

The Goddess Kali, isn’t she spectacular?


And check this one out… Such power!!

And I love the Elephants.



This one is pretty cool too. I like how flat it looks, reminds me of a zen tangle. And it looks so simple, like it would be easy to draw since it’s so stylized. And the colors! Ahhh… I love it.


These are Madhubani paintings. Madhubani means “Forest of Honey”. I think they are just incredible. If I had money, I’d buy one of these for me for my birthday! Instead, it looks like I’m going to try to copy some of them and see how that goes. They don’t look that hard to draw – and maybe I’ll end up with more new and cool paintings.

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The Plumber Dude

I think it's time to go shopping... maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!!

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