Monthly Archives: September 2016
Trying to get facebook shares to show up properly on facebook.
Here’s a random image.

Cook fresh corn on the cob in microwave with husks and silk intact. They will cook in their own natural moisture, and taste really yummy. Here’s how:
Cooking Timetable:
- 1 ear – 1 1/2 minute
- 2 ears – 3 to 4 minutes
- 3 ears – 5 to 6 minutes
- 4 ears – 7 to 8 minutes
- 6 ears – 8 to 9 minutes.
Place on dampened paper towel.
Turn ears over and rearrange after 1/2 cooking time.
When ears are hot to the touch, remove and wrap in kitchen towel or foil. Let stand at least 5 minutes.
Remove husks and silk (which is easier than when cold) and serve with melted butter.
And how about this? Scientists have developed a cure for zombie cockroaches… I guess because we need more of them? Or is it because there really will be a zombie apocalypse and we’re going to need the cure for ourselves? And is it wasps who will turn us into zombies? Or scientists experimenting with them? I don’t know… what do you think?
Here’s a video:
Watch how jewel wasps turn cockroaches into “zombies” and find out about the antidote scientists have discovered.
For more info see this article at New Scientist