dealing, which can lead to growth and freedom.

A dreamer who avoids going near the water may feel intimidated by deep emotions and avoid close relationships in her waking hours. The key here is to go near the water – if not directly in it. Whether awake or asleep, allowing uncomfortable emotions to exist while wading into a situation “a little deeper” will yield a new experience. There is the chance of being hurt, but there is also the possible reward that comes with authentic closeness.

Dreams of water that cleanses, quenches or provides adventure can feel liberating. Most of the human body is made of water and, without it, humans couldn’t survive. When dreamers experience fun in the water, they are likely connecting in a healthy way with their spirit and psyche.

Dreams about water remind us that our emotions are a force to be reckoned with. They can open our lives to a deeper, more natural experience, or they can threaten to overwhelm us if left unattended. The good news is, as alarming as water dreams can be, they alert us to parts of ourselves that are open to exploration and growth.

The next time you have a dream about water, jump in! When you wake, analyze the language of your dreams and discover what new challenges await you.

Going With The Flow

“Water does not resist.
Water flows.
When you plunge your hand into it, all you feel is a caress.
Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you.
But water always goes where it wants to go,
and nothing, in the end, can stand against it.
Water is patient.
Dripping water wears away a stone.
Remember that, my child.
Remember you are half water.
If you can’t go through an obstacle, go around it.
Water does.”

~ Margaret Atwood

Deep Thoughts About Water

The nature of water is that it is defined by the shapes of the of the solid objects that surround it, but that it has no shape of its own. Even when frozen into ice, this “solid” water depends on its environment for the form it takes, even down to the gravity that dictates the shape of icicles.

In The Sacred and the Profane, Mircea Eliade observes that form “manifests itself above the waters, by detaching itself from the waters.”

Water symbolizes a mass of possibilities, and it’s not surprising that most creation stories share a common theme of the earth arising from a primordial, whirling, watery ocean from which all other life was created. Part of the story of our own evolution was when amphibious creatures came out of this water and spent their whole lives on dry land.

Similarly, the story of a great deluge is universal, whether as an accident of nature or as an act of God. For many religions, this flood constituted a symbolic “washing away of sins” on a grand scale.

Recent images from flooded cities, such as New Orleans, are a sober reminder of the devastation that can be wreaked by water’s huge, formless mass.

The movements of the Moon and the planets dictate the rising and falling of our earthly tides, further underpinning the connection between all the elements.

Individual life gestates in the watery environment of the womb. Here we start to make the connection between water and the feminine element, as the continually changing form of the Moon whose visible shape, like water, is also defined by something else; the light of the constant Sun.

Baptism, a religious ceremony sometimes involving a complete immersion in water, symbolizes a rebirth and regeneration, underlining the idea that water gave birth to all life.

Another vital aspect of water is its ability to reflect; Native American people call a still pool of water, aptly and lyrically, a “sky mirror.”  Water therefore gave man the first means of seeing himself as others saw him, and reinforced the reflective links to the Moon.

Like everything else in the world, water is affected by gravity. Water flows downwards, from the highest place until it meets the sea, and the river itself is a symbol of the linear aspect of time. This flowing water carries with it the spirit of the mountains from which it springs, providing an essential resource.

Most of the world’s major cities have developed along courses of rivers, and we find time and time again that both the rivers and the cities are held to be sacred in some way.

The oceans are so deep that, despite all of our exploration, there are still life forms that remain undetected. The oceans also contain surprising aspects, like the deep hot water vents whose apparently poisonous environment can support all sorts of creatures, be they animal or vegetable.

Because the deep waters of the sea and lakes symbolize unknown realms, we often find that fairy tales and myths use these watery depths as places where otherworldly spirits dwell.


If you are pursuing a spiritual or magical alliance with a specific plant, this is best accomplished with a living plant, redolent with power and consciousness, rather than processed, dried plants that retain power but lack conscious intelligence.

You can grow plants necessary for magick spells and/or physical healing. As you nurture the plant – communicate with it: share your fears and desires, let the plant know what you want from it. These plants will potentially provide more power for you than any others. They become your partners in healing and magic. It is a symbiotic relationship: they care for you as you care for them.

In many cases if you want to work with a plant, you’ll have to grow it. that’s the only way it is guaranteed to be available. The plant realm is as ecologically devastated, if not more so, than the animal kingdom. Many plants are extinct or seriously endangered. The only way to work with some magical plants (Solomon’s Seal or Low John the Conqueror, for example), the only way to incorporate them into any spell is to grow and nurture them. It is the only way their power will be available to you.

source: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

Animals are often archetypal symbols of sorts, and they also bring up certain images in people’s minds. Therefore, they are powerful symbols that can be used for a variety of purposes.

Animal likenesses can be used in the form of statues to guard the house; on jewelry to inspire or protect; in visions or manifested as spirit helpers for those that believe in totem animals; and even as a decoration whose meaning runs deeper than the surface. Little figurines of any animal can be included in a mojo bag or charm for symbolic value. Also, the behavior of an animal can be taken as a sign of things to come or events unknown.

Another interesting way to integrate the attributes of a specific animal, or to bring their power and presence into your life is to transfer the image of the animal to a very small piece of paper, roll the paper into a small ball and swallow it.

What follows is a by no means complete list of basic lore inspired by and expanded from The Magick of Folk Wisdom, and other sources. Use these symbols in combination with each other, with the symbolism of engraved stones, with color symbolism, and with anything else that is inspiring.

  • Adder:

Transformation, Healing, Life Energy, Rebirth, Resurrection, Initiation, Wisdom, Cunning, Reincarnation

  • Alligator, Crocodile:

Maternal Protection, Connection to the Earth Mother, Protection from Manipulation, Understanding Deceit, Revenge Through Patience, Initiation, Understanding Weather, Access to Ancient Knowledge, Aggression, Survival, Adaptability

  • Ant:

Patience, Stamina, Planning, Energy, Communal Living, Storing for the Future, Group Minded, Perseverance, Step by Step, Teamwork, Industriousness, Order and Discipline. An ant bite signifies an upcoming fight. Use as a symbol for hard working and success.

  • Ape and/or Monkey:

Put an ape on an amulet of protection. Use a monkey as a symbol of benevolence. Carrying an engraved monkey stone can lend levelheadedness. Envisioning apes on guard around you can help to be freed from unjust accusations.

  • Badger:

Keeper of Stories, Bold Self-Expression, Aggressiveness, Single-Mindedness, Passion, Cunning, Revenge, Perseverance, Control, Antidote to Passivity or Victimization, Persistence in the Service of a Mission, Groundedness, Knowledge of the Earth, Earth Magick and Wisdom, Creative Action in a Crisis, Protection of Rights and Spiritual Ideas. Staying power and determination to overcome all odds. Carrying a badgers tooth – Good luck (especially for gamblers)

  • Bat:

Death and Rebirth, Guardian of the Night, Cleaner. Often considered a sign of upcoming death or bad omen. Images of bats can aid eyesight. Use as a symbol of longevity and joy. Popular spirit guide because of night vision ability. Inspiring animal for meditation on enhancing psychic abilities.

The bat, which sometimes chooses a human as a companion or becomes a familiar to a human, is thought to confer long life, happiness and wealth to those humans with which it lives. The bat is sacred to Persephone, and thought to be lucky as a companion animal.

  • Bear:

Introspection, Healing, Solitude, Change, Communication with Spirit, Death and Rebirth, Transformation, Astral Travel, Creature of Dreams, Shamans and Mystics, Visionaries, Defense and Revenge, Wisdom, Thoughtfulness, Need for Retreat, Rest, Natural Strength, Primal Power, Sovereignty, Intuitions Married with Instinct, Awakening the Power of the Unconscious, Introspection, Mother, Cunning, Healer, Dreaming, Direction, Connection to Creator, Nature’s Pharmacist.

An emblem of power and protection. Bear meat is said to be a cure for insomnia and baldness. A symbol of reborn springtime, after hibernation. Guardian of the West in some cultures. Honey bears symbolize truth. A bear appearing in real life or in dreams can symbolize a resting period followed by flourishing growth.

  • Bee:

Connection to the Goddess Diana, Understanding Female Warrior Energy, Reincarnation, Communication with the Dead, Helping Earth-Bound Spirits Move on to Their Proper Place, Concentration, Prosperity, Community, Celebration, Organization, Fertility and the Honey of Life, Sweetness of Truth. Gods’ messengers. Carriers of good souls in the next life. A swarm of bees indicates a catastrophe on its way.

  • Beaver:

Doer, Builder, Gatherer

  • Birds:

The phrase “a little bird told me” harkens back to the time when birds were watched to divine the future. Ask a bird your question, then throw it some seed. If it eats it, the answer is ‘yes’; if it does not eat it, the answer is ‘no.’ A bird residing in your home as a companion animal will increase the memory and increase the mental powers of those with whom it connects. Birds are sacred to Mercury, their fallen feathers have many uses in spells.

Examples, of some bird feather practices include placing feathers above the doorway to prevent children from wandering out and getting lost, placing a wreath of feathers under a sick person’s pillow to speed recovery, and hanging feathers over a bed to prevent nightmares (note that feathers are also hung from dream catchers).

  • Bison and Buffalo:

Popular totem animal of old. Buffalo image helps to inspire successful meditation. Earth Creativity, Feminine Courage, Abundance, Knowledge, Generosity, Hospitality, Sharing Work, Courage, Strength, Challenge, Survival, Giving for the Greater Good, Formulating Beneficial Plans, Prayer, Sacredness, Life Builder.

  • Blackbird:

Enchantment, The Gateway, The Inner Call, Understanding of the Energies of Mother Nature

  • Boar:

The Warrior Spirit, Leadership, Direction. Greek/Roman personification of victorious battle. A symbol of nature-based wealth. The boar is an inspiring symbol for success and protection, especially when the chips are down.

  • Bobcat:

Clear Vision in Dark Places, Vigilance, Suspicion, Seeking Ancient Mystical Mysteries, Ability to Live in Solitude, Ability to See Through Masks

  • Bull:

Wealth, Potency, Beneficence, Fertility

  • Butterfly:

The three parts of the butterfly’s body symbolize the three phases of life. A good inspiration for transformation. A symbol of happy union when carved in jade. A group of butterflies indicates positive change on the way. Butterflies can carry the souls of the dead in some traditions.

  • Cat:

Independence, Protection, Love, Allows us to Dream its Dreams, Assists in Meditation, Ability to Fight when Cornered, Mystery, Magic, Guardianship, Detachment, Sensuality, Aloofness, Balance, Wisdom, Recuperative Power, Reincarnation, Strong Protector, Self-Assured, Searching for Hidden Information, Seeing Spirits. Worshiped as divine in some cultures. Thought to have nine lives, so aligned with the symbolism of nine, a lucky number.

Black cats can be a bad omen for some, if they cross your path. The appearance of a stray cat at your door could indicate monetary gain. Asking a question and then watching a cat walk into the room was a divination procedure; if the cat stepped first into the room with the right paw, the answer was yes. A cat is popular for amulets used to keep the wearer safe in travel.

Of all animals, cats are most sacred to witches because of their connection to the Moon. Cats were sacred to Freya, Isis, Sekhmet, Astarte and Diana, among others. Sharing your home with cats brings many blessings and much luck.

  • Chameleon:

Use of Color as Camouflage, Survival, Patience, Ability to Climb to Attain Ones Goals, Using the Sun as a Source of Power. A symbol of the ever-changing future, and of inconsistency. A resurrection symbol. Its appearance could be studied for signs of rain on the way. Useful inspiration for blending in.

The chameleon as a companion animal is believed to ward off the evil eye, increase sexual appetite, ward off disease and make humans more acceptable to other humans.

  • Cheetah:

Ability to Focus Intently on Something for a Short Period of Time, Swiftness, Self-Esteem, Accelerating Time, Keenness of Sight, Speed, Making Events Occur Quicker

  • Cobra:

Soul Guide, Memory of the Soul World, Transmutation of the Soul, Past Life Memories, Wisdom of the Goddess, Freedom from Religious Persecution

  • Cougar:

Using Leadership Power Wisely and Without Ego, Balancing Power, Intention, Strength, Gaining Self-Confidence, Freedom from Guilt, Cunning, Savagery, Fury, Remorseless, Hunting, Seeking of Freedom, Balancing Intention, Power, Coming into Your Own Power, Courage, Swiftness, Balance

  • Cow:

Being Alert to Danger, Contentment, Great Mother Goddess, Love, Connection to the Grasses, Sharing through Community, Vitality, Health, Prosperity, Life of the Land, Nourishment, Motherhood. One mother goddess symbol. Sacred in India. Red cows are a symbol of hope. Inspiring symbol for nurturing efforts.

  • Coyote:

Understanding That All Things are Sacred–Yet Nothing is Sacred, Intelligence, Ability to Laugh at One’s Own Mistakes, Shape-Shifting, Teaching Balance Between Risk and Safety, Illumination, Stealth, Clowning and Humor, Wisdom of Folly, Prankster, Insight, Playful

  • Crab:

Ability to Escape by Moving Sideways Understanding the Power of Dance, Ability to Move Through Water (Emotions), Male Aspects of Community, Protection of Home Space

  • Cricket:

Some believe crickets are reincarnated family members come to bless the home. Good luck charm. If one lives in your chimney, you are blessed; if it leaves, bad things are on the way.

  • Crow:

Guardian of the Place Before Existence, Carrier of Souls from Darkness into Light, Working Without Fear in Darkness, Guidance While Working in Shadow, Moves Freely in the Void, Understands all Things Related to Ethics, Shapeshifter, Secret Magic of Creation, Thief, Trickery, Boldness, Skill, Cunning, Single-Mindedness, A Bringer of Knowledge, Swiftness, Eloquence

  • Deer:

Gentleness, Healing, Connection to the Earth and the Forest, Keen Scent, Grace, Swiftness, Being Alert for Any Danger, Psychic Powers, Innocence, Love, Kindness, Sensitivity, Pride, Independence, Purification, Strength, Nobility. Deerskin has been thought to help epileptic people be cured.

Visions or dreams of deer indicate desire to find the right path. Sighting a deer, especially if it is unafraid of you, is a sign of an influential person coming into your life to teach you what you most want to learn.

  • Dog:

Guidance, Protection, Loyalty, Faithfulness, Devotion, Trust. A dog howling at the moon is a bad omen. Dogs can supposedly sense the presence of ghosts. If a dog hides under a table, a thunderstorm is on the way. Putting a coral necklace on your pet dog will protect it from disease. A dog arriving unexpectedly at your house forecasts the arrival of a new friendship. A dog’s appearance in a vision or dream indicates loyalty, service, and trust.

Dogs have long had a magickal place in religious rites. Dogs are sacred to Hecate and because of this, it is thought that dogs can see Hecate, or danger, approaching and warn humans. Thus, they are watchers of the home, and bring not only protection, but love.

  • Dolphin:

Change, Wisdom, Balance, Harmony, Communication Skills, Freedom, Trust, Water Element Magick, Life, Breath, Communion with Nature, Protection, Psychic Awareness, Eloquence, Freedom, Magick, Discovery, Truth, Kindness, Play. Dolphins are thought to carry departed souls to the next incarnation. When dolphins leap often, a storm is coming. A dolphin image signifies joyous, childlike play and helpfulness.

  • Donkey:

Placing an ailing person on a donkey’s back may bring them back from the brink of death. If the person cannot be placed to sit, passing them under the donkey’s belly three times does the trick. A donkey symbolizes fertility and easy childbirth. Donkeys are symbols of efficiency, health, well-being, and luck.

  • Dove:

Peace, Love, Spirit messenger, Feminine Energies, Maternity, Prophesy

  • Dragon:

Ancient Powers, Intelligence, Ferocity, Elemental Magick, Extra Power, Protection, Instruction in the Spiritual. A symbol of wisdom due to long lives and potent magick. Dragon charms can bring power. Visions or dreams of dragons can symbolize a person in power. Dreaming of flying on the back of a dragon symbolizes the beginning of a new spiritual insight.

  • Dragonfly:

Dreams, Illusions, Understanding Dreams, Truth, Power of Light (Luminescence of Colors), Flighty, Carefree. Do not scare off a dragonfly; it brings harmony and serendipity. A symbol of dreams, luck, and ancient knowledge.

  • Eagle, Golden Eagle, Sea Eagle:

Swiftness, Strength, Courage, Wisdom, Keen Sight, Illumination of Spirit, Healing, Creation, Knowledge of Magick, Ability to See Hidden Spiritual Truths, Connection to Spirit Guides and Teachers, Power, Intelligence, Renewal, Clear Vision, The Solar Bird, Spiritual Power, Carries Souls Back to the Dreamtime, Soul World Memory, Retrieves Lost Soul Parts.

  • Elk:

Strength, Agility, Freedom, Power, Nobility

  • Elephant:

Memory, Strength, Ancient Wisdom, Power

  • Falcon:

Soul Healing, Accompanying the Soul Back to the Soul World, Teaching Swiftness, Controlling Speed and Movement, Understanding Magick, Astral Travelling, Healing

  • Fish:

Associated with messiahs and saviors. Fish symbolize good luck and prosperity. Fish that dwell in wells are thought to be water spirits. Carp are symbolic of true love and courage, because of their upstream swim to spawning ground. Used as a symbol for foresight, fortune, and miracles.

Fish kept in the home offset negative energies because they are magically ruled by the Sun. Fish are also thought to attract money, ensure fertility and strengthen relationships, especially marriages.

  • Fox:

Shapeshifting, Cleverness, Observational Skills, Cunning, Stealth, Camouflage, Feminine Courage, Invisibility, Ability to Observe Unseen, Persistence, Gentleness, Swiftness, Diplomacy, Wildness, Adaptation, Slyness, Wisdom, Protection, Provider, Intelligence. Foxes align themselves with certain families and appear to them when danger is near. Foxes can be seen as tricksters, Shapeshifters, and possessors of great magick. Visions or dreams of a fox may indicate a need to reevaluate your position.

  • Frog and Toad:

Sensitivity, Medicine, Hidden Beauty and Power, Cleansing, Healing Magicks, Faith, Miracles. A frog’s tongue was used in the Middle Ages to place over a lover’s heart and make her answer truthfully. Frogs are thought to be able to take sickness away. Frogs symbolize health, honesty, and purification.

Frogs in the home bring good luck, increase fertility and cause new friends to visit the home. A frog in the garden brings rain. A frog also is a symbol of resurrection and renewal because it is ruled by Water.

  • Gazelle:

If a gazelle crosses your path left to right, it is a bad omen. Thinking of the gazelle’s image in times when you need energy can help boost your personal power. Gazelles appearing in dreams indicate a need to settle an old score.
Goat: Sure Footedness, Seeking New Heights. Goats are aligned with Pan, and thus thought to be disguised forest deities. Goat’s fur or foot is an anti-evil talisman. Goat symbols can help to achieve goals, endure criticism, and stay safe.

  • Goose:

Vigilance, Parenthood, Productive Power, The Call of the Quest, Travels to Legendary Places, Luck, Innocence, Story Telling, Fertility, Fidelity, Symbol of 8 and Infinity

  • Hare:

Hares hopping into a churchyard are thought to be incarnations of departed young girls who died of abandonment. A hare crossing a pregnant woman’s path was unlucky. Hares are symbolic of lunar energy and fertility. If you see a hare unexpectedly, it can mean you may be dawdling on things that matter and should pick up the pace.

  • Hawk:

Clear-Sightedness, Being Observant, Far-Memory, Messages from Spirit, Guardianship, Recalling Past Lives, Courage, Wisdom, Illumination, Seeing the Larger Picture, Creativity, Truth, Experience, Wise Use of Opportunities, Overcoming Problems, Nobility, Recollection, Cleansing, Visionary Power, Defense, New Life, Primal Life Force, Fulfillment, Messenger

  • Hedgehog:

Hedgehogs are thought to be able to predict changes in the direction of the wind. Using an image of hedgehogs collecting grapes with their quills can help you reap the fruits of your labors.

  • Hornet, Wasp, Yellowjacket:

Use of Female Warrior Energy, Sisterhood, Understanding Female Societies, Communal Living

  • Horse:

The Goddess, the Land, Travel, Power, Freedom, Strength, Movement, Grace, Dignity, Stamina, Endurance, Faithfulness, Journey, Swiftness, Friends, Loyalty, Astral Traveling. Representative of transportation and communication. A black horse with a white marking on its forehead is lucky. Observing a white horse could give hints about the future.

  • Hummingbird:

Messenger, Stopper of Time.

  • Jaguar:

Seeing the Roads Within Chaos, Understanding the Patterns of Chaos, Moving Without Fear in the otherworld realms, Facilitating Soul Work, Empowering Oneself, Moving in Unknown Places, Shapeshifter, Psychic Sight, Releasing Fear. Some say shamans’ departed spirits can live on in jaguars. The jaguar is a good focus image for those wishing to begin a shaman path.

  • Leopard, Snow Leopard:

Sensitivity to Touch, Stalking, Approaching Someone Unseen, Movement in Shadow Worlds, Communication with Plant Kingdom, Understanding One’s Shadow Side, Trusting One’s Inner Self, Agility, Strength

  • Lion:

Letting Go of Stress, Strong Family Ties, Strength, Courage, Energy, Ferocity, Assertion of the Feminine and the Power of the Female Sun

  • Lizard:

Detachment from Ego, Power to Regenerate That Which is Lost, Facing Fear, Controlling Dreams, Moving in the Otherworld, Conservation, Agility. Lizards, which are ruled by Mars, keep disease from the home.

  • Lynx:

Keenness of Sight, Divination, Developing Psychic Senses, Keeper of all Secrets and Mysteries, Movement Through Time and Space, Secrets and Vision of the Hidden and Unseen

  • Monkey:

Monkeys, ruled by Mercury, bring success, health and good fortune to the home.

  • Moose:

Headstrong, Unstoppable Longevity.

  • Mountain Lion:

Using Leadership Power Wisely and Without Ego, Balancing Power, Intention, Strength, Gaining Self-Confidence, Freedom from Guilt, Cunning

  • Mouse:

Shyness, Quiet, Attention to Detail, Sneakiness

  • Newt:

Newts, ruled by Saturn and sacred to Athena, bring intelligence and watchfulness to the home.

  • Otter:

Joy, Playfulness, Sharing, Feminine Power, Helpfulness, Sharing, Adventure, the Magick of Joy, Youthful Exuberance, Zeal, Laughter, Curiosity, Mischievous.

  • Owl:

Silent and Swift Movement, Seeing Behind Masks, Keen Sight, Messenger of Secrets and Omens, Shape-Shifting, Link Between the Dark, Unseen World and the World of Light, Comfort with Shadow Self, Moon Magick, Freedom, Silent Wisdom, Nocturnal Vision, Healing Powers, Magical, Detachment, Change, the Mystery of Magic, Omens, the Arts, Watchfulness, Night Magicks, Truth, Patience.

  • Panther:

Astral Travel, Guardian Energy, Symbol of the Feminine, Understanding of Death, Reclaiming Ones Power, Ability to Know the Dark, Death, Rebirth, Swiftness, Cunning, Strength, Perseverance, Boldness, Beauty,. Gaining Confidence

  • Parrot:

A parrot improves the wit of its human companions. Teaching a parrot lucky words with bring luck to you each time the parrot says the words. If a parrot whistles unexpectedly, rain is coming.

  • Phoenix:

Overcoming Impossible Odds, Reincarnation, New Life/Cycles, Cleansing Energy of Fire, Rebirth, Renewal, Growth Spiritually, Strength, Energy

  • Pig, Sow, Hog:

Crone Goddess, Rooting out the Truth, Deep Earth Magick, Past Life Knowledge, Intelligence, Cunning, Generosity, Nourishment, Discovery. Hogs are used as food for special occasions. Eating their meat is supposed to help the triumph over darkness. Pigs are symbolic of rebirth and rejuvenation.

  • Rabbit, Hare:

Guile, Quick-Thinking, Humility, Strengthening Intuition, Releasing Fear, Overcoming the Past, Resolution to Change, Fertility, New Life, Alertness, Nurturing, Rebirth, Balance. Rabbit’s feet are lucky talismans, probably because of their swiftness.

Rabbits can be utilized in meditation by envisioning a rabbit hopping away and towing your troubles away from you. Saying “rabbit” as the last word before you sleep and “hare” as the first word when you wake up can bring a gift once a month. There are several variations on this.

  • Raccoon:

Curiosity,Creativity, Dexterity, Disguise

  • Raven:

Healing, Initiation, Protection, Magic, Shapeshifting, Creation, Help with Divination, Wisdom, Eloquence, Magick of the Crone, Trickster, Teacher, Hoarder.

  • Salamander:

Connects Earth and Water, Connection to Soul Memories, Change, Comfort in Darkness, Ability to Cloak in the Face of Adversity

  • Salmon:

Understanding Divination Messages, Rebirth of Spiritual Knowledge, Instinct, Persistence, Determination, Wisdom, Inspiration, Rejuvenation

  • Scorpion:

Death, Rebirth, Transmutation, Repelling Negativity. When the sun is in the house of Scorpio, initiations can take place successfully, aligning the initiate with the fire sign. Scorpions symbolize the “fire within” that often needs careful tending.

  • Seal:

Protection, Lucid dreaming, Creativity, Love, Longing, Dilemma, Active Imagination

  • Shark:

Ability to Move Constantly, Remorselessness, Never Being Caught Off Guard, Ability to Defend Oneself, Hunter, Survival, Adaptability

  • Sheep, Ram:

Confidence in Ones Abilities, Fertility, Courage, New beginnings, Abundance, Assurance in New Areas, Sacrifice, Breakthrough, Achievement

  • Skunk:

Sensuality, Respect, Self Esteem, Shrewdness, Transformation, Life, Death, Rebirth, Rain, Fertility, Transmutation

  • Snake:

Elusiveness, Transmutation, Exploration of the Mysteries of Life, Primitive or Elemental Energy, Protection from Religious Persecution, Goddess Energy, Psychic Energy, Creative Power, Immortality, Rebirth, Resurrection, Initiation, Wisdom, Healing, Transformation. Snakes are aligned with healing powers, and are sometimes kept as pets for that reason.

Snakes symbolize healing, fertility, and renewal and rebirth (because of its tendency to shed its skin). Tossing a dead snake into the air can divine rain; if it lands belly-up, here comes a storm. If an adder snake appears in the home, it is said that death will strike. Dreaming of a snake can be a warning that an acquaintance is working against you.

A snake brings wisdom and good health to its home companions. Snakes also bring longevity, wisdom and intelligence.

  • Sphinx:

Initiation, End of a Cycle, Element Magick, Meeting the Dark Mother

  • Spider:

Master Weaver, Weaver of the Web of Fate, Wisdom, Creativity, Divine Inspiration, Shapeshifting, Understanding the Patterns of Illusion, Female Energy for the Creative Force of Life, Creative, Connecting the Past with the Future, Creating Possibilities, Weaver of the Primordial Alphabet. It is unlucky to kill a spider. The spider’s weaving skills make it a good inspiration for any rituals involving networking and connection to the outside world.

Never kill a spider in the home; it will bring bad luck. Spiders kept as companions bring protection and increase intelligence. A spider’s web can be used to scry in the same way as a crystal ball for those who practice divination. To the Celts, the spider’s web symbolized the web that held all life together.

  • Squirrel:

Conservation, Storage, Activity, Preparedness

  • Swan:

Sensitive, Emotional, Dreamer, Mystic, Longevity, Awakening the True Beauty of the Power of the Self, Soul, Love, Beauty, Self-Transformation, Self-Images, Intuition, Empathy, Moon Magicks, Grace, Balance, Innocence

  • Tarantula:

Ability to Shed the Outer Skin (Masks) and Transform, Creativity, Spinning a Web to Entrap Enemies, Defense of Territory, Intimidation by Size, Use of Environment to Conceal Oneself

  • Tasmanian Devil:

Self-Defense, Protection of Territory, Ability to Use Perseverance When Necessary, Understanding of How and When to Fight

  • Tiger:

Power, Energy, Strength and Will-Power in the Face of Adversity, Acting in a Timely Manner, Action Without Analysis, Passion, Devotion, Sensuality

  • Toad:

Toads should not be kept in the house as they will react to psychics and to ghosts…unless, one wants to discern if there is a ghost present in the house. If there is a psychic person present, or a ghost present, a toad will act erratically. Toads found in the garden, however, bring intelligence to the gardener.

  • Tortoise and Turtle:

Symbol of the Earth, Connection with the Center, Navigation Skills, Patience, Self-Boundaries, Associated with the Feminine, Power to Heal Female Diseases, Respecting the Boundaries of Others, Developing New Ideas, Self-Reliance, Tenacity, Nonviolent Defense, Motherhood, Linking Heaven to Earth, Awakening to Opportunities, Creative Source, Informed Decisions, Planning, Adaptability, Slow Progress, Retreat, Grounding, Chasity, Conservation, Mother Earth, Longevity.

A tortoise shell can be used in divination. Considered an inspiring symbol of the ocean gods. Turtles and tortoises symbolize persistence and wise choices.

Turtles are ruled by Venus and bring love, longevity and fertility. Patting a turtle on its shell with bring you good luck.

  • Unicorn:

Spirit of Purity, Innocence, Childhood

  • Whale:

Record Keeper for all Eternity, All Knowledge Associated with Voice, Psychic and Telepathic Abilities, All Aspects of the Sea, Beauty of Movement, Creation, Power of Song, Awakening Inner Depths, Ancient Knowledge, Sound Awareness. Some say whales have the power to cause earthquakes. Whales appearing in visions or dreams mean to concentrate on harnessing your own magick and aligning with the water element.

  • Wolf:

Facing the End of One’s Cycle with Dignity and Courage, Death and Rebirth, Spirit Teaching, Instinct Linked with Intelligence, Social and Family Values, Outwitting Enemies, Steadfastness, Skill in Protection of Self and Family, Taking Advantage of Change, Intuition, Learning, the Shadow, Guardianship, Ritual, Loyalty, Spirit, a Pathfinder, Psychic Energy, Inner Divinity, Teaching, Careful Study, Cunning, Escaping Hunters, Ability to Pass by Dangers Invisibly

An Astral Wolf Could Lead You to a Spiritual Teacher, Strong Protection, Spiritual Guidance in Dreams and Meditations, the Teacher, Success, Perseverance, Stability, Thought

  • Wolverine:

Revenge, Understanding Aggression, Protection Against Attackers, Multilevel Protection, Standing your Ground, Fierceness

  • Wyvern:

Revenge, Retribution, Creating Protective Barriers of Fear as a Defense


  • Keywords: Courage, leadership, manifestation, vitality, self empowerment
  • Chakras: Sacral, solar plexus
  • Element: Fire
  • Zodiac Signs: Leo, Libra
  • Number: 1
  • Affirmation: I am continually inspired by my inner visions, and delight in taking action to make them real.

With the radiance of the sun and the fire of the solar ray, Sunstone carries the energy of Ra, the sun god, whose energy brings all potential life from within the Earth. It is a Stone of Leadership – of personal power, freedom, and expanded consciousness. Truly reflecting the qualities of Light, it brings openness, benevolence and warmth, strength, mental clarity, and the willingness and ability to bestow blessings upon others.

Known as a joyful stone, Sunstone inspires the nurturing of self in order to be of service to others. It restores the enjoyment of life, good nature and provides a sense of abundance.

Sunstone is a member of the Feldspar family, and is named for its warm shades of gold, orange, reds and browns that sparkle like the sun. Inclusions of Goethite or Hematite refract light between the different crystal layers and produce an iridescent effect as the stone is viewed from various angles. Sunstone may be clear and transparent, or opaque, and is readily available on the market. Clean red specimens, however, are rare.

First discovered in Norway, the Sunstone crystal is linked with ancient Norse texts that reference the Vikings using it to navigate the seas. Thanks to tiny particles of Hematite, Sunstone gets it distinctive shimmer from light-reflecting properties, which these famous seafarers used to catch rays of light from the sun, the undisputed GPS of Mother Nature.

Powered by the radiance of the sun and the strength of its fire, Sunstone brings power and energy from within the earth and straight into your life. It will help bring the wisdom of your heart in alignment with the inspiration of your mind, and it will be beautiful and wonderful!

Sunstone is known to attract the powers of the sun, and it will cleanse your chakras from anything that’s not good for you. It will surround you with love and positive energies that you cannot help but be a source of happiness for everyone around you.

It’s a protection stone, an energizer stone, and a good luck stone in one. It’s a stone that will make you ready for the challenges of life and strengthen your belief that life is truly worth living.

Wearing Sunstone and carrying it around with you will definitely feel like you have the sun right on your shoulder!

Magickal and Metaphysical Uses:

You will never run out of reasons to love this stone because it’s ripe with wonderful and positive energies. Sunstone is all about freedom, self-empowerment, and independence, and this stone can truly be your best companion stone!

It will make you appreciate the fact that you can make decisions about your life, that you are free to do whatever you want, and that you can love the people that you want to love.

When placed with a white candle, Sunstone can help spread protective energies throughout your home or office.

Sunstone will remind you that you are doing a good job building a life for yourself. This stone will encourage you to keep working hard to achieve your dreams. It’s a stone of leadership that will showcase your abilities, strength of mind, and expanded consciousness.

Sunstone is an abundance stone. It encourages independence and originality, is inspirational in revealing talents, and attracts fame and unexpected prosperity. It is an excellent “good luck” crystal for competitions.

  • The Divinatory meaning of Sunstone: Enjoy the present without worrying if the good times will last.

Wear Sunstone to feel alive and enthusiastic. It increases vitality and is beneficial in starting, and maintaining, a fitness program or aerobic activity, and for occupations requiring high energy throughout the day.

As a workplace crystal, Sunstone increases your profile and brings opportunities for leadership and promotion. Place next to your computer when advertising your own business or services online.

Sunstone provides a source of strength if you are dependent on others emotionally, or have suffered the sudden loss of a partner. It helps alleviate fearfulness and stress, and protects against those who drain your energies or finances. It is also an excellent crystal for phobia sufferers to ease fear of the dark, enclosed places, or the presence of other triggers.

Worn as a ring on the receptive hand, Sunstone helps one receive what is needed and desired. On the transmitting hand, it channels multiple healings and blessings to others. Worn as a pendant, Sunstone brings the heart’s wisdom into alignment with the mind’s inspirations.

As an amulet of protection, Sunstone is a powerful Barrier Filter. Barrier crystals have incredible abilities to help us focus and amplify our efforts to keep undesirable elements out of our lives. Its crystalline structure gives it strength in all directions, allowing it to provide barriers to attack from all directions simultaneously.

Crystals with the earth power of a Filter, absorb positive energy flow but work to keep negative energy away from us. They help us view the world in a “glass half full” outlook, to see the best in others, the beauty in life, and the good in humanity. They keep us focused on the positive in situations and to not be overwhelmed by the negative. In our technological world, Filters also work to keep harmful electromagnetic transmissions from sapping our energy and health.

It will show the world that you are more than people think you are, and they will be pleasantly surprised at all the great things that you can do.

Sunstone is a joyful stone because it reflects the qualities of light. It invites you to be open, warm, and kind. It will bring about a willingness to give joy and happiness to others.

Sunstone carries with it energies of originality and inspiration. If you ever feel stuck or unproductive, and if you ever feel like you are not able to churn out new and effective ideas, just hold this stone in your hands. It will feel like a switch has been turned on and ideas will just naturally flow.

It will encourage you to reveal your hidden talents. It will heighten your sensuality and give romance a surge of freshness. It will bring you luck in all aspects of your life and energize all your chakras. It will give you stability and mental clarity.

Sunstone will give you an extra boost of energy when you’re feeling stressed or under the weather. It’s a natural anti-depressant, so it will also keep sad thoughts and emotions away.

It will instill good nature in you. Sunstone energy will allow the real you to shine through, and people will love you for it. No matter how weird or different you think you are.

It will fill your life with enthusiasm, optimism, and encouragement. Its energies will make you feel glad to be alive, and you will be filled with energy and cheer.

Having Sunstone with you can be particularly useful when you’re working on a project that will run for months, or when you’re on a fitness program that requires commitment. It will strengthen your resolve and your commitment, and it will make sure that you’re in it from start to finish.

Sunstone will heighten your intuition and strengthen your instincts. They will be right most of the time, too. Sunstone will dispel irrational fears that are preventing you from achieving your dreams or having the love that you desire. It will increase your self-confidence and self-esteem.

This is a particularly good stone to have for people who find it hard to say no.

This stone also has self-healing powers that will benefit you in a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual way.

Sunstone For Healing

  • Physical Healing Energy

Sunstone warms the body, increasing metabolism, digestion, and vitality. It stimulates self-healing powers, regulating and harmonizing all of the organs.

Sunstone is used to treat chronic sore throats, and to reduce stomach tension and ulcers. Placed on the Solar Plexus, it is excellent for lifting depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder, and is helpful in chasing away nightmares.

Since ancient times, Sunstone has been used as a grid around the body to relieve cartilage problems, rheumatism, and general aches and pains. Today it is also used to treat osteoarthritis, cramps, fever, various infections, and athletic injury.

Sitting in the sun surrounded by a circle of Sunstones was an ancient remedy for rheumatism. Physical contact with a large specimen also relieved aching feet and spinal problems.

  • Emotional Healing Energy

Sunstone is highly effective in cleansing the aura and chakras, and for removing hooks from possessive loved ones, lovers, or anyone draining of your energies. Sunstone surrounds these hooks with love and positive energy, and returns them to the source. It is especially beneficial when ties need to be cut, or if you have difficulty saying “No.” It helps remove co-dependency, overcomes procrastination, and encourages self-empowerment and independence.

Those who hold back because of fears and self-doubt may find Sunstone melts away the sense of unworthiness, feelings of being discriminated against, disadvantaged or abandoned. It emanates a rich and positive spectrum of energies that re-balances one’s emotional patterns, and encourages optimism and enthusiasm. It can help transform anger into energy and judgment into joy.

“I am proud of who I am,” is the affirmation of Sunstone, a crystal known to help us find our joy, harmony and happiness after a dark time. Its properties of vitality and empowerment are particularly beneficial for those under the signs of Leo and Libra, both of whom rely on their good humor and ability to find joy in life. Sunstone’s primary chakra is the Root Chakra, connected to our basic needs and establishing our foundation.

  • Chakra Balancing

With its powers of the sun and light, Sunstone clears and cleanses all the chakras, restoring joy and nurturing the spirit. It is particularly energizing to the Base and Sacral Chakras, stimulating leadership and will, creativity and sexuality.

The red and brown shades of Sunstone activate the Base, or Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine that controls the energy for kinesthetic feeling and movement. It is the foundation of physical and spiritual energy for the body. When physically out of balance the symptoms will manifest themselves as lethargy, low levels of activity, low enthusiasm, and a need for constant stimulation. When its spiritual energies are out of balance, you will feel flighty, disconnected from reality, and distant.

When the Base Chakra is in balance, the physical body regains its strength and stamina, and the spiritual energy is rekindled in the form of security and sense of one’s own power. It often leads to independence and spontaneous leadership.

The gold and orange shades of Sunstone identify with the Sacral Chakra, or Second Chakra, located below the naval and above the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis. It controls the flow of energy and is the center of gravity of the body. It is the center of the Life Force of the body, and controls the flow of information from the body to the mind and from the mind to the body. Gut feelings, intuition, and other “non-linear” communication comes from this chakra.

When it is out of balance the symptoms will manifest themselves as confusion, over dependency on others, repression of feelings, inability to feel joy, fear of sensuality or sex, and frustration. When it is in balance you have grace, feel pleasure in life, find you are flexible and can “go with the flow” and do so in good spirit.

  • Spiritual Energy

Sunstone relates to people of faith – missionaries and others who give themselves in service to the world. It encourages us to act with grace, and aids in active, joyous meditation.

Sunstone carries yang energy, and balances with the yin of Moonstone. Worn together, these stones integrate god and goddess powers, assertive and outward success and inner harmony within your life.

Sunstone And The Goddess

Sunstone honors Cerridwen, the Welsh Goddess of Inspiration and Knowledge. She rules the gifts of prophecy and magic, and powers death and rebirth. She is the guardian of spiritual transformation.

Sunstone may also be used to honor Sekhmet, the Egyptian Goddess of War. She is the most powerful goddess of Lower Egypt, and is usually depicted with the head of a lion and the body of a beautiful woman.

How to Cleanse Sunstone?

If you own a Sunstone and use it all the time, it will need to be cleared and cleansed regularly. The clearing process is necessary before using any stone for healing, because the clearer the energy of a healing stone is, the more powerful it is.

Your Sunstone needs to be cleansed as soon as you buy them and after every use. A ready and clean Sunstone feels positive, bright, tingly, and cold to the touch.

You will know when your Sunstone needs cleansing when it starts to feel hot, heavy, or drained. There are many ways to effectively cleanse your Sunstone.

  • Sea Salt

Sea salt gets rid of any kind of negativity and is a very effective disinfectant of both physical and psychic disruptions.

Use sea salt every time your Sunstone is overloaded with negative energy. Just a tablespoon of sea salt and a glass of cold water are all you need. Let your Sunstone soak overnight.

To use dry salt, place some in a non-plastic container and leave the Sunstones there overnight with the points downwards.

Sometimes a Sunstone may take longer to clear, especially if it has been used in a deep, intense healing. If this is the case, leave it another day or two in the sea salt.

If you live near the ocean, you can bring home some salt water in a jar or wash the Sunstone directly in the ocean water.

  • Moonlight

Moonlight is another method of cleansing your Sunstone. Simply place it outside on a full moon or a new moon. Waning moons are good times to cleanse your Sunstone and dispel old energies, but anytime really works.

It is suggested to hang your Sunstone jewelry in a tree where the moonlight can cleanse them.

Try to avoid placing them under the direct heat of the sun because their colors may fade, or they may break or crack.

  • Burying It

Burying your Sunstone in a cupful of dried herbs like sandalwood, myrrh, frankincense, sage, and rose petals will also clear them.

This is a gentle and pleasant way to cleanse crystals, but it does take longer than the sea salt method.

Crystals may also be buried into the earth. This is especially helpful when you feel that your Sunstone needs deep cleansing.

Just head outside and dig a hole the same size of your Sunstone, placing it point down and covering it with the soil. If you live in an apartment, you can use a flower pot to bury your Sunstones in.

  • Smudging

Another quick way to cleanse Sunstones is to smudge them with burning cedar or sage.

Smudging is an excellent way to make sure your Sunstones are purified. This can be achieved by letting your Sunstone pass through the smoke of the burning cedar or sage stick.

  • Water

Finally, you can also cleanse your Sunstone by running them under cool tap water. The points should always be facing downwards to let the negative energies flow out and down the drain.

During this process, visualize the Sunstone as sparkly, tingly, cold, and belonging to just you!


Sunstone is not associated with any zodiac sign; however, it will bring out the sensuality of Virgos, and will temper the sexuality and possessiveness of Aries. Sunstone is most often associated with the Sun.

Sunstone which is gold in color is the natural birthstone of those born in the magical month of midsummer (July 22 – Aug 21). Gold crystals bring you success, enthusiasm, happiness, and power.

Sunstone which is orange in color is the true birthstone of those born at the end of summer (Aug 22 – Sep 22). Orange crystals bring you joy, friendship, pleasure, and family togetherness.

Sunstone which is scarlet in color is one of the natural birthstones of those born in the first month of autumn (Sep 23 – Oct 21). Scarlet crystals bring you strength, vitality, willpower, and dedication.

Sunstone which is red in color is the natural birthstone of those born in mid-autumn (Oct 22 – Nov 20). Red crystals bring you energy, courage, passion, and love.

Sunstones and Color

Gold energy in Sunstone brings success, enthusiasm, happiness, and power. It is traditionally the color of kings, riches, and the sun ~ Gold ~ touches a deep part of our minds, conjuring up images of mystical places and adventure.

  • Light Gold crystals provide us with the simple pleasures of life, cheerfulness and contentment.
  • Dark Gold crystals have a deeper, more pronounced sense of devotion and commitment, providing us with a mature enthusiasm and ability to share a lifelong commitment of care and love.

The energy of Orange in Sunstone brings joy and friendship, pleasure, and family togetherness. It is a happy and sharing stone, integrating the parts of our communal lives, bringing things and people together. It is a stone of physical pleasure and intimacy.

  • Lighter Orange Sunstone promotes companionship and affection.
  • Darker Orange crystals deepen the sense of belonging and home.

Sunstone contains Scarlet energy, combining the energy of the pure red ray with the exuberance and joy of the orange. It reflects the color of strength and vitality, both physical and spiritual. Scarlet crystals are amulets of protection from physical harm. They help overcome fear and improve self-reliance, and are the crystals of victory, success, and skill. Lighter shades of scarlet, the lightly tinted red-oranges, are excellent talismans of dedication in young relationships. Dark Scarlet crystals are the key to the physical pleasures of maturity – in love, in life, and in relationships.

Red Sunstone brings a self-confidence built on fearlessness. It reflects the color of passion, energy, and life. It motivates. It is a very strong color – the color of fire and blood.

  • Dark Red crystals embody strong, deep feelings, durable energy and quiet passion. It is a masculine color, particularly useful for increasing devotion and seeing the seriousness of life.

Sunstone Lore and Legend

The Ancients believed Sunstone once formed part of the sun and fell to earth during a full solar eclipse.

In Oriental cultures Sunstone was known as a “phenomenal gem” to be worn on Sundays. Phenomenal gems exhibited a moving line, star, or changes on the surface as the light varied, and was considered to bring good fortune to the wearer.

In ancient Greece, Sunstone represented the sun god, bringing life and abundance to all fortunate enough to possess it. It was used often in the ornamentation of goblets and plates, and was believed to counteract poison and produce strength.

In ancient India, Sunstone was revered as protection from the destructive forces of other realms.

Sunstone was used by the Canadian Indians in rituals of the medicine wheel to show spirit guides the connection with the golden white healing light of the sun. During those ceremonies Sunstone was placed in the center of the medicine wheel, and it has been reported that during contact with the spirit guides, the stone emitted a golden glow.

Sunstone Feng Shui

Sunstone utilizes Fire energy. Fire energy is the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination and activity. It is Yang in nature. It is the energy of heat, action, emotion and passion – of ideas, of concepts, and sex. It is traditionally associated with the south area of a home or room, and with the fame and reputation area of your dwelling.

Use its energy to give your life the boost it needs to enhance your standing in the community and within your family. Red and scarlet crystals should be used sparingly, to bring the sun’s power and the fire element’s energy to your space. Use orange crystals as an accent and as an accessory in rooms where high energy is needed.

Meditation with Sunstone

Sunstone is an alchemical stone bringing a profound connection to light and the regenerative power of the sun during meditation and in everyday life. Meditating with Sunstone on the Third Eye will enable one to see the highest path of action in any situation.

Sunstone meditation can help you feel the powers of the sun and light. With sunstone’s light, it can help clear and energize your chakras.

  • A Simple Sunstone Meditation 

Hold a sunstone in each hand, palms open. Close your eyes and breathe complete breaths. Breathe in and out, slowing your breath.

Imagine that you are a bright light, and that your hands, arms, head, and neck glow with the brightness of this light. Envision the light expanding and covering everything abundantly. Feel the warmth of your skin as it glows and spreads the light. Feel the warmness of the light as it heals your mind, body, and spirit.

Sunstone and the Angelic Realm

If your birthday falls in any of the following periods, a Sunstone of the color listed can be a valuable conduit to your Guardian Angel. The list below provides the name of the Guardian Angel of those born in the specified time period.

It is listed as follows: Date of Birth ~ Crystal Color ~ Name of Guardian Angel

  • Apr 5-9  ~ Orange ~ Elemiah
  • Aug 2-6 ~ Orange ~ Terathel
  • Sep 13-17 ~ Orange ~ Chavakiah
  • Sep 29-Oct 3 ~ Scarlet ~ Haamiah
  • Oct 14-18  ~ Light Orange ~ Hahahel (Hahael)
  • Oct 19-23 ~ Red ~ Mikael
  • Nov 13-17 ~ Dark Red ~ Asaliah
  • Nov 18-22 ~ Light Orange ~ Mihael
  • Nov 28-Dec 2 ~ Dark Scarlet ~ Daniel
  • Dec 8-12 ~ Dark Red ~ Imamiah
  • Dec 22-26 ~ Dark Orange ~ Mebahiah
  • Jan 6-10   ~ Orange ~ Ieilael (Ieliel)
  • Jan 11-15 ~ Light Scarlet ~ Harahel
  • Jan 21-25   ~ Orange ~ Umabel (Umbael)
  • Jan 26-30 ~ Light Scarlet ~ Iahhel
  • Jan 31-Feb 4 ~ Light Scarlet ~ Anauel
  • Mar 16-20 ~ Dark Red ~ Mumiah (Mumijah)

There are other Angels that are partial to Sunstone. The list below gives you the information about them.

  • Guardian of the Fourteenth Mansion of the Moon ~ Virgo ~ Dark Gold ~ Ergediel
  • Dealing with Agriculture and Animals ~ Dark Gold ~ Risnuch
  • Ruler of Earth/Wind ~ Dark Gold ~ Ruchiel
  • Severity Angel; Tree of Life, Guardian of Tuesday, Ruler of Mars ~ Dark Gold ~ Samael
  • Guardian of the 24th Mansion of the Moon which is Aquarius ~ Dark Orange ~ Abrinael
  • Protector and Ruler of the dates Sept.13-17 ~ Virgo. ~ Dark Orange ~ Chavakiah
  • Protector and Ruler of the dates Dec 22-26 ~ Capricorn. ~ Dark Orange ~ Mebahiah
  • Guardian of the 11th Mansion of the Moon which is Leo ~ Dark Orange ~ Neciel
  • Protector and Ruler of the dates Aug 13-17 ~ Leo ~ Dark Orange ~ Reiel
  • Ruler of Saturn  ~ Dark Orange ~ Sabathiel
  • Protector and Ruler of the dates Nov 13-17 ~ Scorpio ~ Dark Red ~ Asaliah
  • Protector and Ruler of the dates Dec 8-12 ~ Sagittarius ~ Dark Red ~ Imamiah
  • Protector and Ruler of the dates Mar 16-20 ~ Pisces ~ Dark Red ~ Mumiah
  • Angel of Fertility ~ Dark Red ~ Samandiriel
  • Master of the 11th Tarot Card “Justice” ~ Dark Red ~ Zuriel
  • Protector and Ruler of the dates Nov 28-Dec 2 ~ Sagittarius ~ Dark Scarlet ~ Daniel
  • Master of the Tarot Card “The Sun” ~ Dark Scarlet ~ Nakiel
  • Angel of Hope ~ Dark Scarlet ~ Phanuel
  • Ruler of Earth/Earthquakes ~ Dark Scarlet ~ Ra’ashiel
  • Angel of Pride, and the Sea ~ Dark Scarlet ~ Rahab
  • Angel of Purity ~ Dark Scarlet ~ Tahariel
  • Guardian of the Nineteenth Mansion of the Moon which is Scorpio ~ Gold ~ Amutiel
  • Foundation Angel and known as the Tree of Life. The Angel of Monday ~ Gold ~ Gabriel
  • Ruler of the Moon, Earth, and Lighting ~ Gold ~ Gabriel
  • Master of the Tarot Cards “The High Priestess” and “The Hanged Man” ~ Gold ~ Gabriel
  • Angel of Pregnancies/Child Birth ~ Gold ~ Gabriel
  • Angel of the North Wind, Creativity, and Truth ~ Gold ~ Gabriel
  • The sun sign Aquarius ~ Gold ~ Gabriel
  • Guardian Fifth Mansion of the Moon; Taurus ~ Gold ~ Gabriel
  • Master of the Tarot Card “The High Priestess” ~ Gold ~ Schelachel
  • Master of the Tarot Card “The World” ~ Gold ~ Uriel
  • Heals Resentment and is the Ruler of the South Wind ~ Gold ~ Uriel
  • Angel of Music and Repentance ~ Gold ~ Uriel
  • The sun sign, Libra ~ Gold ~ Uriel
  • Master of Tarot Card “The Fool” ~ Light Gold ~ Chassan
  • Angel of the Mountains ~ Light Gold ~ Rampel
  • Guardian of the Ninth Mansion of the Moon ~ CancerLeo ~ Light Orange ~ Barbiel
  • Protector and Ruler of the dates Oct 14-18 ~ Libra ~ Light Orange ~ Hahahel
  • Protector and Ruler of the dates Nov 18-22 ~ Scorpio ~ Light Orange ~ Mihael
  • Ruler of Earth/Moon ~ Light Orange ~ Ophanniel
  • Ruler of Earth/Constellations/Stars ~ Light Orange ~ Rahatiel
  • Master of the Tarot Card “Temperance” ~ Light Orange ~ Saritaiel
  • Protector and Ruler of the dates Jan 31- Feb 4 ~ Aquarius ~ Light Scarlet ~ Anauel
  • Angel of Dreams ~ Light Scarlet ~ Duma
  • Master of the Tarot Card “The Hierophant” ~ Light Scarlet ~ Eraziel
  • Protector and Ruler of the dates Jan 11-15 ~ Capricorn ~ Light Scarlet ~ Harahel
  • Protector and Ruler of the dates Jan 26-30 ~ Aquarius ~ Light Scarlet ~ Iahhel
  • Angel of Music ~ Light Scarlet ~ Israfel
  • Ruler of Venus ~ Light Scarlet ~ Nogahel
  • Protector and Ruler of the dates Apr 5-9 ~ Aries  ~ Orange ~ Elemiah
  • Protector and Ruler of the dates Jan 6-10 ~ Capricorn ~ Orange ~ Ieilael
  • Protector and Ruler of the dates Aug 2-6 ~ Leo ~ Orange ~ Terathel
  • Protector and Ruler of the dates Jan 21-25 ~ Aquarius ~ Orange ~ Umabel
  • Master of the Tarot Card “The Tower” ~ Red ~ Graphiel
  • Protector and Ruler of the dates Oct 19-23 ~ Libra ~ Red ~ Mikael
  • Guardian of the Tenth Mansion of the Moon ~ Leo ~ Scarlet ~ Ardifiel
  • Protector and Ruler of the dates Sep.29-Oct 3 ~ Libra ~ Scarlet ~ Haamiah
  • Ruler of Mars ~ Scarlet ~ Madimiel
  • Deal With Fear ~ Scarlet ~ Yroul


Crossroads are considered sacred in almost all magical traditions. A crossroads is a universally accepted place to hold rituals, leave offerings, or dispose of items you wish to be rid of.

To relieve feelings of depression, helplessness, and hopelessness, journey to a crossroads and absorb the power.

The crossroads is the juncture of powerful energies, where all possibilities meet. Don’t go to a traffic intersection – the most common modern crossroads. Excessive yang energy will only worsen the situation. What you need is a traditional witch’s crossroads, ideally the intersection of remote streets but at least roads with minimal traffic.

You don’t have to do anything; just linger, keep your mind open and absorb the converging energies.

About Crossroads:

It is believed that Hecate rules over the three-way crossroads. She can see the past, present, and future. It is said that if you should approach a three-way crossroads at night, you would hear her black dogs howling. Her altars have been erected at such places for centuries.

The four-way crossroads are considered to be powerful because all four directions meet at one point. Dirt, rocks, and sticks gathered from such a crossroads are said to have powerful spiritual connections, albeit tricky ones to master. In Greek myths, Oedipus met his fate at the crossroads. From the Yoruban people we have Legba (a god known for his clever tricks) ruling the crossroads.

The strength of Ellegua lies at the crossroad. He is the remover of obstacles. An offering of twenty-one pennies and three candies left at the crossroad will prompt him to be kind and remove the roadblocks in your life.

Ancient people were afraid of what it meant when one direction met another direction. All manner of folklore is available concerning the crossroads. Fairies are said to hang out there, along with ghouls, ghosts, and goblins. Even the Christian Satan is said to roam the crossroads.

Times Square in New York City is known as the “Crossroads of the World.” A true urban crossroads is any intersection where 3 or 4 roads mead and then continue outward unobstructed for eight city blocks in each direction. If any one path is blocked by a dead end, a cul de sac, or a park, it is not a true crossroad.

Metaphysically, a crossroads is a place of sacred transformations, a metaphor for transformational points in our lives, and relate to time and choices. It is a place to go to unblock your path.

Why Crossroads Are So Important

In ancient times the crossroads were places where very important information was exchanged, information that might never reach a town or village. To facilitate this, a common language developed. Called a lingua franca, such a language permitted people from different countries to understand each other well enough to do business.

In addition to learning a common language like lingua franca (Latin was the lingua franca of educated people in Europe for many centuries), crossroads experiences invariably stimulate a desire to learn a foreign language.

Did you know that learning a foreign language increases your intelligence? One reason is that it builds bridges of communication between the right and left side of the brain, increasing flexibility. A person who can come at a problem with right and left brain flexibility has double the resources of someone relying on just one or the other. In addition, on the one side, you learn to speak another language but on the other side, you develop the telepathic ability to understand someone else’s language. This ability often transcends the words being spoken and heard as many people with language ability will tell you.

Important information is exchanged at crossroads. Here is an example of some of the kinds of important information that might have been exchanged at a crossroad.

  • Be careful, it is no longer safe to drink the water at xx
  • Be careful the king of xx is dying and the country is run by renegades who no longer honor our trade agreements
  • Warning, there was a spring flood which washed away the trail at xx
  • Good news! The mountain pass is clear now.
  • Good news! The king of xx wants trade in his country and has cleared the bandits out of the gulch at xx.
  • The price of amber has dropped. Don’t be fooled into paying high prices.
  • The market for silk has shifted further west … be careful not to buy more than you can sell.
  • Xx’s supply of xx is terrible this year. Best go in another direction with what you have to sell.

People who stay at home in the town and village don’t need this kind of information. But if they are wise, they listen to news from travelers because it can portend things in the future. For example a traveler returns and says, “I have been to xx and they will pay fabulous sums of money for this yellow stuff that washes up on the beaches around here [amber]”. Or he might say, “There are restless tribes marauding close to here. We need to be careful or they will wipe us out.” There is no way for a connection to be made between towns and villages if someone doesn’t travel.

In addition to Hekate, Elegua, and various other deities, Mercury, the god of travel, communication, and thieves, presided over the crossroads. The Greeks erected little phallic statues (no pun intended) honoring the god Mercury along the side of the road and at crossroads to honor the god of travelers.


Stádhagaldr is an active system of magic that consists of the assumption of runic postures or gestures for magical effect. Gestures and postures form some part of almost every metaphysical or magical school. The can be seen from the simple folding of hands in prayer to the extremely complex system of asanas in the Indian hatha yoga school. Stádhagaldr is balanced in this respect.

The number and intricacy of the postures are varied enough to be expressive of the wide variety of forces present, but none require extensive training or straining of the body.

The overall aims of the Stádhagaldr are:

  • 1. Control of the body through posture (stadha)
  • 2. Control of thought through song (galdr)
  • 3. Control of breath
  • 4. Control of emotion
  • 5. Becoming aware of the rune realms of the self and the world(s)
  • 6. Control and direction of the will.

Stadhagaldr is used as a mode of psychological integration and personal transmutation, and it is also employed in all other types of magical operations.

The early 20th century German runemasters (F.B Marby, S.A. Krummer, and Karl Spiesberger) developed runic yoga as a means of harnessing the streams of power present in the earth and atmosphere.

According to Marby there are five cosmic zones to be reckoned with:

  • 1: Inner-earth space
  • 2: Material earth space
  • 3: Wave space
  • 4: Cosmic space
  • 5: Super cosmic space

“The inner space of earth… is a vast but contained zone of tranquil space that radiates energy. This is compared to the outermost zone of cosmic space, which is also tranquil and radiant. Cosmic space, zone 4, is charged with radiations from the zone of cosmic space and is influenced by the physical bodies (stars, planets, etc.) that occupy it. Material earth space is the physical matter of the planet, which is heavily loaded with ancient forms of energy coursing through it in various patterns. Wave space is that zone just above the surface of the earth that our bodies inhabit. This is the region where energy patterns received from above and below are most freely exchanged.

“The rune magician makes him/herself capable of receiving and sending patterns of energy to and from all five of these zones. (…the rune magician becomes an antenna for the reception and broadcast of runic radio waves.) By using the proper runic postures, combined with the intonation of the right runic sound, the magician can draw in certain forces or combination of forces and then reshape and redirect them.

“…The interplay of forces within these various energy zones constitutes the phenomena of the universe. By becoming aware of them, engaging them, and guiding them consciously, the rune magician actively participates in the evolution and restructuring of the cosmos.

“The runes are the keys to the reception, absorption and projection of these forces. Their first effect is on the transformation and healing of the individual…”

The runic postures are bioenergetic antennas which receive the various energies, symbolized by the runes. Tests with the pendulum during runic gymnastics showed an expansion and charging of the individual aura as well as an extensive radiation. The posture receive cthonic and celestial energies, thus activate and vitalize body and mind. This energy is also necessary to fulfill magical goals.

Performing runic gymnastic creates an anchor for the runes in the individual aura and body. Then the runes have the possibility to become organic and find realization and earthening within yourself and your surroundings (if you allow this to happen).

Each of the links below will take you to the individual Rune along with a longer explanation,the incantation to empower it, the Runic Postures (Rune Yoga), and the Runic Hand Positions (Rune Mudras).

Note: The postures and hand positions were an afterthought, and I am not finished updating the original posts to add them in. For clarity, I have noted the ones that are updated. When they are complete, this notice will disappear.

  • Fehu – For attracting wealth and protecting property. (updated)
  • Uruz – To clear obstacles and change circumstances. (updated)
  • Thurisaz – For protection and defense. (updated)
  • Ansuz – To increase communicative skills, pass exams and gain wisdom. (updated)
  • Raidho – To ensure a safe journey. (updated)
  • Kenaz – To restore self-confidence and strengthen will-power. (updated)
  • Gebo –  To create harmony in personal relationships. (updated)
  • Wunjo – To bring happiness and spiritual transformation. (updated)
  • Hagalaz – To attract positive influences. (updated)
  • Nauthiz – To achieve long-term goals or help lost causes. (updated)
  • Isa – To make a situation static, ground wayward emotions and calm volatile actions. (updated)
  • Jera – To bring events to culmination. (updated)
  • Eihwaz – To end situations and solve problems. (updated)
  • Perthro – To find lost property, obtain inner guidance and make financial speculations.
  • Algiz (or Elhaz) – Strengthening of magical power and luck and life force. (updated)
  • Sowilo – To increase good health, vitality and sexual powers. (updated)
  • Tiwaz – To achieve victory over adversity and justice. (updated)
  • Berkano – For fertility, family matters and love affairs. (updated)
  • Ehwaz (or Ehwo) – To cause changes. (updated)
  • Mannaz – To attract goodwill and new social contacts.
  • Laguz – To manifest psychic powers. (updated)
  • Ingwaz – To end a cycle of events or specific situation.
  • Dagaz – To create new beginnings or opportunities.
  • Othala – For property matters. (updated)


A Rune-stave is a pattern which conveys that which transcends shapes and yet is an essence from which form is enabled to take shape. Each Rune is a means of relating to a natural potency that is within YOU and the Universe.

To activate the blessing, light a candle, and very carefully draw the Rune onto a piece of white paper, or card. Concentrate your attention on that Rune, and couple with it the intention you have chosen from the list. You don’t need to DO anything, just be aware of the Runic potency so that its power is activated and directed into that aspect of your life. Be aware of the Rune and your intention, and then let the thought go.

Be attentive and allow yourself to experience the power of the Rune. After a while, you will feel that you are finished. You can then burn the paper with the Rune inscribed on it, or you can carry it with you. Alternatively, if this is a blessing for someone else, you can then gift it to them.

Below is a simplified listing of each Rune, and the qualities they can awaken within.

Uruz, Ur

  • Begin a new project or endeavor
  • Find the courage to make a fresh start
  • Feel rejuvenated
  • Increase your resolve
  • Be more assertive

Thurisa, Thurs

  • Fight against detrimental influences
  • Clear away lethargy
  • Strengthen your determination
  • Break down “barriers”
  • Find both the unity and the division within things

Ansuz, Ass

  • Obtain inspiration
  • Discover your “hidden” potentials
  • Improve your communication skills
  • Increase your intake of Chi
  • Strengthen your mind

Raido, Reid

  • Gain access to inner wisdom
  • Come into attunement with your personal rhythms
  • Extend your awareness
  • See things in their proper perspective
  • Make balanced judgments

Kano, Ken

  • Express yourself creatively
  • See what needs to be transformed in your life
  • Turn knowledge into wisdom
  • Attain clarity of thought
  • Generate enthusiasm

Gebo, Gifu

  • Make more effective use of your time
  • Receive more by giving more
  • Bond personal relationships
  • Turn wisdom into understanding
  • Come into active partnership with your Higher Self

Wunjo, Wynja

  • Attain a sense of well-being
  • Strengthen personal relationships
  • Encourage good fellowship
  • Build self-esteem
  • Heal rifts

Hagalz, Hagal

  • Banish unwanted influences
  • Develop intuitiveness within a structured framework so it does not get out of control
  • Clear the air
  • Focus your intentions
  • Prepare the way for desired changes in your life

Nauthiz, Naud

  • Cope with stress
  • Succeed in a crisis
  • Achieve the seemingly impossible
  • Break through your limitations
  • Develop perseverance
  • Value endurance

Isa, Iss

  • Still your mind as an aid to meditation
  • Concentrate
  • Create a protective barrier to immobilize harmful intent from whatever quarter
  • Strengthen your Will
  • Overcome restlessness

Jera, Jara

  • Learn that patience brings rewards
  • Nurture your creativity
  • Know the secret of proper timing
  • Come into harmony with the cycles of Nature
  • Harmonize your body “clock”

Perth, Pertra

  • Give birth to your hopes and dreams
  • Hold on to what is essential to be retained
  • Experience pleasure
  • Be aware of your hidden potentials

Eihwaz, Eoh

  • Liberate yourself from unnecessary fear
  • Develop within you the quality of endurance
  • Connect with other levels of reality
  • Avoid confusion
  • Release your inner strengths
  • Receive flashes of enlightenment


  • Find the powers within you to meet any situation
  • Ward off negative influences
  • Connect with an inner drive to achieve more
  • Keep your ideals and aspirations grounded

Sowelu, Sol

  • See things as they are
  • Receive inner guidance to discern more clearly
  • Boost your energy levels
  • Attain that “impossible” dream
  • Connect with your Soul’s purpose

Teiwaz, Tyr

  • Become more vigilant
  • Strengthen your reliability
  • Work more methodically
  • Face difficulties with fortitude
  • Develop greater trust in yourself
  • Have courage to accept responsibility for your own choices and actions
  • Perform deeds in an honorable way
  • Allow your “greater” Self to have more influence in your life

Berkana, Bjarka

  • Effect closer relations
  • Nurture what it is you want to bring forth in your life
  • Conserve your energies
  • Come through a crisis safely
  • Let go of what may be blocking your progress

Ehwaz, Eh

  • Find more fruitful ways of achieving what you set out to do
  • Attain a more harmonious relationship with your partner
  • Impart trust and loyalty
  • Become more balanced in your ways

Mannaz, Madr

  • Become more fully integrated within yourself
  • Sharpen your intellect
  • Activate your intuitive senses
  • Adopt a more co-operative attitude towards Nature and others
  • Strengthen family relationships

Laguz, Lagu

  • Become more adaptable
  • Actualize your potentials
  • Identify your true feelings
  • Come into harmony with the ebb and flow of energy streams of life
  • Increase your healing powers

Inguz, Ing

  • Strengthen your faith
  • Renew your hope for the future
  • Open up new areas of self-realization
  • Access “higher” powers

Othila, Odal

  • Develop the abilities you have
  • Connect with past lives
  • Feel more secure


  • Realize your true Reality
  • Get in touch with your Spirit
  • Recognize your connectedness with all things
  • Become a good “finisher” as well as a keen “starter”

Fehu, Feh

  • Recognize your true wealth
  • Evaluate the true value of things
  • Find fulfillment in your endeavors
  • Brings things to completion satisfactorily
  • Draw down the power of the Sun, Moon, and Stars into your own personal “universe”

More ways to use Runes in Magick can be found in the Book of Shadows and also here: Runes.

Source: Rune Power

Runes are best known for their use in divination, however, the sounds of the individual Runes, can be chanted and used in magick as an incantation. Verbal rune magick is called Galdr or Galdor, from the Old Norse, which originally meant ‘incantation’. The verb “gala” is also used for “to crow”. It later came to mean magick in general.

Each of the links below will take you to the individual Rune along with a longer explanation and the incantation to empower it. Also included are the Runic Postures (Rune Yoga), and Hand Positions (Rune Mudras).

  • Fehu – For attracting wealth and protecting property.
  • Uruz – To clear obstacles and change circumstances.
  • Thurisaz – For protection and defense.
  • Ansuz – To increase communicative skills, pass exams and gain wisdom.
  • Raidho – To ensure a safe journey.
  • Kenaz – To restore self-confidence and strengthen will-power.
  • Gebo –  To create harmony in personal relationships.
  • Wunjo – To bring happiness and spiritual transformation.
  • Hagalaz – To attract positive influences.
  • Nauthiz – To achieve long-term goals or help lost causes.
  • Isa – To make a situation static, ground wayward emotions and calm volatile actions.
  • Jera – To bring events to culmination.
  • Eihwaz – To end situations and solve problems.
  • Perthro – To find lost property, obtain inner guidance and make financial speculations.
  • Algiz (or Elhaz) – Strengthening of magical power and luck and life force.
  • Sowilo – To increase good health, vitality and sexual powers.
  • Tiwaz – To achieve victory over adversity and justice.
  • Berkano – For fertility, family matters and love affairs.
  • Ehwaz (or Ehwo) – To cause changes.
  • Mannaz – To attract goodwill and new social contacts.
  • Laguz – To manifest psychic powers.
  • Ingwaz – To end a cycle of events or specific situation.
  • Dagaz – To create new beginnings or opportunities.
  • Othala – For property matters.

Each plant, animal, rock, and other entity has a spirit (consciousness resonance matrix). These spirits can join together, in a hive-mind, as a spirit of an area. Nature spirits include real biological intelligences, are psychically powerful, and are much less abstract and controllable than the Elementals that many magical people who perform all of their rituals indoors are familiar with. They can be extremely powerful allies.

It is possible to sense nature spirits, to determine if they are receptive to a ritual planned, and to have them actively participate in magical workings if they are.

Some Effects of Working With Nature Spirits:

Spectacular physical manifestations can happen when working with nature spirits in the wild. I have personally seen actual foxfire mark the boundaries of a magic circle at a location that was identified as a receptive power spot and attuned to a planned ritual the day before.

I have seen more than one site attuned for ritual be dry and comfortable, with a round hole in the clouds overhead, on days that were cold and rainy at other nearby locations. Birds have joined in rituals, flying around the circle when energy was being raised; and insects, birds and animals have joined in chants. In addition, the wind often responds to invocations. Generally, these spectacular manifestations happen unexpectedly.

With or without such manifestations, nature spirits often will channel tremendous amounts of power into the magic being performed. It is suggested that you do not consciously try for specific manifestations. Let Nature channel her power into the magic in her own way. If approached with respect, nature may give you many pleasant surprises.

Spectacular physical manifestations are not a necessary sign of success. If you need a spectacular manifestation and nature spirits know this, you will get it. The best success in magic is on the inner planes and more subtle than such manifestations. This success involves beneficial changes in consciousness that last and helpful chains of synchronicity. In addition, working with Nature Spirits can also bring a deep sense of partnership with Nature, and bring new levels of attunement.

To get the best results, perform nature spirit attunement several hours to several days before the main ritual. The purposes of such attunement are to find suitable power spots and to get the help of friendly nature spirits. This timing gives Nature time to gather her children and to prepare to actively participate in the main ritual.

What to NOT do:

If nature spirits are approached with disrespect by attempting to command them rather than listening to them and inviting them to work with you, nature spirits may flee, rebel, or attack. I once attended a ritual by some pseudo-Crowleyites who attempted to perform the “Ritual of the Barbarous Names” at a power spot in a forest and then to extend the circle several hundred yards in all directions.

While the forest in general had loud insect and frog noises, the area at which the ritual took place got quiet immediately when the main ritualist declared that all spirits were subject unto him. The vibes from nature could best be characterized as “Oh yea, Mother…!”

One participant was quickly possessed by an angry spirit and kept repeating “You killed my children, your children will never live in peace.” When the priestess stepped out of the boundaries of the original circle, she was attacked by bees; and bees covered the Book of the Law. Magicians should know better than to attempt to command spirits whose true names they do not know!

Calling Nature Spirits:

To make the most out of working magical ritual in the wild, one should find power spots where nature spirits are receptive to the ritual planned and approach the spirits with respect, as equals. In my experience, the most effective power spots for working with the living intelligences of nature are located in wild areas with diverse, active ecologies.

When entering a wild area to find a site for a ritual, find a place that feels good. Then do the following, either individually or, if in a group, as a guided meditation:

  • Relax, while standing upright, and focus on your breathing.
  • Breathe deep breaths from the diaphragm. Breathe together if in a group.
  • Feel the wind, and let it relax you and awaken your spirit within, as your deep breathing takes you into non-ordinary reality.
  • Picture, in your mind’s eye, a light inside you.
  • As you breathe, feel the light expand, purify and energize you – as it expands to fill your aura.
  • Feel yourself glowing, balanced, purified, and full of power.
  • Connect with your inner self (your higher self), and feel your intuitive self operating.

Feel yourself as:

  • The wind, full of life and intelligence, communicating with all round.
  • The Sunlight, warm, alive, channeling the power to communicate with nature and energizing all around.
  • Water, emotional, intuitive, refreshing, and connected with nature.
  • The Earth, and note how your physical body is able to wander while remaining part of Mother Earth.

Focus on your spiritual self, and:

  • Note the light within and feel it as love,

Expand the light and love beyond the immediate aura of your body to the surrounding area – where you will go to find a power spot and contact nature spirits.

  • Telepathically (by thinking while channeling the love and light energy) send out signals to nature spirits to emerge and be aware of your presence.
  • Say why you have come, and invite them to join in sharing, mutual celebration, and the work you intend.
  • Visualize the light and love energy you are channeling extending out and merging with the light from distant places.
  • Feel the power of the Earth flowing up through your body and feet.
  • Feel the power from the sky, and channel this power also to further energize the carrier signal of light and love for communicating with nature.
  • Visualize the light expanding and merging.
  • Continue to send out telepathic signals.

Now go deeper:

  • Close your eyes, sit on the Earth, and feel your connection while you channel more light and love.
  • Continue modulating the light and love with your thoughts – inviting receptive spirits to join with you and to make themselves known.
  • If in a group, someone should start playing a drum at a rate of about one beat per second; and you should listen to the drum and let the drum take you deeper.

Affirm that you are a nature magician, a medicine person, who knows and communicates with nature. Let this part of yourself emerge to full consciousness. Let the drum and the connection to your inner self awaken that part of yourself that naturally communicates with other life forms. Let it awaken your telepathic senses.

  • Continue sending telepathic signals to nature.

When you feel ready and an inner urge to begin, open your eyes a crack and look around, while continuing to channel love and light and telepathically calling for a response.

You may see light coming from certain areas that are receptive. You may get other signals, such as a feeling of power or love returning in a certain direction. Perhaps the type of response to this work will be unexpected; follow your intuition in interpreting it.

You may test your connection by communicating (mentally) instructions for signals for yes/no responses (such as light getting brighter for less and darker for no) and then mentally ask questions and observe the responses.

When you have found an areas that seems to be responsive and receptive, begin walking to the area, while beaming love energy. Extend your aura to the area and sense the energy.

Entering A Power Spot:

Before entering a power spot, ask permission to enter. If the response is good, enter; if not, locate another more receptive area.

When entering the power spot, look around. Perhaps the responsive energy will be concentrated around some singularity (a bush, a tree, a specific branch, a moss covered rock, or other entity that stands out). Perhaps the energy will be more general. Use your intuition and feedback from the spirits to guide your actions.

If it feels right, send out a signal that you would like to touch the singularity (or the ground) for better communication. If the response is good, approach beaming love energy, and then touch or hug the singularity (or the ground).

Treat the spirits as you would other Pagans you meet for the first time – be sensitive, open, and listen.

Deepening Communication With Nature Spirits:

Now that you have made contact with spirits that seem receptive, deepen the communication:

  • Breathe deep breaths from the diaphragm, and with each breath, feel more refreshed.
  • Now imagine that your spine is the trunk of a tree; and, from its base, roots extend deep into the Earth. Deep into the rich moist Earth.
  • With every breath, feel the roots extending deeper,
  • Feel the energy deep within the Earth and within the waters of the Earth.
  • Feel your roots absorbing nourishment from the Earth and from its waters.
  • Feel the moist, warm energy rising.
  • Feel it bursting up from the Earth and rising up your spine, like sap rises in a tree.
  • Feel the energy rise to your crown chakra (at the top of your head).
  • Now imagine that you have branches, branches that sweep up and then bend down towards the Earth, like the limbs of a willow.
  • Feel the branches extending and interweaving with your surroundings.
  • Feel the warm, moist energy of the Earth flowing through your branches.
  • As it flows, feel yourself being purified, centered, and connected to the Earth.
  • Feel the power from the Earth flowing through your branches and then down back to the Earth, like a fountain.
  • Note how your branches absorb energy from the air.
  • Also, feel them receiving light (fire) from the sky.
  • Feel the energy from above penetrating deep through your body into the Earth.
  • Feel the warmth of the Earth rising also.
  • Feel the energy circulating.
  • Notice how your branches intertwine with the branches of energy surrounding you.
  • Feel the energy dancing among your branches and the branches around you.
  • Notice how your roots also intertwine with underground energy channels.
  • Feel the energy dancing between your roots and the surrounding energy patterns.

Notice how you and the life around you are rooted in the same Earth, breathing the same air, receiving the same fire, drinking the same water, sharing the same underlying essence. You are one with the magical grove.

Telepathically mention the time in the past when nature spirits and people communicated regularly and the need to establish such communication now.

Test your connection by asking questions and observing the responses.

Working With Nature Spirits:

Explain to the spirits the purpose of your coming to them and the nature of the ritual you plan.

If the spirits you contacted are receptive, explain to them the details of the ritual and invite them to provide ideas. Listen, you may receive suggestions on how to improve the ritual. Such suggestions may come in the form of hunches, visions, answers to yes/no questions using pre-arranged signals, or in other ways.

Explain what type of space is needed and ask what the best place to perform the ritual is. You may see light or get other psychic signals leading you to other sites, or you may be at one of them.

You may also ask what the best places for other aspects of the planned work are (picnicking, individual vision quests, etc.).

If preparation of the site is needed (removing briars, preparing a fire circle, etc.) ask permission of the spirits before proceeding with such action.

Before you leave the power spot:

  • Tell the spirits you have contacted when you plan to return to do the ritual (visualizing the associated lunar and solar aspects can help with this communication).
  • Invite them to join in the ritual when you return and to bring their friends.
  • Ask if it would be best to return silently, with drums, with chanting, or with some other form of approach.
  • You can also ask the spirits to provide guidance for working in balance and to provide a teacher to provide further guidance.
  • Thank the spirits,
  • Channel love energy,
  • Trigger your memory of the experience,
  • If it feels right, leave an offering of tobacco, or beer and honey poured on the ground (or other suitable material).
  • Leave in peace and love.

Proceed to other sites that were indicated by the spirits, doing similar meditations at each site.

If you need something, like a staff, a Maypole, or a wand, you can also ask where you can find it and follow the guidance you receive (not slavishly, but as you would guidance from another Pagan).

Before leaving the general area in which you found power spots and contacted nature spirits:

  • Channel love energy towards the receptive sites you found,
  • Thank the spirits of the land,
  • Pull back your roots and branches,
  • Ground any excess energy into the Earth (placing your hands on the Earth, breathe in any excess energy, and channel the energy down your arms, while visualizing and feeling the energy going into the Earth),
  • Leave in peace and love.

Naturally, you should leave the area at least as clean, and preferably cleaner, than you found it.

If you work with techniques of Wicca or Ceremonial Magic, you may find that by casting a circle, calling the Elements, the Goddess, the Gods, and the local nature spirits while you are at receptive sites, you may be able to greatly increase communication.

Through the use of drums and other power raising techniques, it is even possible to energize receptive nature spirits. The results can be very interesting. If with a coven, such circles can be done as part of a group attunement to a power spot you have located.

If you do not get good feelings in response to your explanation of the ritual and are unable to come up with a ritual that gives good responses, do not try to force a good response. You would only be fooling yourself.

  • Thank the spirits for their attention.
  • Ask them why they are not receptive (if it feels right and they are communicative).
  • Trigger your memory.
  • Pull back your “roots and branches,” return any excess energy you feel into the Earth.
  • If it feels appropriate, leave an offering of tobacco or other appropriate material, out of respect for the spirits.
  • Move to a more receptive site.

If it is hard to find a site that is really receptive, you should consider any impressions you got of why the nature spirits weren’t receptive in the area you were in, and re-think your plans for a ritual, as necessary and appropriate.

It may also be appropriate to look for another general area in which to find a suitable power site that is receptive to the work planned.

What To Do When Returning:

It can be very powerful to purify and center yourself and to attune to the spirits of the land using the techniques previously described for calling nature spirits immediately upon returning to the site.

Often, individuals may have found small specific power spots to which they have a special attunement, where the spirits are interested in participating; but where the site is too small, has too much vegetation, or is otherwise unsuitable for the main ritual. Individual attunement to the spirits in such areas and inviting them to participate in the main ritual can be worthwhile.

Then approach the main ritual site using the previously arranged technique. You should have the details worked out with the spirits of the land. An exceptionally powerful technique involves doing a procession through or past receptive power spots, inviting nature spirits to join as you pass each power spot, and then moving to the central power spot for the main ritual. If participants are at individual power spots, they can join the procession as it passes nearby.

When consecrating space in the wild, or casting a circle, do not set up the perimeter as a barrier to all outside forces; it should be a beacon to attract friendly nature spirits, a container for holding magical power, and a barrier to spirits who it isn’t right to be with.

One thing that is fun and worthwhile in nature is to bring instruments, such as a rattle, a flute and/or a drum, to tune in to nature’s sounds, and to make music in time to nature’s sounds. You may be able to get some very interesting back and forth exchanges of music going with selected creatures of the wild, and get into an amazing jam session.

After the work is complete, be sure to thank the spirits for their participation. Libations and other offerings may also be left for the spirits during and/or after the ritual.

This article is written by Larry Cornett

Aromas can make us hungry or feel comfort and warmth, or inspire the opposite reactions. The power of scent works with the memory and the magical properties of the material. Incense, oils, herbs – all of these can be gently heated, burned, or used as is to inspire a bit of the sacred each time we breathe in. Aroma is a person’s earliest sense. As babies, long before our eyes focus, we know our world from the scents that surround us.

Aromatherapy and flower essences, such as the Bach flower remedies, employ scent and vibrational energy in a therapeutic sense and have been proven to change one’s mood. They can work both on the self and on others.

In order to use the essential oils listed here, simply dab the oil on a cotton ball and sniff, or place a few drops in an oil burner and gently warm the oil.

  • To boost memoryRosemary
  • To inspire lustGinger or hibiscus
  • To decrease lustCamphor
  • To inspire hungerCinnamon or garlic
  • To create an atmosphere of comfortCedar
  • To healEucalyptus
  • To protectGarlic
  • To revive energyPeppermint
  • To create sacred spaceFrankincense and myrrh
  • To attract moneyClove
  • To promote sleepLavender
  • To promote laughter and joyOrange and lemon
  • To ease griefRose
  • To calm stressChamomile
  • To conquer fearGrapefruit
  • To calm angerPatchouli

Found in: Elemental Witch

“Magic is only unexplained science. Science is explained magic. When I study science, I study magic. When I study magic, I study science.” ― C. JoyBell C.
Do not use any ingredient if you are allergic to it. There is always something else that can be used, or substituted.
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