
As promised, here are the Tony Jaa screenshots from the movie.


That other guy doesn’t have a chance!


Is he on fire? Yes! How cool is that?


He even dives through barbed wire!


Here he is having a quiet moment…


And yes, he really can do that stuff! It’s not just movie magic!

So, now you can see why I think this guy is so cool, and maybe you can even see why I am so disappointed in myself that I am not him. I mean, who wouldn’t want to be him? Well, OK, maybe YOU wouldn’t want to be him… maybe YOU are happy with yourself how you are in this now moment… but I’m clearly not.

I wonder if there’s even a slim chance in hell that I would have the guts to walk into a martial arts place and ask about lessons? Hmmm…. I dunno… maybe….

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