Yearly Archives: 2016


From The Astrarium, here is a great list of books about one of my favorite deities. Hekate has been revered throughout many cultures and many ages and has worked with many different practitioners and worshipers in various guises. One of the best ways to connect with a deity and begin honoring them is to heavily research their history. Below is my best attempt to give devotees and those who are new to this goddess, a wider perspective of Her throughout the ages. The following books range from classical texts & legends, scholarly writings, modern perspectives to coloring books devoted or heavily focused upon Hekate. Discover the Hellenic & Classical Hekate, The Wiccan Hecate, The Chaldean Hekate Soteira, the Luciferian Hecate, the Hecate of Macbeth and more. I hope that this is helpful. Feel a crucial book is missing? Please mention it in the comments below. Feel a crucial book is missing? Please mention it in the comments below.

I do have some of these… but wowsers… my Amazon wish list just got a lot longer!

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I think it's time to go shopping... maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!!

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