What is the Medical Assistance Program?

In my studies of things “spiritual”, I came across an interesting healing modality that involves working directly with Pan, the Devic Kingdom, and the Brotherhood of Light. This process works with these groups for healing of the self, or our Earth Mother. This technique is highly effective, fun to work with, and very rewarding!

The Medical Assistance Program (MAP) Coning is a “wild and wooey” technique you can do at home that integrates involutionary input of nature with man’s evolutionary development. The healthy being is a balanced combination of these two dynamics. Intent, sincerity, and commitment to a balanced body during the process is essential for an effective coning. It is for those who feel their present medical support–whether traditional or alternative– is not enough.

Conings are for general health balance, regular health issues, extra ordinary health issues, and assistance during expansion experiences. A coning is a vortex of energy that includes nature intelligence’s, the medical team and yourself. Within the coning, nature is able to stabilize on all levels (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) with the White Brotherhood.

The first coning is a scanning session only. Anyone who should be part of your Medical Team for positive purposes will automatically be included when the team is forming. Subsequent sessions are for the purpose of healing.

The head “CEO” of the Medical Assistance Program is a spirit called Lorpuris. Both Pan and Lorpuris are discussed in one of my favorite metaphysical gardening books, The Findhorn Garden by the Findhorn Community.

The MAP technique is found in the book MAP: The Co-Creative White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program 2nd Ed. (c) 1994 by Machaelle Small Wright. For more information on this process you may order Machaelle’s book. Call 1 (800)960-8806 or contact her web site at: http://www.perelandra-ltd.com/ Cost of the book last time I checked was $14.95 plus shipping and handling.

A basic how-to, and a personal experience can be found here: A Co-Creative Healing Session

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