Getting Started


Setting Goals and making that first call.

Setting clear and specific goals will enable you to determine just how successful the prayers have been. After making your first call to Silent Unity, log on, post your name, your goals, and share your first prosperity prayer experience.

The number to call is 1-800-669-7729 or 816-969-2000.

Logging on and sharing your goals and experiences is easy, just click on the “comment” link at the bottom of this post. The idea is to make a commitment to the project by calling for prosperity prayers every day for 30 days, and then posting your experiences (good and bad). At the end of the 30 days – we will evaluate our progress and determine if prayers for prosperity do indeed work.. and if so are the results consistent.

We look forward to sharing the journey with you.

11 Responses to Getting Started

  • Alright. Well I did it. I was a little bit nervous about calling the prayer line, I don’t know why, but it was actually really nice. The person who prayed with me sounded kind and sincere.. so far so good. Now I am just going to wait and see what happens.

    As for my goals, here they are: By the end of our 30 days, I would like to have more than $275 in my savings account, plus more than enough money in my checking account to cover all of my upcoming bills and expenses, and at least one item on my wish list purchased.

    My wish list is as follows: I want a new printer, a CD player for my car, a lap top computer, and some art supplies.

    Just to let you all know what my start point is – I recently had a series of financial issues and currently have a checking account balance of zero dollars. My bills this month exceed my income by more than $200. In addition to that my car needs new tires and is overdue on the periodic upkeep and maintenance, my printer is broken, I still haven’t paid last years property taxes, my central air unit badly needs to be cleaned and serviced, and my TV, VCR, and CD players are ALL on the fritz. There’s more.. but I won’t bore you with all that drama.

    So.. WOW.. I am so curious to see what will happen in the next 30 days.

  • I called for prayer today. My goal is to receive $1,000 (or more!) over and above the amount of income I am already expecting to receive in the next 30 days. I’m excited about this project!
    1:45 PM

  • I am very excited about this project. I have called Silent Unity and while I think I got someone new or very nervous, she did say one thing that really struck a chord with me – whatever you focus on you increase, so if you focus on your debt, it will increase. I think that is very true and I need to concentrate on focusing on prosperity and NOT debt!

    My goal for the next 30 days is: To raise enough money by November 13th to buy into a small business venture I am interested in, which is about $515 in “spare money” that I need. This should be interesting since I, too, seem to make much less money than bllls require.

    Accomplishing this will increase my prosperity even further by creating a new avenue of income!

    I pledge to focus on prosperity by staying in a “prosperity consciousness” including prayers for my own prosperity, the prosperity of this group, and the prosperity of the world.

    I look forward to being involved in this new prosperity enterprise!!

  • Well, I called Silent Unity early this morning and for some strange reason I also was quite nervous, don’t understand why but there it is. Anyways I think the person I spoke with was new also, but she had a very soothing voice and did give me a feeling of peace. One thing she said has stuck in my mind about opening my mind to ideas of ways to give and ways to receive, I have been pondering that most of the day. Like I can not really decide what does that mean ways to give and receive. I feel like I already am but now I am not so sure.
    My goals are to have at least $500 dollars in my savings acct which is now at zero. To make/catch up all house hold bills and expenses. To have paid off the bill for an expensive car repair I had to have done. To buy something really cool just for myself of my choice with out having to worry over the expense. And finally to be able to increase my contributions to my favorite starving artist.

  • Hi everybody, I just called silent unity and it was very peaceful. I hope this works. My goal is to have enough money to pay my bills, get a hot water heater and take me and my husband out to a nice dinner and movie. If you want to know where my starting point is check out my blog at

  • Okay, well day two and I just made my second call. Today’s prayer person was calm and did have a professional but somewhat peaceful voice. I did ask for prosperity but I felt like she was praying for my health since not one word was said about prosperity. I asked again for a letter and I am now very curious to see if what I get is about prosperity or healing. Can not say I am feeling any more prosperous yet but it is only 5:21am of the second day.LOL

  • Today was my first day calling Silent Unity and was pleasantly surprised. Called twice because the line was disconnected during my first call. I am glad I called because the people I talked to (who seem to be volunteers) made me feel better and I felt a strong spiritual connection with them. Thanks!

  • Hello Anonymous… welcome to the project. How fun to come back and revisit this post written two years ago !! WOW!!

  • I haven’t called Silent Unity in a long time, but that was really cool! I want to focus on making more money than I ever have or ever thought I could. My goal is to make $10,000 a month. I am able to take sole responsibility of myself, my son and my dog’s health and dental wellness. I am able to have friends and family over to entertain them in my new house that has everything that I need. I have food and a warm environment. I have plenty of money for all of my responsibilities, committments and opportunities. I love my life. I love the adventures I travel on! I am able to help others by giving them much more than the cost of my services. I help others and they help me. I joyfully give and receive all the abundance that is mine!!

  • Welcome Susan – We fully support your intentions! Keep us posted on your progress!

  • Interestingly, all my goals have since been met, and I am not currently having any real financial drama at the moment.

    Of course, this is what…. 10 years later?

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