Calling For Prayer
Every Spoken Sentence
Praying For Prosperity
Here is an overview of our first project: Does prayer really work?
This post provides links to pertinent aspects of this project, so that you won’t have to sift through the archives to find out what you want to know.
Our original idea and statement of intent is here.
If you would like to try this project for yourself, you can start on Day One: Getting started, and then continue on thru Day Thirty: Prayer, does it work? posting your thoughts, ideas, results, joys and disappointments as you go. This is an active blog, and if you post, we will notice and reply.. and give you the benefit of our own experience and our support if it seems pertinent or appropriate.
You can find complete listing of the day by day links at the bottom of this post.
The basic summary of our results is posted here: How did we do?
And an in depth analysis by each participant is posted here: In Depth Review – Praying For Prosperity
We do have a recommended reading list if you are interested in expanding your understanding and it can be found here: Recommended reading
This project stimulated a “spin off” blog called The Prayer Request Hot Line, which provides links to a wide variety of legitimate prayer sites, you might want to check it out, and bookmark it in case there comes a time when a prayer resource might be helpful to you or a loved one. If you choose to subscribe to the Prayer Request Hot Line, the daily posts can be delivered directly to your “inbox”. A different prayer site is featured every day, and this might be an interesting way to pray for 30 days.
As promised, here is the complete listing of the daily posts for the Praying for Prosperity 30 day project:
- Day One: Getting started
- Day Two: A Good Start
- Day Three: Still praying for prosperity
- Day Four: Prosperity Updates
- Day Five: The Prosperity Puzzle
- Day Six: Getting it right
- Day Seven: Sprouting Seeds
- Day Eight: The Unexpected
- Day Nine: A work in progress
- Day Ten: The Inner Dad
- Day Eleven: Exploring the Concept
- Day Twelve: We are all in this together
- Day Thirteen: Shaking things up
- Day Fourteen: A Sense of Adventure
- Day Fifteen: Getting Centered
- Day Sixteen: Words of Wisdom
- Day Seventeen: Something Scary
- Day Eighteen: It’s a list
- Day Nineteen: Talking to God
- Day Twenty: A Prosperity Prayer
- Day Twenty-One: Questions
- Day Twenty-Two: Sunday Morning Cartoon
- Day Twenty-Three: Self Realization
- Day Twenty-Four: Feedback
- Day Twenty-Five: Morning Coffee
- Day Twenty-Six: Here’s a concept
- Day Twenty-Seven: Wind Fall
- Day Twenty-Eight: Asleep on the job
- Day Twenty-Nine: Wrapping things up
- Day Thirty: Prayer, does it work?
In Depth Review – Praying For Prosperity
I have to pretty much say that all my goals were met, or are in the process of being met. definitely, the Reiki prayer has become something for me that was actually lacking in my life up to this point.I don’t think I would do anything differently because the experience was a good one. scary, at times, but good.
- I have added nothing to my savings account – so that’s a NO.
- I have managed to pay my bills this month but friends and family had to help me pay my expenses – so that’s a YES and a NO. I am not sure that it counts that I had to rely on the kindness of others in order to buy food, gas, etc. But then, maybe that counts..
- I will be getting one item on my wish list. My mom is getting me a printer for Christmas. I am also hesitant to list this as a goal that has been met because I would have gotten a Christmas present anyway.
- I did pick up some extra work which will help to pay for part of the unexpected expense of having to buy 4 new tires.
What did I learn? Hmmm… Well, I learned a number of possibly important things:
- In my heart, I do not believe my financial needs are important.
- Good friends are more important than money.
- Thirty days is a very long time to commit to doing something that doesn’t appear to bring results.
- Whenever I try to manifest money, I end up manifesting a whole bunch of new things to do instead.
- Don’t ask other people to pray for you if you aren’t going to pray for yourself.
- Prayer is the same for all faiths, only the wording changes.
- If your family doesn’t love and support you, and trouble comes your way, you’re probably screwed – unless you have good friends.
Basic changes within me? Well.. For a while there I was thinking that I was finally “getting” it when it comes to understanding “God” and talking “to” God, and what prayer is etc. But this afternoon, I feel just as clueless as I did when we started. So whatever it was I was “getting” is eluding me once again. Other than that, I guess I could say that I have a deeper appreciation for the people in my life who love me. Way deeper appreciation.
- My favorite prayer line is Science of Mind.
- My favorite prayer partner is that really nice man at The Upper Room Covenant Ministries who prayed with me on Halloween.
- My favorite letter of prayer support came this morning from one of the sites I surfed yesterday. If you guys are interested in where it came from, just ask, and I’ll look it up. At this moment I can’t remember the name of it.
- My favorite prayer.. well it’s not a prayer but I particularly liked the Yogananda quote from the Self Realization Society site.
If I had it to do over, the different thing I would do is: Pray for myself – in a very personal and heart felt way. Pray for specifics instead of general prosperity.
Books I recommend are: The Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda. The Art of Spiritual Healing by Joel Goldsmith. The Power of Myth by Bill Moyers and Joseph Campbell
- I am thrilled that I can start paying off my credit cards.
- I learned that being open to the universe and ready to receive while I continue to do the work that is in front of me really does work.
- The basic changes that occurred within myself were to trust the universe more and to trust myself more.
The only prayer line I used this month was Silent Unity. To do it differently, I would try some of the other prayer lines Shirley has tried and recommended. But I am really happy with my results.
My favorite prayer is the Prayer for Protection – I use it daily. The books I have “clicked” with are PROSPERITY by Charles Fillmore; SPIRITUAL ECONOMICS by Eric Butterworth; and CREATING MONEY by Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer.
It’s hard to believe the month is over. In some ways it seems like it’s been 6 months and in other ways it seems like it has just been a few weeks.I can’t say my goals have been met. I think right now I’m worse off financially than I was a month ago. That is very discouraging. And I have had so many things seem like “divine ideas” over the years that I have pursued and it seems like no matter what, they fail. And I can honestly say that not all of these failures were brought on by me!
And one of my goals was to get some things together and try to sell them but here it is the end of our month and I still have not gotten any of it done! It’s not that hard – I need to get a cello and guitar cleaned up and taken to a music store, some jewelry cleaned and taken to the jewelry store, and some other jewelry cleaned and sold at work. But it seems like the few evenings that I have free where I could do these things, I am too tired to do them!
The thing that stands out for me as far as what I have learned is that I sure didn’t know there were so many prayer lines out there available to people! I think that’s great!
My favorite prosperity prayer/meditation is to picture myself on a beautiful sandy beach, feel the wind blowing my hair and hear the crashing waves and the birds crying out, and see that and know that each grain of sand can represent 1 dollar bill, and realize that all the money I ever need is right there, with me, running through my toes, and there will never be an end, this money is available to me at all times and there is enough for everyone!
The only thing I could say I might do differently is take the time to call or e-mail more of the other prayer lines. It’s not that I didn’t want to, it just seems like there is never enough time in each day to get everything done that I want to do.
How did we do?
I am thinking that it looks something like this:
“Print Gallery” by Escher
Results in terms of goals reached are as follows:
- Melissa and Michelle did really well and reached their goals.
- Cindy and Daniel feel that things got worse instead of better.
- Shirley and Saskia had some small successes, help from friends and family, and early christmas presents.
To read what each person had to say about the project follow this link.
Does it “work” to pray for prosperity? I would say the answer is that it is always good to pray, but God is not Santa Claus. I am curious to see how things will unfold in the following months.
Prayer, does it work?
Does prayer work? The answer appears to be yes and no. As your feedback comes in I will post a more complete account of our results. To wrap things up in an “orderly” way, I will also post a “recommended reading” list, favorite prayer links, and favorite prayers and affirmations.
It is my intention to make this same project accessible to other people, should they want to try it for themselves, through a link here on the Prosperity Project blog, and also with a link and explanation on the Prayer Request Hot Line page.
As I work on the Prayer Request Hot Line, I will be using our comments about various prayer sites. So, if you would prefer that I not use your comments, or if you prefer that I change your name when posting a comment you may have made about a specific prayer line, please let me know.
Wrapping things up
Asleep on the job
Wind Fall
Now this is my idea of “fall”. I love this image, it makes for a great visualization doesn’t it?
We will be finishing up in a few days, and it’s time to begin to think about what we have gained, what we have learned, the surprises, the happy accidents, the disappointments, the journey.
“Too much a good thing can be wonderful.”
-Mae West
Here’s A Concept
I picked up “The Art of Spiritual Healing” by Joel Goldsmith this morning, and the book flipped open to the chapter on “A New Concept of Supply”. Here are a few selected quotes to give us all something to think about.
“… All the supply that exists in heaven or on earth exists within you at this moment, and, therefore, all attempts to demonstrate supply must result in failure. There is no supply outside of your being. If you want to enjoy the abundance of supply, you must open out a way for that supply to escape.”
“Supply is not getting, supply is giving. The bread that you cast upon the water is the bread that comes back to you. It is not your neighbor’s bread; it is your own bread; and if you do not cast it upon the water, there will be no bread to come back to you. All the bread on the water is earmarked for return to the person who has sent it forth.”
“Because of the infinite nature of your being, you cannot add health to yourself or wealth or opportunity or companionship: All you can do is to recognize that you embody all that God is and has. You must not try to get; you must not try to have; you must not try to draw to you: You must learn how to let Infinity flow out from you.”
“Everything that appears is made out of the substance of the Invisible, and it is infinite. For example, there is no way to increase your supply of crops, money,land, or of anything else by what the world calls prayer. There is no miracle of prayer that produces rabbits out of hats. Nobody can do that unless the rabbits were there in the first place. There is no such thing as increase or decrease: There is only Infinity expressing Itself. If you are not the recipient of the bounty of Infinity, it is not because Infinity is absent: It is because of your lack of awareness of Infinity.”
“Watch the miracle that takes place in your life as you learn to relax in the realization that the infinite nature of God makes God the only Is …”
I wish I could transcribe the whole thing, but it is way too long. It certainly gave me something to contemplate this morning.. What do you guys think? What are your thoughts, feelings, insights, long philosophical ramblings?
Morning Coffee
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