
I found a great blog post about shamanism at a pretty cool website called Blue Planet Shaman. The whole thing is worth reading – I just pulled the juicy part out for posting here. It’s a list for the basic requirement for a person to be a good Shaman. And hey, I think I qualify! And I’ve gotta say, I like this guy!

  • You need to come from a dysfunctional family.
  • You need to understand abuse, alcohol, drug, sexual, physical, mental, verbal, the more the better.
  • You need to have a fast mind. This is usually shown through a quick humor and/or problem solving skills.
  • You may have a thought that nothing is sacred nor should it be.
  • You will probably have a very strong sex drive.
  • You may think some things are funny while other people severely disagree.
  • You have the ability to teach without formal training.
  • Even the most introverted people will instantly open up to you.
  • You can make friends with the most vicious junk yard dog because you can relate.
  • You had the “visits” from the other side at an early age.

Sometimes we can seem like a twisted bunch, but everyone wants to come to our parties.

They can be all the things that you would never expect a Shaman to be in places that seem so unholy or spiritual. Normally you won’t find them in some air conditioned classroom teaching someone else’s bullshit because the have an “I passed a Shamanic course” paper on the wall.

Shamanism is getting into life and everything that goes with it. Shamanism is about experimentation and testing your theories before you try to teach something. A real Shaman will let you know you are a fucked up individual and not try to dress it up with some white lighter justification. A real Shaman will help you develop who you really are, not who everyone thinks you should be. A real Shaman understands that some things just can’t be fixed and may take a temporary job as a sniper in a third world shit hole.

So Shamanism has evolved a long way from telling the story of when the Great Raven flapped its wings seven times and created the universe, or how some chic that was fucking around on her husband said God knocked her up. Shamanism became the reality show that HBO won’t even air.

“The people you see on this show are real. Their names and identities have not been changed, no one is protected. The situations are real and there are no co incidences between what you see in Shamanism and real life you dumbass, new age flake.”

Personally, I really don’t want to hang with anyone in Shamanism that doesn’t have some kind of bad reputation or rumors. People make mistakes. Or do they? Maybe it’s divine guidance for our higher learning. Yeah, that’s it. I channeled that.

Shamanism is about being yourself, being honest about it, and being ok with that.

Shamanism is living a life that will make a great true story that will be told as a teaching implement. Live it. Don’t leave any blank pages. One day the book will close.

If I was to say there was only one sin, it would be not living true to your nature. A Shaman will live according to their true nature and that’s the main reason they usually don’t fit in. So goes Shamanism through the ages. It will always be one of those places that the out of ordinary people go to fit in with the other black sheep of humanity that people look to for spiritual guidance.

Full Disclosure: I actually wrote this way back in, I think, 2010… so the website mentioned has changed since then, and the original post about shamanism is no longer there. This post is from my old blogger blog.

It’s a definitive list. No excuse now for not coming up with a really good jab when someone needs a nice take down.

  1. If you’re one in a million, there are six thousand people exactly like you.
  2. Don’t be humble. You’re not that great.
  3. I feel so miserable without you, it’s almost like having you here.
  4. He was happily married – but his wife wasn’t.
  5. He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends.
  6. Any similarity between you and a human is purely coincidental!
  7. Anyone who told you to be yourself couldn’t have given you worse advice.
  8. Are your parents siblings?
  9. As an outsider, what do you think of the human race?
  10. Better at sex than anyone; now all he needs is a partner.
  11. Calling you stupid would be an insult to stupid people.
  12. Did your parents ever ask you to run away from home?
  13. Do you ever wonder what life would be like if you’d had enough oxygen at birth?
  14. Do you want people to accept you as you are or do you want them to like you?
  15. Don’t you have a terribly empty feeling – in your skull?
  16. Do you still love nature, despite what it did to you?
  17. Don’t you need a license to be that ugly?
  18. Every girl has the right to be ugly, but you abused the privilege!
  19. Go ahead, tell them everything you know. It’ll only take 10 seconds.
  20. Have you considered suing your brains for non-support?
  21. He has a mind like a steel trap – always closed!
  22. He is living proof that man can live without a brain!
  23. He is the kind of a man that you would use as a blueprint to build an idiot.
  24. He’s not stupid; he’s possessed by a retarded ghost.
  25. Here’s 20 cents. Call all your friends and bring back some change!
  26. Hi! I’m a human being! What are you?
  27. How did you get here? Did someone leave your cage open?
  28. I’d like to see things from your point of view but I can’t seem to get my head that far up my ass.
  29. I bet your brain feels as good as new, seeing that you’ve never used it.
  30. I bet your mother has a loud bark!
  31. I could make a monkey out of you, but why should I take all the credit?
  32. I don’t consider you a vulture. I consider you something a vulture would eat.
  33. I don’t know what makes you so stupid, but it really works!
  34. I don’t think you are a fool. But then what’s MY opinion against thousands of others?
  35. I hear the only place you’re ever invited is outside.
  36. I hear you were born on a farm. Any more in the litter?
  37. I heard you got a brain transplant and the brain rejected you!
  38. I heard you went to have your head examined but the doctors found nothing there.
  39. I know you are nobody’s fool but maybe someone will adopt you.
  40. I thought of you all day today. I was at the zoo.
  41. I would ask you how old you are but I know you can’t count that high.
  42. I’d like to help you out. Which way did you come in?
  43. I’d like to leave you with one thought…but I’m not sure you have anywhere to put it!
  44. I’d love to go out with you, but my favorite commercial is on TV.
  45. I’ll never forget the first time we met – although I’ll keep trying.
  46. I’m busy now. Can I ignore you some other time?
  47. I’ve seen people like you before, but I had to pay admission!
  48. If I ever need a brain transplant, I’d choose yours because I’d want a brain that had never been used.
  49. If ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest person alive.
  50. If we were to kill everybody who hates you, it wouldn’t be murder; it would be genocide!
  51. If what you don’t know can’t hurt you, she’s invulnerable.
  52. If you stand close enough to him, you can hear the ocean.
  53. If your brain was chocolate it wouldn’t fill an M&M.
  54. Keep talking, someday you’ll say something intelligent.
  55. Learn from your parents’ mistakes – use birth control!
  56. Pardon me, but you’ve obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a damn.
  57. So, a thought crossed your mind? Must have been a long and lonely journey.
  58. Some day you will find yourself – and wish you hadn’t.
  59. If you were orphaned when you were a child, I feel sorry for you, but not for your parents.
  60. If you don’t want to give people a bad name, you will have your children illegitimately.
  61. Is your name Laryngitis? You’re a pain in the neck.
  62. Is your name Dan Druff? You get into people’s hair.
  63. I hear you pick your friends — to pieces!!
  64. I bet your brain feels as good as new, seeing that you’ve never used it.
  65. They say that two heads are better than one. In your case, one would have been better than none.
  66. You should toss out more of your funny remarks; that’s all they’re good for.
  67. People can’t say that you have absolutely nothing! After all, you have inferiority!
  68. You must have a low opinion of people if you think they’re your equals.
  69. wish you were all here. I don’t like to think there is more!
  70. If we were to kill everybody who hates you, it wouldn’t be murder; it would be genocide!
  71. Even your best friend cheats on you and lies to you, and that’s the best friend you can get.
  72. I don’t think you are a fool. But then, what’s my own humble opinion against thousands of others?
  73. Nobody says that you are dumb. They just say you were sixteen years old before you learned how to wave goodbye.
  74. People say that you are the perfect idiot. I say that you are not perfect, but you are doing alright.
  75. Ordinarily people live and learn. You just live.
  76. The mind reader had a very busy day today reading minds. You were a vacation for him.
  77. I thought of you all day today when I was at the zoo.
  78. When you talk, other people get hoarse just listening.
  79. I would say that you are barking up the wrong tree, but that is your natural voice.
  80. I reprimanded my brother for mimicking you. I told him not to act like a fool.
  81. I’m very careful of how I express my opinions of you because I want to put as much vituperation in them as possible.
  82. I don’t hold your behavior against you because I realize it was caused by childhood trauma; your parents spanked you when you fell on your head and broke the cement.
  83. I heard you got a brain transplant and the brain rejected you!
  84. I think you should live for the moment. But after that, I doubt I’ll think so.
  85. Man alive! But I wish you weren’t.
  86. I believe in respect for the dead; in fact, I could only respect you if you WERE dead.
  87. Is your name Maple Syrup? It should be, you sap.
  88. You spent so much time trying to get rid of that halitosis that you had only to find out that you are not popular anyway.
  89. You are the kind of person who, when one first meets you, one doesn’t like you. But when one gets to know you better, one hates you.
  90. We know that romance brings out the beast in you — the jackass.
  91. I’m looking forward to the pleasure of your company since I haven’t had it yet.
  92. There are several people in this world that I find obnoxious and you are all of them.
  93. All of your girlfriends kiss you with their eyes closed. Considering your face, that’s the only way they could.
  94. I hear that when your mother first saw you, she decided to leave you on the front steps of a police station while she turned herself in.
  95. Would you like to replace my business partner who died this morning? I’ll arrange it with the undertaker.
  96. People say that you are outspoken, but not by anyone that I know of.
  97. Your conversation is like the waves of the sea. It makes me sick!
  98. We can always tell when you are lying. Your lips move.
  99. When you get to the men`s room, you will see a sign that says, “Gentlemen.” Pay no heed to it. Go right on in.
  100. The only things you ever make are mistakes and cigarette ashes.
  101. You always manage to keep your neck above water. We can tell by the color of it.
  102. All that you are you owe to your parents. Why don’t you send them a penny and square the account?
  103. I heard you have hair on your chest, and that`s not your only resemblance to Rin Tin Tin.
  104. No one should be punished for accident of birth, but you look too much like a wreck not to be.
  105. There was something about you that I liked, but you spent it.
  106. Sit down and give your mind a rest.
  107. There is no vaccine against stupidity.
  108. I heard you went to have your head examined, but the doctors found nothing there.
  109. Don’t get me wrong. I`m not trying to make a monkey out of you. I can’t take the credit.
  110. I bet your brain feels as good as new, seeing that you’ve never used it.
  111. I wish you were all here. I don’t like to think there is more!

Ha ha… this is just great!
A very profound comment by the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld! It pretty much sums up where I’m at right now!

“There are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we now know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we do not know we don’t know.”

I’ve even got it on video!

Believe it or not, this quote even has it’s own page at Wikipedia!

So my sister sent me a draft of her newest book. Did I tell you she is a writer? She is! And she actually writes books! Not only does she start them, she also finishes them. They get published and people even buy them…. Sometimes she even writes them in code!! Check this out! When I opened the file, this is what it said:

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And I’m like…. huh??? Ok, Gracie, I’m pretty intelligent, but hey, I’m not THAT smart! Well, whenever I am confronted with a problem, I turn to the Church of Google. Through which I was directed to a program that might possibly decipher it. I have downloaded said program twice now, and both times my internet connection has gone away before the download was complete.

So, I’m wondering… is this some sort of Alien Cypher? Did you CHANNEL this book from Andromeda? or Sirius? or… the Pleides? Is there an alien conspiracy working to ensure that this book is never read by simple humans like me?

If an image has posted without permission please leave a comment and I will happily remove it, replace it, give credit, link love ~ whatever you prefer.

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