Feng Shui for Prosperity

On Wednesday, Jan 3, we will be getting started with “Feng Shui and Clearing Our Clutter for Prosperity!”

The books we will be using are:

We are taking baby steps with our decluttering and feng shui, so no one feels overwhelmed. If you have more experience with feng shui and want to go gung-ho this month, feel free to do more than the activities we will have listed each day. But for the rest of us, we are baby-stepping our way through this fun learning experience into a calmer, more harmonious living environment.

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is a term borrowed from the Chinese that refers to a system of thoughtful placement of the furnishings in our living environment to positively affect our chi (energy). When an area of your home (or car, or desk at work) is out of balance, you can employ a “cure” to bring balance to that area. A cure is specifically placing an item in a particular area to help you in life.

We hope that you will join us. This project is Melissa’s baby. She has put a lot of time and effort into breaking it into manageable portions. So, thank you Melissa! I think it’s going to be a great learning experience as well as an interesting experiment.

One Response to Feng Shui for Prosperity

  • Comments from 2007:


    Yes, I’ll play. What a great way to start a new year – an act of loving kindness for my personal environment! – GCG


    Hello Guys,

    I just wanted you to know that I am thinking I will divide the daily posts up into sections so that they will be easier to read.

    Once we get started, you’ll see what I mean. When you check in for the daily post, there might be 2 or sometimes even 3 of them.

    I thought I would put basic feng shui information in one post, the daily task on one post, and our declutter project on one post. This way, if decluttering is your most important goal, it will be easy to find it, and if all you want to do is learn about Feng Shui, that too will be easy to access.

    If it turns out that you guys would prefer having it all on one big post, just let me know, and I can do it that way instead.

    This is going to be fun. I wonder if we could do a bagua on the web page. Is that possible Melissa? Do you know how we would do that?


    Hello and welcome GCG.
    I’m in too. My goals for this month’s project are as follows:

    1. I want to have a job I like, or like the job I have. Either way will be fine with me.
    2. Sales at Cafe Press exceed my monthly fees.
    3. My monthly bills continue to be paid in full and on time.
    4. Extra money continues to flow in on an as needed.. as well as an as wanted basis.
    5. I sell at least one piece of original art.

    I can’t wait to get started on this. My home is just itching for some cures.

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