videos I like
Ha ha… this is just great!
A very profound comment by the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld! It pretty much sums up where I’m at right now!
“There are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we now know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we do not know we don’t know.”
I’ve even got it on video!
Believe it or not, this quote even has it’s own page at Wikipedia!
Hey guys, check out this really nifty virtual reality video. Very cool! I have been reading some of his interviews, and am planning to try his ideas on meditation, and also am going to work on out of body experiences and lucid dreaming. So… these are my “dreams before dawn.”
Dreams before Dawn from Jurgen on Vimeo.
What really happens when you die? I don’t think anyone can know for sure unless they are dead. That being said, this was an interesting interview that I found on YouTube.
Peter Fenwick (born 25 May 1935) is a neuropsychiatrist and neurophysiologist who is known for his pioneering studies of end-of-life phenomena.
In this interview he talks about near-death-experiences (NDE), death-bed-visitors and how we can achieve a good death.
NDE research is at the cutting edge of consciousness research and offers a convincing model for the understanding of what happens when we die. Peter Fenwick describes the different transitional phases of the dying process and highlights the importance of letting go at the end of ones life.
He offers fascinating insights into common phenomena at the end of life, such as premonitions, seeing a light, death-bed-visions and coincidences.
In his opinion everybody should know about death and the dying process, because it is a normal part of living.
- Interviewer: Jens Rohrbeck
- Editor: Werner Huemer
- Director: Mehmet Yesilgöz
Here’s a nice collection of YouTube videos featuring my new hero,
Radagast The Brown. Enjoy!
Love this clip. He is so kind… and so eccentric.
This is a nice compilation of different scenes.
I love this one too…