stuff I do


This is a list of  108 things I wanted to do in 2008. I don’t think I actually did very many of them, so I’m going to try again in 2017…

  1. Show up at work with my hair colored purple.
  2. Make a mud pie.
  3. Watch the sun set over a lake.
  4. Spend one whole entire day just listening.
  5. Be seen in public wearing shoes that don’t match.
  6. Throw at least 2 water balloons at my unsuspecting son-in-law.
  7. Make a dandelion necklace.
  8. Give a tired waitress a $20 tip.
  9. Pay at least one of my bills by hand (this means NOT online) and put confetti in the envelope.
  10. Roll on the ground laughing.
  11. Sleep out under the stars.
  12. Play with melting candle wax.
  13. Think of something really nice to say to the person at work who dislikes me the most.
  14. Figure out who that person is.
  15. Make a small sail boat out of a leaves and float it on my pond (can that be done? I wonder).
  16. Bake a small honey cake for the faeries and then leave it out for them to find.
  17. Put a message in a bottle and drop it into the Missouri River.
  18. Write anonymous letters to both of my daughters telling them how wonderful they are.
  19. If they ask me about it, I will totally deny that I wrote the letters.
  20. Rescue a grasshopper from drowning.
  21. Actually look at myself in the mirror (at least one time).
  22. Build a snow man.
  23. Only wear matching socks if I want to.
  24. Put flowers in my food.
  25. Go for a walk in the rain.
  26. Sit so quietly outside that a butterfly lands on my hand.
  27. Chase fireflies.
  28. Paint my toenails bright pink.
  29. Collect pollen.
  30. Write “I love you” on all of my mirrors.
  31. Do 10 sit ups.
  32. Lay in my hammock and blow bubbles.
  33. Find out how far I can spit.
  34. Walk barefoot in mud.
  35. Write an interesting message on a rock and then leave it for someone else to find.
  36. Dance by the light of the moon.
  37. Go outside and do a really good Tarzan yell while thumping my chest.
  38. Do 3 push ups.
  39. Turn my electricity off for one whole entire day.
  40. Fill two dozen plastic Easter eggs with little fun toys, and “hide” them at a playground for kids to find.
  41. Tie bells on my shoelaces and then go grocery shopping.
  42. Smile and say “Hi” to everyone who stares at me.
  43. Wear fake eyelashes and black lipstick to a family gathering.
  44. Send an anonymous surprise gift to someone I like.
  45. Deny any knowledge of it if they ask.
  46. For one whole entire day, say only the absolute truth.
  47. Do this before I send any anonymous gifts or letters.
  48. Say that I’m going to write a list of 108 things, and stop right before I get to number 49.

What about you? You got a list of things you’d like to do? I’d sure love to hear it!


Wow… So I said to myself, I’ll just create a website and put all my blogs there. It’ll be easy I said. Much of the content is already researched and posted. It’ll be a simple move… LOL…  And of course I never do anything “simple.” That’s not how I roll. As a matter of fact, I can take the simplest thing in the world and make it so complicated that it’s almost impossible. Yep. That would be me.

So… because simple is boring and not at all my style,  I have, in the last 2 months (in addition to working at my regular job) converted a static website into a WordPress multi site, created 25 custom themes, to go with the 25 mini sites I now have live on the site, and not only that… I created a bunch of little widgets to go with them, and I started filling them with content.

Christmas is almost here, and I have done NOTHING !!! except work on the website. I told my family that what they are getting for Christmas is a chance to visit yet another new site at Needless to say, they remain unimpressed.

So… if you’ve come to this little site looking for a bunch of cool new stuff to read about and look at – it might be a little while before it gets filled up with everything I have saved for it. Because… hey… there are 24 other little sites begging to be worked on and if there were just 3 of me … or 4 … or 5 … or maybe even 10 … I might get caught up before 2017 is over and done.

Anyway. Thanks for visiting!

Bright Blessings

I asked the I Ching Oracle:

What simple thing could I actually do today to make this a really good day for me? Here’s the answer I got:
(present) 30. Li – Brightness, Clinging
Fire can be dangerously explosive if over-fueled, or die quickly if underfed. Healthy and under control, it indicates good fortune.

(future) 36. Meng I – Darkening Force
Keep your inner light burning in order to prevail. Patiently await the sunrise.

OK so, what does this mean? I’m going to have to get out my own copy of the I Ching and read more in depth. I’m thinking it means stay balanced and stay calm. And I’m wondering if it’s really true that I could actually do that.

I remember a time in my life, fresh out of high school and living on my own, when I would throw the I Ching every single day and then record the questions and the results. I did this for about a year… maybe longer. It was my daily meditation, my prayer, and my guidance. I used to get the hexagram “The Abysmal” all the time… Later, when my marriage was going bad I got back into it again and had a long rash of getting “Work on That Which Has Been Spoiled” … I got it so often I almost knew the text by heart. Even now, when I look at that old trailer and walk past the burn pile, it comes into my mind….

So, I just got out my book and here is what it says about the first line:

It is early morning and work begins. The mind has been closed to the outside world in sleep; now its connections with the world begin again. The traces of one’s impressions run crisscross. Activity and haste prevail. It is important then to preserve inner composure and not allow oneself to be swept along by the bustle of life. If one is serious and composed, he can acquire the clarity of mind needed for coming to terms with the innumerable impressions that pour in. It is precisely at the beginning that serious concentration is important, because the beginning holds the seed of all that is to follow.

What does the Oracle hold for you?

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