All Purpose

If you’re interested in Kitchen Witchcraft, here is a useful food starter list and their magical properties. These are staple and ordinary foods that you probably already have in your pantry or refrigerator, but maybe you never realized that they contained magickal properties before.

Keep in mind that food is magick in and of itself. It doesn’t need anything in order to carry magickal properties. Why is this? Because it comes directly from Mother Earth. Every form of life on this planet is a miracle, and our food is nothing short of a miracle. Vegetables, herbs, and fruits are all plants and therefore imbued with Mother Earth’s love and nourishment. Meats and dairy come from Mother Earth’s amazing creatures and should be shown respect and gratitude.

Making a magickal meal is as easy as praying over your food while preparing it and also being thankful for the sustenance given. Keep in mind too, that when preparing your food, whatever energy is surrounding you will also affect the food. So if you’re in a good mood, dancing and singing while preparing, the food will take on some of this energy. Likewise if you’re in a bad mood or nonchalant about the food you are preparing, the food will absorb some of this energy. Mindfulness is all a part of cooking like a witch. Be mindful of your ingredients, their history, their properties and how they can be nurturing to your body.

Transforming Your Kitchen into a Sacred Space.

Before you begin working your kitchen magick, you will want to transform your kitchen into a sacred space. Historically, kitchens have held a place of great honor in the home and fire has always been considered sacred, so the kitchen doesn’t have far to go to become sacred in your home as well.

The first thing you will want to do to create your sacred space is clean the kitchen. It doesn’t sound very magickal, but nothing muddles up magick like catching a glimpse of the dirty dishes stacked in the sink or slipping on a dirty floor. You may also wish to add to the ambiance of the room by growing some herbs on the window sill (which also makes them handy for including in your food and further charges the herbs with your energies) light some candles, open a window and let fresh air in, or even have some special music playing.

Perhaps you will keep a special wooden spoon that you only use for magickal cooking, rather like a special kitchen “wand.“ You may also wish to cast a magick circle, invoke a hearth deity or two, or maybe say a blessing. Do whatever that will put you in the mood to make magick.

Magickal Cooking Tips

Magickal cooking is based on sympathetic magick, the idea that like things can influence each other. It uses different foods to represent the outcome you wish to achieve. Like any lists of correspondences you might encounter, if something sounds wrong to you, or you have different associations with something, go with what you feel is right, not what you just see written somewhere.

It is also good to note that you do not need to have an elaborate feast to perform magick in this matter. A simple snack can be just as effective if the intention is there. Even if you do have a large dinner planned, the whole meal does not need to revolve around your purpose.

When deciding what sort of food to prepare, don’t forget to make something you like. You aren’t going to be able to focus on your intention if you are trying not to gag on a food you can’t stand! At the same time, try to eat primarily healthy foods. While there are some exceptions, most foods that are bad for your health are useless magickally as well.

In addition to what you are going to prepare, how you prepare it can make a difference in the energies of the food as well. For example, for protection dishes, fried foods, hot foods, and spicy, hot dishes all work well. For strength, you may with to sauté your food or prepare something spicy. Flaming foods are good for strength and steamed food is good for purification.

Before you begin cooking, hold the ingredients you are going to use and visualize your goal, charging it with your energies. As you prepare the food, keep this intent in mind. Since the magick is in the intent, it is not recommended that you try to perform your magick when you are tired, grumpy, or sick as it would be too easy for some of this negative energy to seep into your spell working.

If you are preparing a meal for others in addition to yourself, take care to not load the whole dish with your intention (just your portion) without their knowledge and consent as this could be considered manipulative magick. Keep the magick going during the meal as well by continuing to visualize while you eat.

Don’t get discouraged if your cooking spell doesn’t work right away. Most spell work takes time and you may even need to make several meals before you see it come to fruition.

Magickal Fruits, Breads, and Sweets

Baking is a wonderful opportunity to create magick in your kitchen. Especially when kneading bread, you have a great chance to infuse your food with your magickal intentions. In fact, bread making itself is considered by many to be a sacred act and can be a ritual in itself.

With many baked goods, such as breads, muffins, pies, cakes, or pastries, you can change the energies of your food by changing flavors or fillings. Several examples are given below, but the possibilities are endless! With things you can form into different shapes, such as cookies, pancakes or breads, you can further strengthen your intentions by forming them into a shape or symbol of what you are looking to achieve.

  • Apple:

Apples are known as the Wiccan food that is the sacred fruit to the Goddess. The sacred fruit to the Isle of Avalon. If you cut an apple horizontally through it’s center, you will see the 5 pointed star formed by its seeds. Apples are used in love, healing, garden magic, and immortality.

Red apples are for love.
Golden apples are for fame and popularity.
Green apples are for prosperity.

This forbidden fruit yields much power. Offer a bite to a prospective lover. If he or she accepts, you will begin a love affair. Leave an offering of an apple under a tree for Venus and make a request for love.

  • Bagel:

The bagel is a round shaped bread with a hole that is ruled by Adonis. A food that is perfect for breakfast and is of various flavors and types. Eat bagels to create illusions. The more you pile on top of the bagel, the more people will believe and enjoy the tall tales you tell.

Sesame bagels: prosperity.
Poppy bagels: eaten before bed to increase dream activity (don’t eat before having to take a drug test as the poppy seeds are known to induce a positive for opiates).
Salt bagels: gets rid of inconsistencies, and make one a better liar.
Cinnamon raisin bagels: makes flattery come easy.
The everything bagel makes wishes come true.
Warning: never put ham or pork products on a bagel, it brings very bad luck!

Meditate on the hole in the bagel when you need to pull a quick disappearing act ~ especially from creditors.

  • Banana:

The banana is an everyday food that is a fruit and ruled by Mars. Prevents harm and accidents while traveling cross-country or by air. To increase sexual stamina – dry and crush the banana into a powder and than rub it on your body. It has powerful lust properties because of its obvious shape.

  • Chocolate:

Chocolate can be used as flavoring or as a dessert itself; can be drank as a beverage (hot cocoa/chocolate). Hot chocolate was invented by the Meso-American natives, the Aztecs and Mayans were known to consume it often and believed it increased power and virility in their warriors. It was a sacred food to various ancient peoples. Chocolate is a power drug and it holds properties of love.

Dark chocolate is associated with romance and intimacy.
Milk chocolate is associated with nurturing and friendship.

A staple for witches in the kitchen, especially for those trying to induce love or aspects of love. It has been scientifically proven to raise the endorphin levels in the body.

  • Ketchup:

Even condiments have magickal properties! Ketchup is ruled by Venus, as it is made of tomatoes which are also ruled by Venus. When drawn in the shape of a pentagram is used for summoning or dismissing energy. When spreading on other foods, can be used in visualizing relationships. Continue to visualize or call out person’s name while consuming ketchup. Ketchup is associated with love, because tomatoes were once thought to be a powerful aphrodisiac.

  • Oranges:

This fruit is well known all over the world and dates back to prehistory. Can be used in love, joy, and inspiration magic. Placed in stockings on Christmas as sympathetic magic to encourage the return of the sun. Directly associated to the sun and solar magick. Eat to lift your spirits. Dry and grind into a powder to use in love and abundance spells.

Blood oranges incite the passions when eaten.

In China, the orange is a symbol of gold and prosperity. Leave as an offering next to a Buddha statue to increase your luck and wealth

  • Pasta:

Pasta is ruled by Mercury.

Spiral pasta enhances creativity. Spaghetti/linguine is good for protection and improving communications. Corn pasta helps bring financial creativity. Rice pasta is good for love.

  • Pie:

Ruled by Venus and originating in ancient Greece and Rome, pies are associated with happiness, love, and wholeness.

Eat cherry pie to increase self-confidence and find self-love.
All fruit pies invoke love when shared with another.
Meat pies create feelings of security.

Place your thumb in a pie and make a wish. It just might come true!

  • Pizza:

Pizza is a delicious and recreational food that is ruled by the Sun. Eat pizza when things are difficult and you need a lucky break. Or when you get the craving. Whole pizzas should be blessed with prosperity before being consumed. Eat a triangular slice when things seem very difficult and you feel you need a lucky break with any situation in your life. The Sicilian, or square pizza does not hold any magickal properties.

  • Rum:

Rum is an alcohol that is ruled by Ellegua and Chango. Distilled from molasses and caramel, rum has a deep brown color that attracts sweetness. Drinking it channels the spirits of the gods. Traditionally you must spit the rum over an idol or representation of the god. Use in baking a rum cake or mix with coke for a fun Friday night!

  • Sugar:

Sugar is ruled by the Orishas and by the goddess of love – Venus. Can be used in spell jars, bags, and more.

Chew on raw sugar cane to draw spirits into the body. It is one of the quickest ways to become possessed by the gods. Sprinkle powdered or confectioners’ sugar on pink or red love candles to make another “sweet on you.

Synthetic sugar substitutes are not generally considered to have magickal qualities.

Magickal Herbs

Working with herbs is an easy way to apply energy correspondences. Every Kitchen Witch knows that even the most
common herb welds magickal energies. Parsley is used for fertility, thyme for clairvoyance, garlic for protection… and that sprinkling an herb over a dish or simmering a few into a dinner can imbue a meal with energy. Energy abounds in nature. In magick natural aspects are gathered and infused with intent.

Adding herbs to your cooking not only adds nutrients (yes, each herbal teaspoon is loaded not only with flavor but with antioxidants and vitamins too) it will add energy to manifest intent.

  • For example:

While the French regard their food as ‘the food of Love’, it’s actually the Italians that steps up to the magickal index. Basil, Marjoram, Rosemary and Thyme are all herbs with magickal properties used to kindle affection. One of the easiest love spells to work is to serve a nice Italian meal incorporating these herbs into a sauce. As you make the sauce firmly hold your intention in your mind then serve the meal to the object of your desire.

  • Basil:

Basil is a popular Wiccan food for Wicca in the kitchen. A very useful and fragrant herb that can be used fresh or dried in cooking. This is a lust herb and the aroma calls forth sexual energy.

  • Bay:

Bay leaves have been used for centuries in the Mediterranean. They are believed to enhance psychic powers when burned. Add them to various dishes of Italian, Cuban, and Greek ethnicity to connect to the gods.

  • Chili Powder:

Chili powder is made from ground, dried chilies. It has been used in hoodoo and other forms of folk magic for centuries. Often it is used to in spells to “send someone away” or to shut someone up. It has a powerful kick and should be used wisely in magick and it is spicy and should be used sparingly in food (unless you like spicy foods then more power to you!)

  • Cilantro/Coriander:

Cilantro is the leaf and coriander is the seed of this tasty herb. Ruled by Mars and used in love and lust magick. If the seeds are worn will help with migraine headaches. Used in flavoring foods, great in salsa and chutney. Used in love and healing magick.

  • Cinnamon:

Cinnamon is a multi-purpose powdered root used in desserts and dishes. Its magical properties include abundance/money, protection, and love.

  • Cumin:

Cumin is an ancient herb used in the Middle East and Mediterranean to flavor stews and meat dishes. Blended into drinks to promote lust. Used in foods to promote love and protection. Ruled by Mars.

  • Oregano:

Oregano is used in Italian food to flavor meat and tomato dishes. Ruled by Venus. Can be used in love, happiness, luck, and protection magick. Also said to enhance psychic abilities.

  • Peppermint:

This sweet-tasting, invigorating herb is used in desserts and also as a tea. Carry dried peppermint leaves in your wallet to bring in more money. Said to help with stomachaches or sour stomachs. When grown in the garden is good luck.

  • Rosemary:

Rosemary is an herb used to enhance intuition and psychic abilities. When taken as a supplement is said to improve memory and cognition.

  • Salt:

While technically not an herb, salt is used to flavor many dishes both culinary and baking. It has a purifying and cleansing effect and has been used for centuries to absorb negative energies and protect oneself and house from evil. There are different kinds of salt, and it is best to stay away from iodized “table” salt. Sea salt and Himalayan pink salt are best for the body. Himalayan pink salt helps to decalcify one’s pineal gland.

  • Thyme:

Thyme is an herb long associated with the fae or fairies. Ruled by Venus. Used to purify, bring pleasant dreams, worn or burned for good health, can be used in food to attract fortune, love, courage, and psychic skill.

Magickal Veggies

Everyone has to eat, and if all food is prepared with an intention for love, money or protection, cooking will help you to manifest what you want out of life. As you practice your magick cookery you will find a new joy in the ritual of food preparation. Food contains the energy of love, protection, sensuality, strength, fertility, and prosperity to name a few. Discover the magic of food by utilizing the energy contained within.

The preparation of food, with a particular intention in mind, is old magic. Look at food as sacred, let the act of preparing, cooking and eating food be a sacred act. Your kitchen can be a place of powerful magic, work slowly and deliberately to hone your craft.

  • Artichoke

Ancient Greek myth states that an angry god turned a beautiful woman into the first artichoke because he was jealous of her looks. The artichoke originated in the Mediterranean region. The ancient Romans enjoyed them as a luxury food, preserving them in brine or vinegar.

Magickal uses include protection, growth, and safety, associated with Mars and the Fire element. A member of the thistle family, the artichoke is associated with protection because of it’s sharp outer points and prickly inside.

  • Beet:

This root vegetable is considered to be feminine. It represents the Power of Love. Beet juice can be used as a replacement for blood in spells of old, also in Love magic. It is said that if a couple eat of the same beet, then they will fall in love forever.

  • Cabbage:

People who feared Friday the 13th at one time placed cabbage leaves on their foreheads to ward off evil spirits. Cabbage was so valued in ancient Greece that officials passed a law in 621 BCE that proscribed the death penalty for anyone caught stealing cabbages. The ancient Greeks also thought that eating a head of cabbage everyday would cure insanity and nervous conditions.

Magickal uses include protection and money, associated with the Moon and the Water element. Serve cabbage on the night of the Full Moon, and after magickal/spiritual rituals. Cabbage can also be eaten to internalize protection. Green cabbage is good for money-drawing.

  • Carrot:

The carrot is a root plant ruled by Mars. Because of its shape is associated with lust and fertility. When eaten by women encourages pregnancy. The flowers of the plant are known as Queen Anne’s Lace. Come in various colors – white, orange, and even purple.

  • Celery:

Celery has long been known as an aphrodisiac. Ancient Roman women ate celery to increase their sexual appetites. Celery soup was a favorite dish at Madame de Pompadour’s salon for just this purpose. Modern science has found that cooked celery emits a type of pheromone, the sex-attracting chemical secreted by humans and animals.

Magical uses include sex, peace, psychic awareness, grounding and weight loss, associated with Mercury and the Fire element. Make a celery soup, visualizing that your sexual appetites will increase. Or use a different visualization with raw or cooked celery to soothe and bring peace. Use celery seed as a seasoning to strengthen psychic awareness.

The stalk and seeds will induce lust upon consumption. Chewing on the seeds will help center yourself and help with concentration. The seed can be used in spell pillows to induce sleep. To increase psychic powers, burn with orris root.

  • Chili Pepper:

Chili peppers were cultivated in Mexico 9,000 years ago. The Aztecs used chili peppers in exorcism rituals. Chili peppers were recently banned from one state’s prison system because the burning vegetable can be used as a weapon. The Spanish conquistadors were repelled in some parts of South America by the smoke of burning chilies.

In modern-day New Mexico, some people burn the core of a red bell pepper on Friday nights to ward off evil from harmful humans. Magickal uses include protection, associated with planet Mars, the Greek God Ares and the Fire element. Add jalapeno, cayenne, or bell peppers to guard against negative energies.

  • Corn:

Ruled by Venus and the Earth element, corn embodies  powers of protection divination and luck. The Corn Mother is a Goddess that has been worshiped through time by East and North America. She is the deity of fertility and plenty, the corn either whole or ground is used to bless and scattered for ritual.

Make a necklace of whole kernels to prevent nose bleeds. Cornstalks hung over the mirror brings good luck to the household. Red corncobs were burned in the mountains of North America on the homes doorstep or under the bed to aid in childbirth. Pollen from corn was used in rain making rituals by Meso-Americans. Placing an ear of corn with a sleeping infant will keep out negative energy.

  • Cucumber:

A feminine vegetable ruled by the moon, for chastity, fertility and healing. The peels of the cucumber placed on the forehead will help aid in the cure of a headache. Eating of the seeds will help with fertility, and when the cucumber it’s self is eaten it hinders lust. Sliced thinly and placed on the eyes it cures dry and swollen eyes.

  • Lettuce:

Lettuce is associated with the element of water, as it is made up mostly of water. Ruled by the moon and is eaten to prevent sea-sickness. Can be used in protection spells, particularly helpful if grown in the garden to protect one’s home. Rubbed on face/forehead to help fall asleep. Also used in divination and chastity magick. Very healthy to eat as high in fiber, vitamins, and water content.

  • Onion:

The onion is a masculine root plant used in various forms of magick. When cut open and left in a room will absorb sickness. Grow it in the garden to protect one’s home against evil spirits. Used also in money and lust magick and will produce prophetic dreams if placed under the pillow. The Holy Trinity of vegetables to be used in many culinary dishes is carrot, celery, and onion sauteed in a butter base (shhh, don’t tell anyone my secret to amazing stuffing!).

  • Peppers:

The various colors of peppers have different associations:

Eat red peppers with a lover to improve your sex life.
Eat purple peppers on Thursdays or full moons for power, protection and wisdom.
Eat orange peppers for creativity and spiritual evolution

If you are awaiting a money award in a court settlement, write the amount you want on a piece of paper. Cut a slit in a green pepper and place the piece of paper inside of it. Put the pepper in the freezer and keep it there until you have won your case.

  • Potato:

Potatoes are a staple food in Ireland dating back centuries. Once thought to be poisonous as a part of the nightshade family, now a very common eaten food all over the world. Ruled by the moon. When eaten baked or fried can help calm an upset stomach (my own personal remedy). Used in healing magick.

  • Pumpkin:

According to early American legend, if half a pumpkin is left exposed in the kitchen, negative energies will arrive to spoil the cooking. Pumpkins are carved in the United states on Halloween to scare away evil. Pumpkins can be a part of Samhain celebrations as symbols of the fruitfulness of the earth. Pumpkins are also symbols of the Mother Goddess.

Add pumpkin dishes to health diets. Eat the seeds after roasting them, or enjoy pumpkin pie or pumpkin bread. It is also a money-attractant.

  • Tomato:

While not technically not a vegetable, most people consider it as such. Was thought to be the fruit of love in the Mediterranean region. Is considered a powerful aphrodisiac and is used in many Italian, Greek, and Mexican dishes.

  • Zucchini:

The zucchini is a veggie (some say fruit) that is ruled by Jupiter. Whole raw zucchinis are used in sex magick. To stop a man from cheating, carve his name in the zucchini and freeze it. Eat zucchini cooked for protection and prosperity.

More information about food and magick can be found here:

Candle magick is based on the same principle as that of color therapy. Different colors have different frequencies which, in turn, have different effects on the human psyche. We can use these effects in a positive manner to enhance our mind power. Likewise, some candles are also fragrant and the different fragrances can also reflect differently on one’s feelings and emotions. Therefore, through candle magick, practitioners can make use of varying fragrances and colors of candles to create different effects for their clients.

According to the science of candle magick, specific candles may be used on specific days of the week, since these colors are also associated with the different Planets. Thus:

  • Sunday– Gold or yellow candles
  • Monday– Silver, Grey or White
  • Tuesday– Red
  • Wednesday– Purple
  • Thursday– Blue
  • Friday– Green
  • Saturday– Black or Purple

Candle magick therapists also recommend specific colored candles for addressing different illnesses. In brief, these are:

  • Allergies– Violet
  • Anxiety– Rose
  • Colds– Green/violet
  • Depression– Orange/Indigo/Rose
  • Insomnia– Blue
  • Indigestion– Yellow
  • Fever– Blue
  • Headaches– Green/blue
  • Diabetes– Yellow

Here are the meanings of different candle colors in general:

  • White– Destruction of negative energy, peace, truth and purity
  • Purple– Spiritual awareness, wisdom, tranquility
  • Lavender– Intuition, Paranormal, Peace, Healing
  • Blue and Deep Blue– Meditation, Healing, Forgiveness, Inspiration, Fidelity, Happiness, and opening lines of Communication.
  • Green– Money, Fertility, Luck, Abundance, Health (not to be used when diagnosed with Cancer), Success
  • Rose and Pink– Positive self love, friendship, harmony, joy
  • Yellow– Realizing and manifesting thoughts, confidence, bringing plans into action, creativity, intelligence, mental clarity, clairvoyance.
  • Orange– Joy, energy, education, strength attraction, stimulation
  • Red or Deep Red– Passion, energy, love, lust, relationships, sex, vitality, courage.
  • Black– Protection, absorption and destruction of negative energy and also repelling negative energy from others
  • Silver– Goddess or feminine energy, remove negativity, psychic development
  • Gold– Male energy, Solar energy, fortune, spiritual attainment,

Candle magick practitioners often recommend writing names, dates, birth dates and certain symbols on the candle (or its enclosing glass) to reaffirm one’s intentions. Additionally, the candles must be anointed in oil and you can use simple Olive oil or specific essential oils to dress the candle and increase their effectiveness.

Based upon the intentions or reasons why you are using candle colors based on their specific meanings, you will require taking a bath or cleansing the mind through meditation. The dressing of the candle is itself a ritual where you must completely focus on the intention while rubbing the oil on the wax of the candle.

Source: Color Meanings


The crossroads are literally where different roads meet and where they separate, where opportunity emerges to change directions. They are unpredictable; you could take any one of a variety of choices. Magically speaking a crossroads is the place where multiple forces converge, where anything can happen, where transformations may occur. Energy is liberated and expanded at the crossroads. Instead of hopping over boundaries, you can stand in the center and be inundated by power, potential and choices.

Crossroads are ubiquitous in magic. Many spells demand to be cast at the crossroads, others require that the remnants of spells – left over candle stubs, ashes and the such – be buried at the crossroads where their energy can safely disperse.

Specific types of spiritual entities, known as “road-openers” and inevitably beings of great power preside over crossroads. These beings can be petitioned for knowledge, information and for a change in destiny. They control thresholds and roads and determine who has free access and who finds roads barred, who will choose the right fork in the road and who will wander hopelessly lost forever.

In ancient Greece, Hermes ruled the four-way crossroads, while Hecate presided over three-way crossroads. In West Africa, Eshu-Elegbara rules the crossroads as does his Western hemisphere incarnations Elegba, Papa Legba and Exu. In Brazil, Exu’s female counterpart, Pomba Gira, presides over T-shaped crossroads.

Once upon a time, crossroads were where people met, where nomads rendezvoused, where gallows stood, where the death penalty was enacted and corpses left to hang, where suicides were buried. If magic spells were cast according to direction, then midnight at the crossroads must have frequently been a crowded, busy place, especially on a night like Halloween when the veil that divides the realms of living and dead is at its most permeable, leaving an open road for inter-realm communication.

Christian authorities frequently urged people to avoid the crossroads, particularly at night, as it was the devil’s stomping grounds. If you were looking to meet Satan, however, if you had a proposition or a request for him, the crossroads was where you were most likely to find him.

Unfortunately, the most accessible modern crossroads are traffic intersections. The magic energy remains, however. Think about a busy intersection: on a good day you fly straight through, making a journey faster and easier. A traffic tie-up, however, is an energy build-up with added potential for accidents and road rage.

Faithfully attempting to follow a spell’s directions may leave you playing in the middle of traffic. In Rio de Janeiro, Pomba Gira’s devotees take this into account: offerings aren’t left where you might expect, at the center of the crossroads, but by the side of the road. No matter how powerful your spell, it will have no opportunity to work if you get hit by a car during the casting.

Find an appropriate old-fashioned crossroads, a safe area of a modern crossroads, or read between the lines – figure out what the spell really requires (why you’re being sent to the crossroads, for what purpose) and adapt and substitute as needed. Not all crossroads are literal intersections of roads. Other crossings include: Graveyards, bathhouses, ruins, bike paths, and altars.

Found in: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells
Art from: Cotton Fine Arts

  • Angelica:

Angelica was linked sometimes with St. Michael the Archangel and was even called “The Root of the Holy Ghost”. It protects against witchcraft, evil spirits, spells and enchantments.

  • Basil (Sweet):

Basil is believed to have derived its name form the Basilisk, the fabulous dragon-like creature that was deadly to anyone who looked at it. This may have spawned the old belief that Basil begot scorpions.

  • Betony (Wood):

Betony, the original herb of Magic and medicine discovered by Chiron the Centaur. Cured against ‘elf sickness’. Believed that animals seek it out when ill. Old lore says that if two snakes are put into a ring of Betony, they will fight to the death. Considered magically  powerful against evil spirits.

  • Bistort:

The word bistort means ‘twice twisted’. The twisted root resembles a snake. English names include snakeweed and adderwort. Regarded as a cure for snake bites. Lore also says that this herb can help a woman conceive a child.

  • Blackberry:

Blackberry was considered to be a holy plant. In the Highlands, they’re called Blessed Brambles. If twined into a wreath with rowan and ivy, will keep away evil spirits. Brambles or alternatively osieres, would be plaited around a grave to keep a ghost from rising. Believed that Christ used a bramble to drive the money changers out of the temple and to spur his donkey onto Jerusalem. Thought to cure various ailments if the sick would walk under an archway of bramble rooted at each end.

  • Broom:

A piece of broom is worn in a cap because its ancient reputation as a plant both useful to witches and against them. Was also used as a magic sleep enhancer and as a power in love spells.

  • Byrony (White):

White Byrony is used in place of European Mandrake root. Helped in fertility spells for barren women. Also called Womandrake and related to the Yam family. In France was called “Herb of Beaten Wives” because the berry juice resembles the black and blue marks of beatings.

  • Centaury:

Discovered by Chiron the Centaur. Centaury was used to cure fevers. Was considered to be another powerful herb against Witchcraft and Magic.

  • Chicory:

Chicory was believed to be a cure for failing sight and poor eyes because its flowers only open during sunlight. If gathered by a special ritual, it was believed to make one invisible and also open locked doors and chests. To do so, one must cut the plant with a gold blade on St. Jame’s Day, July 25.

  • Cinquefoil (Potentilla):

Cinquefoil meant “small and powerful”. Hung in doorways to keep out evil spirits. A main ingredient in Witch potions and ointments.

  • Devil’s Bit (Scabious):

Old lore says that the Devil bit it for envy because the herb had so many good virtues and was so good for mankind. In Cornwall England, was referred to as Devil’s Button and to pick the plant one was sure to receive a nocturnal visit from the Devil.

  • Dill:

Dill was known as an anti-witch plant. Was used to lull people into stupors and thus mothers used it on their babies to keep them sleepy. Used in and against spells.

  • Eyebright:

St. Michael used it along with rue and three drops from the Well of Life to anoint his hurt eyes after his battle with the Devil and the latter’s fall.

  • Fennel:

Fennel has genuine wind-expelling properties. Used to keep evil spirits away especially on Midsummer’s Eve when it would be hung with St. John’s Wort over doorways. Keyholes blocked with fennel would keep out ghosts. Was also believed to confer longevity and improve strength and courage.

  • Foxglove:

Foxglove was associated with fairies and elves as they gave gloves to the fox so he could raid the chickens and escape harm. Said that if the fairies wore these ‘gloves’ they could do anything. Was believed to be dangerous to cut foxglove but once you’d done so and lived it was a good defense against the little people.

In Wales it’s juice was rubbed into a floor in the shape of a cross to protect the home from the fey folk. It could also be used to kill a changeling child. Also believed that the souls of the dead inhabited the flowers thus the alternate names of ‘bells’, ‘thimbles’ or ‘deadman’s fingers’.

  • Mugwort:

Known alternatively as St. John’s Herb and Mugwort was considered to be the “Mother of Al Herbs.” Some believed that St. John the Baptist wore a girdle of Mugwort in the forest where he lived. Was cured in the Midsummer bonfires and hung up over doorways to keep evil at bay. Also used to keep travelers from getting too weary.

  • Orchid:

Orchid, another name for Satyrion root which was believed to be a powerful aphrodisiac. Men and women ate the tubers as sexual stimulants and in the hopes of defining what sex a newborn would take.

  • Parsley:

Parsley was not originally considered an herb but rather in connections with both ‘noble’ and ‘funeral’. The Greeks strewn it on graves. It was used on food plates as a garnish as an antidote to poison and thus put on a plate was considered a token of trust. It was also thought if a man ate some of the seeds prior to drinking he’d be able to drink more and still retain his faculties.

  • Peony:

The Peony was regarded as having a divine origin. Sacred to Peon, physician to the Gods. Would protect from evil spirits and storms and would in particular protect shepherds and their flocks, farmers and their crops. Was considered as dangerous as Mandrake to dig up and thus the same kinds of protections must be used. It was also believed to be highly dangerous to dig up if a woodpecker was nearby as the gatherer of the herb would lose his sight.

  • Plantain:

Plantain was known as ‘healing herb’ in Scotland and Ireland. Was considered a very powerful plant since it could stand back up against the boot heel or chariot wheel crushing it down. Due to this belief, it was used to treat wounds and bruises.

  • Rosemary:

Rosemary was dropped into coffins as a way of letting the dead know that you’d not forget them. Also very protective against physical injury and thunder and or lightning. Could renew youth and help ‘special’ enterprises to grow and succeed.

  • Sage:

Sage has an ancient reputation as a healing plant and thought to confer long life. Tradition says that if the plant lives or dies so will a business owner’s livelihood thrive or fail.

  • Solomon’s Seal:

Solomon’s Seas is said to bear a symbol on its roots, the two interwoven triangles which make up the hexagram, will scare off evil spirits! The white flowers were used in love potions and the plant was used to help ‘knit bones’ together.

  • Tarragon:

Also known as Little Dragon, Tarragon is reputed to have sprung up where the banished serpent from the Garden of Eden brushed up over the ground along with Mugwort and Wormwood. Since Dragons were both terrifying and protective, it was believed to cure snake-bite.

  • Viper’s Bugloss:

The seeds of this herb resemble a viper’s head and thus thought to be another cure against snake bite.

  • Yarrow:

Yarrow, also known as Bloodwort is noted for its wound healing powers and was regarded as another herb dedicated to the Devil.


Collected from various sources

  • Acacia:

Symbolizes purity, air, and used in initiations, psychic workings, and protection. Also viewed as a Mother tree, the gum from it symbolizing menstrual blood. Tree of the wiccan goddess Neith, Osirus, Astarte, Ishtar, and Diana. Alder: Sacred to the god Bran. Represents resurrection, rebirth, and fire.

  • Apple:

Used in love Magic and also for peace, happiness, prosperity, perpetual youth, and healing. Represents water. Associated with Venus, Hercules, Diana, Apollo, Hera, Athena, and Idunn.

  • Ash:

Represents water, the Universal Mother, and the source for unborn souls. Used in healing, protection, and sea Magic. Traditional Yule log. Associated with Poseidon, Neptune, Woden, Thor, and Mars.

  • Aspen:

Used for phyllomancy which is divination by leaf rustling. Used for protection.

  • Birch:

Sacred to Cerridwen and represents beginnings and births. Used for purifications and blessings.

  • Cedar:

Used for purification, prosperity, and longevity. Represents earth, spirituality and self.

  • Cypress:

Used for Maypoles, easing losses, healing, past life workings, and protection. Represents earth.

  • Elder:

A witch tree and often used to make wands. Used for healing, love, protection, and. Sacred to the goddess Hel. Represents air. Associated with Venus.

  • Elm:

Represents primordial female powers. Used for protection.

  • Fir:

Symbolizes youth and vitality. Used in prosperity magic.

  • Hawthorne:

Called the May tree. Represents water and the White Goddess Maia. Used for female sexuality, cleansing, marriage, love, and protection.

  • Hazel:

Sacred to witches and the Celtic sea god Manannan. Often used to make all-purpose wands and used in fertility, divination, marriage, protection, and reconciliation. Symbolizes female wisdom and air. Associated with Artemis and Diana.

  • Holly:

Represents fire. Used for protection.

  • Linden:

Used for prophesies and protection.

  • Maple:

Used for love and divination.

  • Oak:

Used for healing, strength, protection, masculinity and for fertility magic. Represents fire. Associated with Dagda, Dianus, Jupiter, Zeus, Cybele, Rhea, Janus, Cernunnos, and Herne.

  • Palm:

Metaphor for Osiris’s penis. Used for male fertility, strength, and virility.

  • Pine:

Symbolizes immortality and represents earth. Pine cones represent fertility. Used for purification, health, fortune, fertility, and prosperity. Associated with Pan, Attis, Venus, and Cybele.

  • Rowan:

Used for protection, healing, and strength. Represents fire.

  • Willow:

Represents water. Used in moon, wishing magic, healing, protection, enchantments, and easy delivery of babies. Associated with Artemis, Persephone, Hecate, Ceres, Hera, and Circe.

Source: Unknown

To prepare herbal tea, use approximately one to three teaspoons of herb per cup of boiling water. Boil water but do not use an aluminum kettle. Pour water into a mug or pot leaving herbs to steep for at least five minutes, but don’t leave for longer than ten minutes or the tea may become bitter. For stronger tea, use more herb rather than steeping the tea for a longer time.

Store herbal tea in amber colored or opaque jars, never in clear glass jars. The potency of the herb may be destroyed by light. Mild teas can be used daily over long periods of time with no ill effects.

  • Anise: Protection, purification, awareness, joy, calling Spirits.
  • Basil: Protection, love, healing relationships, courage, fertility, exorcism. Calming the nerves.
  • Bergamont: Success
  • Burdock Root: Purity, Protection
  • Caraway: Protection, passion. Has the power to prevent the theft of any object that contains the seed and to keep lovers from losing interest in one another.
  • Catnip (flavor with mint): Peace.
  • Chamomile: Love, Relaxation. Calming, Mediation
  • Cinnamon: Spiritual quests, augmenting power, love, success, psychic work, healing, cleansing.
  • Clove: Dispels negativity, protection, draws money, defrays gossip, vision, cleansing.
  • Comfrey: Safe travel, draws money, healing.
  • Dandelion: Divination, welcoming, messages.
  • Elder Flower: Divination
  • Eyebright: Mental and Psychic Power
  • Fennel: Purification, protection, healing, money.
  • Ginger: Protection. Power, success, love, money. (place a few slices of fresh ginger in boiling water).
  • Ginseng: Love, wishes, beauty, desire.
  • Hyssop: Purification
  • Lemon: Purification, love, blessings.
  • Lemon (Leaves): Lust
  • Lemon Balm: Health, Success
  • Licorice Root: Love and Sex. (boil licorice root)
  • Mint, Spearmint, Peppermint: Draws money, healing, strength, augments power, purification, luck, safe travel.
  • Mugwort: Divination
  • Mullein: Divination
  • Nettle: Averts danger, protection, healing. Use gloves to handle so as to avoid getting pricked.
  • Rose Hips: Psychic Power and Divination
  • Rose Hips and Hibiscus: Love, friendship, luck, protection, psychic power and divination.
  • Rosemary: Improves memory, sleep, purification, youth, love, power, healing, protection, intellectual.
  • Sage (sweetened with honey): Long life. Fertility, wishes, wisdom, protection.
  • Thyme: Sleep, psychic energy, courage, healing.  Use both the leaves and flowers.
  • Valerian: Love, calming, sleep. Gets fighting couples together.
  • Yarrow: Courage, love, psychic abilities, divination. The tea drunk prior to divination will enhance one’s powers of perception (a touch of added peppermint enhances its action).

  • Acacia:

Possessing high spiritual vibrations, this oil is worn to aid meditation and to develop psychic powers. Some also use it to anoint their altars, censers, and candles.

  • Allspice:

Very vitalizing. Gives added determination and energy, excellent for convalescents. Anoint daily.

  • Almond:

Almond oil, the symbol of wakefulness to  wiccans, is used in prosperity rituals (anointing candles, money, etc.) and also added to money incenses.

  • Amber:

This rich scent is used to harmonize the aura, and bring the yin and yang into balance within one’s self. Planetary ruler: Mercury

  • Anise:

A boon to clairvoyance, it is often added to a ritual bath preceding any attempt at divination. It is also worn during divinatory rituals.

  • Apple:

Peace of mind, relaxation, love, wisdom. This oil is best worn between the Autumn Equinox and Yule for its high energy of wisdom in Magick. Planetary ruler: Venus. Deity: Aphrodite

  • Apple Blossom:

Wear to promote happiness and success. Anoint candles during love rituals. Add to bath to aid relaxation.

  • Basil:

Used to soothe tempers between lovers in troublesome times. The scent of basil causes sympathy between two people, so wear to avoid major clashes. It creates harmony of all kinds. Prostitutes used to wear it in Spain to attract business. Also good for love potions, wealth, floor washes, and protection spells. Planetary ruler: Mars. Deity: Vishnu, Erzulu

  • Bay:

Best used for clairvoyance and to enhance psychic visions, but also known for protection. Planetary ruler: Sun. Deity: Apollo, Faunus, and Eros

  • Bayberry:

Anoint green candles for prosperity in the home. Brings “luck to your home and gold to your pocket.” A magnetic oil to be worn by men.

  • Benzoin:

This oil brings peace of mind. It is used in purification ceremonies. A drop or two smoldering on a charcoal block will effectively clear the area with billowing clouds of smoke.

  • Bergamot:

Used in protective rituals and also in drawing prosperity. In herbal folklore, it is said that the oil of Bergamot leaves, when rubbed on money, will ensure the return of riches; it is also well known for prosperity spells. Wear on the palm of each hand. Planetary ruler: Mercury

  • Camphor:

Wear to strengthen psychic powers. Also anoint yourself when you have decided to break off with a lover, or when they have done so with you and you find it hard to let go.

  • Carnation:

This sweet and floral scent is traditionally used to ensure strength and good health, and for protection. In candle Magick, it is used as an aid in path working. This is an oil of power. It is used as an energy restorer after exertion, as an aid to healing, and in consecration ceremonies. Should be worn when extra energy for a ritual is desired. Planetary ruler: Sun. Deity: Jupiter

  • Cedar:

Instills confidence, protection from misery and misfortune. The oil from this sacred tree is used for purification, and to rid a person of bad dreams. Planetary ruler: Sun

  • Cedarwood:

Used in Magick for wealth and prosperity. Planetary ruler: Jupiter. Deity: Wood Nymphs

  • Cherry:

Used in all love Magick for attraction. Planetary ruler: Venus

  • Cinnamon:

A high-vibration oil, used for personal protection. It is also a sexual stimulant in the female. Added to any incense, it increases its powers. Mixed with powdered sandalwood, it makes an incense suitable for all religious or spiritual magick. Good for meditation, illumination, and so on. Known to raise spiritual vibrations, draw money, and stimulate psychic powers. Planetary ruler: Sun. Deity: Venus and Aphrodite

  • Cinquefoil:

Protective, strengthens the five senses. Also “five lucks”- love, money, health, power and wisdom, so is often used to anoint amulet and charm bags.

  • Citronella:

Attracts friends and customers, protection from insects.

  • Clove:

An aphrodisiac, worn to attract lovers. Strengthens memory, protects from hostile negative forces. Inhaled, the oil helps memory and eyesight, in Candle Magick it is used to gain prosperity. Planetary ruler: Jupiter

  • Coconut:

This oil is worn to ensure chastity, in a literal or magickal sense. Planetary ruler: Moon

  • Coriander:

A love oil used to anoint candles.

  • Cumin Seed:

Brings peace and harmony to the home. Anoint all doorways once a week just before sunrise when the household is asleep ad all is quiet.

  • Cyclamen:

Worn to ease childbirth by the expectant mother. Also used in love and marriage spells.

  • Cypress:

An oil of blessing, consecration and protection. It is a symbol of the Earth-element, as well as of death. When attending a funeral of a friend or loved one, wear this oil so that you will be uplifted by the meaning of death as the doorway to but another life. It also effectively screens out the negative vibrations of the mourners. Wear on Samhain to become aware and remember those who have passed on.It is worn to strengthen longevity of life and for healing. Planetary ruler: Saturn. Deity: Mithras, Pluto, Artemis, Cupid, and Hecate

  • Eucalyptus:

A healing oil, very useful in recuperation after long illnesses.  Promotes healing of any hurt, depression or illness. Especially good for colds or flu. Cures colds with daily application to the throat, forehead and wrists, and by adding it to healing baths. Also used for purification.

  • Frankincense:

One of the most sacred of all oils, used to anoint magickal tools, the altar, etc. A strong purifier used in exorcisms, purification rituals, and blessings. Sacred to the wiccans, this oil is worn to protect against negativity, and is used as a sacred anointing oil. Planetary ruler: Sun. Deity: Ra and Baal

  • Gardenia:

Wear to attract love. A powerful feminine magnetic oil. Protective. Sacred to the Goddess, this oil is used to bring peaceful vibrations and to attract good spirits into the circle. Planetary ruler: Moon

  • Geranium:

This sweet floral scent is used to attract others in matters of love. Planetary ruler: Venus

  • Ginger

A tropical aphrodisiac. Induces passion.

  • Heliotrope:

Increases clairvoyance, assists meditation, protects from physical harm. High spiritual vibrations, drenched with the energies of the Sun.

  • Honeysuckle:

An oil of the mind, it promotes quick thinking and is often used as a memory aid by dabbing on the temples. Also used in prosperity rituals. Wear to increase psychic abilities and clairvoyance; in Candle Magick, use to increase money and prosperity. Planetary ruler: Jupiter

  • Hyacinth:

Brings peace of mind to the mentally disturbed. A very relaxing oil.

  • Hyssop:

Increases finances, and is added to the bath to create a purifying atmosphere. An excellent oil to wear during all types of magical rituals.

  • Jasmine:

Symbol of the Moon, and of the mysteries of the night. Jasmine oil is used to attract love. The scent helps one relax, sleep, and also facilitates childbirth. It is sometimes used for meditation and general anointing purposes. This is a purely spiritual oil. This moon flower is worn at night to induce sleep and cause prophetic dreams; in Candle Magick it is used for Love and Dream Magick. Planetary ruler: Moon. Deity: Vishnu

  • Juniper:

This woody, pine scent is used as an aid in meditation and spiritual enlightenment. In Magick, it is used to communicate with animals. Planetary ruler: Sun

  • Lavender:

Used in healing and purifying rituals, and also to arouse sexual desire in men. Prostitutes wore it extensively to advertise their trade and to attract customers.This bittersweet flowery scent is used in healing and to bring peace into a troublesome relationship. Also known for magicks pertaining to memory, peace and happiness. Planetary ruler: Mercury.

  • Lemon:

Evokes protective spirits.

  • Lemon Grass:

An aid to the psychic powers. Wear on the forehead. Spiritualists and mediums use it, for it helps make contact with spirits.

  • Lilac:

Induces Far Memory, the act of recalling past lives. It is also useful in inducing clairvoyant powers in general. Brings peace and harmony.This gentle, sweet scent is used in Candle Magick, as an aid in mental development and past life recollection. It is worn to keep away baneful spirits. Planetary ruler: Venus

  • Lily:

This oil is best used magickally to stop manipulation in love affairs. It is also worn for its protective energy. Planetary ruler: Moon. Deity: Venus, Juno, and Kwan Yin

  • Lime:

This citrus oil is used for healing, love and protection. Planetary ruler: Sun

  • Lotus

The sacred oil of the ancient wiccans, lotus oil has a high spiritual vibration and is suitable for blessing, anointing, meditation, and as a dedicatory oil to your god(s). It is also used in healing rituals. One who wears lotus oil is sure of good fortune and much happiness. Used for healing energies and fertility. Also known to attract good fortune. Planetary ruler: Moon

  • Magnolia:

An excellent oil for meditation and psychic development. It also brings peace and harmony.This oil is used to maintain a faithful relationship. Planetary ruler: Venus

  • Melilot:

Fights depression, or what the old Witches used to call melancholy.

  • Mimosa

Used in healing rituals, and also in producing prophetic dreams. Anoint the forehead before retiring.

  • Mint:

Used in prosperity spells, and to increase one’s business. Anoint wallets, etc.

  • Musk / Dark Musk:

The universally accepted “sex scent”. It is also worn to purify and to gain courage. It is a magnetic oil, worn with equal success by both sexes. This oil is worn as a sexual attractor, and stimulates the psychic body; magickally, it is used to anoint the censor. Planetary ruler: Venus

  • Myrrh:

A purification, protection and hex-breaking oil. Possesses a high vibratory rate, making it excellent for the more religious rituals of magick. Anoint the house every morning and evening as part of any protection ritual. One of the sacred anointing oils, it is worn for blessing, protection, and consecration; magickally it is used for purification and meditation. Planetary ruler: Moon. Deity: Isis, Adonis, Ra, and Marian

  • Narcissus:

“Stupidfyer”. This oil brings peace and harmony, soothes the nerves and relaxes the conscious mind. A “narcotic” type oil. This scent is good for overcoming restlessness, and creating harmony. When worn with patchouli, it creates a high sexual atmosphere. Planetary ruler: Mercury

  • Neroli:

Magnetic women’s oil. Rubbed between the breasts to attract men, or onto the temples to give peace.

  • Nutmeg:

This oil is rubbed onto the temples and the third eye to help in meditation and to induce sleep. It is protective as well.

  • Orange:

Brings harmony, raises power.

  • Orange Blossom:

To make a person in the mood for marriage, wear this oil. Many women add it to their daily baths to build up their attractiveness. Sometimes known as mantrap.

  • Orchid:

This sensuous, floral scent is worn to attract love; in candle Magick, it is used for creativity, psychic perception, and mental clarity. Planetary ruler: Venus

  • Orris Root:

Attracts the opposite sex. Douse your clothes with the oil.

  • Patchouli:

A very powerful occult oil, one of the magnetic oils to be worn by men. It attracts women. Also wards off negativity and evil, gives peace of mind, and is very sensual. The rich, earthy smell is best known for its capabilities to raise high sexual energy; in Candle Magick, it is used to increase prosperity. Planetary ruler: Saturn

  • Peony:

A lucky scent for all who need customers, success in business, or good fortune.

  • Peppermint:

Used to create changes within one’s life. Also used to relax and allow one to unwind.

  • Pine:

Cleanses, ends useless recriminations. This evergreen scent, best worn during Yuletide, is used to cleanse the aura; in candle Magick, it is used to increase prosperity. Planetary ruler: Mars. Deity: Cybele, Pan, Venus, Attis, Dionysus, Astarte

  • Rose:

The love oil. Used in all love operations, added to baths, and to induce peace and harmony. Take a handful of rose buds, place them in a silver goblet. Pour one dram rose oil over them. Let soak for a week. After this, on a Friday night, burn them over the charcoal to infuse your house with loving vibrations. This is an excellent “peace” incense, and can be done regularly to ensure domestic tranquility.This rich, seductive scent is used to promote thoughts of love and affection. In Magick, it is used in all aspects of love Planetary ruler: Venus. Deity: Hathor, Eros, Cupid, Demeter, Isis, and Adonis

  • Rose Geranium:

Oil of protection. Anoint window sills, doors of house. Wear on self. Also imparts courage to the wearer. An excellent oil to use to bless a new home or apartment. A few drops on a charcoal block will release its powerful vibrations throughout the entire house. Also used to anoint censers.

  • Rosemary:

A very vitalizing oil, rosemary is used in healing rituals and also to promote prudence, common sense, and self assurance. It aids mental powers when rubbed onto the temples. It is also protective and is used much like Rose Geranium. Rub onto the temples to ease pain of headache and in all healing rituals.

  • Rue:

To break up negativity and curses, anoint a sprig of dried rue with this oil. Tie up in a red bag and carry for protection. Add nine drops of the oil to the bath every night for nine nights in succession during the waning moon to break a spell that has been cast against you. Salt may be added to the bath as well.

  • Saffron:

Wear to aid in the development of clairvoyant powers.

  • Sage:

Powerful clearing and cleansing, removes negative energy. This oil is best used for purification of self, and one’s home. It is also known for longevity, wisdom, and power. Planetary ruler: Jupiter

  • Sandalwood:

Protective, very healing, this oil is used to anoint. It also aids one in seeing past incarnations. Try anointing the forehead to promote the Sight. This is known to be one of the most spiritual oils, and an excellent base for most anointing oils; it is also used for healing, meditation, and prayer. Planetary ruler: Moon

  • Sesame:

Gives hope to one who is sick, discouraged or lonely.

  • Sweetgrass:

Invokes spiritual blessings, aids transformation.

  • Sweet Pea:

One of the most beautiful of all scents, sweet pea oil is worn to attract strangers of all kinds, some of whom may become lovers or friends. Wear as a personal oil.

  • Spikenard:

Wear during rituals to the ancient deities of Egypt, also to anoint sacred objects, such as altars, tools, etc.

  • Tuberose:

Mistress of the Night, as it is also known, is an excellent aphrodisiac. Promotes peace and also aids in psychic powers. Men wear it to attract women. Very much a physical oil.

  • Vanilla:

Vitalizes energy, brings happy occasions to the premises, draws good fortune. A vitalizing oil, said to be sexually arousing in women. Use as an energy restorer. Sometimes used to gain extra power during magical ceremonies. This very soothing scent increases loving and lustful energy. Planetary ruler: Venus

  • Vervain:

Assists in obtaining material objects. It also stimulates creativity. Aids those who desire success in the performing and creative arts.

  • Vetiver:

This oil is worn to attract a lover; it is used in candle Magick to repel negativity. Planetary ruler: Venus

  • Violet:

The oil is used in love operations and is sometimes sexually exciting. However, many people can’t stand the fragrance of the violet, for some curious reason. Once thought to be sacred to the Fairy Queen. Very healing, added to baths. This light, floral scent is used in healing, wards off evil, and helps smooth out tensions in a love affair. Planetary ruler: Venus

  • Wisteria:

The door between the world of men and the realm of the Gods, the passport to higher consciousness and existence, and to bring illumination. Wear only when in complete serenity.

  • Ylang – Ylang:

Makes its wearer irresistible to the opposite sex. Also soothes the problems of married life. Can help in finding a job. If worn to interviews you will be much calmer and more impressive to the interviewer. Sometimes called “Flower of Flowers.”A very soothing oil, used in all aspects of healing. Often used in sex Magick.

Information collected from various sources

Animal magic is use of an animal for its symbolism and energies. Animals can also be animal spirit guides. Similar to spirit guides, they are used for their strengths, skills, and guidance. Using animal symbols in your spell work can be very effective. They can be used to represent persons or situations, and/or to add strength and ability to what it is you are working to achieve.

Here is a listing of many common animals and the general properties associated with them. You can also use this list as an aid when deciphering dreams, omens, shapes in tea leaves, etc.

  • Alligator : aggression, survival, adaptability
  • Ant : team player, worker
  • Armadillo : active, nocturnal, protection
  • Bat : guardian of the night, cleaner
  • Bear : power, adaptability
  • Bear Paw : strength, mobility
  • Beaver : builder, gatherer
  • Bobcat : fierce, loner, intensity
  • Buffalo : sacredness, life builder
  • Bull : strength, warning
  • Butterfly : metamorphosis, carefree, transformer
  • Camel : weary, enduring
  • Cat : independence, grace, healing
  • Cougar : leadership, courage
  • Cow : patience, stoicism
  • Coyote : prankster, insight, playful
  • Crane : solitude, independence
  • Deer : love, gentleness, kindness
  • Dog : loyalty, protection
  • Dolphin : kindness, play, bridge man to ocean
  • Dragonfly : flighty, carefree
  • Eagle : divine spirit, connection to creator
  • Elephant : long life, self : preservation
  • Elk : strength, agility, freedom
  • Fox : cunning, provider, intelligence
  • Frog : connection with water element
  • Giraffe : watchfulness, mobility
  • Goat : stubborn, omnivorous
  • Gorilla : brute strength, adaptibility
  • Goose : faithful, communicative, traveler
  • Grizzly Bear : hunter, nature’s pharmacist
  • Hawk : messenger, stopper of time
  • Hippo : linking water and earth, survival
  • Horse : stamina, mobility, strength
  • Hummingbird : messenger, stopper of time
  • Kangaroo : feisty, funloving
  • Lion : power, strength, respect
  • Lizard : conservation, agility
  • Loon : solitude, song, romance
  • Manatee : peaceable, unassuming
  • Monkey : playfulness, agility
  • Moose : headstrong, unstoppable, longevity
  • Mouse : timid, secretive, sneaky
  • Orca : focus, power
  • Ostrich : fickle, fast moving
  • Otter : laughter, curiosity, truth, patience
  • Owl : wisdom, perseverance
  • Panda : playful, kindness
  • Pelican : ever watchful, grace
  • Penguin : playful, loving
  • Pheasant : confidence, attraction, perseverance
  • Pig : intelligence, hunger
  • Polar Bear : fearlessness, power
  • Quail : sacred spiral, ceremonial, Holy
  • Rabbit : alertness, resourceful
  • Raccoon : bandit, shy, determination
  • Ram : new beginning, teacher, hoarder
  • Raven : trickster, mischievous
  • Rhino : durability, strength
  • Road Runner : speed, agility, cleverness
  • Salmon : instinct, persistence, determination
  • Seahorse : confidence, grace
  • Shark : hunter, survival
  • Skunk : wary, conspicuous, intense
  • Snake : shrewdness, transformation
  • Spider : creative, pattern of life
  • Squirrel : trusting, innocence
  • Swan : grace, balance, festive
  • Turkey : smart, elusive
  • Turtle : self : contained creative source
  • Water Buffalo : enormous strength, hard working
  • Whale : wisdom, power, cleanser
  • Wolf : loyalty, success, perseverance
  • Wolf Paw : freedom, success, guidance
  • Zebra : family : oriented, alert

  • ACACIA: divination
  • ADDER”S TONGUE: divination
  • ANGELICA: exorcism, healing, and protection against evil influences.
  • AVENS: soul purification.
  • BASIL: exorcism, love spells and protection against evil influences.
  • BAY: clairvoyance, healing, good luck and protection against evil influences.
  • BERGAMOT: prosperity.
  • CAMPHOR: divination.
  • CATNIP: love spells.
  • CARNATION: psychic healing.
  • CEDAR: healing, prosperity and sanctification.
  • CHAMOMILE: sleep potions.
  • CINNAMON: clairvoyance, healing and love spells.
  • CINQUEFOIL: prosperity.
  • CLOVES: divination, exorcism, love and spiritual purification.
  • CLOVER: anti-sorcery, counterspells and protection against evil influences.
  • CORIANDER: love spells.
  • DILL: anti-sorcery and protection against evil influences.
  • DRAGON’S BLOOD: exorcism and love spells.
  • ELDER: aphrodisiac, love spells and prosperity.
  • FENNEL: healing and purification.
  • FERN: exorcism and spells to attract rain.
  • FRANKINCENSE: consecration, divination, exorcism, healing, love spells and spiritual purification.
  • GARDENIA: healing and love spells.
  • GARLIC: exorcism, protection against evil influences and purification.
  • GINGER: aphrodisiacs and love spells.
  • HAWTHORNE FLOWERS: clairvoyance and divination.
  • HAZEL: aphrodisiacs and love spells.
  • HONEYSUCKLE: divination.
  • HOPS: healing and sleep potions.
  • JASMINE: aphrodisiacs and love spells.
  • JUNIPER: aphrodisiacs, exorcism, healing, love spells and protection against evil influences.
  • LAVENDER: aphrodisiacs and love spells.
  • LEMON BALM: healing and love spells.
  • LEMON GRASS: divination.
  • LILAC: exorcism.
  • LOVAGE: aphrodisiacs and love spells.
  • MACE: divination.
  • MALLOW: exorcism.
  • MANDRAKE ROOT: aphrodisiac, cursing enemies, love spells, protection against evil influences and spells to increase psychic powers.
  • MARJORAM: prophetic dreams and protection against evil influences.
  • MINT: exorcism and healing.
  • MUGWORT: astral projection, clairvoyance, divination, prophetic dreams, and Spells to increase psychic powers.
  • MYRRH:consecration, exorcism, healing and meditation.
  • MYRTLE: sleep potions.
  • NUTMEG: divination and healing.
  • ORRIS ROOT: clairvoyance and divination.
  • PASSION FLOWER: sleep potions.
  • PATCHOULI: invocation of elemental powers.
  • PEONY ROOT: anti-sorcery and protection against evil influences.
  • PINE: prosperity.
  • ROSE: divination, healing and love spells.
  • ROSEMARY: counterspells, healing, love spells and purification.
  • RUE: exorcism and hexing of enemies.
  • SAFFRON: love spells.
  • SANDALWOOD: consecration, healing and protecting against evil influences.
  • SASSAFRASS: prosperity.
  • SERPENTARIA ROOT: aphrodisiacs and love spells.
  • SOLOMON’S SEAL: exorcism.
  • THISTLE: exorcism.
  • THYME: divination and healing.
  • TONKA: love spells and prosperity.
  • VERVAIN: anti-sorcery, astral projection and sleep potions.
  • VIOLET: Healing and love spells.
  • WILLOW: healing.
  • WOOD ALOE: prosperity.
  • WOODRUFF: prosperity.
  • WORMWOOD: clairvoyance, divination and good luck.
  • YARROW: divination, exorcism, love spells, prophetic dreams,and spells to increases psychic powers.
  • YERBA SANTA: healing.

Trees have from time immemorial been closely associated with magic. These stout members of the vegetable kingdom may stand for as long as a thousand years, and tower far above our mortal heads. As such they are symbols and keepers of unlimited power, longevity, and timelessness.

An untouched forest, studded with trees of all ages, sizes and types, is more than a mysterious, magical place – it is one of the energy reservoirs of nature. Within its boundaries stand ancient and new sentinels, guardians of the universal force which has manifested on the Earth in vegetable form.

As such, a forest is an excellent spot for magical workings of any kind, not only tree magic. But any tree, anywhere in the world, can be used for the spells and techniques discussed here. Since each type of tree has its own particular powers, these are outlined below.

All trees, save for the poisonous ones (such as yew and hemlock) are excellent for healing magic. Any tree can be used to take away a headache and give you energy, or to reveal the future. We are limited purely by our own minds and actions.

It is important to talk to any tree(s) you are working magic with. Tell them exactly what your need is. Explain to them why the need exists and its urgency. Trees are living entities with a consciousness which, while different from our own, is still capable of communication upon subtler planes of awareness.

So, even though old spells sometimes direct you to pound nails or bore holes into trees – please don’t. This is not only damaging and hurtful to the tree, it is absolutely unnecessary, for there are other techniques available. These include binding or attaching to, burying at the base, and writing on leaves or twigs.

Some spells require marking symbols on leaves. A stick which has been burned on one end is excellent, for the charcoal will act as the graphite in a pencil. Practice with this until you become proficient.

The trees with which you cultivate magical relationships are things to be treasured; visit them often, even if you have no magic to perform. When you can arrive at the point when you accept the trees as friends, you have achieved a powerful bond between yourself, the Earth, and even beyond.

This is a short, very basic list of common trees and their associated powers. Please bear in mind that tree magic needn’t be limited to these tree types, for every tree has its own inherent powers which vary from tree to tree. Experiment!

  • Almond: Divination. Clairvoyance. Wisdom. Money. Loans. Business.
  • Apple: Healing. Prosperity. Love. Perpetual Youth.
  • Ash: Protection. Sea Magick.
  • Apricot: Love.
  • Aspen: Protection.
  • Birch: Protection. Purification. Fertility. New beginnings.
  • Cedar: Prosperity. Longevity.
  • Coconut: Purity. Chastity. Healing.
  • Cypress: Past life workings. Protection.
  • Elder: Healing. Protection. Prosperity.
  • Elm: Protection.
  • Eucalyptus: Healing.
  • Fig: Fertility. Strength. Energy. Health.
  • Hawthorn.: Cleansing. Marriage. Love. Protection.
  • Hazel: Divination. Marriage. Protection. Reconciliation.
  • Hemlock: Astral Projection, Not recommended for healing spells.
  • Juniper: Protection.
  • Lemon: Divination. Healing. Chastity. Neutrality.
  • Lime: Divination. Healing. Chastity. Neutrality.
  • Linden: Protection.
  • Maple: Divination. Love.
  • Mulberry: Knowledge. Divination. Wisdom. The will.
  • Oak: Healing. Strength. Money. Longevity.
  • Olive: Peace. Fruitfulness. Security. Money. Marriage. Fidelity.
  • Orange: Love. Marriage.
  • Palm: Strength.
  • Peach: Love. Divination.
  • Pine: Purification. Health. Fortune. Fertility. Prosperity.
  • Rowan: Protection. Strength.
  • Walnut: Healing. Protection.
  • Willow: Healing. Protection. Enchantments. Wishing. Easy delivery of babies.
  • Yew: Dark Magick. Not recommended for healing spells.

From: Earth Power

“Magic is only unexplained science. Science is explained magic. When I study science, I study magic. When I study magic, I study science.” ― C. JoyBell C.
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