
Getting Centered

For our viewing and listening pleasure, today I am sharing this little site:

This site is about prayers to God. It includes favorite bhajans from Hindu religion, mantras and prayers. It features online indian temple bhajans such as Radhe Krishna temple bhajans, Ganesha temple bhajans, Vaishno mata temple bhajans, Hanumana tample bhajans, Parvati Shiva temple bhajans and Sita Rama temple bhajans.

What does all that mean? Well it means that they have these wonderful prayerful mantras and songs. I played the Hare Krishna mantra when I went there, and it felt so good. The music went straight into my heart and actually brought tears to my eyes.

As I was surfing for new and different prayer sites, one thing was constant, no matter what the content, or the intent, or the consciousness, or the religious affiliation – the concept of getting still, and finding a place of alignment or closeness to God was mentioned almost every time. And so I think it must be important. That’s what these hindu prayers did for me – so that’s why I am sharing them here.

To listen to these prayers you will need Windows Media Player.
You can get this free plug-in from the Microsoft web site

There are different pages, with different prayers and mantras, the page I went to was the Radhe Krishna Temple Prayers, and if you scroll down the page you will see various links to various mantras, bhajans, and even some talks given by the Swami.


Looks like these links no longer take you to the right pages. But hey, I’ve got something better! It’s a video. George Harrison and the Radha Krishna temple singing Hare Krishna. Enjoy!

A Sense Of Adventure


Feeling adventurous today? How about this? I found the official website of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. And they accept prayer requests. Isn’t that cool? Here is a direct link to the prayer request page.

If you want to browse the site first, you can go to The easiest way to get to the prayer request page, is to scroll down to the bottom of the page, find the site map and look for the submit prayer request link there.

This is what they have to say about prayer requests. “Mary’s maternal intercession is very powerful. We welcome your prayer requests at her National Shrine. Prayer requests are received here at the Shrine to be remembered in our daily Masses and devotions through the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary. May God bless you.”

So I thought this would be a little different.. Mary, the mother of Jesus, will do the praying for us. Nifty huh?

Shaking Things Up


Hi guys.

It seems to me that we are slowly losing our enthusiasm for the project. And I was thinking that maybe 30 days of doing the same thing every single day is really too many days of the same old same old. So I am suggesting that we shake things up a bit.

It occurred to me that it might be good to explore other avenues of prayer. Become adventurers in the prayers for prosperity.. brave souls venturing out into new territories.. ferreting out new places and people to pray with.

And so, it is with this in mind, that I have come up with the idea of providing tasks and ideas for us to all try, and then report on. New and different things to do to further our prosperity through prayer.

I thought it might be a good idea to start out with something relatively easy and not too scary.. so.. here it is. Why don’t we all trot on down to and post a prayer request of our own, and then scroll through the prayer requests and pray for whomever we feel guided to pray for. I think this might be interesting and worthwhile.

If you have any other suggestions or ideas – post them and we’ll try them out.

We Are All In This Together


I was reading The Onion this morning and I came across this article. I thought it was just hilarious. It seemed appropriate to our blog, and so here it is:

Also, I am wondering if we might want to think about adding into our prayers things that are related to prosperity, such as success, resources, empowerment, energy, enthusiasm, time, money, luxury, divine solutions, opportunity, etc etc.

Bye for now

Exploring The Concept

1812e36e1a26b7cd77e8218d85465966I went on an online search this morning to see if I could discover anything profound or interesting about prayer. I put “pray for me” into my yahoo search bar, and this is what I came up with.

I found a really beautifully crafted website that offers (for a small fee) to put your prayer as close to God’s ear as possible. The website url is: in case any of you want to go and see what that is all about.

I also found a site They set up conference calls for people who want to pray together, and I thought that was interesting too. Especially if you have a group scattered all over the place and you want to pray together.

I checked out the science of mind website, and looked at their online form for creating an “affirmitive mind treatment”. That was nifty, and I encourage you all to do that.

I found where, for a donation of $10 or more, your prayers are joined with those of the thousands of St. Jude devotees in every corner of the world. I liked their picture of St Jude. It looks like he is wearing a giant penny with Jesus on it.

At prayers are posted, and then anyone who wants to can go see the prayer request, pray for that person, and then send them a short email saying that they have prayed for them. A concept called “PUSH” was discussed there: “Pray Until Something Happens”.

My absolute favorite link was this one:

Pray at
Find, compare and buy Pray.
Choose from thousands of stores.

The Inner Dad

I was sitting here, wondering what to post, when I noticed this postcard. It came to me a long time ago, and the image of this very intense man looked so familiar to me that I put him on my desk.

He is now the “master” of my bills.. and frowns at me when I don’t pay them. This morning I realized that he very much resembles my “inner dad”, and might even be a portrait of who “god” is to me.

What’s really funny and interesting is that his persona.. his “look”.. his mood and attitude.. is so much like my ex-husband that the first time my granddaughter saw the picture (she was about 3), she said “Is that my grandpa?”

Anyway.. I am wondering if I need to somehow find a new understanding of my “inner dad” and a different perspective of who “god” is to me.

The picture is called “Machismo”, the artist is Hector Casanova. The postcard came to me from the Mattie Rhodes Art Gallery in Kansas City Mo.

A work in progress


Hi.. this post is still a work in progress. And I am not sure that I will ever get it “done”.

This morning I spent some time promoting our blog in a couple of blog directories. So we might even end up with some more visitors. I put it on Globe of Blogs, and Blog Explosion. And I downloaded a nifty tool for backing up the blog just in case accidentally loses our blog altogether. So I have been working on our “work in progress” all morning.

Another thing I am looking into is spiffing up our page a little bit. And I was wondering if you guys would like it to be a little more colorful? And what about a logo? or a banner? I found a tutorial on how to do that kind of thing. What do you think? Or do you like it how it is… lots of white space and just plain and simple? Let me know.. because if you all really love the white space and the simplicity.. I will leave it at that.

So.. our project is a work in progress, our site is a work in progress, and each one of us is a work in progress.. and I like that because it shows a sort of continuity.. an “integrity” of sorts.

The Unexpected

12134644_f520Here is a prayer for unexpected income:

We dwell in the midst of infinite abundance.
The abundance of God is our infinite source.
The river of life is always flowing.
It flows through us into lavish expression.
Good comes to us through unexpected avenues.
God works in myriad ways to bless us.
We now open our minds to receive our good and wonderful things begin to happen.
With God as our source, everything amazes us.
We give freely and fearlessly into life and life gives back to us with fabulous increase.
Blessings come in expected and unexpected ways.
God provides for us and we are grateful.
And so it is.

Sprouting Seeds

I found this incredible poem by Hafiz. It may, or may not have much to do with our project, but I love it so much that I am wanting to share it with you guys.



A seed
Has sprouted beneath a golden leaf
In a dark forest.

This seed is seriously contemplating
Seriously wondering about
The moseying habits
Of the Elephant.


In this lucid, wine-drenched tale
The Elephant is really —

Who has His big foot upon us,
Upon the golden leaf under which lies
This sprouting

We are all a little concerned


Getting It Right

So I paid no attention to the time zones when I set up the blog. And since I posted in the wee hours of the morning on Thursday, the post showed a “time stamp” of Wednesday.. Hence the confusion. So I figured out how to fix it, and the time showing with each post will from now on be correct. I am really sorry for that, and I can see how it could really throw you off, especially if you had missed a day or two.

Cindy posted some great comments and brought up something for discussion, you can find it in the Thursday/Wednesday post otherwise known as Day Five. 🙂

And then this morning, I ran into a huge traffic jam on my way home from work and it took me an extra hour to get home. The traffic was at a dead stop for at least 7 or 8 miles of highway. It was very interesting because the longer I sat there, the more anxious I became. I was worrying about my dogs waiting to be let out to go potty, I was worrying about the blog post being late, and then I started worrying that maybe I was in the “slow” lane and I couldn’t decide if I should try to change lanes or not, and then (40 minutes later) as we began to inch along I started worrying that my car wasn’t running properly, and what if I had a flat tire, and what if my brakes were going out.. It was just plain silly.

I finally made it home, and my tire was fine, my brakes are fine, my car was running fine, and my dogs were fine. But I had a head ache and a stiff neck from all the worrying. And it occurred to me that this is a pattern for me. If things are moving too slow I begin to worry about all kinds of stuff.. Ridiculous stuff usually.. And I get all stressed out. But when things are moving along at a good clip, I am happy and exhilarated.. And feeling good.

So that was interesting, and something to think about. It reminded me of a quote I found a while back, here it is:

Anything worth doing is worth doing slow.
-Mae West


Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

Project Countdown
Ask Ganesh
Abundance Chants & Raps
  • Money Chant - Fast 
  • Money Chant - Slow
  • Prosperity Plan 
  • Amazing Creator 
  • Cause and Effect 
  • I Am That I Am 
  • Spirit Rap 
  • Lakshmi Spirit Rap 
  • PowWow Spirit Rap 
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Whenever cannibals are on the brink of starvation, Heaven, in its infinite mercy, sends them a nice plump missionary. ~-Oscar Wilde
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