Acupressure For Your Feet
This might not be a pretty picture but it represents something amazing. The red dot graphic foot marks the Kidney One acupressure point on the Kidney Meridian. If you were to take a hold of your foot and place the thumb on that location, it would definitely relieve an aching foot.
What else can benefit from applying pressure to the Kidney One acupressure point?
- It can help regulate blood pressure
- Relieves dizziness and faintness
- Clears the mind
- Improve memory, concentration, and mental alertness
- It can help hot flashes
- Relieves anxiety
- Restores energy
- Increases general vitality in the body
So, maybe it’s time to press that red dot.
Source: Balanced Woman’s Blog
About Reflexology
Reflexology involves the use of different massage and pressure techniques to relax and loosen muscles in the feet and hands. Reflexology is based on the concept that energy zones connect certain areas of the body to the feet and hands. In this way the feet and hands are viewed as maps or mirrors of the body. Putting pressure on and massaging specific points on the feet or hands is believed to affect the corresponding area of the body.
Each foot contains more than 7,000 nerve endings. Technically, foot massage with a clear intention to manipulate these nerve endings is a form of reflexology. To an extent, reflexology can be performed on oneself.
Source: Holistic and Complementary Therapies