
Missing Mom

Sometimes I miss my mom.  This is an especially familiar feeling for me because when I was 5 years old, my parents sent me away to boarding school. As a result, I had to learn how to be my own mom at a very young age. Somebody had to nurture and protect me or I wasn’t going to survive the experience.

No matter what your life experience was or is, we all want and need to be nurtured and protected. Part of Radical Self Care is taking an active part in that role of nurturer and protector. For some of us there’s a learning curve because we didn’t experience this early in life and we aren’t sure how to do it. For some of us, self care is riddled with guilt and fear because we were taught to never ever do it.

Right here, right now, this very moment, let’s invoke our inner moms. Who is she? What does she look like? Where has she been hiding out?  Do we need to resurrect her from the ashes of our childhoods? Do we need to create her from the inner core of who we really are? Does she need a reboot? A makeover? Maybe even an extreme makeover?

Remember, your inner mom and your actual mom are NOT one and the same. Take some time today to think about this. Maybe write a small paragraph about her, have a conversation….

My inner mom and my outer mom are in total agreement right now. It’s time to get offline and do the dishes. I’d really love to hear your thoughts and ideas!

Oh, Hi Mom!

All this talk about my inner child got me thinking about my actual mom, and how much influence she still has over my inner child self.

True story: I have a picture of my mom in a nice little frame. And everywhere I put it, it seemed like she was judging me and finding me less than. But I didn’t want to store it away in a box because that seemed … I dunno… unkind. She really did love me a lot. She just didn’t understand me at all.

So my solution was to put her in my kitchen cabinet, next to the plates and cups. Every time I open the door, I see her, and I say, “I’m really sorry.” and then I grab what I need and shut the door.

What kind of a mom did you grow up with? Are the words she used on you still reverberating? Do you have to listen to them? Can you just put them away? In a box somewhere? In an album? In the fireplace?

And when you hear your mom taking to you in ways that are judgmental, hurtful, or unkind, maybe you could roll your eyes, pull out your inner teenager, and just blow her off. Or, if she is long gone from your life maybe you could simply acknowledge her and move on with an, “Oh, Hi mom. Gotta go now.” Or something similar.

Easier said than done, I know. Especially if she is still alive and fully present and actively engaged in your life.  But maybe you can find a way to just say no to the nonsense and yes to the love?

And if you had a loving mom who was always there for you, lucky you! Listen to what she has to say, send her flowers if she’s still with you. If she’s gone from the world, send yourself the flowers because she continues to live on through you.

What do you think? Can we do it? Thoughts? Ideas? Revelations?

Calling In A Household Angel

As always, relax and come to center in the way that works best for you.

Calmly contemplate your home, letting your mind wander, for example, around the rooms and the other people who live in it. Then contemplate the angel who could be in your home, its presence bringing a blessing and helping you all to live together in a more harmonious, creative and healing way.

Then, aloud or in your mind, communicate words like:

‘Angel of the home, I invite you to be here.
Angel of the Home I thank you for your presence.’

Feel totally free to use whatever words work for you. Or you may not want to use words at all. You might prefer simply to light a candle and feel yourself inviting in and welcoming the angels presence. It is important that you acknowledge its presence and thank it. Even if you are not certain that it is with you, act as if it is. It will surely be with you, even if you cannot in those moments sense it.

Say, or telepath, words like

‘Angel of the home,
I acknowledge and give thanks for your presence.’

Do not let your intellect get caught up with thoughts such as: ‘I don’t know what this angel is really like…This is just my imagination playing tricks… How can I tell if this is really here… I feel such an idiot.’ Suspend your normal mental disbelief and enter into a more playful and imaginative, more poetic and lyrical dimension. Trust that your invitation and grateful acknowledgement of its presence will work. Simply accept that the angel is already with you.

Working with Angels, Fairies and other Nature Spirits
by William Bloom PhD

Ancestors Cheering

At a Wealth Consciousness workshop, I found out that many people are worried that they will somehow displease their poor and hard working ancestors by becoming extremely rich and successful.

I had a sense that that was probably a misconception, so we did this following exercise to find out.

  • In a moment, close your eyes and go to a meeting place where you meet representatives of your ancestral lines.
  • Tell them that you want to be rich, powerful and successful and that you want to change the world through your works.
  • Then ask them for their support.

You will find that they want nothing more than for YOU to SUCCEED. You are their child, their living representative, and YOUR success is also THEIR SUCCESS.

Let them cheer you and know always that you have THEIR SUPPORT in what you do.


Remove Hazards to Family Area

Family area:

  • Metal is hazardous in this area. White is the metal color and also does not belong here.
  • If you have a gun in the house, do not place it in this area or it will become deadly metal.
  • Get rid of round objects in this area.

From Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter


If you are unsure of where the family area is, see these posts:

Colorize your family area

Feng Shui activity for today:
Add a color to your Family area.

Wood is the element for this area, and green symbolizes wood. Green t-shirts, a wooden bowl filled with avocados or artichokes will work. Green plants can be nurtured here.

Water feeds wood, and black symbolizes water, so anything black will help things start to flow with family, children, and basic money needs.

From Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter


If you are unsure of where the family area is, see these posts:

Family Photo Project

Still working in the Family area of our homes:

The energy in this zone of the house influences how safe and secure you feel in life and how you relate to family members (blood relatives or not). The energy here is your foundation in life and deserves special attention.

  • Declutter activity for today:

Today, lets take some time to organize our family photos. If you have lots of loose photos in a lot of different places, gather them all together into a “photo box”. Do you have photo albums waiting to be filled? Take the time to organize your photos to make it easy to begin to put them into the photo albums. Don’t have any photo albums? Why not go and buy some, and fill them up this weekend as a fun “family” project? Maybe you have all your photos in photo albums already. If so, that’s great! Maybe this evening would be a great time to dust them off and spend a few moments enjoying them.

Stabilize your Family area with symbols

Feng Shui activity for today:
Add a symbol to stabilize the family area.

Wood is the element for this area, so wooden picture frames with pictures of your loved ones are great here. Any wooden item will do, even toothpicks and chopsticks. A bowl of pine cones or acorns is symbolic here, along with anything made of paper, wicker, rattan, or bamboo.

Rectangular or columnar objects belong here. Water also works here – pictures of beautiful Venice canals, a water bed, and undulating forms (water takes any shape) are fine here.

From Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter


If you are unsure of where the family area is, see these posts:

Family area – an overview

Day Twenty-One:
Moving into the Family area of our homes

Working to balance and enhance this area of your home can assist in the following ways:

  • You may feel more secure in all areas of your life
  • Improve your sex life
  • Build a stronger foundation that allows you to meet life’s challenges with more confidence and less stress
  • Improve family relationships and bring harmony into family matters
  • Start being treated like one of the family by non-blood relatives
  • Enhance your business and increase your income
  • Get a promotion
  • Create a situation where you always have the money to pay the bills
  • Find balance with your emotional stability
  • Improve your physical and mental health
  • Make better choices in life

If you are unsure of where the family area is, see these posts:

Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

Project Countdown
Ask Ganesh
Abundance Chants & Raps
  • Money Chant - Fast 
  • Money Chant - Slow
  • Prosperity Plan 
  • Amazing Creator 
  • Cause and Effect 
  • I Am That I Am 
  • Spirit Rap 
  • Lakshmi Spirit Rap 
  • PowWow Spirit Rap 
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