Positive Thinking
Turn Back Your Biological Clock
Rejuvenation is the deliberate restoration of youth and vigor through self-intervention in the aging process. Negative mental states such as anxiety, depression, hostility, and insecurity tend to be debilitating, hastening the aging process.
Positive mental states such as self-confidence, self-esteem, self-acceptance, and a sense of personal adequacy are empowering and inject rejuvenating energies into the body, eradicating those disempowering states which contribute to aging.
Love, for example, is one of the most empowering rejuvenation elements know. When present in the psyche, it neutralizes hate, its negative counterpart that is destructive. Dormant rejuvenating forces already exist within each of us and can be activated to intervene in the physical aging process.
Psychic Rejuvenation
- Step 1:
Relaxation. Physical relaxation sets the stage for using your psychic faculties to intervene in the body’s many functions. Close your eyes, slow down your breathing and allow your muscles to relax from the forehead down followed by the affirmation:
“I am now in full charge of my body. I am capable of influencing every function, mental and physical. All rejuvenating energies of my being are now at my command.”
- Step 2:
Stress Expiation. Even when stress is reduced through relaxation, certain residual effects tend to linger. By visualizing the major systems and organs of the body and mentally infusing them with rejuvenating energy you can extinguish the residual effects of stress on the body. Energizing the body’s systems and organs is accomplished by centering full awareness on various body regions and mentally bathing them with glowing energy while using the following affirmation:
“Youthful, invigorating energy is now flowing throughout my body. All organs systems and functions are now revitalized. The wear-and-tear of stress is now replaced by the flow of youth and vigor.”
- Step 3
Balance. With the body physically relaxed and the residual effects of stress relieved, an empowering state of full balance is possible through a technique called the Fingerpad Engagement Procedure. Designed to balance left- and right-brain functions, this procedure attunes the mind and body-a condition essential to rejuvenation.
Bring the tips of your fingers together; then with the fingerpads in a comfortable position, with your eyes closed, imagine your hands as antennae for your brain. Imagine your left brain actively generating positive energy, which flows into your right hand as an extension of that hemisphere.
Next, imagine your right brain producing positive energy which flows into your left hand as an extension of that hemisphere, Allow the energies flowing into your hands to mingle and create a powerful exchange that balances your mental and physical systems. After a few moments, disengage your fingerpads and allow your hands to relax, palms side up. Conclude with the following affirmation:
“My total being is balanced and infused with rejuvenating energy. The energies of youth are now unleashed to flow throughout my being. I am completely attuned within myself and with the world.”
- Step 4:
PK Illumination. This is the final and most critical step in the rejuvenation process. Visualize or look at a photograph of yourself in your youthful prime. Study this image, carefully noting the youthfulness in your eyes. Now close your eyes and visualize yourself at the peak of youth standing before a full-length mirror. Study your eyes in the mirror and observe a youthful gleam. Next, surround yourself with a glow of energy, then think of your favorite color. Finally, while breathing slowly and rhythmically, soak in the rejuvenating glow enveloping your body. Conclude with this affirmation:
“My powers of rejuvenation are now being unleashed to permeate my total being with the glow of youth and vigor. Every system within is now being revitalized with the infusion of rejuvenating power. Tired, worn tissue is being fortified with the energies of youth. Every function of my body is now fully infused as sparkling youthful energy is absorbed into every cell and fiber.
Surrounded by a colorful aura of rejuvenating energy, I am now secure in the present, bathed in vitality and the glow of youth. My inner rejuvenating powers are fully and completely unleashed to flow freely throughout my total being. Each day, my mind and body absorb the abundance of youthful energy that is constantly being unleashed within my being. Whenever I envision myself enveloped with the colorful glow of radiant energy, I will immediately become invigorated and fully empowered.”
- A Final Note:
This rejuvenation procedure can be repeated daily, or as often as you wish. You may want to place a small, self-adhesive star or other reminder on your mirror, computer, or TV as a cue to periodically re-activate the inner flow of rejuvenating energy. With practice, the process of combining visualization with affirmations and tapping into the dormant powers of rejuvenation within you will become a natural, spontaneous and continuous function.
© 1995 by Joe Slate Ph.D.
Pain Free with Abraham Hicks
From The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent by Abraham Hicks
- It is natural for my body to be well.
- Even if I don’t know what to do in order to get better, my body does.
- I have trillions of cells, with individual Consciousness, and they know how to achieve their individual balance.
- When this condition began, I didn’t know what I know now.
- If I’d known then what I know now, this condition couldn’t have gotten started.
- I don’t need to understand the cause of this illness.
- I don’t need to explain how it is that I’m experiencing this illness.
- It doesn’t matter that it got started, because it’s reversing it’s course right now.
- It’s natural that it would take some time for my body to begin to align to my improved thoughts of well being.
- There’s no hurry about any of this.
- My body knows what to do.
- Well-Being is natural to me.
- My inner being is intricately aware of my physical body.
- My cells are asking for what they need in order to thrive, and Source Energy is answering those requests.
- I’m in very good hands.
- I will relax now, to allow communication between my body and my Source.
- My only work is to relax and breathe.
- I can do that.-I can do that easily.
- This sensation of pain is an indicator that Source is responding to my cellular request for Energy.
- This sensation of pain is a wonderful indicator that help is on the way.
- I will relax into this sensation of pain because I understand that it’s indicating improvement.
- My body is flesh and bone, but my body is also vibration.
- The way my body looks and feels is a result of my vibration.
- My body is as it is right now, and that is alright.
- My body is continually changing, and that is alright.
- My vibrational offering affects the changes in my body.
- Physical decline is about vibration, not about passing through time.
- It is possible for me to pass through time and improve my vibration.
- Physical decline is neither natural nor necessary.
- I do not have to wait for others to know this or demonstrate this.
- I can begin now, or whenever I choose, to demonstrate this.
- A shift in my vibration won’t give me instant physical evidence.
- A shift in my vibration will give me instant emotional evidence.
- Once I achieve a vibrational shift and stabilize there, I’ll see evidence.
- I’m willing to shift my vibration and wait for the physical evidence.
- Feeling better emotionally will be adequate evidence for now.
- Finding and maintaining positive expectancy is wonderful.
- I can feel my body benefiting from my new found ease.
- I can feel the stability of my physical body.
- I can feel the life-giving qualities of my new Energy alignment.
- I can feel that I’m coming into Energy Balance.
- I can feel how much my body enjoys my Energy Balance.
- All is well with me right now and getting better still…