books I read

So this is what I did today! I had a session with the are you ready for it? The Co-Creative White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program !! I know how crazy that must sound! But it was amazing and wonderful, and, well… I’ve set up a series of appointments for every Tuesday morning.

So what the heck is it? Some kind of weird cultish white supremacist wacko thing? Not at all.

I found out about it when I read a book called, “Behaving As If The God In All Life Mattered” which I bought because I loved the title. That book talked about the MAP (Medical Assistance Program) and so I bought that book as well. Now, this was somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 years ago…. and I got a lot of benefit from it for a while. Then, my interests and energy shifted, and I put it aside.

And then stuff happened, a lot of stuff, and I started to have the thought that I should pull it out of my “bag of tricks” and start doing it again.

Again the question, so what the heck is it?

Well, it’s a little hard to explain, but I’ll give it a go. It’s an organized method of contacting the healing energy of spirit, your guides, the Devas of healing, and that universal source of love and light that we often benefit from without even realizing it. Once contacted, you set up a “meeting” and a healing session.

The meeting and the healing session is a sort of meditation that you simply allow to happen, and participate in as the receiver of the energy, the balancing, and the clearing, or whatever else is required based on the issue you are requesting assistance with.

How do you do it?

If you are interested in trying it out, I would recommend that you buy the book. There is a lot of information connected with this simple process, and having the book will be extremely helpful if you have questions, or are unsure about it.

Here are links to both books on Amazon:

The first thing you need to have is a way to be sure about your communication with your “team.” Intuitive knowing works well for some, but I needed a way to be absolutely sure that I wasn’t making it all up in my head.

So here’s what I did. I sat down and got quiet. Then, I asked my guides and angels to give me a clear signal of what a “Yes” answer would feel like in my body. For me, that came as a clenching of my solar plexus. I can’t remember what the “No” answer feeling was, and I should probably get that cleared up before my next session.

Anyway, that “Yes” answer signal has been extremely helpful to me over the years. I even used it once when I was trying to decide if buying an electric toothbrush was a good idea or not. And I will say, that I really really love my electric toothbrush! So. That’s what works for me.

You will need to figure out what works for you. It could be anything from a muscle twitch in your hand to a spontaneous smile. Do the meditation, and go with whatever feels right.

Next you will need a time and place where you can lay on your back, in a comfortable place, with absolutely no interruptions for an hour. Pillows, blankets, the floor, the bed… doesn’t matter where, just that you are warm and comfortable and have no worries about being interrupted or disrupted while having your session. Set an alarm so that you won’t be wondering what time it is, or possibly falling asleep and being “gone” for hours.

The First Session:

Before you begin your first session, make sure you are comfortable. Lay on your back, pillows under the knees, or wherever they need to be so that you feel very relaxed and comfortable. If it is too uncomfortable to lay on your back, you can also be in a relaxed sitting position. Either way, do not cross your legs, arms, or hands.

  • Note: A “Coning” is what the author calls the healing session. The word coning doesn’t resonate well with me, so I usually say “session” instead, and it seems to work just fine.

To begin the session, state out loud, or to yourself: I would like to open a MAP coning. I would like to be connected with the following:

  1. Overlighting Deva of Healing ~ wait 10 seconds or use your “Yes” answer to confirm.
  2. Pan ~ wait 10 seconds or use your “Yes” answer to confirm.
  3. White Brotherhood Medical Unit ~ wait 10 seconds or use your “Yes” answer to confirm.
  4. Your higher self ~ wait 10 seconds or use your “Yes” answer to confirm.

I have a tendency to forget to call in my higher self when setting up a session, and always find myself calling in my highest guides, and all those in Spirit who love me. And I think it’s probably okay for you to call in anyone else you would want to have with you at the session.

Give yourself another ten to fifteen seconds to adjust to the energy.

The “coning” is now open and you are ready to begin. It’s that simple. It is not important if you did not have any sensations as the coning was activated. Your sensations or lack of sensations will not affect the quality of the coning in any way. What is important is that you be the one to call it into activation.

The first session is for scanning purposes only. This is the one session when you need not talk to your team if you don’t wish. The purpose of this session is to key you into their level, identify your various energy patterns, and get an appropriate medical team identified and working with you. This team will work with you during all your medical sessions.

Sometimes there will be visiting experts, and sometimes the team will shift and change. You do not have to do anything special for this to occur. Your primary team will be those who work with you during the majority of your sessions.

The initial scanning session will last an hour. You may feel gentle shifts and energy flowing throughout your body during this session. Or you may even feel like you are floating or moving. You also may feel absolutely nothing. Don’t worry about this. The work is going on.

When your timer goes off, the session is over. This is when you follow the protocol for ending the session.

  • If this is your first session, request that you be given your code – a symbol, word, or sensation that you can use to identify your team. Whatever pops into your mind next will be it.
  • Don’t discount what happens once you request the code. My code word is “code” which I found so doubtful that I tried to turn it into codex. So for me, it’s “code ~ codex”  because I am not quite sure which is right. So, don’t do what I did. Just accept that first word, symbol, or sensation.

The protocol for ending the session is quite simple. Focus on each member separately, thanking that member and asking to be disconnected. To be sure that the disconnection has taken place, you can ask “Am I disconnected?” and then wait for your “Yes” or “No” answer. If the answer is a “No” simply state again that the session is now over, thank you so much, and please disconnect me.

Wait twenty-four hours before opening the next session if this was your first one. The body needs that time to adjust to the impact of the coning and the expansion of working with the “White Brotherhood Team.” Once you have waited the initial twenty-four hours, you do not need to wait that long again. You will be able to initiate a session anytime you feel a need.

I have a planned schedule of once a week on Tuesday mornings. This schedule can be changed if need be. I like a planned schedule because it helps me to remember to do it. If planned schedules don’t work for you, that’s fine too.

Regular Sessions:

Lie down on your back (or sit). Get comfortable. Cover yourself with a blanket if you wish. Set your alarm for 40 minutes.

To begin the session, state out loud, or to yourself: I would like to open a MAP coning. I would like to be connected with the following:

  1. Overlighting Deva of Healing ~ wait 10 seconds or use your “Yes” answer to confirm.
  2. Pan ~ wait 10 seconds or use your “Yes” answer to confirm.
  3. White Brotherhood Medical Unit ~ visualize your team’s symbol or say the code word ~ wait 10 seconds or use your “Yes” answer to confirm.
  4. Your higher self ~ wait 10 seconds or use your “Yes” answer to confirm.

Wait ten to fifteen seconds after activating the full coning so that your body can stabilize itself within the coning and with the team.

Now, focus your attention on the session and your team. If you can’t feel or sense your team, just keep your focus on the session. Describe as fully as you can how you are feeling. This includes how you feel physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Relax about what you are about to articulate. You get better with practice.

  • Note: It is helpful to speak to your team out loud because this makes it easier to maintain your focus on what you are feeling, however it is not necessary. You can talk to your team silently and it will be just as effective. Do whatever works best for you.

This is kind of like when you make a visit to the Dr’s office, and you talk about what it is that brought you there. When describing symptoms to your team, be as precise and as accurate as possible. Try not to go for generalities, and avoid giving a name to your symptoms. For example, instead of saying “I have asthma.” Say, “It’s hard for me to breathe when…” And then describe the physical feelings and the situations that trigger them.

Allow forty minutes for the session to be completed. If you feel uncomfortable during the session, tell your team what you are feeling, and then relax and trust that at the end, whatever adjustments and shifts that were making you uncomfortable will have been completed.

It is best to move as little as possible during a session, but if you feel a strong need to move or change position, tell your team and ask if it will be okay. Any time you have questions, ask them. Follow your intuition and if you are unsure about something, speak up.

At the end of forty minutes, thank your team, and close the session by saying out loud, or silently: I’d like to close the coning. I’d like to disconnect from:

  • My Higher Self
  • My White Brotherhood Medical Team
  • Pan
  • The Overlighting Deva of Healing

Thank and disconnect from anyone else you may have invited to stand in. Wait for a few moments, and then verify that you have been disconnected.

Yay! Now it’s done. So, how do you feel? What happened? Anything interesting? You might want to write about it, or make a few notes. And, as always after an energy session, drink a glass of water and if possible go outside to get grounded and clear.

What Was My Experience?

My experience today was really interesting. I hadn’t done this in such a long time and I didn’t really remember all the exact protocols, so I just did it as an initial scan. I did, however, mention to them that I felt as if I had an energy sucking demon sitting on my chest that I didn’t quite know how to get rid of.

The energy was great. At one point I felt as if my mind expanded past the confines of my brain and that was really nice. Grandfather, one of my Native American, guides showed up, haven’t seen him in a long time, so that was fun.

Unfortunately, I was using my phone as my timer, and a flash flood alert jarred me out of it for a few moments right towards the end of the session. But I was able to slide right back in. And we did an interesting thing of taking my energy sucking demon and giving him a home in a cool chunk of rock that I brought home from my camping trip.

I promised him that if he would hang out in the rock, that I would give him all my angst and agony to feed on if he would agree that they were now HIS and no longer MINE. I also gave him permission to pull any of my “bad” energy off of me whenever I walk by. And so, instead of “getting rid” of him, we made friends, and he now has a nice spot next to a snakeskin, a skull, and a multi headed dragon incense burner. He seems happy there. I burned a cone of Myrrh for him as an offering of thanks. Fun, huh?

I feel quite a bit lighter, and cleaner. So.. it was all good!


Radagast the Brown is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth legendarium. He is one of the Istari, also known as “Wizards”, who were sent by the angelic Valar to aid the Elves and Men of Middle-earth in their struggle against the Dark Lord Sauron. Radagast appears in The Lord of the Rings and Unfinished Tales, and is mentioned in The Hobbit and The Silmarillion.

Unfinished Tales explains that Radagast, like the other Wizards, came from Valinor around the year 1000 of the Third Age of Middle-earth and was one of the Maiar. His original name was Aiwendil, meaning bird-friend in Tolkien’s invented language of Quenya. The Vala Yavanna forced the wizard Saruman to accept Radagast as a companion, which, Tolkien says, may have been one of the reasons Saruman was contemptuous of him, to the point of scornfully calling him “simple” and “a fool”. However, he was an ally and confidant of Gandalf, who describes him in The Hobbit as his “cousin”. He was also friends with the skin-changer Beorn, who deemed him to be “not a bad fellow as wizards go” and also said to Gandalf that he “used to see him [Radagast] now and again”.

Radagast lived for much of his time in Middle-earth at Rhosgobel in the Vales of Anduin, on the western eaves of Mirkwood, between Carrock and the Old Forest Road, near the Gladden Fields, its name deriving from Sindarin rhosc gobel meaning “brown village”. Radagast had a strong affinity for – and relationship with – wild animals, and it seemed his greatest concern was with the olvar and kelvar (flora and fauna) of Middle-earth. He was wiser than any Man in all things concerning herbs and beasts. It is said he spoke the many tongues of birds, and was a “master of shapes and changes of hue”. Radagast is also described by Gandalf as “never a traveller, unless driven by great need”, “a worthy Wizard”, and “honest”.

In The Fellowship of the Ring, Radagast was unwittingly used by Saruman to lure Gandalf to his tower of Orthanc, where Gandalf was captured. Fortuitously, Radagast also helped rescue him by sending Gwaihir the Eagle to Orthanc with news of the movements of Sauron’s forces. When Gwaihir saw that Gandalf was imprisoned on the top of the tower he carried him off to safety before Saruman realized he was gone.

The only other reference to Radagast in The Lord of the Rings is after the Council of Elrond when it is decided to summon all the allies against Sauron together. Scouts are sent to look for help, and it is reported that Radagast is not at his home at Rhosgobel and cannot be found. Tolkien makes no mention of what has happened to Radagast, and he plays no further role in events.

Tolkien wrote that Radagast gave up his mission as one of the Wizards by becoming too obsessed with animals and plants. He also wrote that he did not believe that Radagast’s failure was as great as Saruman’s. However, Christopher Tolkien notes in Unfinished Tales that the assumption Radagast failed in his task may not be entirely accurate considering that he was specifically chosen by Yavanna, and he may have been assigned to protect the flora and fauna of Middle-earth, a task that would not end with the defeat of Sauron and the end of the War of the Ring.

Source: Wikipedia


Treebeard (Sindarin: Fangorn) is a fictional character from J. R. R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth fantasy writings. The eldest of the species of Ents, he is said to live in the ancient Forest of Fangorn and stands fourteen feet in height and is tree-like in appearance, with leafy hair and a rigid structure. His motto is, “Don’t be hasty.”

Fangorn Forest lies next to Isengard where Saruman the White resides. In the The Two Towers he meets with Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took, two Hobbits of the Shire known also as Merry and Pippin. Treebeard is known to have a strong hatred of Orcs, and, after Saruman’s betrayal of the Ents, of Saruman as well.

Spirits were sent by Eru Ilúvatar to inhabit the trees, which the Vala Yavanna had created along with other plants or olvar. The Vala longed for their protection since Morgoth or Melkor was destroying the trees and olvars, which could not defend themselves from him. The Ents were created by Ilúvatar at the behest of Yavanna as the Shepherds of the Forest or Tree-herders. Entwives were also created for the Ents, but, in the Second Age, were driven out by Sauron.

Treebeard is the oldest of three remaining original Ents. He is said to have once roamed all of the forests in Middle-earth, which included the Misty Mountains, Mirkwood, and the Blue Mountains. After the loss of the Entwives by the end of the Third Age, he and the remaining Ents dwelt in the Forest of Fangorn. This led the remaining Ents into isolation and all information from the outside world was cut off. The arrival of Merry and Pippin shifted Treebeard’s attention to take action against Saruman for hacking down his trees. He led the Ents to war against Saruman and his Orcs. Treebeard later realised that while Saruman had learned much from him, the Wizard had shared no useful information of his own.

“One felt as if there was an enormous well behind them, filled up with ages of memory and long, slow, steady thinking; but their surface was sparkling with the present: like sun shimmering on the outer leaves of a vast tree, or on the ripples of a very deep lake. I don’t know but it felt as if something that grew in the ground — asleep, you might say, or just feeling itself as something between root-tip and leaf-tip, between deep earth and sky had suddenly waked up, and was considering you with the same slow care that it had given to its own inside affairs for endless years.”  

Treebeard had been friends with Saruman. It is described in The Two Towers that Saruman travelled with Treebeard and had talked with him on various subjects of concern. Saruman gathered information from Treebeard about the Forest of Fangorn; its inter-twinning paths were of particular concern to him. Saruman later abandoned Treebeard, choosing to stay in Isengard and build an army for Sauron.

After Merry and Pippin’s meeting with Treebeard, Treebeard called a meeting of the Entmoot — which lasted three days — who then decided to call an attack on Isengard and Saruman. Since Leaflock and Skinbark were the oldest of the Ents along with Treebeard, they refused to fight, however, Treebeard thought he was going to his doom during “the last march of the Ents.” Treebeard hoped that some of the younger Ents would come instead of just the two, and, during the night he spread the word. They later launched an assault on Isengard.

After Treebeard ordered the Ents to march to Isengard, the Ents felled Saruman’s walls and destroyed every object in and around Isengard; the Tower of Orthanc could not be breached, but Saruman was trapped within. Treebeard stopped the attack on the tower when he realised their efforts were in vain: the tower was too strong. The Ents were ordered to unleash the waters of the River Isen, which flooded Isengard. When Merry and Pippin departed Treebeard he requested them to watch for the Entwives. At one point in the book, Tolkien gives hints on the whereabouts of the Entwives. It is speculated that they were spotted by Samwise Gamgee’s cousin Hal in the North Farthing. However, this may or may not be conjecture:

“But what about these Tree-men, these giants, as you might call them? They do say that one bigger than a tree was seen up away beyond the North Moors not long back……But this one was as big as an elm tree, and walking — walking seven yards to a stride, if it was an inch.”  

In the Years of the Trees where the Ents were thriving in 1495 Morgoth had re-established his realm in Middle-earth. With this the Entwives had moved across to the east where Anduin lay. Treebeard’s Entwife Fimbrethil was driven from her land and the two were separated forever. This may have been the dominant cause of the loss of the Entwives and the loss of the Entings.

The Elven-realm Lothlórien was situated near the North of Fangorn Forest and Treebeard had met the Lord and Lady of the Galadhrim of Lothlórien, who refer to him as “Eldest”. This marked the time the Ents and the Elves would be separate. Treebeard had in addition met Galadriel and Celeborn. Over time the Ents and the Elves separated and the Elves had nothing more to do with the business of Ents.

source: Wikipedia

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