About The Project

The Prosperity Project was the brain child of Shirley Twofeathers and Daniel Knirs. We were both working the night shift at the same place, and going through some extreme financial difficulties, when one night it occurred to us that we knew a heck of a lot of prosperity techniques, but we weren’t really “doing” any of them. One idea lead to another, and by the time morning rolled around, the Prosperity Project was born and the blog was up and running.


The participants in our project were a widely diverse group. Some of us believed in the principles and practices we tried, some of us did not, and many of us were ambivalent. One of the things we were curious about is whether or not belief in the process was a requirement for it to work. We tracked our progress based on how well our goals for the 30 days had been met.

Did it work? Yes. Absolutely! Even if the various projects in and of themselves fell short of our expectations, we can say beyond doubt that our lives have been transformed by the this project. Part of the success (in my opinion) lies in the commitment to working on prosperity every day, and part of the success is directly attributable to the support we gave each other.

The project began in October of 2006 and was discontinued in March of 2011, and resurrected again in February of 2017. The original project blog was hosted on blogger and I’ve been slowly migrating those older completed projects to my new website (shirleytwofeathers.com). I am still in the process of that migration.

If a certain project interests you, feel free to jump in at any time. The simplest way to join is to subscribe, and get updates via email, or you can “like” and “follow” us on The Prosperity Project on Facebook. The Facebook page is active when we are. Hopefully we’ll see you there!

Comments and active participation are encouraged and deeply appreciated, but not mandatory. We are delighted to share this journey with you.

Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

Project Countdown
Ask Ganesh
Abundance Chants & Raps
  • Money Chant - Fast 
  • Money Chant - Slow
  • Prosperity Plan 
  • Amazing Creator 
  • Cause and Effect 
  • I Am That I Am 
  • Spirit Rap 
  • Lakshmi Spirit Rap 
  • PowWow Spirit Rap 
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Whenever cannibals are on the brink of starvation, Heaven, in its infinite mercy, sends them a nice plump missionary. ~-Oscar Wilde
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February 2025
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I think it's time to go shopping... maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!!

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