- Ruler: Venus
- Element: Water
- Parts Used: The flowers, either fresh or dried.
- Powers: Love, fertility, luck
Symbolizing rebirth, resurrection, renewal and new beginnings, the daffodil is virtually synonymous with spring. Though their botanic name is narcissus, daffodils are sometimes called jonquils, and in England, because of their long association with Lent, they’re known as the “Lent Lily.”
The Daffodil is a calming flower that helps bring about inner peace, hope and, of course, self-love. It may also be used in spells related to unrequited love. To dream about seeing or picking daffodils is said to symbolize happiness and adoration.
The name daffodil is a derivitave of affodell, which is a variant of asphodel. The Latin name for the daffodil is narcissus. Narcissus are also referred to as jonquils in North America.
- The daffodil is the emblem of Wales and is worn on St David’s Day.
- For spring flowers the daffodil is one of the best bulbs to plant.
- As the daffodil is one of the first flowers of spring, it has the flower meaning of hope.
Daffodil commonly refers to narcissus with large trumpets, but may be used for all types of narcissus. This is the official common name for ANY of the plants that fall into the genus Narcissus. So, if the plant is considered a Narcissus, it is also considered a daffodil as well. However, most people use the term “daffodil” when referring to the large, trumpet-shaped flowers of the Narcissus pseudonarcissus.
For the magick and lore of the Narcissus, visit this post: Narcissus Magick and Lore
In Victorian flower language daffodils signified regard and chivalry, whilst narcissi meant self esteem, female ambition or vanity.The daffodil is the March birth flower and the meaning it holds is friendship and domestic happiness.
The March birth flower daffodil that is commonly known, is yellow with a sweet fragrance. It is native to the Mediterranean, but has been cultivated all over the world as a decorative plant. The daffodil is a perennial grown from a bulb. It can reach heights of two feet. The daffodil is a dependable spring flower and a favorite for its long life and colorful blooms. It is poisonous if eaten.
Lore connecting the daffodil to not only a sign of winter’s end but a lucky emblem of future prosperity is found throughout the world. In Wales, it’s said if you spot the first daffodil of the season, your next 12 months will be filled with wealth, and Chinese legend has it that if a daffodil bulb is forced to bloom during the New Year, it will bring good luck to your home.
The March birth flower and the 10th wedding anniversary flower, a gift of daffodils is said to ensure happiness. But always remember to present daffodils in a bunch – the same legends that associate this cheerful flower with good fortune warn us that when given as a single bloom, a daffodil can foretell misfortune.
Daffodils are suitable altar decorations for any rituals celebrating the coming of spring and suitable offerings for solar deities, water and nature spirits, especially those identified as female. It should be noted that daffodils are toxic, especially the bulbs and can cause irritation to the skin and so should be used with appropriate caution.
Through folkloric mention, narcissus is a flower of the dead and of the underworld, making it suitable for funerary rites as well as those related to the changing of the seasons through rebirth allegory.
- Sprinkle dried petals or place fresh flowers on an altar to attract friendly spirits.
- Keep in the house or garden to cheer you up.
- Wear a daffodil in your breast pocket for luck and to have a cheerful mood follow you all day.
- Add to bathwater to increase your luck and bring new people into your life.
- A bouquet of daffodils in the bedroom may increase fertility.
- Mix with rose petals and place around a photo of a lover you want to return to you.
- Keep freshly cut daffodils in a vase in your home to bring about abundance.
- Place daffodils on your altar during workings related to love, especially if it’s a new relationship and you’re still trying to figure out how to navigate the waters.
- Add potted daffodil bulbs, don’t worry if they’re blooming yet, to your altar for spring celebrations, along with other spring flowers such as forsythia, crocus, and snowdrops.
- Wear this flower close to your heart to draw love, but be careful that your love is not one-sided.
They are good flowers for Geminis who like the cheerfulness of the yellow color and Pisces who appreciate the delicate scent of the white narcissi.
Daffodils in Mythology
Daffodils are also known as the narcissus, after the legendary young Greek man of the same name. Narcissus was pretty full of himself because he had been given the gift of great beauty by the gods. One day, a sweet young wood nymph named Echo spotted Narcissus hanging out by a stream and instantly fell in love with him. However, he was so busy being completely self-absorbed that he ignored Echo, and she wasted away from loneliness until nothing was left of her but her voice. Thanks to this tragic story of unrequited love, daffodils are sometimes used to represent a love that is one-sided.
Later, the goddess Nemesis, although in some versions, it’s Venus, got wind of what had happened to Echo, so she decided it was time to teach Narcissus a lesson. She led him to a stream, where he happened to notice the most beautiful young man he had ever seen – it was his own reflection, and he was so vain that he fell in love with his own image, transfixed, and forgetting to eat and sleep. Some of the other gods were worried that Narcissus was going to starve to death, so they turned him into a flower, which now blooms every year in the spring.
Daffodils in Love
Despite the issues of Narcissus and Echo, daffodils still appear in some folklore as representative of holding a lover in high regard. They send the message that this person is the only one for you, and your feelings are constant.
In some Middle Eastern magic, daffodils are considered an aphrodisiac.
Spiritual Daffodils
One prominent legend of the daffodil features in Christianity. It is said that on the night of the Last Supper, the daffodil appeared in the Garden of Gethsemane to comfort Jesus, who was saddened to know of his betrayal by Judas Iscariot.
The occurrence of wild daffodils is sometimes said to indicate the former site of a religious foundation. At Frittlestoke, near Torrington, Devon, it was recorded in 1797 that the people of the village call daffodils by the name Gregories, a name that coincided with the order of a neighboring monastery – the Canons of St Gregory.
In both Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, it was generally said that wild daffodils indicated the site of a monastery. St Urian’s Copse is well known for its primroses and daffodils. There is a tradition that daffodils grow in profusion on one side of a track running through the copse because a religious building once stood there.
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