Monthly Archives: June 2010

The Karni Mata Temple is an important Hindu site. It is a beautiful temple made of marble with solid silver doors. However, it is not the architecture of this temple that attracts tourists; it is the thousands of rats that inhabit it. There are special holes and tunnels around the temple to facilitate the rats’ movements as well as a wire screen over the courtyard to protect them from birds of prey.

Pilgrims are anointed with ash while the scurrying critters run over their feet. This is considered very auspicious as is spotting a rare white rat. Bowls of milk and water are strategically placed throughout the temple and pilgrims feed the rats balls of sugar. You may be asking, “Why all the fuss about rats?” Well, these pilgrims believe that the rats are their ancestors.

153 chickens rescued from man’s bedroom??
Yes, it’s true!
And I thought having five cats was bad…

Here’s the story:

The SPCA has confiscated 153 fertile broiler chickens from a Rylands man who was keeping them in a darkened bedroom.

The man told SPCA inspectors, who arrived at his home late last week, that he was a former employee of Rainbow Chickens. (Maybe it was this place.)

City SPCA boss Allan Perrins said the man claimed he had “rescued” eggs from his former employers and put them into his oven where, “to his surprise”, they hatched.

Neighbours called the City of Cape Town health department complaining of a stench emanating from the house, and officials from the department who inspected the property found the chickens.

They called in the SPCA.

Senior SPCA inspector Peter Lombard said: “The place was a mess and the room was dark.” (I looked but couldn’t find a single picture of a dark bedroom full of chicken shit. I did find this.)

Lombard told the homeowner he had 12 hours to find a more suitable home for the chickens, which were evidently neglected and badly fed.

The man called the SPCA on Thursday and signed the chickens over to inspectors – but then contacted them again, asking for the animals to be returned to him because he had found a home for them on a Faure farm. (Probably doesn’t look like this.)

But if it looked like this, it might not be a bad place.

Many of the birds had already been put down, Lombard said. (I’d like to think it was something merciful and soothing … like … well … this)

“Broiler chickens are genetically bred to feed 24 hours a day and resort to cannibalism when they don’t get enough food,” he said. (Be very grateful that I didn’t put some pictures of that here!)

The SPCA ethics committee will consider the man’s request about the Faure farm and make a ruling.

By Janis Kinnear

Dear Edith,

I just heard the sad sad news! To say I’m sorry doesn’t seem to be adequate. It’s the old story, ”mere words cannot express – – ”

I’ve thot (sic) of you so often and always going to call, but I’m sure you realize how little time I have; and it’s much much more difficult since Wilbur’s 2nd stroke – last January.

He can’t walk at all now and sits in his wheelchair on the front porch, or inside watching television. Thank God he can still do that as he has had more brain damage.

I sleep on the davenport in living room so I can help him with the urinal every two to three hours – it eliminates a wet bed, which happened at first. I became desperate around about April or May and decided I just had to have a change, so I decided to go with the Hosp. group on their yearly trip. I talked it over with Wilbur and to my surprize (sic) he was for it emphatically!

The two weeks I toured Holland, Germany and Austria with the group Wilbur stayed at Smith Nursing Home in Skokie. He sure was happy when I came to bring him home!

I’m falling asleep writing this. Call me when you feel like it. Edith, I was thinking of you most of today before I heard the news.

Hoping your sorrow won’t be too difficult to bear.

Your friend,


P.S. I’ll say a prayer for you and your son, Jimmy?

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