Online Oracles
When I was at the other day, (actually this was back in 2007), I played his online Tarot, and pulled this card two times in a row, I decided that maybe I should take it seriously, so here is the commentary:
Life is rarely as serious as we believe it to be, and when we recognize this fact, it responds by giving us more and more opportunities to play.
The woman in this card is celebrating the joy of being alive, like a butterfly that has emerged from its chrysalis into the promise of the light. She reminds us of the time when we were children, discovering seashells on the beach or building castles in the sand without any concern that the waves might come and wash them away in the next moment. She knows that life is a game, and she’s playing the part of a clown right now with no sense of embarrassment or pretense.
When the Page of Fire enters your life, it is a sign that you are ready for the fresh and the new. Something wonderful is just on the horizon, and you have just the right quality of playful innocence and clarity to welcome it with open arms
He also said this:
The moment you start seeing life as non-serious, a playfulness, all the burden on your heart disappears. All the fear of death, of life, of love – everything disappears. One starts living with a very light weight or almost no weight. So weightless one becomes, one can fly in the open sky.
Zen’s greatest contribution is to give you an alternative to the serious man. The serious man has made the world, the serious man has made all the religions. He has created all the philosophies, all the cultures, all the moralities; everything that exists around you is a creation of the serious man. Zen has dropped out of the serious world. It has created a world of its own which is very playful, full of laughter, where even great masters behave like children.
Pain is a function of your mind’s holding. Fear is an opportunity to open doors too long left closed. Nothing to change, only to watch. In meditation fear is the guide to be loved.
“If you move deep in meditation it will happen. Fear will disappear, because you know yourself endlessly. You go on spreading endlessly – back into the past, forward into the future, and this very moment, this present moment, in the depth of it you are there. You simply are – you never begin, you are never going to end.”
What does your Osho Horoscope say?
Note: Your Osho Horoscope won’t say anything because that link is no longer viable… so sorry. But I did like the Osho interpretation. And if I ever find a viable link, I’ll update and share!
I was rooting around in my saved files, looking for an idea of what I wanted to post about on the website today, and I found a really interesting post about Osho from years ago. Then I went to my old blogger blog and looked up the Osho posts… and there were a lot of them. But because I hadn’t visited the Osho website for a long time, I thought I might go see if it’s still there…. and it is!
I pulled an Osho Zen Tarot Card for today. It said to share, so here I am sharing:
Most of the cards in this suit of the mind are either cartoon-like or troubled, because the influence of the mind in our lives is generally either ridiculous or oppressive. But this card of Consciousness shows a vast Buddha figure. He is so expansive he has gone even beyond the stars, and above his head is pure emptiness. He represents the consciousness that is available to all who become a master of the mind and can use it as the servant it is meant to be.
When you choose this card, it means that there is a crystal clarity available right now, detached, rooted in the deep stillness that lies at the core of your being. There is no desire to understand from the perspective of the mind–the understanding you have now is existential, whole, in harmony with the pulse of life itself. Accept this great gift, and share it.
He goes on to say:
We come from the unknown and we go on moving into the unknown. We will come again; we have been here thousands of times, and we will be here thousands of times. Our essential being is immortal but our body, our embodiment, is mortal.
Our frame in which we are, our houses, the body, the mind, they are made of material things. They will get tired, they will get old, they will die. But your consciousness, for which Bodhidharma uses the word ‘no-mind’–Gautam Buddha has also used the word ‘no-mind’–is something beyond body and mind, something beyond everything; that no-mind is eternal. It comes into expression, and goes again into the unknown.
This movement from the unknown to the known, and from the known to the unknown, continues for eternity, unless somebody becomes enlightened. Then that is his last life; then this flower will not come back again. This flower that has become aware of itself need not come back to life because life is nothing but a school in which to learn. He has learned the lesson, he is now beyond delusions. He will move from the known for the first time not into the unknown, but into the unknowable.
How can I be more like Aragorn?

Dampen your enthusiasm, no success lies down that path. Opportunity arises when opposites are reconciled.

The path may take a little longer, but it is worth the wait. Show the largeness of your heart and your success will benefit more than just yourself.
What does the Oracle hold for you?
Ok, I’m going to go clean my sword,
kill some of the bad guys hiding in the kitchen sink,
and think about this for a while.