What? Another Project?

Yes! I am working on another project. The idea for this project started with a Facebook post about a grade school teacher who provided an “I Need”  box for her students. It works like this:

“The box serves as “a way for my students to ask for help without having to come directly to me. They would write it on a card and leave it in the box. The first week, two boys let me know about a bullying situation. We got it taken care of. The next week I changed the format a little and starting having EVERY student put a card in the box every day. They didn’t have to write on it, but every student visits the box daily. Since then, I’ve had a plethora of ‘needs’ submitted. They range from specific supply needs, seat changes, special handshakes when entering class, after school help, bullying situations, and even daily hugs.”

This spawned an idea that a friend of mine had when working the Angelic Assistance project. He uses an “I Need” box as a way to alert his Angels to what was needed in his life. That seemed fun and interesting to me.

I didn’t feel inspired to use something like this for Angelic Assistance, but it did get me thinking about what if I had an “I Need” box that an actual person would take charge of. But I live alone. No friend or family member will look at what I might put in it… Only I will see it.

And then VOILA! I thought to myself … “Self! What if YOU took charge of the things you need… What if YOU read the notes and try to address them… What if YOU were the solution to the problems you might want or need help with??? What would that look like? How would that work?

Just mulling this over has motivated me to proactively take better care of Shirley, and I’m thinking that it might be really beneficial to devote 30 days to figuring out ways to actually practice some self care. Maybe even some Radical Self Care.

So, what do you guys think? Any ideas or thoughts on the subject?

The plan is to start the project on July 4. Why? Because that gives me some time to get a little bit prepared, and also why not have some fireworks and a lots of excitement to help us get motivated.

2 Responses to What? Another Project?

  • Love the start date. My mind jumped to ‘independence’. What is radical self care? Excited that you decided on another project.

  • Lol recently I’ve been thinking about using 4th of July stuff for a freedom spell

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Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

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