Clearing Our Clutter

Clearing Our Clutter – Project Overview

This post provides links to pertinent aspects of the Clearing Our Clutter project, so that you won’t have to sift through the archives to find out what you want to know.

This project was combined with a project on Feng Shui, because of this some of the posts overlap, and the two projects work in tandem with one another. The original statement of intent can be found here: Feng Shui For Prosperity.

If you would like to try this project for yourself, you can start on Day One: 27 Fling Boogie, and come back daily to continue on thru to the last one: Your Car Is Your Friend. Or, you can pick through the posts, finding what seems interesting and useful. The important thing is to commit to a daily practice.

As you work with the Clearing Our Clutter, we encourage you to post your thoughts, ideas, results, joys and disappointments as you go. This is an active blog, and if you post, we will notice and reply, and give you the benefit of our own experience and support if it seems pertinent or appropriate.

A gallery of all the images used in this project can be found here: A Gallery of Clutter!

Here is the complete listing of the daily posts for the Clearing Our Clutter project:


Wrapping Things Up

Well, today is our last day of Feng Shui and De-cluttering, so it’s time to wrap things up and assess the effects this project had on our prosperity and our lives. So here is a questionaire to help bring things into focus:

  • Did you do the de-cluttering projects?
  • How well did they work for you?
  • Which one was your favorite?
  • What did you like most about the de-cluttering?
  • What did you like least?
  • How do you feel that the de-cluttering process impacted your life?
  • Are you going to participate in the 200 things idea?
  • Did you do any of the feng shui cures
  • Did they achieve the desired effect?
  • What happened?
  • What, if anything, did you learn about yourself?
  • Are you going to continue to use the principles of feng shui?
  • Overall, would you rate this months as a “success” with regard to being a path to prosperity?

Here is a picture of the world’s largest wind chimes.
Cool huh?

A Gallery of Clutter

A gallery of the images posted as part of our Clearing Our Clutter project. Enjoy!

Note: This may not be all of them. I uploaded this project over a long period of time, and some of the images may have been missed.

Your car is your friend

Many people spend hours at a time in their cars which become like mini-homes. Like our homes, they become a reflection and extension of ourselves. Negative chi in cars has the power to create lasting damage and destruction to their owners and to others.

Some people talk to their cars, others give them names and personalize them. In some parts of the world they are blessed. Negative energy breeds negative response, so we should aim to build up a caring relationship with our cars.

For our de-clutter activity today, go out to your car and take a good long look. Does the outside look good and is the inside a mess? Does it look like it belongs to a bag lady? Or maybe it looks like it just came back from a mud wrestling contest. This car is your best friend. If your best friend arrived at your house, looking like that, what would you do?

So now you know what needs to be done, don’t put it off for another minute. Just do it.

De-Clutter – Let’s Go For It

Ok you guys, we are almost done with our 30 days of de cluttering. How about let’s move the rest of it on out.

Here’s a great idea I found at sketchblogs. The idea is to slowly but surely remove 200 things from your house. Either throw them away, or give them away, or put them up for sale on eBay or in a garage sale. As you do this, the idea is to keep track with a list so that you know just how many more things still need to go. I think it would be really fun if we keep track of our list by posting right here on this specific post. I’ll make a link for us, and put it somewhere easy to see and remember. As the year progresses, we can keep track of how well we are doing.

Another idea I found somewhere was a kind of “out with the old and in with the new”. The concept being that before you can bring something new into the house, room must be made for it by releasing 2 or 3 items that you no longer need. In this way, you are not sabotaging your own efforts at a clutter free home.

Another cool place to visit for good information is Zen Habits. There were some great ideas on de-cluttering there, and I urge you all to go and visit. He also has a nice little list of links as well, all on the subject of de-cluttering.

The Effects of Clutter

Clutter is related to instincts of self-protection and hoarding, on the one hand, and to feelings of insecurity on the other. Clutter corresponds essentially to the Earth element. If Earth is negative, you worry. Positive Earth nurtures. The person who clutters needs nuturing, or needs to be provided with nourishment and support. If you tend to clutter, you should ask yourself what you need to feel secure and happy, and what it si that you believe about yourself that prevents you from having it.

Clutter near the doorway always indicates resistance to going out into the world. If you have doorway clutter, you have to struggle through a lot that seems to stand in the way of your goals. You tend to barricade yourself in and fear letting go.

Cluttered shelves overhead, or things piled up to the ceiling indicate that you are apprehensive that something unwanted might befall you.

Clutter caused by things stored under your bed causes chi to stagnate and generates “sha”, which your body absorbs when you sleep. If you have things stored under your bed, even if they are neatly stored in boxes, remove them and store them somewhere else – your health will improve.

Your home breathes like a living body. Its breath, or chi, comes in and out through the doors and windows and flows through the corridors and rooms. When it flows unobstructedly it imparts the sensations of ease and comfort. But when it’s flow is obstructed due to clutter, the opposite happens: your chi becomes obstructed, the elements in your body become unbalanced, and your health and affairs suffer.

From Feng Shui, Step by Step
by T. Raphael Simons

Breathe You Are Alive

Following the breath breathing in,
I calm my body.
Breathing out, I smile.
Dwelling in the present moment,
I know this is a wonderful moment..

Remove Hazardous Elements from Health Area

General Health area:

Wood will uproot the earth in this area, so get rid of anything symbolizing wood here. This means green items too! Small plants are the exception and can stay.

Tall rectangular objects and columnar objects don’t belong here.

Spiral staircases are a doozy – the chi keeps falling through, and with the spiraling pattern the chi gets dizzy and disoriented. You can counteract this effect by painting the underside of the stairs with the color of the area you are in, or place mirrors under the stairs to reflect the chi back up.

From Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter


If you are unsure of where the health area is, see these posts:

Remove Hazards to Family Area

Family area:

  • Metal is hazardous in this area. White is the metal color and also does not belong here.
  • If you have a gun in the house, do not place it in this area or it will become deadly metal.
  • Get rid of round objects in this area.

From Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter


If you are unsure of where the family area is, see these posts:

Remove hazards to Skills and Knowledge

Skills and Knowledge area:

  • Get rid of clutter here.
  • Thinking clearly requires a clear space.
  • Alcohol, drugs, poisons, and cigarettes all cloud the thought process and are detrimental to this area.
  • Newspapers (full of stupid people doing stupid things) don’t belong here.

So this is not a good wallpaper choice?

From Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter


If you are unsure of where the skills and knowledge area is, see these posts:


Remove Hazards to your Career

Removing hazardous elements from your Career area:

Get rid of any dirt in this area. When you mix dirt and water, you get mud! Pictures of mountains and clay pots can even muddy up the water. No squares either, since squares represent earth (which is made of dirt…) The same goes for earth-tone-colored items.

Remove pictures from this area of anything you would never want to do in your life.

From Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter


If you are unsure of where the career area is, see these posts:

Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

Project Countdown
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  • I Am That I Am 
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