Radical Self Care

Best Boss Ever

Now that we’ve established that we are our own actual bosses, I think it would be a great idea to think about ways to achieve the Best Boss Ever status. Taking control of your life can seem a daunting task but it is not impossible to do. With the right mindset and a little bit of courage, I think we really can do it!

With that in mind, I did an internet search and found a bunch of good tips from a variety of sources. Here they are:

  • Set targets and track progress.

Few things are more frustrating than feeling like you’ve given your all, only to be told that you didn’t deliver what was expected. Everyone wants to feel a sense of accomplishment. So, it’s important to set clear expectations.

For example, if the CEO of you wants you to exercise every day, be clear about what that means. Does it mean 10 sit ups? A walk around the block? What does “more exercise” specifically mean? In the world of your reality, what does eat healthy actually look like? Be precise and clear, and keep track of progress made.

So before you assign new projects or tasks, be sure to set clear expectations, and follow up with detailed instructions, if necessary. Then, schedule regular check-ins so that your expectations are on the same page as your reality!

  • Allow yourself to stumble.

Don’t confuse being the best boss with having “employees” that are the best at everything. Similarly, setting expectations doesn’t mean micromanaging the process of the work. Let yourself know what you want, and let yourself deliver it—even if you think you could have done a better job.

Sometimes growing also means allowing yourself to stumble. If you make mistakes—learn from them. “You can’t expect perfection, but you do want growth. Failures are okay. If you fail a lot, maybe it’s time to rethink your strategy.”

  • Develop your talent.

As the head of the company of you, find out what interests you the most. Take courses to improve your skill set, and then challenge yourself with work that is interesting, and maybe just a little bit above your pay grade. If it’s something that is interesting or useful, it will be easier to make this happen.

  • Find out what motivates your “workers.”

You’ll be a more effective boss if you adapt to your employees, rather than expecting your employees to adapt to you. (If they’re good employees, they’ll be trying to do the same thing.)

Some aspects of your personality might crave autonomy. Others may respond well to regular feedback. Some will want to have a very formal relationship with you, while others work better when they feel like they’re your peer rather than in a hierarchical relationship.

  • Give good feedback.

If something isn’t working, admit to yourself that it isn’t working, and think about ways you can improve. Be generous with praise. We so often forget to praise ourselves for jobs well done.

In the workplace nothing makes employees feel better than having their hard work acknowledged, especially in the day-to-day, while they’re grinding it out. They’ll be happy to keep hitting tough deadlines and burning the midnight oil if they know their efforts are appreciated. The same holds true for hard work on yourself.

Remember that you’re all in it together. Literally!! Just because you’re the boss, it doesn’t mean you have to be cruel or overbearing. Good bosses are team leaders, not dictators. Try to bring that spirit of inclusion and shared effort, and you will want to be part of your team—earning more wins for the boss they’re proud to support.

  • Stay connected and aware.

It might be good to have a “group” meeting once a week. Talk or journal to yourself about how things are going, what’s going well, and what might need a new protocol or a different approach. Listen to your heart, your gut, your feelings, and your intuition. Stay on track but stay flexible at the same time.

  • Let the bad stuff go.

A great boss does what is necessary to maintain a non toxic environment. In the actual workplace a good manager takes steps to replace faulty tools, makes sure there are adequate supplies for the work that is being done, and steps in to eliminate problem clients and customers.

If you are going to be your own great boss or good manager, you will need to do the same. Provide yourself with the tools and supplies you need. Do something about the problem people and the toxic relationships that drain your energy.

  • Show up.

Writing down your goals and dreaming is not enough. Even if you talk up a storm, nothing is going to happen if you don’t SHOW UP. This is challenging, especially in the beginning, when you might be feeling some self-doubt. But when you decide to show up and actually face whatever it is that you need to face, you will find yourself empowered and energized.

  • Monitor your use of media.

Media has a way bigger power on us than we think. Pay attention to how much time you spend on social media, The president of the small country that is you wants you to spend your time engaging in activities that make your life healthy and bring you fulfillment.

Encourage your “civilians” to spend time with friends, and family. Invest in creative outlets, good books, and mini vacations to interesting places.

  • Don’t push too hard.

It is not healthy for your body or your mind to always be on work mode. It is important to create healthy boundaries that will allow you to say no when you need to so you won’t get stretched too thin. Give yourself days off for fun and play. Allow yourself some down time and room for simply sitting and doing nothing.

  • Encourage regular self care.

Self-care is more than just resting, although sleep is an important part of it. Self-care is prioritizing your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs. This is different for everyone because people have different needs. It is essential to do some reflection, so you can figure out what self-care routines will benefit for you.

Aromatherapy, massages, meditation, exercise and skincare are just some of the activities that can help boost your mood. The point is to prioritize yourself and do things that you enjoy. They don’t have to be major, even simple activities are great as long as they are meaningful to you.

  • Be patient.

So, you have plotted out your course and are working hard to achieve your goals but you are still not getting there. Don’t rush it! Genuine growth can take a long time. Very few people become successful overnight. You have to be patient and trust your own journey. You will get there when you need to.

  • Be willing to delegate.

Being an effective leader requires being willing to step back and allow others to take on responsibilities. It’s your responsibility as the manager to delegate projects that set your “employees” up for success and make adjustments where needed when expectations are not being met.

Do you need to hire a professional? Maybe you could invite some help from family or friends. You do not have to do everything all by yourself. And it’s not fair to expect that. Companies and corporations hire from outside sources all the time. If money is an issue, family and friends can be a valuable resource.

  • Maintain communication.

It’s important to maintain regular and prompt communication with your “employees,” in addition to making time for regular “employee” reviews and check-ins. Remember, communication is a two-way street. A good leader also makes sure that their “employees” always have the opportunity to communicate any concerns or questions they have.

Remember that when we say “employee” we are actually referring to various aspects of ourselves. For example my employees are comprised of a blogger, an artist, a mother, a cook, a receptionist, a housekeeper, a gardener… etc. I have a lot of “employees”… LOL… you might just have one or two.

  • Listen to others but make the final decision.

One of the most challenging skills to master as a great leader is finding the balance between listening to others and being authoritative. The best approach to decision-making is to be receptive and open to feedback during deliberation and to be resolute and direct once you have made a choice. Clear and final guidance from the top makes work easier for everyone as it avoids uncertainty and mixed messages.


Take Me To Your Leader

Yesterday I contemplated the idea hiring someone to help with the stuff I want and/or need help with. And it occurred to me that if I did hire someone (even if all I did is hire myself) I would be the one in charge. I would be in a supervisory position. I would be the boss, the leader.

And I had an epiphany!

I am already in a supervisory position. I might not be the boss at work, but I AM the boss of my life. I am the one in charge of me. I might not be in charge of what happens to me, I might not be in charge of the people and situations that unfold around me, but I am in charge of me, and I am the ONLY one in charge of me. I am the boss of myself.

So, if an alien space ship lands, and a small green man appears and says, “Take me to your leader.” I can respond with confidence, “I am the leader.”

And now I have questions!

What kind of a boss am I? Am I the chairman of the board? The CEO? Am I a dictator? The president? Maybe I’m the captain of the good ship Shirley Twofeathers? Is it a pirate ship?

What is my leadership style when it comes to me and my life? Am I constantly quashing rebellions and mutinies? Is there freedom of speech? Voting rights? A constitution?

Am I secretly waging guerilla warfare against the leader of my life? Fighting myself every step of the way? And why? What am I fighting for? And if I am waging a war of resistance, what am I resisting? Do I need to remember that the captain always goes down with the ship? Maybe some teamwork is in order?

What about you?

What is your leadership role when it comes to your own life? What is your management style? Do you need to lead a revolution? Or maybe quash a rebellion? If you were your own BEST boss, what would that look like? What would you change? What would stay the same?

If you were in a supervisory position in the work place, would you treat your employees better than you treat yourself? Are you more considerate to coworkers and underlings than you are to yourself? What would you want your actual boss at work to do or provide for you as part of your job that you don’t do or provide for yourself at home or in your personal life?

What would happen if you supervised yourself in the ways you would want to be supervised when on the job? What would you do differently? How would your life change for the better?

Lots of stuff to think about for sure!

So, for today I would like to suggest that we spend some time figuring out just how it is that we rule our lives, how we treat ourselves, and and just what our leadership style is. What seems to be working and where it falls apart.

There’s a saying, “large and in charge.” What does it mean?

Dominating or controlling a situation with confidence and aplomb. Sure, as the captain of your ship, you are the one to blame when things go wrong or fall apart, but you are also large and in charge when they go well.

I’m thinking that being large and in charge goes hand and hand with Radical Self Care. Taking charge of our lives with confidence, taking responsibility, doing whatever is needed to successfully navigate stormy weather as well as the doldrums, when there is no wind in your sails.

One and Done

I’m still mulling over what we said yesterday about boundaries. I’ve been thinking about what mine are, what I want them to be, where I could do a little tweaking, stuff like that. But I don’t really have anything definitive yet. I do however have a success story!!

I know the lawnmower is around here somewhere.

So one of the things on my “Radical Self Care ~ Stuff I Need” list is this:

  • I haven’t mowed at all yet and it’s JULY!

This is a true story! June is over and I still haven’t mowed even one time! I have a push mower, I have a riding lawn mower… but nothing gets mowed.  I hate mowing. I really really hate mowing. A riding lawn mower should make things easy but I really hate getting on it. The whole thing makes me tired just to think about it. The grass is more than thigh high … it’s just stupid to never mow!

But here’s the thing! The mowing situation was the first thing that came to my mind when I was contemplating this project, and an “I Need” box… wondering how it would work. So, I thought about it. And I had two thoughts:

  • What if I paid someone to mow?

Which of course is impossible since I live out in the middle of no where and no one in their right mind would want to touch it unless they had a brush hog… Plus the poison ivy is taking over… and most people are allergic… bla bla bla… (That was me talking myself out of hiring someone.)

  • What if that someone was me?

I could hire myself!! I decided that if I was paid like… $100 to mow, I’d probably do it. So. I scrounged up 5 twenty dollar bills and handed them to my daughter and said. I want you to pay me to mow my grass. She burst out laughing… but agreed to buy me something cool and interesting with the money and I could have that cool and interesting thing when I demonstrated proof of the mowed grass.

At this point, my granddaughter walked by. She said “I’ll do it.” I said. “OK!” I handed her the money. She said “No I don’t want your money.” I said “But you have to take it or you can’t mow my grass.” And tomorrow my grass is getting mowed.

Now It’s Your Turn

Who can you hire to help you with stuff? What if you hired yourself? How would that look? Would it work for you? Is there anything that would really help you out that you could hire someone to do for you, or ask someone to do with you?

Setting Boundaries

Setting boundaries is pretty important I think, and I’m not talking about the kind of boundaries depicted in the picture. Isolating yourself and ignoring everything except for what you are enjoying in the moment isn’t always a good idea.

Healthy boundaries is a phrase you see a lot on websites and in books but I’m not sure what that really means in real life. My personal experience with boundaries pretty much looks like that picture at the top of the page. There are some people, close friends and family who have the key to that gate. They also have my phone number. I’m pretty sure I’d drop everything for them if they needed me.

Because I felt somewhat clueless on this subject, I asked Google to find me something about healthy boundaries. This little tidbit at Better Up seemed good.

Our personal boundaries should always be heard and never excluded from any relationship. To give you an idea of what personal boundaries can look like, here are five examples:

  1. Ownership and agency over your financial assets.
  2. The ability to stay true to your sense of self, spiritual beliefs, and passions.
  3. Ability to prioritize personal time for self-care.
  4. The right to change your mind and preferences.
  5. Alone time with no distractions or interruptions.

And I am thinking that it might be really interesting to think about what you would like your personal boundaries to be. What might they look like? Have you set good boundaries? What boundaries are being crossed? How does that happen? And are you respecting your self when it comes to these boundaries?

  • For example:

I do pretty good with numbers 1, 2, and 4. I really suck at prioritizing personal time for self-care. I have a lot of personal time and alone time, but I almost never use it for self-care.

As for number 5, that one is tricky. I do have a fair amount of time with no distractions or interruptions, but if my family calls, I answer the phone. Every time. Which I think is ok because if I really do need a “no interruption” time out, I can give everyone a heads up and they respect that.

HOWEVER! I find that I do not give my self hardly any alone time with no distractions … most of my alone time is spent on distractions… So… that’s something to work on.

So now what?

Let’s put some thought into our personal boundaries… figuring out what they actually are… deciding what we want them to be. Write a list. Maybe do a little research. Ask our really good friends what they think…. Let’s do something about our boundaries. Something easy. Something small. They are your boundaries. They can be whatever you want them to be!

Friends Without Benefits

Yesterday we talked about best friends. I think it might be good to continue with that conversation. Let’s talk about our friends. We all have at least one friend, at least I hope we do. I think it’s important to have friends.

It’s also important to have friends that love and support you. Friends that respect your boundaries and your choices. Friends you can count on to have your back when things get tough.

It’s also possibly true that we’ve all had our fair share of fair weather friends, fake friends, and people we thought were our friends who betrayed our trust or treated us badly. That’s the nature of a social life. There are best friends, good friends, bad friends, work friends, and of course I cannot forget to mention Facebook friends, or the people we call friends because we interact with them on social media.

Now, what if… and this is a RADICAL thought.

What if we got rid of all the fair weather friends, fake friends, and bad friends. In one day… what if we just dumped them. We could ghost them… I think that’s acceptable. Or we could take a stand and text them and say… “Look. This friend thing we are playing at just isn’t working for me. Sorry. Have a nice life. Bye.”

And then what if, after we did that, we washed our hands of them for real and lost their phone numbers and scrubbed them from our social media pages…

But wait… there’s MORE…

What if we made a point to tell all of our good friends, our best and true friends how much we appreciate them. We could call them and say, “Hey. I really appreciate you! Thank you for being you! My life is better because you are in it.” We could share something to that effect on their social media pages… or send an email… or a letter or a card.

I’m thinking this will take some of the sting out of the previous thing of dumping people. And it will reinforce the friendships that are important to our well being.

But wait… there’s ONE MORE RADICAL THING

What if we also make it a point to tell ourselves how much we appreciate us. Like… really take the time to say “Hey. I’m here for you. I love you. Sometimes you disappoint me, sometimes I disappoint you, but I will always have your back.”

What if we looked at ourselves and very sincerely said, “I forgive you for everything you ever did that you thought was wrong. I accept and embrace your faults and flaws. You and I, we do not have to be perfect. We can just be who we are in the moment and that’s OK.”

How about it guys? Are we up to it? Are we brave? Can we do it? I think so. Let’s just do it. We won’t even think twice about it… we’ll just go off half cocked and do it! For real!

The Language of Love

So, today’s post was about being a good friend to yourself which reminded me about the love languages… and I thought I’d share that here today too… with the idea in mind that maybe we could use our own love language to be better friends to ourselves…

I posted this on my blogger blog years ago, here it is:

There is a book about love, and the different ways we express it and accept it. It’s called The 5 Love Languages. I read it several years ago, and found it interesting and helpful. Here’s a quickie synopsis of the five languages.

Words of Affirmation

Actions don’t always speak louder than words. If this is your love language, unsolicited compliments mean the world to you. Hearing the words, “I love you,” are important—hearing the reasons behind that love sends your spirits skyward. Insults can leave you shattered and are not easily forgotten.

Quality Time

In the vernacular of Quality Time, nothing says, “I love you,” like full, undivided attention. Being there for this type of person is critical, but really being there—with the TV off, fork and knife down, and all chores and tasks on standby—makes your significant other feel truly special and loved. Distractions, postponed dates, or the failure to listen can be especially hurtful.

Receiving Gifts

Don’t mistake this love language for materialism; the receiver of gifts thrives on the love, thoughtfulness, and effort behind the gift. If you speak this language, the perfect gift or gesture shows that you are known, you are cared for, and you are prized above whatever was sacrificed to bring the gift to you. A missed birthday, anniversary, or a hasty, thoughtless gift would be disastrous—so would the absence of everyday gestures.

Acts of Service

Can vacuuming the floors really be an expression of love? Absolutely! Anything you do to ease the burden of responsibilities weighing on an “Acts of Service” person will speak volumes. The words he or she most want to hear: “Let me do that for you.” Laziness, broken commitments, and making more work for them tell speakers of this language their feelings don’t matter.

Physical Touch

This language isn’t all about the bedroom. A person whose primary language is Physical Touch is, not surprisingly, very touchy. Hugs, pats on the back, holding hands, and thoughtful touches on the arm, shoulder, or face—they can all be ways to show excitement, concern, care, and love. Physical presence and accessibility are crucial, while neglect or abuse can be unforgivable and destructive.

Not sure what yours is? You can take this quickie quiz. Interesting, huh? The first time I read this book, it was pretty clear that I’m one of those Quality Time sort of people, and I thought I had it all figured out.

Recently, however, a friend of mine also read the book, and we got into a great discussion about it. And as a result, I’m not so sure that Gary Chapman got it exactly right. I think he’s missing a few key components to the whole “I know you love me because…” thing.

For example, what about these?

I Can Count On You

This is the language of you’re the soft place I land on when things go awry. I can count on you to back me when the chips are down. You will tell me the truth as you see it. You will listen to me rail about life and tell me to shut up when it’s time to stop. And when things are going good – you’re right there to enjoy them with me. When I reach for you – I always find you there.

You Know Me

This language is all about knowing who I really am. You don’t just see the outer me. You see past all my bullshit and into the deeper me. If you give me a gift, it’s something I would actually like. It resonates. If you hug me or touch me – it’s a comfort. If you say to me that you appreciate me – or need me – you say it because it’s true not because it’s what I want to hear. If you do something practical for me – it never leaves me feeling less than or beholden.

We Can Be Real With Each Other

This language is all about no barriers. I can say what I think, I can be totally and completely honestly me – faults, flaws, and all. I can be vulnerable and raw with you. And you with me. We trust each other because we don’t hide what we think, we don’t hide from what we don’t want to see, we just simply are who we are. Unflinching. I don’t scare you. And you don’t scare me.

And better yet, what about this one:

You know me, the real me, the raw me, the totally messed up me – and not only do you not run away screaming, you actually stick around because you want to. This one is pretty much self explanatory.

And I think it’s the one love language that we all respond to. Unconditional acceptance. I don’t think it even matters – gifts, words, actions, time, affection… it’s all nothing if you can’t accept me in the raw… me in the real… me at my core…

What if I could be that for everyone I know… what if you could?

Reposted also on Hey It’s Me

Best Friends

Wherever you go, there you are! It’s true. There is only one person in this world that is with you every step of the way. They were there at the beginning and they’ll be there at the end. That person is YOU.

And this brings me to what I want to talk about and think about today. Being your own best friend. Being my own best friend. What does that look like?

For me, it looks like this:

I’m actually a good friend to have. I’m loyal. I’m interesting. I have ideas about just about everything under the sun. And if I don’t have to do the driving, I’m up for lots of cool stuff to explore and go do. I’m also pretty good about accepting my friends for who and how they are, not being the least bit interested in changing them into someone or something else.

I do, however, expect to be kept in the loop because my primary love language is “spending quality time” and if you don’t want to spend time with me, I’m likely to drift away.

I’m also very intense and tend to be self absorbed, plus I need plenty of alone time. I probably won’t invite you over to my house very often. And I’m sure that I can be really hard to deal with plenty of times, especially when I’m being stubborn about weird shit.

Which leads me to question if I actually am a good friend to me. And if I am, how can I be a better friend? What would I want from myself if I was my friend…. if there were two of me and we were friends… what would I be wanting more of? What would I want less of?

What about you? What kind of a friend are you? Are you your own best friend? And if you are friends with yourself how could you improve your relationship? And if you are not your own best friend, what can you do to change that? How could you go about cultivating that relationship?

Let’s Get Radical

Welcome to the first day of our exploration into Radical Self Care. We are going to pull ourselves together, stop scattering our energy all over the place and begin to behave as a unit, as our own true selves. And we will do this in a far reaching and thorough way because we want rapid and sweeping changes in the way we rule our lives.

Sound good?

Let’s start with something simple. Remember that idea about an “I Need” box that I talked about when I decided to do this project? If not, here’s a link to it.

So, what do you need? Let’s limit our wants and needs to practical achievable stuff. And let’s also think of it in terms of “I need help with…” instead of “I should do…” and list it as situations not requests.

A personal example:

  • Some of the siding is falling off the outside of my house.

This is a true story because some of my siding actually is falling off because the wood behind it is rotten. And my first thought for the “I Need” list was that I need magickal powers to fix things that are falling apart…. Clearly not a practical goal… possibly achievable, because maybe?  But not practical.

So then I thought I should say that I need to fix it instead of just letting it dangle. But I’ve been saying that for months now… it’s been on my to do list dozens of times. Truth is, I don’t want to do it by myself!  I don’t want to get on a ladder plus it’s hot outside right now… or raining… or cold… or I’m busy…

So I’m just going to put it in my box and see what happens as we work the project.

More examples:

  • My house is a mess.
  • My family is sucking the life out of me.
  • Everything I do is wrong.
  • I hate my job.
  • I have no time to myself.
  • I can’t stop eating junk food.
  • I’m tired all the time.
  • I can’t even remember the last time I had fun.
  • My friends don’t appreciate me.
  • I’m sure there are a bunch more…

So now what?

This is a “Self Care” project so once we have our lists, or our little notes for the “I Need” box. Let’s take a look at what we’ve got down and think about how maybe there might be a way we could help our selves with maybe just one of our various situations.

  • Could we ask for help?
  • Could we hire someone?
  • Is there one small thing we could do right now to take a step towards helping ourselves out?

Just taking the time to mull things over is enough for today. And maybe, just maybe, as the day progresses, you’ll feel inspired to take a step or two towards helping yourself out.

What Is Radical Self Care?

I’m pretty sure I know what self care is. But what is Radical Self Care? And why is it radical? And what does radical even mean?

So I asked Google and this is what I found at the Indiana State University website:

Radical self-care involves embracing practices that keep us physically and psychologically healthy and fit, making time to reflect on what matters to us, challenging ourselves to grow, and checking ourselves to ensure that what we are doing aligns with what matters to us.

We consider this self-care “radical” because it fundamentally alters how we make choices about allocating time, money, and energy for ourselves personally, at home, and at work and seeks to revolutionize our workplace practices.

Practiced faithfully, radical self-care involves owning and directing our lives and choosing with whom, how, and how often we engage in our nested, interconnected worlds so that we can be unapologetically ourselves in the face of unrelenting pressure and expectations to be otherwise.

And at Integrative Nutrition, we have this explanation as to how regular self care differs from radical self care:

Self-care is taking care of your needs first, however that may look. In a broader sense, radical self-care involves healing your heart and soul (metaphorically) and healing your body in order to keep going. It’s about being present in your own care ‒ recognizing that you care for yourself in an intentional way.

These explanations are all well and good, but they don’t really answer my questions. In my world self care means taking care of your self… your whole self… why is this a radical thought? Which brings me to another question… What does radical even mean?

This was interesting! In chemistry, radical means:

A group of atoms behaving as a unit in a number of compounds.

As an adjective, it means:

(especially of change or action) relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough. For example ~ “a radical overhaul of the existing regulatory framework”

As a noun, it means:

A person who favors rapid and sweeping changes especially in laws and methods of government.

So based on what I just read, my interpretation of our Radical Self Care project goes something like this:

We are going to pull our self together, stop scattering our energy all over the place and begin to behave as a unit, as our own true self. And we will do this in a far reaching and thorough way because we want rapid and sweeping changes in the way we rule our lives.

I like this. What do you think? We start tomorrow! Are you ready?

Getting Our Ducks In A Row

In eight days we’ll be starting a 30 day exploration of Radical Self Care. It occurred to me that we might want to have a list of stuff we’re going to need:

  • Paper or something to write on ~ you don’t need a ream of paper, or even a notebook unless you want to really go for the gold writing stuff down. I’m thinking a couple of pieces of paper is plenty. Or you can use your phone to take notes… Actually you could also maybe even write something on the bathroom wall if…  that’s how you roll.
  • Pencil, pen, or something to write with ~ nothing fancy, unless you like fancy pens or markers. I like pencils because it’s easy to erase stuff if I get crazy editing my lists and notes. I also like colored pens if I feel colorful, and markers are a lot of fun. Probably not a good idea to write on the bathroom wall with crayons… but lipstick on the mirror might work just fine.
  •  A willingness to look at yourself in a different way. This one is more important even than stuff to write with. A willingness to entertain the idea of self care is the best first step and sometimes it’s the only thing that’s needed,
  • Last but not least, the most obvious and most important thing would be access to the internet so you can follow the project here at shirleytwofeathers.com. I’ll be posting something new every day because I find that this helps us to stay focused on the idea. Since  Feedburner died, we can’t get automated updates via email, however I will be sharing links to each new post on our Facebook page.

I’m doing this project from scratch and flying by the seat of my pants with it. Not going to follow a book or an online how to… just going to go with the flow and post what resonates with me in the moment. I’d love any and all feedback, ideas, insights, hopes and wishes, thoughts and dreams… anything at all that you’d like to share!

Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

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Whenever cannibals are on the brink of starvation, Heaven, in its infinite mercy, sends them a nice plump missionary. ~-Oscar Wilde
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It’s a Calendar!
May 2024
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I think it's time to go shopping... maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!!

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