Hey It's Me

The day before yesterday I spent $30 at the grocery store. And then, yesterday, I paid $15 to have a flat tire fixed. This morning I put $15.00 worth of gas in my car, enough money to get me to work and back for the next 3 days. Then, I log into my email only to discover that I have a “low balance” warning from the bank. It seems I have $232.00 in my account. So, I’m thinking “that’s alright. After all, it’s only a week until payday, I’ve got a $60 check in my purse, and by the end of the month I’ll have some boarding money coming in. I’ll put off taking my dog to the vet, and everything will be fine if I’m really careful and nothing “exciting” happens.

Then the exciting thing happens….

I check the mail and find a disconnect notice for my cell phone… some anxiety there…. a little heart clenching goes on… but the bill is only $20… I still have the $60 check… the upcoming automatic withdrawal for the car insurance is somewhere in the neighborhood of $70… I’ll be fine if I’m really super careful and nothing “even more exciting” happens. So, I paid the cell phone bill.

Then the even more exciting thing happens…

I get an email saying that my check to Bank of America in the amount of $220 was just mailed. Don’t you just love automatic bill pay services? They make sure those bills go out when they are supposed to go out ensuring that forgetful flakey people (like myself) don’t have their utilites turned off and their homes foreclosed on just because they forgot to visit the mail box, or because they did visit the mail box but put all the mail in the glove compartment of the car and forgot about it for 3 months… stuff like that.

So… I’m sitting here doing the math…
Getting excited…

By tomorrow morning I’m going to be at least… let me see…
Oh God… this is way too exciting…

Breathe… Shirley…. Breathe
At least I’ve got beer!
That’s a bonus!


By the way: This post was first published on my blogger blog (shirleytwofeathers.blogspot.com) on  Friday, February 8, 2008. It was moved here as part of my ongoing project to migrate all my blogs to shirleytwofeathers.com.


As promised, here are the Tony Jaa screenshots from the movie.


That other guy doesn’t have a chance!


Is he on fire? Yes! How cool is that?


He even dives through barbed wire!


Here he is having a quiet moment…


And yes, he really can do that stuff! It’s not just movie magic!

So, now you can see why I think this guy is so cool, and maybe you can even see why I am so disappointed in myself that I am not him. I mean, who wouldn’t want to be him? Well, OK, maybe YOU wouldn’t want to be him… maybe YOU are happy with yourself how you are in this now moment… but I’m clearly not.

I wonder if there’s even a slim chance in hell that I would have the guts to walk into a martial arts place and ask about lessons? Hmmm…. I dunno… maybe….


I’m still talking about the Lord of the Rings. Earlier, I mentioned something about how Gandalph changed my life, and how I made a decision to begin to live my life as if it was an Epic Fantasy Adventure.

So, having mulled it over for several weeks, I came to the conclusion that I couldn’t just pick someone out of the move and “be” that person, because I wasn’t actually them. I didn’t have their skills, or their resources, or their support systems, or their history. Obviously, I’d have to be me. And I’d have to figure out how to be me in a more interesting, magical, adventurous, larger than (real) life kind of way.

The first thing I did was to quit my job. It was clear to me that I was working for was not one of the “good guys.” The next thing I did was get a part time job working for a company that at the very least had the appearance of being a “good guy.” And, indeed, my coworkers are for the most part, good people – and open minded. It’s one of the only work places I know where I can talk about angels, aliens, faeries, tarot, extraterrestrials, astrology, shamanism, reiki, drumming circles, underground kivas, ascended masters, yogis, buddhism, meditation, mantras, crystals, magic and etc etc… and while, I am the resident heretic, and I do frighten some of my coworkers, most of the time it’s OK, and very few people leave the room when I open my mouth. Maybe they even find my “wierdness” charming?

Having carved out a “comfort zone” for myself, I have set about working on creating a life that, for me, has magic and adventure. Which is one of those easier said than done sort of things, especially since life in America right now here where I am seemingly bears no resemblance to the landscapes, vistas, people, and events in larger than life fantasy movies.

And now, two years later, I’m still lost in a maze of what the heck does that look like? And how the heck can I do THAT? Am I too old? Is it too late? Am I up to the task? Is it even possible? Etc. Etc. I think it would be so much easier if I lived HERE:


By the way: This post was migrated from my blogger blog (shirleytwofeathers.blogspot.com) and was first published almost exactly 9 years ago, on 1/30/08.

Your Personality Profile

You are dependable, popular, and observant.
Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.
In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.
You are unique, creative, and expressive.
You don’t mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.
And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming!
I don’t mind waving my freak flag every once in a while???
This one is too funny…
I’m so glad most people find my weirdness charming.
You do, don’t you?

If an image has posted without permission please leave a comment and I will happily remove it, replace it, give credit, link love ~ whatever you prefer.

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I think it's time to go shopping... maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!!

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