From Start Witchin, we have the 13 goals of the modern witch.

  1. Figure out what the fuck you believe. (AKA Witch, know thyself).
  2. Be brave enough to cast spells to get what you want.
  3. Drink good coffee.
  4. Use divination (but believe in free will).
  5. Accept your shadow self.
  6. DIY like a punk…
  7. … but don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  8. Align with the Divine (by whatever name you call it).
  9. Walk your talk openly.
  10. Embrace the witch archetype.
  11. Witch how you want (not all witchcraft is the same).
  12. Keep (and review) a journal.
  13. Momento Mori (remember you will die) so live life and have fun.

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