So I just watched one of the best vampire movies I’ve seen in a long time. It’s called “A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night” and wow! It wasn’t scary, or even very bloody, but it was strange and moody, very intelligent and definitely something I will watch again and again. Loved the ending!

The official trailer doesn’t do it justice. Here’s a scene from the movie that will give you a good idea of what you are in for when you watch it:

I found the movie mesmerizing and now, I can’t stop thinking about it. It’s one of those great experiences that sticks to your mind, and now the world around you is just a tiny bit changed. Anyway… I can’t say enough about it. So, buy a copy, or find it online somewhere and watch it!

Oh, and there’s also a comic book. It’s a prequel to the movie, and looks pretty cool. Here’s a review:

When I see a title of a comic called A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night it screams bad things are going to happen here! to me. What I wasn’t expecting was a comic that reads like Sin City mixed with Batman and a dose of the supernatural. A lady vigilante prowls the night with internal monologues and a thirst for the living. It is drawn with white lines on black background giving it a very stylistic look. It isn’t the deepest comic around but it is an engaging comic with some genuine build-up and twist moments. –Comic Reviews at IGN



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