I found a fun little web site. It’s called Marlies’ Creative Universe. She has some fun numerology stuff that’s easy to understand. Her nifty java script calculators make it easy to figure out what your numbers are. Here are the highlights:

My personal year is an 8 – which means Test and Evaluation:

You have done your reflecting last year and now you are switching from looking inward to looking outward. You are manifesting what you have worked on during the past 7 years. The physical world with its material issues, career and worldly accomplishments will take up a lot of your time. You are ambitious and now you know your strengths and are willing to take on more challenges.

When things get getting hectic you have a better understanding now as to what needs to be done. You are confident, feel fit and know where you are going. You will be tested and evaluated. So go for it and keep in mind that being organized will make life much easier for you at this time. You will get the recognition you deserve after all the hard work you have put into it. Money will be a big lesson with income and expenses running neck to neck. Money owed to you might also find its way back to you. It is a great year to sell or buy property and investments. You are attracting abundance. Look forward toward the future and not the past and your mistakes. Setbacks are only temporary as obstacles are opportunities for growth.

Taking the analogy of a farmer planting a field, just about there. The plants show what they will look like when they’re ready to be harvested.

My Karmic Number was also interesting. The karmic number interpretation tells what you need to do in order to correct your actions from previous lives. It can also help provide invaluable instruction as to what to do so that you can reap the rewards of the seeds that you sow in this life.

My karmic number is 4, the interpretation read:

Achieving world peace is one thing, but first one must be harmonious inside. As you are such a caretaker of others, you are advised to take time out from your focus on others and regularly reconnect with your higher self by practicing yoga or meditation.


This post was first published in 2008, on my old blog, and while her website is still there, and she does have some interesting numerology information, I was unable to find the cool java script referred to in my intro.

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